Pickles and diet: how to combine them and is it even possible to eat them while losing weight?


Pickles, like fresh ones, are extremely healthy and are one of the products for proper nutrition.

Although they consist of 98% water, they are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins, activate the gastrointestinal tract, and rejuvenate the body.

Cucumbers are often included in the menu of various diets. They contain very few calories.

There are only 15 kcal per 100 g. And salted ones have even less - 11 calories per 100 g. Therefore, they are quite suitable for those who are on a diet - for a variety of diet.

Properties of pickled cucumbers

Nutritional value and composition | Vitamins | Minerals

How much do pickles cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region. 45 rub.

Despite the fact that pickles are one of the traditional dishes of Slavic cuisine, they are loved not only here, but also in many other countries of the world. Essentially, this is a ready-to-eat dish made from fresh cucumbers by pickling them with the addition of a variety of herbs and spices. The calorie content of pickled cucumbers is 11.2 kcal per hundred grams.

For pickling, green vegetables are sorted by size, degree of maturity and variety. Cucumbers with black pimples are considered the most suitable for such preservation, but vegetables with these very white pimples are preferable to use fresh. Special delicacies include young pickled cucumbers, which have thin skin and dense pulp without voids.

The process of preparing this dish is that fresh vegetables are placed in wooden barrels in brine and kept in this form from a couple of weeks to six months. In addition to table salt, all kinds of spices can be added to the brine, the range of which varies depending on the specific recipe: dill, garlic, black pepper, fresh blackcurrant, oak or cherry leaves, as well as horseradish leaves or root.

Cucumbers that have recently been salted are called lightly salted. They are great as a light snack with boiled new potatoes. And with longer salting, the process of formation of lactic acid occurs - fermentation, due to which we are talking not only about the high gastronomic qualities, but also about the beneficial properties of pickled cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers do not require any additional processing at all, that is, as mentioned above, this is a product that is ready to eat. They can be eaten whole or added to a variety of dishes (soups, salads, solyankas) in chopped form. In addition, according to numerous stereotypes and traditions, pickles are an indispensable Russian snack for vodka.

Basic principles

It's worth starting with the fact that a successful diet on pickles should include only this type of product. You cannot use a pickled version of the snack. The fact is that during the preparation of pickling, only natural kitchen salt and spices are used. To create a marinade, vinegar or malic acid is additionally used, which destroys half of the nutrients and vitamins.

Features of the pickled cucumber diet

the pickled cucumber diet has its own subtleties and important features

The chemical composition of pickled cucumbers is very rich:

  1. Water. Approximately 95% of the entire vegetable is moisture, which perfectly replenishes endogenous fluid reserves in the human body;
  2. Minerals. Pickled cucumbers contain potassium, magnesium, selenium, and manganese in large quantities. Thanks to this, it is possible to normalize the electrolyte balance of a person’s blood, which has a great effect on his general condition;
  3. This product contains a number of vitamins (C, A, B1), which perform important functions in the body. Ascorbic acid is a strong natural antioxidant, carotene improves vision, thiamine helps normalize the processes of nerve impulses passing through neurons;
  4. An abundant amount of fiber stimulates the intestines, which leads to its cleansing of waste and toxins.

Thanks to this unique composition, pickles are among the healthy foods on every person’s table.

The benefits of pickled cucumbers

The benefits of pickled cucumbers are due to their composition, which contains numerous microorganisms that control the development of harmful intestinal bacteria. When cucumbers have already fermented properly, they begin to release lactic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. It helps reduce the level of fats in the blood stream, thereby improving blood circulation and also lowering blood pressure. In addition, lactic acid also affects the health of the digestive system - it enriches the intestines with beneficial bacteria.

Thus, the brine, the composition of which is identical to the composition of the cucumbers themselves, has a mild laxative effect. However, despite the benefits of pickles for the digestive tract, they can stimulate the appetite, so people with obesity, intestinal diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis should not get carried away with this product.

Beneficial features

Cucumbers are a unique product that contains a lot of useful substances, while having a low calorie content (approximately 13 kcal per 100 g).
The product contains almost 99% water, vitamins B, E, PP, iodine, iron, potassium, sodium, copper, chlorine, phosphorus, chromium, ascorbic acid and dietary fiber. The product promotes weight loss and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to their fiber, cucumbers help relieve constipation as they have a laxative effect. Potassium in the composition improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. The product has a diuretic effect, so it will help get rid of swelling. In addition, regular consumption will help remove bad cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Cucumbers are most beneficial to eat with meat, as they promote the digestion of proteins.

What are the benefits of cucumbers?

This is a vegetable containing a large amount of vitamins and beneficial elements important for health and full development. They have high nutritional value, despite the fact that 98% of them are water.

Lactic acid plays an important role in this vegetable. This is a key beneficial component, along with fiber. Responds to the normalization of the digestive system. This is a prerequisite for any diet, so pickles are actively used when losing weight. It also contains antioxidants that help the body get rid of cancer.

But not all cucumbers are beneficial to our body. When you decide to get rid of extra pounds, you should not eat pickled cucumbers on a diet. It's a matter of the way they are prepared. When making a marinade, be sure to pour vinegar into it to extend the shelf life of the product. Vinegar gives a characteristic, specific taste that is very familiar to everyone, but at the same time almost all benefits are destroyed.

Types of Canned Vegetables

From time immemorial, people have tried to preserve various supplies for later use. This made it possible to obtain essential vitamins when it was impossible to eat fresh foods. The modern assortment offers a wide selection of different canned foods, but some have a high calorie content.

Preparations that are suitable for weight loss:

  1. Cucumbers;
  2. Tomatoes;
  3. Zucchini;
  4. Eggplant;
  5. Carrot;
  6. Cabbage, including sea cabbage and cauliflower;
  7. Pumpkin;
  8. Capers.

The calorie content of these canned foods ranges from 10 to 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. They are made into salads or eaten separately. There are foods that you should avoid, these are olives, olives, beans, corn or peas. Such food has a calorie content of more than 100 kilocalories per 100 grams.

In addition to not eating high-calorie pickles, you should not eat canned food that has been fried or otherwise processed. It is worth giving preference to home-canned foods, such as salted cauliflower or salted mushrooms. They are allowed to be consumed on various diets, including the Dukan diet, but not more than 2 times a week.

Homemade preparations are more useful, since only familiar products are used in preparation. Sometimes the manufacturer may not indicate various chemical preservatives that negatively affect the body or cause allergic reactions.

Can you eat pickles on a diet?

Most diets for those who want to lose weight allow the inclusion of pickles. However, there are nuances that must be taken into account.

  1. It is a low calorie vegetable but high in salt. It helps fluid to be removed from the body very slowly. Because of this, fat burning occurs more slowly than we would like.
  2. Because of the water content of cucumbers, they should not be eaten before bed. This leads to unsightly swelling.

Considering these features, it becomes clear whether pickles are possible on a diet. Consumption is permissible, but in limited quantities, only in the morning or afternoon. It should not be abused.

Additional Tips

Since following a diet requires eating a large amount of cucumbers, it is worth remembering some important nuances:

  • It is better to prepare for such a fight against obesity in advance. It is necessary to stock up on the main product so that there is no shortage later;
  • It is not recommended to buy pickles in supermarkets. Factory products are often created not according to a traditional recipe, but with the addition of various chemicals that will not benefit the body;
  • It is better to use homemade cucumbers or those that have not been treated with insecticides. It’s one thing when we are talking about 2-3 vegetables eaten, and quite another if you need to absorb 2 kilograms of them per day.

what else is important to consider when following a diet on pickles

the pickled cucumber diet has some pitfalls

In all cases, you must be careful when following any diet. Restricting food has its downsides, so you need to exercise discretion.

Calorie content

When figuring out whether you can eat pickles while losing weight, you need to clarify their calorie content. It is precisely because of this parameter that the vegetable is included in most well-known diets.

100 g contains some 15 kcal. If the cucumbers are pickled, this value drops to 11 kcal. This happens due to the fact that during salting the water content increases significantly, so its calorie content decreases.

There is no doubt whether you can eat pickled cucumbers while on a diet. Low calorie content allows you to significantly diversify a meager diet without harming the body at all.

How to make a cucumber smoothie

Smoothies are another way to eat cucumber in the evening and lose some extra fat. Great ideas for a delicious dinner!

Recipe No. 1, unsweetened.


  • 130 boiled water;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • clove of garlic.

Mix everything in a blender.

Recipe No. 2, sweet.


  • 3 fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 bunch of spinach;
  • 1 banana (you can use 0.5 (to taste));
  • mint (to taste).

Grate and beat in a blender. Can be diluted with water to a suitable consistency.

Many people use these smoothie recipes as fasting drinks - they drink only smoothies all day. Thanks to this method you can lose up to 2 kg. But you cannot stay on such a diet for more than three days, because it is dangerous to your health.

Is it possible to eat pickled cucumbers while losing weight?

As we have already noted, you should be careful with this variety of cucumbers. Vegetables that have been marinated retain the same nutritional elements as fresh vegetables. At the same time, they stimulate appetite more strongly, making many dishes more attractive.

However, you should always remember to use vinegar in the marinade. It is because of its presence that most people wonder whether pickled cucumbers can be eaten on a diet.

The presence of artificial additives in the marinade also has a negative effect. They are often used in the mass production of pickled preserves. This is especially dangerous for diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Salt not only provokes swelling, but also promotes the development of cellulite and disrupts the lipid profile. Preservatives also have a negative effect on:

  • gastric mucosa;
  • promotes acidity;
  • lead to exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, duodenal disease.

Finally, if storage conditions are violated, dangerous bacteria may appear in jars of pickled cucumbers. If it is botulinum toxin, it causes such a dangerous disease as botulism. The main impact is on the nerves, sometimes resulting in death.

Kefir with cucumber and herbs

If you are thinking how delicious it is to eat cucumber with kefir for weight loss at night, you can make such a drink.


  • It is better not to add salt to the drink, because salt creates toxins;
  • Only fresh fruits can be used.

This drink is low in calories, but it turns out very tasty and nutritious. Calms appetite, satisfies hunger.


250 ml of kefir 1.5% fat, mix 3 medium-sized cucumbers, grate them. You can add dill, half a bunch. You can add 2 pinches of salt, but it’s better not to.

As you can see, you can drink cucumber with kefir at night for weight loss. This is a very useful and effective method of losing weight.

Is it possible to eat lightly salted cucumbers on a diet?

Lightly salted cucumbers are often used on a diet as one of the items when you want to get rid of kilograms that are interfering with your life. The big advantage is the low salt content. It is possible to preserve almost all vitamins.

That is why lightly salted cucumbers are often used for weight loss, but with restrictions - up to 200 g. Ideally, the daily portion cannot exceed 100 g.

You should avoid lightly salted cucumbers when dieting if you have a history of illnesses related to the kidneys, liver, or pancreas; this can lead to additional difficulties.

Cucumber with kefir

Kefir is a low-calorie product. There are 37-40 kcal per 100 g (we are talking about low-fat or one percent kefir). But in the absence of vegetable oil in the diet, you can drink 2.5% kefir.

With the help of a cucumber, the kefir consistency is more liquid, and this makes the drink easier to digest. This means that all the benefits are absorbed much faster.

Kefir with cucumber at night is very healthy, but only if it is not very fatty. But keep in mind - this combination can lead to gas formation.

Preferred combinations

If you are planning to lose weight, it is recommended to check with your doctor whether you can eat pickles on a diet. The main rule is to consume it exclusively in the morning or at lunchtime. To ensure a balanced diet, vegetables should be added to different dishes. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, vegetables will speed up your metabolism, which will help you lose weight.

For example, for breakfast you can make an original sandwich with rye bread, on which you need to spread cottage cheese, and put pickles, dill or other herbs on top. Such a light dish will immediately fill you up and get the necessary boost of energy.

If you have clarified whether lightly salted cucumbers are ok on a diet, you can safely add them when preparing sauces for main dishes. The classic version is a mixture of finely chopped vegetables with sour cream and herbs. It turns out nutritious, but not high in calories.

The main thing is not to combine them with fermented milk products. This will cause abdominal discomfort and unpleasant bloating.

Cucumbers for weight loss, diet

It is recommended to use cucumbers for weight loss in your diet to lose excess weight, normalize metabolism, cleanse the intestines of toxins, improve skin condition and general well-being. Fresh cucumbers contain few calories, therefore, using cucumbers for weight loss in your diet, you are guaranteed not to experience malnutrition. The volumes of food will be sufficient, and their nutritional value will be minimal.

In addition to cucumbers, the following foods are allowed in the diet:

  • Lean meat (veal, beef), chicken;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • From cereals – rice;
  • Vegetables, except potatoes;
  • Fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • Various greens,
  • Fruits, except bananas, nuts, seeds;
  • Bran bread or wholemeal flour in small quantities.

Sample diet menu using cucumbers for weight loss for one day:

  • Breakfast – cottage cheese and cucumber mixture, a slice of rye bread, green tea without sugar;
  • Second breakfast - a small grapefruit, a handful of peanuts, walnuts or any other nuts;
  • Lunch – okroshka with fresh cucumbers or cold cucumber-kefir soup, boiled veal or chicken, green tea without sugar;
  • Afternoon snack – salad of cucumbers, lettuce and Feta cheese;
  • Dinner - vegetable salad with boiled eggs and cucumbers, seasoned with olive oil, kefir or yogurt, steamed fish, green tea without sugar or a glass of kefir.

Further daily menus can be compiled taking into account foods allowed in the diet and personal preferences. The bulk of the nutrients are contained in the cucumber peel, so it is better not to peel it when preparing dishes.

If necessary and there are no medical contraindications, you can arrange fasting days on cucumbers. Divide one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers into 5 portions and eat them throughout the day, preferably without adding salt. If it is difficult to survive the whole day on cucumbers alone, you can include 100 g of lean boiled meat, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or 2 hard-boiled eggs in your diet.

Another option for using cucumbers for weight loss is to simply increase their amount in the daily menu, trying to eat one fresh cucumber without salt before each meal. This will help reduce free space in the stomach, reducing the amount of food eaten, and will speed up the absorption of animal proteins, thanks to the presence of special enzymes in cucumbers. It is also advisable to consume only fresh cucumbers and clean drinking water after 18-19 hours.

Sample healthy diet for one day

If you are going to lose weight, you should correctly calculate the calorie intake for each day, which depends on your body mass index, lifestyle, mobility, and physical activity. As a clear example, here is a sample of a ready-made menu that will not provoke the formation of extra pounds:

  1. Breakfast: a slice of rye bread with lightly salted cucumber and cottage cheese, coffee without added sugar.
  2. Second breakfast: porridge cooked in water, with an apple and dried fruits.
  3. Lunch: chicken fillet with broth, boiled egg, pickled cucumber.
  4. Afternoon snack: berries and fresh fruit.
  5. Dinner: cooked rice with low-fat white fish, herbal tea.
  6. Before going to bed, you are allowed to eat one protein and a vegetable salad.

The recommended number of calories for each day will help you calculate your portion size. It is important to maintain a balance, so ideally you should develop a menu for the whole week at once.

There is even a special recipe for cucumbers that will not harm you when losing weight. Take specimens that are not too large and not very small, and first leave them in water for a long time. In this state they should be soaked for at least a day. Place in the jar:

  • black currant leaves;
  • dill;
  • black peppercorns.

For brine, you will need 75 g of salt, diluted in water, and then poured with this mixture. This option ensures the preservation of the natural aroma and appearance for a long period. There is no need to add sugar, it will only make you gain extra weight.

Nutritionists emphasize that pickles are acceptable to consume with a proper and healthy diet. Low calorie content does not lead to fat gain. At the same time, the vegetable speeds up metabolism and helps satisfy hunger.

Important! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Use as a dietary food


Pickled cucumbers fit well into therapeutic and fasting diets. And that's why:

  • few calories;
  • rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility and helps restore the balance of microflora in the colon;
  • contain iron and phosphorus, support healthy metabolism.

One or two salted vegetables a day may well be included in the diet menu.

What types of restricted diets do such foods allow?

Pickled cucumbers are not recommended for dinner. It is better to eat them during the day at lunch. Because salt can cause swelling in the morning. You should not eat on an empty stomach, as indigestion may occur.

Cucumber mono-diet

Mono-diets based on cucumbers are popular. But healthy eating experts do not approve of such experiments. However, such unloading brings significant results.

To cause less harm by refusing other healthy foods, a mono-diet on cucumbers lasts no more than 3-5 days. Every day you need to eat 2 kilos of pickles, distributing the amount over 5-6 meals.

Attention! Marinated ones are not suitable for such unloading.

You can't eat anything else these days. It is only permissible to add a little herbs, tomatoes, green tea and water. During this period, you can lose up to 5 kilograms of weight, improve your health and appearance.

Attention! The cucumber diet is harsh and unbalanced, so it can be harmful to health. In this regard, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons and only then make a decision. It is strictly forbidden to follow such a diet for people who are contraindicated in excessive consumption of pickled, pickled and lightly salted cucumbers. Even healthy people are advised to consult their doctor about the advisability of following it before choosing a cucumber diet.

It is contraindicated to follow such a mono-diet for more than 5 days. There is a risk of the formation of organic stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. Therefore, even with a minimal tendency to gallstones or urolithiasis, such a diet should be abandoned. If your health deteriorates, digestive disorders and, moreover, pain appear, following a cucumber diet, you should immediately stop following it and seek medical help.

Read on our website also about options for unloading fresh cucumbers and other vegetables.

Main conclusions

Pickled cucumbers are in no way inferior to fresh cucumbers in their usefulness and calorie content. They are just as low in calories and retain all the beneficial ingredients. However, there are still differences in composition, and they are significant - a much higher salt content and a different mineral composition, the presence of lactic acid, and in pickled cucumbers, also vinegar.

It is these differences in composition that make pickled, pickled, lightly salted and pickled cucumbers an undesirable dish for people with certain health problems. And for those who are losing weight, pickles should be dosed. Because they stimulate the appetite and can cause a person to consume more calories than the norm established for weight loss.

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