Combined method of therapeutic fasting proposed by S. I. Filonov

Filonov Sergey Ivanovich is a personality known far beyond the borders of his native Altai, where a health center operates under his leadership. It is here that he receives people who want to lose weight and get rid of various diseases.

Despite the popularity of this man and his healing practices, there is little biographical information. As he himself says, he was born into a family of doctors, graduated from medical school, became interested in fasting from his youth, and experienced various types from his own experience. As a result, he began to use it to help the sick and suffering improve their health, and sometimes radically change their lives.

Sergei Filonov outlined all his views in the book “Dry therapeutic fasting - myths and reality.” His second work, in which many themes intersect with the first, is “Treating the body with one’s own strength.”

History of the system


The method originated in India. Indian yogis, observing nature, came to the conclusion that a complete refusal of food and water for a short period of time helps to renew the body and get rid of a large number of pathologies. In the animal world, during illness, food is refused; if the disease is very severe, the animal also refuses water.

Abstinence from drinking water and food is not only for health purposes, but also allows you to switch to a better quality balanced diet. The Indians had a test for boys, which required a certain volitional effort from them. The guy was left in the mountains for four days. They did not give us food or water. Hunger helped not only test willpower and endurance, but also get rid of many health problems.

Types of therapeutic fasting

Treatment with complete abstinence from food is actively used in alternative medicine. Starting on an intuitive basis, the technique gradually acquired research, observations and scientific conclusions. Fasting gives results during the treatment of many organic and functional diseases.


Fasting can be different, depending on the restrictions. There are the following options:

  • wet - during this period they refuse to eat food;
  • dry - all food and water are removed from the diet, any contact with water is prohibited;
  • semi-dry - it is necessary to remove liquids of any kind and food from the diet, while contact with water is allowed;
  • combined - a combination of the first three options.

Dry fasting according to Filonov is a technique according to which a person refuses to consume food and water in order to remove from the body all harmful accumulations in the form of slag waste, toxins, poisons and mucus. Sergei Ivanovich Filonov is not only a practitioner, he is a certified specialist and professor. The doctor has been testing his technique and researching for more than two decades.

Indications and contraindications



  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • some forms of female and male infertility;
  • fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands;
  • uterine leiomyoma;
  • cervical polyp;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesions and inflammation in the pelvis.

Musculoskeletal system:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • DOA (deforming arthrosis);
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • polyarthritis - metabolic-dystrophic or infectious.

Respiratory system:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the bronchi and lungs;
  • unadvanced pulmonary Besnier-Böck-Schaumann disease;
  • seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

The cardiovascular system:

  • hypertension;
  • dystonia;
  • atherosclerosis.


  • osteochondrosis;
  • problems with intervertebral discs (hernias, protrusions);
  • headache;
  • lumbago;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • neuralgia;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis.

Digestive system:

  • gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
  • enteritis, colitis;
  • JVP (biliary dyskinesia);
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome);
  • ulcer in remission;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • polyvalent allergies (due to foods or medications);
  • diabetes mellitus type II.

Skin diseases:

  • urticaria;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers.


  • pyelonephritis;
  • BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia);
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis.

Indications for therapeutic fasting according to Filonov also include various types of helminthiasis.


  • Malignant tumors;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • thyrotoxicosis, pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • internal suppuration;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, circulatory failure;
  • serious heart problems;
  • insufficient BMI, anorexia, dystrophy, exhaustion, vitamin deficiency;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • age restrictions: up to 14 and after 70 years;
  • complete or partial limitation in movements.

Before prescribing the type and duration of fasting, Filonov requires from everyone the latest data from medical examinations and tests:

  • Ultrasound of all internal organs, and for women also of the mammary glands;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • results of examination for the presence of parasites;
  • computed tomography of the spine if there are any problems with it.

People without an outpatient card are not accepted at Sinegorye.

Types of dry fasting

As already mentioned, dry fasting involves a complete refusal of not only food, but also water.

There are two types of dry fasting:

  1. The method involves refusing food and water in any form. You can’t not only drink the liquid, but also come into contact with it. This applies to washing your face, taking a shower, and even brushing your teeth. Do not wash your hands or get them wet in the rain.
  2. The second option is similar to the one described above, with the difference that you can take water procedures.


Cleansing the body with holosas, hay and raisins

Benefits of Dry Fasting

Proponents of dry fasting claim that the technique gives high results and helps improve the functioning of the body at the cellular level. The result of dry hunger is:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cleansing of organs at the cellular level;
  • reducing the load on filter systems;
  • getting rid of chronic diseases;
  • relief of acute conditions;
  • disease prevention.

High blood pressure

The technique helps you become healthier, so dry fasting is recommended for the following conditions:

  • malfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • frequent migraine-like headaches;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • benign neoplasms.

The therapeutic effects of dry fasting are more effective for many reasons. The duration of dry fasting lasts from one to three days, and during this period there is a transition from one stage of fasting to the next:

  • the painful feeling of hunger with the dry fasting method is significantly reduced and lasts no more than a couple of hours, unlike incomplete fasting;
  • the stage of impaired carbohydrate metabolism as a result of lack of insulin lasts several days;
  • After three days, a complete cleansing of the body and a sharp improvement in well-being occurs; with incomplete fasting, reaching a crisis is possible no earlier than in one or two weeks.

Possible contraindications

The technique has a number of contraindications. These include the following pathological conditions:

  • malignant tumor;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • blood diseases.

There are age restrictions - the patient must be at least 14 and not more than 70 years old. Fasting is strictly prohibited for expectant and nursing mothers. If the body weight is too low, below normal, or the body is exhausted, the use of therapeutic fasting is also not allowed.

The essence of S. Filonov’s method

Complete refusal of food with the exception of water according to Filonov is short-term fasting, which helps to get rid of not only minor ailments, but also serious chronic diseases that appear as a result of various kinds of inflammatory processes in the body. During a lack of nutrition, healthy cells are activated and destroy weakened, mutated or diseased cells in order to obtain nutrition. Thus, microorganisms, parasites, and aggressive protozoa die. Foci of inflammation are suppressed and cancer cells are destroyed.

Extreme conditions provoke the use of the body's reserve hidden forces. At this time, food and water are taken from the foci of inflammation, thus the pathological processes come to naught. Doctor Filonov focuses on the fact that the method helps to get rid of harmful accumulations and improve your health; using the method as a way to lose weight is not the best option; there are other, more narrowly targeted methods.

In his scientific work, “Dry fasting in Altai: myths and reality,” Filonov tries to present the basic postulates of the methodology in a simple and accessible language for readers. The author gives advice on how to properly carry out dry fasting at home, recommends special rules for starting the procedure and correct exit. It is impossible to apply the method of completely refusing food and water without prior preparation and consultation with a specialist. This option can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, after examinations and studying the state of health.

The doctor's consultation

Therapeutic mechanisms

In his lectures, at seminars, in his book, and in personal conversations with patients, Filonov always tries to explain to people the mechanisms of fasting and treatment using his method. In his opinion, when a person understands what is happening to the body at one time or another, he treats changes more calmly and consciously. Therefore, Sergei Ivanovich focuses on the following processes:

Top down

Transformations with organs occur vertically, starting from the head and ending with the legs. Therefore, in the first days, pain is felt in the facial muscles, teeth, and ears. These sensations then descend to the shoulders and chest. Gradually they spread to the limbs. If the process goes in the opposite direction, this indicates improper adherence to the technique or serious illness.

From inside to outside

At first, the headache hurts. Then it seems that the skin on the face, eyes, and lips begin to ache. And so on with each “floor” of the body. The internal organs are felt first. Then everything that is on the surface. And if you are happy that your eczema on your legs has gone away, but after that your veins are swollen, this is an extremely unfavorable signal that the process is not proceeding correctly.

From important to insignificant

The most important organs are healed first, then the rest. If everything goes correctly, first of all the tachycardia should go away, and only then the seasonal hair loss should stop. If it's the other way around, something clearly went wrong.

From new to old

First, those diseases from which a person suffers now pass away. But with gradual healing, old sores will be revealed, which are most often forgotten because they have entered a chronic stage and do not manifest themselves in any way. For example, back pain that plagued you in your youth may worsen. There is no need to be afraid of this, because they will return only to leave, but forever.

Filonov Sergey Ivanovich

Separately, Filonov emphasizes that all these processes occur at the expense of the body’s internal resources, feeding on its own reserves. The “fuel” is adipocytes, dead cells, pathological tissues, tumors and other neoplasms that interfere with the normal functioning of organs.

At the same time, Sergei Ivanovich warns that the body of a modern person is so polluted that if fasting is not organized correctly, the risk of intoxication is too high, which can be fatal. That's why he insists on carrying it out under the supervision of specialists.

Features of the technique

The hunger strike according to Sergei Filonov is a three-month course of recovery, since preparation and recovery are considered important stages of the procedure. Schematically, the structure of hunger in the first month looks like this:

  1. For the first fourteen days (two weeks) you need to eat properly, according to the recommendations.
  2. In the third week, intestinal cleansing is carried out.
  3. Fourth week - eating only buckwheat and one day is allocated for water fasting.


About the treatment of polyps, what they are and how to get rid of them

The second month is also divided into weeks:

  1. In the first week, one day is allocated for water fasting, the remaining six days are for dietary proper nutrition.
  2. In the second week, it is recommended to allocate two days for water fasting and five days for a balanced diet.
  3. The third week requires the following schedule: three days on a water fast and the remaining days on a balanced diet.
  4. The last week is five days of fasting with liquids.

The third month is similar to the second, but periods of fasting using water are replaced by dry fasting.


Maria, 34 years old: “Together with my mother, we decided to try out the method of absolute dry fasting. We started even before we arrived in Altai to see Dr. Filonov. We reached the stage of the buckwheat diet, and the remaining stages of the famine were already there, in Altai. After completing the course, I feel light throughout my body and it’s easy to breathe. After visiting the bathhouse, I noticed that the veins no longer bulged. Mom looked prettier and younger.

During the course, one of the negative sensations is increased heart rate during sudden movements. Other people had nosebleeds, insomnia, and fevers. We couldn’t have done it without Dr. Filonov’s control.”

Alexey, 28 years old: “It’s hard to endure the state of hunger. At this time, the best thing is bed rest, no stress. I underwent treatment in Altai - the sight of amazing mountain landscapes helped me forget about hunger and thirst. I suffered from insomnia for several days; I slept for 2–3 hours. But as a result I feel better. The headaches subsided and breathing became easier. I hope that fasting will help overcome diseases. Thanks to Dr. Filonov and the entire team of specialists at his center.”

The essence of the procedure at home

The author of the method himself emphasizes that the result of dry hunger is only possible if you follow all the advice, namely proper preparation and the correct exit.

The doctor gives the following recommendations:

  • Before starting the fasting procedure, be sure to consult your doctor;
  • if you have never fasted wet before, never start the practice with dry fasting;
  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to undergo cleansing of the intestines and liver;
  • before the onset of hunger, you must wait two weeks, adhering to the rules of a balanced diet: give up fried, fatty foods, reduce the amount of meat consumed;
  • it is imperative to start with a minimum period of fasting - a day, then, if the restrictions are positively tolerated and there are no contraindications, move on to a longer period;
  • days of dry fasting should become regular; a single session will not produce great results;
  • the author of the method recommends a long preparatory period, including a moral attitude, a transition to a balanced diet, and a trial wet fasting;
  • on the eve of famine, it is recommended to consume as much fermented milk products as possible;
  • you can choose on your own whether to come into contact with water, just completely eliminating water from everyday life will give a higher therapeutic effect;
  • a natural reaction to fasting will be the appearance of a feeling of weakness, deterioration of well-being, exacerbation of chronic diseases, but this condition quickly passes;
  • you need to calmly and measuredly spend the day of hunger, avoiding physical overload and emotional outbursts.

Authorized Products


During the period of preparation for fasting, it is necessary to eat the right foods. Filonov recommends giving preference to the following products:

  • low-fat fish;
  • eggs;
  • milk products;
  • honey;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits, berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • stewed and boiled vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • viscous porridge.

It is recommended to drink a lot of pure plain water and also add herbal teas.

Algorithm for exiting therapeutic fasting according to S. Filonov

The author of the method emphasizes that the correct way out of hunger is no less important than following the recommendations in the process of giving up water and food.


The exit lasts twice as long as the abstinence process itself. If you have been fasting for a day, it will take two days to get out, and if you have been fasting for two days, it will take four days, respectively. The author gives these tips on how to overcome dry hunger:

  1. At the end of the fasting period, you need to gradually drink a glass of water in small sips. Over the next two hours, you can only drink water, but no more than a liter.
  2. At lunch you are allowed to eat fish soup, but without adding salt or spices.
  3. A little later, it is permissible to consume a fermented milk product.
  4. Salt should not be used for another three days after the end of fasting.
  5. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
  6. A single serving size should be no more than a glass.


Cleansing the body using the “Lose Weight in a Week” technique


Before you start fasting according to Filonov, you need to undergo a series of examinations. The doctor will draw up an exact list of necessary procedures. You should contact your local therapist. The presence of chronic diseases in the patient, allergies, and individual characteristics are taken into account. It is important to be prepared for the course psychologically, because hunger is a reason for irritability, aggression, and depression. The author of the technique gives the following advice to those who decide to use this technique for the first time:

  • if the patient does not have experience with “wet” fasting, it is not worth starting with dry fasting;
  • cleansing of the liver and intestines is necessary first;
  • you need to avoid physical activity during the course;
  • It is recommended that you first try out the fasting method where you are allowed to drink liquid;
  • Most of the success lies in breaking the fast, so it is important to follow this procedure exactly.

It is important to remember that success can only be achieved through intermittent fasting - i.e. “hungry” days alternate with “semi-dry” days. If you fast for only one day, there will be no effect.


The preparation period is at least 2 weeks. The preparation process itself involves following a diet and adjusting your diet. Finally, the intestines and liver are cleansed.

Useful and harmful products

The diet completely excludes fatty, fried, spicy, salty, smoked, and sweet foods. You should limit the amount of meat you eat. The following products are allowed:

  • lean fish;
  • egg;
  • fermented milk products;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits, berries, vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • grain crops.

There is no strict schedule or restrictions on meals. Eggs are allowed only boiled. Fish - boiled or baked. Vegetables can be boiled or stewed. Apples or pears can be baked in the oven. The use of light vegetable soups is recommended. Any porridge is allowed: rolled oats, pearl barley, barley, corn, buckwheat, etc. The most important rule for preparing porridges: they should not be crumbly, but viscous. It is not recommended to add sugar and butter to porridge, but cooking it with milk is allowed.

Herbal teas without sugar, decoctions, berry fruit drinks, and fruit juices are recommended as drinks. Fermented milk products are healthy: kefir, fermented baked milk, skim milk, ayran, kumiss. During the entire preparation period, you need to drink as much purified distilled water as possible.

When the period of 2 weeks has passed, you can begin to cleanse the liver and intestines. The period allocated for cleaning is 7 days. There are many ways to cleanse the intestines and liver. The most popular is the use of adsorbents. This is, for example, activated carbon. You should consult your doctor about the dosage and regimen.

Cleansing with enterosorbents
Activated carbon is an excellent enterosorbent

In addition, standard cleansing enemas are used. The number of procedures depends on the degree of intestinal blockage. This issue also requires specialist advice. To avoid dehydration and a large loss of microelements necessary for the body, you should not do an enema more than once a day.

During the cleansing period, moderate physical activity (physical education), daily walks in the fresh air, and visceral therapy are indicated. Physical exercise activates the functioning of organs, which is important for complete cleansing.

The procedure for cleansing the liver and intestines can be carried out only after following a diet for at least 2 weeks. During periods of exacerbation of urolithiasis, hemorrhoids, colitis, and polyps, cleaning is prohibited!

How to fast

The methods of fasting that are used in Dr. Filonov’s method are of 3 types: “buckwheat”, dry, and wet. When the course of cleansing the liver and intestines is completed, a week-long period of fasting on buckwheat porridge begins. At this time, only buckwheat porridge is allowed - without butter, sugar, bread and other additives. The porridge should be semi-liquid, with mucus.

Cooking with milk is not prohibited, but it is advisable to cook buckwheat in plain water. You can drink teas, fruit drinks, juices, water, and decoctions. The number of meals and fluids consumed is not limited. For those who feel that they cannot withstand such a diet, there is an alternative option: one day of wet fasting.

The second month of the course is only wet fasting. On the eve of the first day, it is forbidden to eat for 24 hours; you can only drink fermented milk drinks. This rule also applies to dry fasting. A gradual increase in load is provided.

Useful composition of kefir

The periods of hunger are as follows:

  • 1 day - in the first 7 days;
  • 2 days - in the second week;
  • 3 days - third week;
  • 5–7 days - the final stage.

In the third month - dry fasting. Here the patient is free to choose the option: eliminate all contact with water completely or still use the shower, wash, etc. The scheme is the same as at the previous stage with wet fasting, but the number of “hungry” days at the last stage is less - 3 days for those who are fasting for the first time, from 3 to 5 for people with experience.

During periods of hunger, it is strictly forbidden to take laxatives and do enemas.

Breaking out of fasting

Breaking fast is a procedure that is carried out after each day of abstinence from water and food. The number of days devoted to breaking fast depends on the period of refusal to eat. The period of release is 2 times longer than the period of hunger. After a day of abstinence, it will take 2 days to recover, if the refusal was within 2 days, 1 4 days, etc. Dr. Filonov’s tips for breaking fasting are as follows:

  • immediately at the end of the “hungry” day, drink (gradually) a glass of water in small sips;
  • for the next 2 hours, only water is allowed - no more than a liter;
  • for lunch, liquid fish soup without salt and spices is allowed (serving no more than 200 ml);
  • for an afternoon snack you can drink a glass of kefir or any other fermented milk drink;
  • chew food slowly;
  • Do not add salt to food for 3 days after abstinence.

During the entire course, weakness, dizziness, lethargy, and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible. Do not be afraid of these conditions - this is a normal reaction of the body to what is happening. According to observations, after 3 days after the first day of fasting, your health should return to normal.

If after 3 days after the last day of abstinence there is no improvement in well-being, you should interrupt the course and seek medical help!

Dry fasting: myths and reality

In his work, practicing doctor Sergei Filonov presented facts regarding fasting and dispelled myths. Many people believe that dry fasting is dangerous to health. Sergei Ivanovich debunks many misconceptions, proving their groundlessness and instability.


Let's look at the main teachings:

  1. An ordinary person cannot do without water for more than three days, after which time he dies. Research gives a different result: in the absence of water, the body begins to use internal water. On average, complex chemical reactions release about a liter of liquid. If two liters are needed for normal life, this results in a slight moisture deficiency.
  2. Without drinking water, toxic accumulations are not removed from the body. In fact, all harmful substances are processed during sleep, during hyperthermia of the body during a crisis and extreme conditions such as hunger. The number of macrophages under such conditions increases significantly, and it is these microorganisms that destroy diseased and inflamed cells.
  3. In the absence of water, the body begins to experience serious shocks: intoxication, dehydration, and the kidneys stop functioning normally. According to the author of the Filonov method, during a period of dry hunger, the kidneys simply rest, which has a positive effect on their work.
  4. Fasting is a big blow to your health. The results of the famine suggest the opposite.
  5. The exclusion of water and food causes the loss of beneficial components, protein and vitamin deficiency. Considering the fading of many processes, the body needs a minimum amount of nutrients and vitamins. At the same time, diseased cells are destroyed and renewed.
  6. The body is capable of self-renewal and restoration. A weakened body is not able to withstand unfavorable conditions; the filters do not work at full strength, unable to cope with their work. Fasting helps remove toxins and allows organs and systems to work smoothly.
  7. After refusing water and food, weight loss occurs, which is ineffective and short-lived. In fact, during dry fasting, fat cells are destroyed; losing weight does not provoke sagging skin and loss of tissue turgor.

The essence and general principles of the Filonov method

There are 2 types of water restrictions: hard and soft. Features:

  • the first method implies a complete refusal of any contact with liquid 1 you cannot wash your hands, face, take a shower,
  • the second excludes only the intake of water inside.

The essence and general principles of Filonov’s method are to activate all the protective forces of the human body, to force the body to defeat the disease on its own. For this purpose, the most stringent conditions are provided - deprivation of water and food, especially water.

Under these conditions, a struggle begins between cells for the remaining water resources. Healthy cells take moisture from diseased cells, as a result of which diseased cells die without nutrition. The viability of each healthy cell increases repeatedly.

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and cancer cells require an aquatic environment to reproduce. Due to the lack of liquid, harmful microorganisms stop multiplying, etc. the pathological process is inhibited.

After breaking the fast, the body’s tissues are renewed at the cellular level, which is of great importance for healing—the intestines are cleansed. A clogged intestine directly or indirectly causes 90% of all diseases, so returning the body to a healthy state is impossible without freeing the intestines from waste products accumulated in its cavity.

Absolute fasting according to Filonov has its own scheme. General principles of the technique:

  • cyclicality - i.e. fractional fasting,
  • periods of fasting alternate with periods of recovery,
  • loads increase gradually
  • It is important to follow a diet before the fast itself,
  • long-term preparation and recovery from fasting (the entire course is about 3 months, the period of fasting is 3-4 days on average).

The individual characteristics of each person’s body must be taken into account. Before starting fasting, a complete examination of all organs and general condition is carried out. It is advisable to avoid stress during the procedure. Contact with nature has a beneficial effect - that’s why Dr. Filonov’s clinic is located in Altai.

It is dangerous to start fasting treatment on your own, without consulting a doctor. Examination of the body and monitoring by doctors are mandatory.

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