Instructions for use of Polysorb for weight loss and reviews

What are enterosorbents

Enterosorbents are drugs that concentrate dangerous substances on their surface that provoke the development of diseases and remove them from the stomach and intestines.

The main property of gastrointestinal sorbents – detoxification – has made them popular in complex treatment, primarily of intoxication, intestinal infections, poisoning, allergies and a number of others.


Contraindications and side effects of Polysorb

Don't forget that everything good comes in moderation. Polysorb is a medicinal product and has the following contraindications:

  • intestinal atony;
  • acute course of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • individual intolerance.

It can also cause side effects:

  • calcium absorption disorder;
  • dyspepsia;
  • constipation

Using Polysorb for weight loss without medical indications can destroy beneficial intestinal microflora, vitamins and microelements, including protein, which the body needs during weight loss. Its deficiency in a weakened body threatens with some undesirable consequences:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • increased appetite;
  • decreased protective properties of the body;
  • development of edema and anemia;
  • suppression of brain activity.

So, losing weight with Polysorb is not the best option. Its action can only bring short-term results, and long-term use is more likely to cause the above conditions than a positive effect.

Composition of "Polysorb MP"

Polysorb MP is considered a new generation enterosorbent, although it has been used for medicinal purposes for more than 20 years. The active ingredient is colloidal silicon dioxide in the form of a fine powder; when diluted with water, it forms a suspension.

Polysorb is not a dietary supplement, but a registered drug.

Silicon dioxide has long been used in the pharmaceutical industry as a component of ointments, tablets, suppositories, and filling materials. In the food industry it is used as a wine and juice clarifier. Due to such widespread use, the polymer has undergone numerous tests.

The well-known US expert organization, the Food and Drug Administration, has included silicon dioxide in the list of completely safe products.

Polysorb for weight loss: how it works

Before taking such a remedy, you should first understand how effective it is in practice. After all, it may turn out that this drug will not bring any real results. The main function of silicon dioxide as a medicinal product is to “collect” toxins, wastes, and components that poison the body, which accumulate in the intestines. Indirectly, Polysorb also participates in cleansing the kidneys, liver and even the cardiovascular system. But what is the connection between the action of Polysorb and weight loss? It helps in losing weight for the following reasons.

  1. Silicon dioxide is a substance that can swell when wet. Therefore, when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it gives a feeling of satiety for a certain period of time. Thus, you can take Polysorb in order to simply “deceive” the brain and, as a result, not eat anything extra.
  2. The elimination of toxins that this product provides has a positive effect on digestion. And with normal digestion, the likelihood that fat will be deposited is significantly reduced. And, with some effort, you will be able to get rid of the fat layer that has already appeared.
  3. Polysorb rids the intestines of stagnant feces. They, in turn, also interfere with normal digestion and therefore must be eliminated. It turns out that this remedy as a whole makes the digestion process stable and smooth.

Such effects are certainly useful for those losing weight. But you can achieve exactly the results described only if Polysorb is taken correctly. Therefore, you must first find out how to take this product. Then the chance of losing weight with minimal problems and inconvenience will significantly increase.

Mechanism of action

The direct mechanism of action is sorption, or absorption: moving through the stomach and intestines, sorbent particles collect harmful compounds on their surface. Typically, toxic products have time to be absorbed in the intestines more than once before they leave it, and the enterosorbent stops this process.

Polysorb acts non-selectively; it is equally effective against substances of different types, including:

  • pathogenic bacteria, viruses;
  • toxins;
  • strong poisons;
  • radionuclides;
  • foreign antigens;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • food and drug allergens.

action of PolysorbMechanism of action of Polysorb
The sorption mechanism underlies the detoxification mechanism: the absorption and elimination of toxins reduces the level of intoxication.

Additional mechanism - therapeutic: Polysorb removes excess cholesterol, bilirubin, lipoproteins, triglycerides, urea, regulating metabolism.

The indirect mechanism of action is stimulating, due to which the elimination of toxic substances by natural detoxification organs (liver, kidneys, skin and others) is accelerated.

Polysorb is superior to other sorbents in most parameters. One gram of powder has a sorption area of ​​300 m2 and binds up to 10 billion microbial bodies within a few minutes.

After oral administration, the active substance does not change and is not absorbed into the blood and intestines. It is excreted naturally in its original form.

"Polysorb MP" does not contain preservatives. The shelf life of a tightly closed jar is 5 years.

Polisorb's analogues

List of analogues of the drug Polysorb, which have a similar effect, but still differ:

  • Sums - granules;
  • Diosmectite - powder;
  • Enterosgel - gel, paste;
  • Microcel - powder;
  • Polyphepan - paste, granules, tablets;
  • Neosmectin - powder, suspension;
  • Lignosorb - powder, paste;
  • Smecta - powder;
  • Enterodes - powder;
  • Entegnin - tablets;
  • Enterosorb - powder;
  • Filtrum - tablets;
  • Enterumin - powder;
  • Lactofiltrum - tablets.

The tablets are taken orally, and the granules or powder are dissolved in water to form a suspension.

Indications for use

Polysorb is a broad-spectrum drug used for:

  • intoxications of various origins;
  • poisoning by poisons, drugs, alcohol, plants, pesticides, mercury and other substances;
  • allergic conditions;
  • intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, acute and chronic diarrhea;
  • purulent processes up to sepsis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • harmful effects of the environment.

polysorb packagingPolysorb MP is not broken down and is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
Studies have confirmed the activity of Polysorb in other cases associated with intoxication: inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, influenza, colds, dermatoses, psoriasis and others. Eliminates the effects of radiation and chemotherapy, relieves alcohol syndrome, works as an adaptogen and antioxidant.

Reviews about losing weight with Polysorb

Alla, Samara

I always have Polysorb and Smecta in my first aid kit, in case of poisoning and for weight loss. I take it as a course a couple of times a year, along with my diet, and also take vitamins. The weight loss effect is quite noticeable. The last time I managed to lose 4 kg in one course, and my face and neck were cleared of acne.

At first, the results are not visible, but some time passes after the cleansing course and the body begins to change, the discomfort in the stomach disappears. I recommend Polysorb for weight loss to everyone, but do not abuse it, otherwise beneficial substances will be washed out of the body and health problems will appear.

Ira, Ufa

I learned about Polysorb when I was suffering from allergies. Along with an antihistamine, the doctor prescribed me a sorbent. I really liked the effect and, being healthy, I decided to try using this drug specifically for the purpose of losing weight.

Previously, I had no way of losing excess weight because I started playing sports, but forgot to control my nutrition and consumed too many calories. Or I kept myself within the limits of proper nutrition, but there was no energy left for fitness. Now I have pulled myself together and find time to go to the gym, and also try to eat right. When I cleansed my body with Polysorb, my weight shifted, I lost a little weight, and became prettier.

Alexandra, Moscow

Polysorb did not help me lose weight. I tried drinking it once. There was no result. I regularly run on the track and go on a strict diet. The weight drops by 3 kg, then comes back, and so on. Apparently I have too much excess weight or the wrong approach to losing weight.

You'll have to see a doctor to look for diseases that cause obesity. I feel unwell and suspect that there are hidden pathologies. I am going to be examined by an endocrinologist and undergo all kinds of tests. I wish everyone slimness and beauty. If it didn’t help me, it doesn’t mean that this is a bad drug.

Karina, Kazan

I only took Polysorb for a week according to the regimen as in the instructions, and I already have changes. I don’t play sports, but I eat little by little and carefully count calories. My waist size has decreased, swelling has completely disappeared, and I constantly feel light and cheerful. Thanks to Polysorb, it works well for me.

True, I am afraid that there will be a shortage of vitamins, since this sorbent is a strong drug. Therefore, I decided to buy a vitamin complex for prevention.

Daria, Nizhny Novgorod

My opinion is that it is better to cleanse the body with folk remedies, without pharmaceutical sorbents. Of course, I tried taking Polysorb, but I didn’t notice any effect. Except that the stomach became more comfortable and digestion improved. Among natural cleansing products, I recommend drinking ginger and herbal tea, juices, eating beets and other raw vegetables, boiled rice, oatmeal and buckwheat, and eating a lot of greens. I think the detox diet works better than Polysorb.

Kristina, Volgograd

I personally did not pursue the goal of losing weight. I saw a bright advertisement that said that Polysorb is useful for people living in environmentally unfavorable places. This is relevant for me. I also hoped for a skin cleansing effect, since I had acne on my back and a little on my face for years.

I haven’t changed my diet, I don’t do fitness. I took 2 courses of Polysorb, but there were still changes. There was no weight loss. But I got what I wanted - my body was cleansed and my skin gradually began to renew itself. Without medicinal cosmetics. I also became more active and mobile, I began to think faster, I regularly wake up in a good mood, and in general my vitality has increased.

Carefully read the instructions for each drug you use from the pharmacy. Weigh the pros and cons, calculate the possible risks. By correctly taking the cleansing drug Polysorb, you can get into better shape, consolidate the slimming effect, and remove all impurities from the body.

Review of reviews: does it help you lose weight?

Polysorb is not a treatment for obesity. However, there are enough reviews from people who have lost weight after taking it.

Some nutritionists believe that Polysorb displaces fatty acids from food and thereby reduces its calorie content.

Polysorb improves energy metabolism, normalizes the digestion process, and stimulates intestinal function. It works with protein-lipid complexes and bile, creating the effect of fasting without severe food restriction and feelings of hunger.

Those who have taken Polysorb for weight loss and cleansing note in their reviews the basic principles of its work:

  1. Once in the stomach, it increases in volume and creates a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating.
  2. Removes excess feces, gases, and undigested food.
  3. Relieves the feeling of heaviness.
  4. Increases the effect of the diet by 1.5-2 times.
  5. Helps to lose weight in combination with diet and active regimen.

Silicon dioxide does not limit the absorption of vitamins, minerals, microelements by tissues and even improves their absorption.

Some reviews contain negative or neutral opinions, despite the fact that consumers adhered to the instructions for use. About a third of those who wanted to lose weight with Polysorb did not experience such an effect.

polysorb picture
Losing weight with Polysorb

Not everyone liked the cleansing properties of the sorbent due to adverse reactions. Therefore, it should be remembered that a person reacts individually to any impact. You need to be prepared for possible side effects: constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence, metabolic disorders, anemia.

Polisorb contraindications should be taken into account:

  • stomach or intestinal bleeding;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer during an exacerbation;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.

The question of whether Polysorb helps you lose weight can be answered positively. Nutritionists are unanimous that cleansing is a necessary stage of weight loss with an integrated approach. Reviews indicate that the diet may be ineffective if there is slagging, and during the struggle with weight, the amount of breakdown products increases even more. Polysorb copes with this problem.

Endocrinologists, studying the effects of Polysorb in diabetes mellitus, noted a decrease in the body weight of patients due to a positive effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

To summarize, it can be noted that it is possible to lose weight with the help of Polysorb, but we are not talking about losing 10 or more extra pounds. Reviews, including from doctors, emphasize that this drug is used only to cleanse the body. Flax seeds and bran for weight loss.

Description of the drug

Polysorb is a sorbent, which today is available only in the form of a powder intended for dissolution in water. The powder is white in color and has no smell or taste. Only the packaging of the medicine differs. In pharmacies you can find Polysorb in the following release forms:

  • bags of 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 12 g;
  • sachet (weighing 3 grams);
  • plastic jar with a volume of 12,15, 25 or 50 g.

Thanks to this variety, you can choose the optimal amount of the drug. The main active component of the drug is silicon dioxide. It is this substance that neutralizes the negative effects of toxins localized in the intestines and promotes their removal from the body. In addition to the intestines, Polysorb also cleanses the liver and kidneys.

Is it possible to lose weight with Polysorb - what the reviews say

According to leading experts, many women cannot lose weight precisely because of the excessive content of toxins and wastes, which slow down the functioning of internal organs and metabolic processes. Typically, this sorbent is prescribed for the following health problems:

  • severe allergic reaction;
  • toxic, alcohol or food poisoning;
  • infection of the food system;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • viral hepatitis.

As for weight loss itself, there is no such indication in the accompanying instructions for Polysorb. But, despite this, every year more and more girls use this product specifically for the purpose of correcting their figure. The positive effect of using the drug is achieved due to the following action:

After entering the stomach, silicon dioxide swells and increases in volume, which gives a feeling of fullness and prevents the development of hunger. As a result, the number of servings and calories consumed is reduced, which promotes weight loss.

The drug “pulls out” not only toxins and waste from the body, but also poorly processed food particles. In the absence of cleaning, they will slowly accumulate in the intestines and ultimately lead to clogging, which will negatively affect not only its functioning, but also metabolic processes.

If you periodically cleanse with Polysorb, the digestive system will work properly, and taking it will also have a positive effect on the functioning of the excretory system. All this will not only speed up the process of losing weight, but will also reduce the likelihood of subsequent fat deposition.

Despite the fact that the medication really speeds up the process of losing weight, you need to understand that by itself it is not capable of breaking down fat and does not help activate metabolism. Weight loss while taking it occurs solely due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing of toxins.

Is there any danger in taking the drug?

Although the drug contains only 1 component, and it is as gentle as possible, Polysorb still has some restrictions on consumption, which you must familiarize yourself with in advance. Doctors advise against losing weight with Polysorb in the following cases:

  • silicon intolerance (this substance causes an allergic reaction in some people);
  • exacerbation of gastritis, duodenal ulcer and other erosive lesions of the stomach walls;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • any intestinal diseases of an inflammatory nature (especially if they are associated with damage to the mucous membrane or are accompanied by the appearance of ulcers);
  • intestinal obstruction.

To minimize the risk of health problems, before starting to take the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will tell you how safe it is to use in a particular case.

As for side effects, when taking Polysorb they occur extremely rarely and in most cases are associated with an overdose or too long use.

It is necessary to take into account that if you take the drug for more than the permissible period, it will remove from the body not only toxins, but also vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, which can cause the development of vitamin deficiency and provoke the occurrence of other pathologies associated with vitamin deficiency.

Also, some patients, during prolonged and uncontrolled use of Polysorb, experienced constipation and the appearance of a skin rash.

Is it possible to lose weight with Polysorb - what the reviews say

Instructions for use

In the annotation and on the official website, the manufacturer explained how to take Polysorb in order to achieve the desired effect and not harm yourself.

polysorb powder
Powder for preparing suspension

How to drink correctly to cleanse the body

The powder cannot be taken in dry form; it is always mixed with water, preferably warm rather than cold. Water can be replaced with compote, fruit drink, juice without pulp, tea. The powder is very light, and to prevent it from scattering, it is correct to fill it with water, and not pour it into water.

The solution is drunk immediately after preparation; it is not advisable to prepare it in advance and leave it for future use.

In order to drink Polysorb correctly, it is important to maintain an interval between food intake and the drug - at least one hour. Before or after eating - it doesn't matter.

To avoid the side effect of constipation, it is recommended to drink 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day. If constipation does occur, you need to reduce the dose, drink more water and eat more vegetables.


The single dose and frequency of administration depend on the weight and purpose of use. The dosage is determined using the table in the instructions.

If the goal is cleansing the body and losing weight, the dose is:

  • 1 heaped tablespoon for body weight up to 60 kg;
  • 1-2 heaped tablespoons for weights over 60 kg.

This dose is taken three times a day. The recommended amount of water is 100-150 ml (half a glass).

polysorb suspension
For prevention purposes, you can drink Polysorb not every day, but once every 2-3 days

How long to take

For productive cleansing, it is recommended to take the medicine for 10-14 days. It is advisable to repeat this course 2-3 times a year.

The second scheme: a course of 10-14 days, then a break of 3 weeks and another course. A break in taking is necessary to restore the level of vitamins and microelements.

Long-term use of Polysorb for more than 14 days can disrupt the beneficial intestinal microflora, provoke dysbacteriosis, and reduce the absorption of vitamins, minerals and protein synthesis.

How to use

There is no need to doubt whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of Polysorb. Nutritionists assure that in the process of losing weight, cleansing the body plays a vital role and the speed of getting rid of extra pounds directly depends on it.

But whether Polysorb will help you lose weight depends on how well it is taken. The drug is recommended to be used according to the following algorithm:

  1. The amount of powder to be diluted depends on body weight. For 10 kg of weight there should be 2 grams. drug (per day). The required dose is diluted in half a glass of water. Since Polysorb is available in different packaging, every woman will be able to choose the best option for herself. For maximum convenience, it is recommended to purchase sachets weighing 1 and 2 grams. If you buy the powder in a jar, you will have to measure it yourself using a teaspoon.
  2. The daily dosage should be divided into 3 doses. The suspension is drunk before breakfast, lunch and dinner (it is advisable to do this an hour before meals). It is worth noting that doctors advise preparing a new portion of the suspension each time. As a last resort, you can dilute the amount of suspension at a time that will be consumed during the day.
  3. The maximum duration of the course of consuming the drug for weight loss is 14 days (after this you need to take a break for a month). If you take the drug for longer than this period, there is an increased likelihood of side effects.

Is it possible to lose weight with Polysorb - what the reviews say

If you purchased the dietary supplement Polysorb Plus (which also comes in powder form), it is used a little differently. In the morning and evening you need to pour 2 teaspoons of the drug (2 grams each) into 100 ml of water, stir and drink. The duration of treatment in this case should vary from 7 to 10 days.

It is important to know ! Polysorb should be used only in diluted form. Consumption of pure powder is strictly prohibited.

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