Is it worth doing a capsicam wrap for cellulite?

Capsicam is a drug that has recently been often used in the fight against cellulite. Procedures with it are effective, but unpleasant. In addition, Capsicam has many contraindications for use and can cause quite serious side effects. Therefore, it is worth not only obtaining information about the drug on your own, but also consulting with a specialist.

Capsicam: what's in it?

Warming capsicam ointment is very popular among athletes (for warming up muscles), as well as people suffering from pain in muscles and joints (for relieving pain).

Let us note the effect of the drug on the skin:

  • Warms up.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Relaxes muscles.

What substances included in the composition can help remove cellulite - the hated orange peel on the skin?

  • One of the main active ingredients of the drug is capsaicin. This is a synthetic analogue of a substance that is isolated from hot chili peppers. When capsaicin gets on the skin, it dilates blood vessels, which means it improves blood supply. In this case, as with any hot wrap, a feeling of warmth, burning and tingling appears.
  • The composition also contains dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide). We have already written about how it affects the skin on the website. Let us remember that this is an excellent conductor that delivers the necessary substances deep under the skin.

We assume that these substances, which are part of capsicam, can be effective in combating cellulite on the skin.

Blood flow stimulation

The active components of the ointment irritate the nerve endings. The outflow of lymph and blood is stimulated. Metabolic processes are activated. Body temperature rises, tissue trophism improves.

It is believed that capsicam ointment helps neutralize discomfort during arthralgia, rheumatism, myalgia, as well as after active training and injuries. The attractive fact is that the product can cope with orange peel, which is why it is so often used to treat cellulite. The effect that occurs after 30-40 minutes of wrapping lasts for another three to six hours.


Despite the fact that the sensations that arise when applying the ointment cannot be called pleasant, it was the warming effect that drew attention to those who decided to do wraps with capsicam to get rid of cellulite.

  • The pain was burning and terrible. I quickly washed everything off under a cold shower. I won’t dare to torture myself like this anymore. Evgenia.
  • I wanted to enhance the effect and decided to combine the wraps with physical activity. It bakes incredibly. Sweating only enhances the effect of capsicam, but it is impossible to tolerate. Lyudmila.
  • And I’m quite tolerant. I rub myself with capsicam with caffeine, wrap myself in film and even leave it on overnight. The skin becomes very smooth the next morning. Faith.
  • The main thing is to endure the first hour - then it lets go. Very, very satisfied! Valya.
  • If the burning sensation is severe, wipe the skin with vegetable oil - it will relieve it by hand. Kate.

Judging by the reviews, it is impossible to definitively answer the question of whether it is possible to use Capsicam to get rid of cellulite. This drug really helps some people, and they leave positive reviews about capsicam wraps. Others cannot forget for a long time the sensations that this procedure caused, and dissuade those who ask for advice on whether to do wraps with capsicam for cellulite.

What is the ointment for?

Capsicam is available in the form of an ointment or cream. The main purpose of the drug is:

  • relieving joint and muscle pain;
  • use for diseases such as myalgia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, etc.;
  • use as a warming agent for athletes.

The ointment has warming and analgesic properties. When applying the product, the skin temperature rises, due to this, pain is reduced and muscle tension is eliminated. The increased temperature of the skin surface lasts for 2–3 hours, and pain relief occurs after 30–40 minutes. after application of the drug and lasts 3–6 hours.

Capsicam for cellulite: recipes

You can find various recipes that use capsicam ointment for cellulite. But they have a lot in common:

  • no one recommends using capsicam in its pure form for cellulite and weight loss;
  • take very little capsicam (no more than a 1-centimeter strip or pea);
  • before and after the wrap, it is advised not to eat or drink for 2 hours;
  • In order not to cause a skin burn, capsics must be washed off with cool water 15-60 minutes after application - depending on how long someone can withstand the “torture by fire”.
  • Since capsicam already contains a warming substance, it is not recommended to mix it with ready-made anti-cellulite creams and ointments - it can cause skin burns.

We offer you some of the most popular ways to use capsicum for cellulite.

Anti-cellulite cream with capsicam

The easiest way is to add just a little ointment to shower gel, baby cream or olive oil.

  • The resulting anti-cellulite cream is rubbed into problem areas to remove the “orange peel.”
  • It can also be used for anti-cellulite massage.
  • Remains of the cream must be removed from the skin either with water or vegetable oil.


Capsicum is prohibited for varicose veins or a predisposition to this disease. The product should not be used by pregnant women and women during lactation. This is due to the fact that the substances of the product have high penetrating characteristics. It is also prohibited to perform the procedure on women during menstruation. Any wraps are prohibited for people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, since such procedures increase blood pressure.

Wraps with capsicam

You can achieve better results in the fight against cellulite if you do hot wraps with it.

Capsicum and caffeine for wraps

The most popular option is wraps with capsicam and caffeine.


  • Caffeine – 2 ampoules;
  • Capsicam – strip 0.5 mm-1 cm (pea)
  • Children's cream - ¼ standard tube.


Mix everything, apply a thin layer to the skin, wrap in cling film.

The skin must first be prepared for wrapping. talked about how to do this correctly in an article about a more gentle method of combating cellulite - Blue clay wrapping.

Let us remind you that the skin needs to be steamed well, cleaned with a scrub, and rubbed until redness appears. We wrap the film in several layers gradually, starting from the knees and going up.

Attention! It is not recommended to use capsicam for abdominal wraps, as such procedures can aggravate gynecological diseases. Wraps with this burning ointment are best done on the thighs and buttocks.

Capsicam, caffeine, papaverine and honey

Another popular recipe for cellulite wraps with capsicam, caffeine, papaverine and honey is also popular.


  • Caffeine and papaverine - 2 ampoules each. (You can take caffeine in tablets - 2 pieces).
  • Capsicam - no more than a pea;
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.

Capsicam will have a warming and vasodilating effect on the skin, caffeine will moisturize it and increase elasticity, papaverine will remove excess fluid, honey will soften the effect of capsicam and saturate the skin with beneficial substances. You need to use this mixture for cellulite in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Capsicum and white clay

You can also make body wraps with white clay, enhancing the effect by adding capsicam.

  • The clay must first be diluted with warm water.
  • Add a little capsicam and apply to problem areas.

You can enrich the composition with ground coffee or honey.

To create a greenhouse effect, wrap problem areas with cling film and insulate.

Precautionary measures

or vigorously rub the skin before starting the wrap The formation of small cracks can lead to severe burning when applying Capsicam, resulting in a burn.

Do not get carried away by mixing this ointment with other anti-cellulite products. The latter also have a warming effect, so combining them can cause severe redness of the skin or burn.

It is better to prepare a mask for wrapping in disposable containers that will not be used in the future. You should not add a lot of ointment, this may lead to increased side effects. The optimal amount is considered to be the size of a small pea.

Before using the product, be sure to carefully read the instructions.

It is necessary to avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membranes. If this rule has not been observed, then the damaged area is thoroughly washed with running water.

How often do wraps?

Despite the fact that for treatment it is recommended to apply the ointment to problem areas 2 times for 10-14 days, it is recommended to use capsicam for cellulite less often - every other day.

  • Pay attention to the capsicum you buy! The one in the orange package is thermonuclear. It burns the body, add less of it, but the one in the motley one does not bake as much. I did it in the evenings every other day. Not only did the skin look better, but 4 centimeters of volume was lost in 10 wraps. Larisa.

Other uses

Warming ointment is used by athletes, rubbing their muscles before training. Some massage therapists use capsicam, adding it to massage compositions. You can also add a small amount of ointment to your body cream and apply this cream every other day.

You can make a mask that contains half a small spoon of capsicam, moisturizer (4 spoons) and citrus essential oils (4 drops). This composition is applied to the skin in a thin layer for 20 minutes. Wash off with plain water (warm or cool). The mask improves blood circulation, after which the skin acquires a healthy, pleasant color and becomes more tender. It cannot be applied to the face!

Principles of therapy

Cellulite in women develops in the subcutaneous fat of certain areas of the body - mainly in the thighs and buttocks, less often and to a lesser extent on the stomach and even less often on the arms and in the area of ​​​​the knee and ankle joints. The mechanisms of tissue disorders in gynoid lipodystrophy are quite complex.

The main role in their development belongs to disorders of blood microcirculation, increased permeability of the walls of capillaries and venules and the accumulation of metabolic products, which results in activation of the functioning of fibroblasts and the development of connective tissue fibrosis. This leads to a decrease in the speed of blood and lymph flow through the corresponding vessels, the release of the liquid part of the blood through the wall of the vessels and its retention in the tissues of the above-mentioned clinical estrogen-dependent areas of the body.

A disruption under the influence of estrogens in the balance between the processes of lipogenesis and lipolysis in favor of the former leads to hypertrophy of fat cells, which are grouped first into small and then into large nodes. As a result, compression of the capillaries by enlarged and reshaped fat cells occurs and an even greater disruption of microcirculation in the tissues occurs. The areas affected by these lipodystrophic processes clinically lose their elasticity, become loose, pale, swollen, the skin texture becomes lumpy, and the skin temperature in these areas decreases.

Considering the multicomponent mechanism of the development of tissue disorders during gynoid lipodystrophy, which result in aesthetic defects, it becomes clear that it is precisely the remedy that helps to get rid of cellulite that is aimed at:

  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • increasing the rate of outflow of venous blood and lymph;
  • reducing tissue swelling;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of problem areas;
  • activation of lipolytic processes.
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