How to Take Creatine and Protein Together for Strength and Recovery

What's the best way to take creatine for maximum results? Will protein interfere with this? How to combine them. Creatine is one of the most useful and important amino acids that is synthesized by the body. But with active sports, its deficiency may occur. As a result, metabolic processes slow down, an acute lack of energy appears, and the process of muscle mass growth is inhibited. To exclude these phenomena, additional intake of creatine is desirable. However, more and more experts recommend taking creatine along with protein or other supplements. How justified is this?

What is creatine and whey protein?

Creatine and whey protein have unique molecular structures and work differently in your body.


Creatine is an organic compound that is produced in muscle cells. It helps produce energy during intense physical activity.

When taken in supplement form, creatine can help increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance (1).

It works by increasing phosphocreatine stores in muscles. This molecule helps produce energy for short-term muscle contractions (2).

Creatine is also found in many foods, especially meat. However, the total amount you can get from eating meat is quite small. This is why many people who want to increase muscle mass and physical performance take creatine supplements.

Creatine in supplement form is synthetically produced in a commercial laboratory. The most common form is creatine monohydrate, although other forms exist (1).

Whey Protein

Whey is one of the main proteins found in dairy products. It is often a by-product of cheese production and can be isolated in powder form.

In terms of protein quality, whey is at the top of the list, which is why whey protein supplements are so popular among bodybuilders and other athletes.

Whey protein consumption post-workout has been associated with improved recovery and increased muscle mass. These beneficial effects can help increase strength, power, and muscle function (3, 4).

Getting a good source of protein after resistance exercise is important for maximizing muscle growth. About 20–25 grams of protein is a good amount to aim for (3).

Taking whey protein powder can be an effective way to meet this recommendation, given that a typical 25-gram serving provides approximately 20 grams of protein.


Creatine is an organic compound that, when taken as a supplement, can help increase muscle mass, strength, and physical performance. Whey protein is a milk protein that is commonly taken during bodybuilding to increase muscle mass and strength.

Is it possible to mix protein with creatine, how to drink them correctly

What problems does taking protein and creatine help solve? How to dissolve the last additive. Is it possible to drink them together? Dosages and regimens of application. Many athletes conduct various experiments with mixing in order to improve results. For example, bcaa amino acids are often taken along with a gainer or protein. And if such a combination has already been tested, then what about protein and creatine? Is it possible to mix these components? Will there be any side effects if you take the supplement in this form?


Creatine is one of the most popular substances in bodybuilding. Its task is the accumulation of ATP molecules, the main source of energy, in muscle cells. The result is clearly visible already during training - additional endurance and strength appear. It has already been proven that using creatine can improve training performance, speed up recovery processes, develop incredible power and achieve greater short-term effort.

Once in the body, creatine is converted into creatine phosphate, the basis for the formation of ATP. In addition, drinking the supplement is recommended to protect muscles from anabolism and reduce fatigue after exercise. Many athletes use creatine to quickly relieve the unpleasant burning sensation in their muscles. If you take the supplement regularly, you can forget about severe pain after exercise.

But that's not all. Creatine can be taken to protect the body’s central nervous system, which has to withstand severe oxygen starvation during training. Another “bonus” of the supplement is lowering cholesterol levels. This is why creatine is so often recommended for medicinal purposes.

In turn, protein is the purest protein, a building material for cells. Its task is to help the athlete gain muscle mass, enrich the body with beneficial amino acids, and prevent catabolic processes. Protein, entering the stomach, is broken down and helps muscle cells grow. In this case, whey protein (isolate or hydrolyzate) deserves the most attention. It breaks down well and quickly in the stomach, and also has a high percentage of protein in its composition.

Dissolution problems

But not everything is so smooth. Creatine monohydrate has a negative property - it dissolves poorly, which often leads to various stomach problems. You can drink a small portion and then sit on the toilet for several hours. The reason is simple. Elements undissolved in the stomach do not reach the muscles, but end up in the intestines, where they carry out their “activities”.

Over time, a solution was found - creatine titrate appeared. Its feature is its rapid solubility. The main disadvantage is the high price, which has become unaffordable for most athletes. But this problem can be solved by improving the solubility of good old creatine monohydrate. This is done in two ways:

  1. You can mix creatine in warm water and then take the supplement. It has already been proven that in this case the dissolution rate increases significantly.
  2. Provide creatine with a special transport vehicle for delivery - insulin. You can raise its level in several ways - add glucose to the body, eat white bread, or mix protein with creatine. Here you can choose the option you like or even combine them.

If you prefer juice, the richest in glucose are orange, grape, grapefruit and apple juice. Some vegetables also have a lot of glucose - cabbage, carrots, peppers, tomatoes and others.

Thus, for ideal absorption of creatine, you can simply take it with sweet juice. If you want to speed up the achievement of results, then you should take creatine and protein. The only thing is that it is better to drink them separately, without mixing them in one glass.


Most experts assure that drinking protein and creatine is not only acceptable, but also very useful. The first gives the body building protein, and the second adds energy and improves strength performance. In general, it turns out to be a very high-quality tandem.

The reception feature is as follows:

  1. Creatine. The first phase is loading. You need to drink five grams 3-4 times a day. At the same time, mix creatine with something sweet (one of those juices we mentioned above). The period is five days. The second phase is maintenance. Here, for 3-4 weeks, you drink the supplement one serving per day. The supplement should be taken immediately after training.
  2. Protein. The first portion should be drunk 50-60 before training in a volume of 30-40 grams. It is recommended to drink the second portion immediately after exercise. In case of maximum loads, you can increase the dosage and take protein in the amount of 3-4 servings per day.



Thus, the combination of two supplements (creatine and protein) is very effective. All that remains is to correctly determine the dosage and follow the recommendations for use.

Both promote muscle growth

Both creatine and whey protein powder have been shown to increase muscle mass when taken in combination with resistance exercise (1, 3).

Creatine improves physical performance during intense training. This leads to improved recovery and increased muscle mass (1).

Meanwhile, taking whey protein in combination with exercise provides your body with a high-quality source of protein, improving muscle protein synthesis and leading to increased muscle mass over time (3).

While creatine and whey protein both help increase muscle mass, they differ from each other in how they work. Creatine increases strength and muscle mass, increasing your physical performance and strength, while whey protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis.


Both whey protein powder and creatine supplements have been shown to increase muscle mass, although they achieve this in different ways.

Should you take them together?

Some people suggest that using whey protein and creatine together may provide benefits beyond those associated with taking one or the other.

However, several studies have shown that this is probably not the case.

One study of 42 middle-aged and older men found that participants did not experience any additional benefits when they took whey protein with creatine compared to taking either supplement alone (5).

Additionally, a study of 18 women who underwent resistance training found that those who took whey protein and creatine for 8 weeks showed no difference in muscle mass and strength than those who took whey protein alone (6).

The results appear to suggest that there is no additional benefit from taking whey protein and creatine together. However, some people may choose to take them together for convenience (7).

Additionally, there is no evidence that taking creatine and whey protein at the same time causes any negative effects. It is generally accepted that they are safe to take together.

The choice of whether to take whey protein, creatine, or both depends on your individual goals. If you love working out at the gym and just want to stay in shape, whey protein can be a good option for building muscle and regaining strength.

On the other hand, if you want to maximize muscle mass and strength, it may be beneficial to take whey protein and creatine together.


Research has shown that taking whey protein and creatine together with exercise does not produce additional muscle or strength gains compared to taking either alone. Taking each of these supplements separately is likely to provide the same beneficial effects.

Is it possible to add creatine to a protein shake while cutting?

Taking creatine while cutting helps maintain a positive nitrogen balance, prevent muscle catabolism by increasing cortisol levels, and avoid rapid weight loss. Can you add creatine to a protein shake without juice? Yes, but there is one secret - you will need an easily digestible protein, an isolate, and not whey, and especially not casein.

The ratio is standard - take 4-5 g of creatine per 20-30 g of isolate. You can avoid mixing protein and creatine if you use BCAAs in your diet. Then it is enough to mix 5-10 g of amino acids and 4-5 g of creatine to give the muscles energy to work.

Creatine monohydrate has proven its effectiveness as a nitrogen-retaining substance and promotes the synthesis of muscle fibers. It is advisable to take it in courses of 6-8 weeks. In fitness, such a course can accompany the period of the most intense “peak” training. Recent studies have proven that “loading” 10 g of creatine is no more effective than taking it at an even background. Choose quality supplements and become stronger every day!


  • Whey protein powder and creatine are two popular sports supplements that have been shown to increase muscle mass and strength, although they work differently.
  • Taking these two supplements together does not provide additional benefits in terms of muscle mass and strength.
  • However, if you want to try both and want to increase muscle mass and physical performance in the gym or on the field, using whey protein and creatine together is safe and effective.

Creatine, Whey Protein

Is it worth mixing substances?

The combination of two foods in the diet is an important basis for gaining muscle mass. Creatine provides muscle fibers with energy for high-quality transport of nutrients, and protein supports recovery processes.

The key rule for using different sports supplements is to take into account the rules of their interaction. Protein and creatine are most effective when mixed into a post-workout shake. They do not interfere with each other’s actions; rather, on the contrary, they complement and enhance the effect. This combination will allow creatine to be absorbed faster and charge the muscles with the necessary energy reserve for the recovery process.

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