Nutrition for diseases of the stomach and pancreas
A weak pancreas needs to follow a diet, especially during an exacerbation of pancreatitis.
Real Apple Pectin
Apple pectin in my diet - why I eat it and why I recommend it to everyone
Many people know that apples are not only very beneficial for the human body due to their
Table of caloric content and BJU of liver
Which types of liver are most useful for losing weight: table indicating calorie content and BJU
A slim body is not a luxury, but a necessity. A vital necessity. Obesity creates 1000
When should you stop losing weight and start working on gaining muscle?
Working as a fitness trainer, I heard the wish “I would like to lose weight and gain some muscle” from almost everyone
Soda burns fat
How baking soda burns belly fat: weight loss procedures
Many representatives of the fair sex would like to get rid of a few extra pounds deposited on their sides
Closed pies: calorie content per 100 g, proteins, fats, carbohydrates
Pie is a traditional Russian dish. Pies have been baked in Rus' since ancient times. In his
How many calories are in fried zucchini?
How many calories are in fried zucchini according to different recipes?
How many calories are in fried zucchini in oil according to different recipes? Whichever heat treatment method
Which of the women suffering from excess weight would not like to lose weight, but at the same time
Chicory: health benefits and harms
How chicory helps you lose weight - drink recipes, reviews of use
Chicory is a hot drink that is quite popular. Its taste is reminiscent of coffee. Often used
Benefits of green drinks
Green smoothies for weight loss recipes at home
The question “how to lose weight” will probably always be relevant. It’s understandable - a sedentary lifestyle,
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