Kuznetsov applicator for cellulite, how to use an acupuncture mat against cellulite on the buttocks and thighs

Every representative of the fair sex fears for the beauty of her figure, and the most unpleasant thing, according to many, is extra pounds and cellulite. And if excess weight can be reduced through diet and exercise, getting rid of cellulite is much more difficult. Although today there are a large number of different cosmetic preparations that promise complete relief from this disease, in fact they are either less effective than stated in their instructions, or are too expensive. It is for this reason that women begin to resort to home treatment. The Kuznetsov cellulite rug is considered one of the most popular home remedies.

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

The creation of the massager was based on acupuncture techniques that were used by healers of Ancient China. They believed that internal organs could be treated by applying mechanical pressure to acupuncture points on the body associated with problem areas. This treatment is carried out by piercing the dermis and tissues with long thin needles in certain places.

After analyzing the technique, Ivan Kuznetsov came to the conclusion that some diseases can be cured without damaging the integument. Enough intense pressure. Moreover, it is possible to stimulate not just one, but groups of several nerve endings at once. This is how Kuznetsov’s applicators appeared.

They are needle-shaped modules mounted on fabric or oilcloth. Initially, the devices were used to treat sleepwalking and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Now the scope of application of prickly simulators has expanded significantly. Disputes about their effectiveness are still ongoing.


This mat affects biologically active points. Moreover, its action is directed not at specific points that need to be affected in case of a particular pathology, but at groups of acupuncture elements.

In some cases, such influence can bring the most unexpected and disastrous results. Therefore, there are contraindications to this method of combating cellulite.

Contraindications to the use of the Kuznetsov device:

  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Dermatological diseases at the site of use of the applicator;
  • Presence of moles, warts and other formations at the site of use of the device;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Heart failure;
  • Pulmonary failure;
  • Exacerbation of any disease;
  • Presence of colds;
  • High temperature and fever;
  • The presence of benign and malignant tumors.

In these cases, the influence of the applicator can lead to aggravation of the situation. Therefore, before using it, you need to consult a specialist.

Types of Kuznetsov rugs

Kuznetsov's massagers are differentiated according to several parameters. Standard mats are available in several sizes:

  • “Ambulance” is a 3x8 cm device. It is the smallest and is used to relieve acute pain;
  • 6x18, 5x18 exercise machines are suitable for treating joints;
  • applicators 12×47, 10.5×23 are considered universal;
  • “Nirvana” is a large mat with sharp elements.

You can also purchase devices of different shapes and degrees of impact intensity.

By shape

Applicators are presented in several modifications:

  • Needle belts are used for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases, endocrine disorders, treatment of vertebral hernias, and radiculitis. They relieve muscle tension well;
  • the plates are designed for spot processing of small areas;
  • The rollers are equipped with an ergonomic handle. Used to treat osteochondrosis, relieve neck pain, and fight headaches;
  • insoles have a good effect on the feet, quickly relieve the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs;
  • mats (Tibetan applicators) have different sizes, are equipped with a large number of modules with needles, and are suitable for influencing large areas of the body. Improves blood circulation in problem areas, eliminates pain in muscles and spine after intense training or injury. Normalize the functionality of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, stabilize the emotional background.

There are modernized models of mats, additionally equipped with magnets. The field they create has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, stimulates the outflow of lymph and the breakdown of fat cells.

To combat cellulite, it is better to use a roller or mat. Massagers of this shape provide intensive kneading of all problem areas.

By color

Applicators vary in the degree of sharpness of the teeth. For the convenience of patients, the elements are painted in different colors depending on the sharpness of the needles:

  • green ones are the softest. They are suitable even for those with thin skin with increased sensitivity, prone to irritation and redness;
  • blue ones are more efficient and have needles of medium hardness;
  • yellow - equipped not only with fairly sharp spikes, but also with magnets. They enhance the impact of the simulator on the dermis. More often used to treat various diseases;
  • red ones are the sharpest, with long teeth sharpened at a certain angle. They can only be used by people with thick skin and a high pain threshold.

Mats with blue modules are best suited for eliminating cellulite. They have optimal rigidity. They are effective and safe because they do not injure the epidermis.

Precautionary measures

However, when using the Kuznetsov applicator (and Lyapko, and physical therapy in general), you should always remember that there are cases when time works against patients. When a grandparent begins to have lower back pain, they lie down on the applicator and patiently endure the pain as it actually decreases. But not every pain needs to be endured patiently.

For example, if a patient has developed osteoporosis and, as a result, a compression fracture of a vertebral body with pain, then you should not lie on the applicator, but take an x-ray, determine the level of calcium in the blood plasma, diagnose one or another form of osteoporosis, carry out densitometry and begin specific treatment . Overusing physical therapy for osteoporosis and back pain can simply eventually lead to a hip fracture.

Perhaps an even more difficult situation is found in a patient who first developed a malignant tumor with metastases with acute back pain. In older men, for example, severe back pain, especially at night, often occurs with adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland, with the presence of metastases in the vertebrae.

Therefore, you cannot use the applicator for back pain on your own, but only after a diagnosis has been made. Naturally, it cannot be used for various skin disorders. These are psoriasis and eczema, streptoderma and erysipelas, the presence of varicose veins and varicose dermatitis, trophic ulcers. In a patient with severe diabetes mellitus, any accidental scratch from the action of the applicator can lead to long-term non-healing skin injuries.

For those patients who want to radically get rid of a protrusion or herniated intervertebral disc, it is not medication treatment, gymnastics, or physical therapy that is recommended, but modern neurosurgical surgery. The best way would be to conduct it in countries with a high level of medical development: the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany. The states of Eastern Europe, for example, the Czech Republic, do not lag behind these countries. Czech neurosurgeons have achieved high results in the surgical treatment of protrusions and hernias of various parts of the spine, including long-term results of treatment.

Conservative treatment of protrusions and hernias can last for years, with varying success. But you need to remember that a protrusion, and even more so a hernia, will never disappear. Those patients who really like to be treated with the Kuznetsov applicator must be treated with understanding. Still, this is a very cheap method of symptomatic treatment, and once you purchase this simple device, you won’t have to spend money on it for the rest of your life, and the applicator is very, very inexpensive.

Indications and contraindications

Kuznetsov's applicators help solve many health problems. Among the main indications for use of the device:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • cellulite;
  • headache;
  • gynecological problems;
  • insomnia;
  • swelling;
  • radiculitis;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • stressful conditions;
  • decreased performance;
  • joint diseases (except for periods of exacerbations);
  • PMS;
  • flat feet;
  • violation of fine motor skills in children;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

How it works against the hated crust

First of all, this device is used to eliminate unevenness on the hips, abdomen and buttocks. The use of the Kuznetsov applicator has the following positive effects:

  • elimination of pain and discomfort in muscles and tissues;
  • a rush of blood to the right places, which means an improvement in the supply of oxygen and the removal of lipids from their fat cells;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • increase in energy.

You can lie down or sit on the applicator. As a result of the pressure created in the tissues, blood circulation increases, which means they are better supplied with oxygen. It is very important for the breakdown and elimination of fats. Thus, Kuznetsov’s applicator helps eliminate lipid deposits and tighten the skin after losing weight, improving its elasticity. It also helps get rid of fresh stretch marks.

It is believed that with regular use of the device, orange peel reduces its manifestations, the skin is smoothed and elasticity is restored.

Duration and frequency of use

Needle massagers for cellulite are used in courses of 12-15 sessions. They must be carried out daily or every other day. The final number of procedures depends on the degree of discomfort the patient experiences during the procedure. When the discomfort is strong, you can limit yourself to a minimum number of sessions.

Attention: if you use applicators constantly, the body will get used to the effect and stop giving the desired reaction.

The duration of each zone is from 5 to 15 minutes. Its duration must be increased gradually. The entire procedure takes about 40 minutes.

Useful video

Watch the video about Kuznetsov’s applicator:

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Using the Kuznetsov applicator against cellulite

A massage session for cellulite with needle devices consists of three main stages:

preparation, the actual treatment procedure, final care. To achieve the desired result, you cannot neglect any of them.

Preparation for the procedure

For manipulation, you need to sit in a well-ventilated area. The room should not be too hot or too cold. Otherwise, the body will require additional resources to maintain optimal temperature, which will reduce the effectiveness of the massage session.

To fully prepare the body for exposure, you need to:

  1. Refuse to eat a couple of hours before and after the procedure. The active work of the digestive system will complicate the process of cleansing from waste and toxins.
  2. Empty your bowels and bladder.
  3. Take a hot bath to steam the skin. A cold shower is undesirable, since during a massage with needles, blood flow in the peripheral vessels instantly accelerates, warming up the epidermis. Temperature changes can have a negative effect on the body.
  4. Use a scrub. You can buy a suitable product in a store or make it yourself. For example, from honey and sea salt (or coffee grounds). This will help to deeply cleanse the skin of impurities and prepare them for acupuncture. There is no need to scrub before each session. It should be done no more than twice a week so that the skin has time to recover.
  5. Apply anti-cellulite cream.
  6. Dry your body thoroughly.
  7. You can massage the problem areas a little with your hands and do a few exercises.
  8. Cover protruding moles with adhesive tape to prevent injury.

For the first manipulations, it is permissible for girls with sensitive skin to wear comfortable clothes made of thin natural fabric.

Main stages

It is recommended to work the body with the Kuznetsov applicator in the following order:

  1. Lie on the mat with your stomach, pressing your hips. You need to act carefully, smoothly, without sudden movements, so that the dermis adapts to the pain.
  2. When you feel a feeling of warmth “spreading” throughout your body, perform slow rolls from one side to the other.
  3. Roll over onto your back. The main influence of the needle modules should be on the buttocks and thighs.
  4. Repeat rolling from side to side.

This complex will help to work out all problem areas with cellulite.

Follow-up skin care

To consolidate the result, you need to end the session as follows:

  • stroke the body with gentle movements along massage lines to soothe irritated skin;
  • apply a light moisturizing mousse;
  • lie down for 40-60 minutes in a relaxed state to restore natural processes in the body;
  • It’s good to drink a mug of green tea, herbal infusion or warm water with a spoon of lemon juice.

Attention: it is not recommended to apply warming agents after a massage with applicators.

There is no need to go outside immediately after the session. Heated skin, irritated by thorns, is defenseless against the aggressive influence of the external environment.

Precautions for use

To avoid side effects, follow these precautions:

  • Do not eat an hour, or better yet two, before the procedure. The fact is that during the session it is necessary to allow the body to focus on activating metabolic processes and self-cleansing. If you eat shortly before the procedure, your digestive system will be active during the procedure. This, in turn, will reduce the effectiveness of the massage.
  • Do not take cold showers or otherwise cool your skin before your session. During the procedure, there is an active rush of blood to the cells, which causes the dermis to noticeably warm up. Sudden changes in temperature can negatively affect the health of the body.
  • If severe discomfort occurs, stop the procedure immediately. You should not endure pain, as there will be little benefit from such a massage.
  • Before using the Applicator, wash it thoroughly with soap and water. Bacteria accumulate in the rug, which can cause acne and other unpleasant skin formations.
  • Do not perform this procedure before going outside. Irritated skin is most susceptible to the harmful effects of aggressive environmental phenomena: wind, ultraviolet rays, and so on.
  • If you regularly experience fever, dizziness or other side effects after the procedure, stop using the Applicator. If such phenomena occur constantly, then the device is not suitable for you.
  • If your skin is overly sensitive, do not perform the procedure on your naked body. Wear a light T-shirt and leggings made from natural materials. When the dermis gets used to the sharp thorns a little, try performing the procedure on bare skin.
  • Perform a test for individual intolerance to the cosmetic product used. It doesn't matter whether the latter is bought in a store or prepared yourself. To perform the test, apply a small amount of product to your wrist or inner elbow. If, after a day, itching, irritation and other signs of allergy do not appear, feel free to use the tested product. Otherwise, do not use the product.

How to use a Kuznetsov rug

The most important thing when using the Kuznetsov mat for cellulite is to press it tightly against the body.

This can be achieved in different ways:

  • with your own body weight - sit or lie on the applicator. This way you can work on several problem areas at the same time (for example, the hips and buttocks);
  • press the needle-shaped surface to the integument with your hands. This technique allows you to adjust the intensity of pressure;
  • secure individual plates with spikes with an elastic bandage. This is a good way to eliminate cellulite on the sensitive inner thighs.

The choice of method for using a massager depends on what part of the body needs to be worked.

Impact on the stomach

The rug must be laid out on a hard, flat surface. Gently lie on it with your bare stomach. This must be done slowly, smoothly, so as not to cause severe pain to yourself with a sudden movement. Relax, lie on the needles for 5-10 minutes.

It is good to work the abdominal area with a belt applicator. It should be wrapped tightly around the waist. You can separate the modules and press them against the skin with a neoprene sports belt or bandage.

Impact on the buttocks

The buttocks are usually massaged in a sitting position. You need to sit on the Tibetan applicator, put your hands behind your back, rest your palms on the floor, bend your knees. This position helps regulate the pressure of the needles.

The duration of the first manipulation should not exceed five minutes. Gradually it should be increased to 15. When the dermis gets used to the “injections”, it is good to add some exercises to increase efficiency. For example, you can alternately tense and relax the gluteal muscles.

Impact on the front of the thighs

To massage this part of the body, you need to lie on your stomach. Place the mat between your knees and groin.

It is permissible to work both legs at once or alternately. The session lasts 10-15 minutes on each limb (or both).

Impact on the back of the thigh

Sit on the mat with your legs stretched out. The body should be perpendicular to the surface on which the applicator rests.

During the procedure, you need to gently and smoothly sway from side to side in order to evenly distribute the intensity of pressure on the skin. Continue the exercise for 8-10 minutes.

What kind of device is this

Kuznetsov's applicator is a small mat made of durable plastic, on which plastic spikes are sewn. This device, which is used to combat a variety of pathologies, is sold today in almost every pharmacy; the mat can be assembled or disassembled. The product is universal and helps to cope with a wide variety of ailments:

  • used to relieve headaches;
  • prevents fluid accumulation and prevents swelling;
  • eliminates pain in the joints and spinal column;
  • normalizes the activity of the respiratory system.

Today, women are increasingly using the Kuznetsov mat for cellulite. As practice shows, with regular use, this design really helps to get rid of extra pounds and fights the unevenness of the skin.

The positive effect of use is achieved due to the fact that the use of the device helps to activate biologically active points. According to doctors, the effect of the procedure is very similar to acupressure and acupuncture.

Upon contact, the thorns irritate the nerve fibers, which leads to the following result:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the regeneration process is activated (due to microscopic punctures);
  • blood circulation at the site of exposure is accelerated;
  • lymph outflow is normalized;
  • soreness and muscle spasms are eliminated;
  • more nutrients and microelements are supplied to the cells;
  • the peripheral nervous system becomes more sensitive;
  • The activity of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland is activated.

All this leads to the fact that fat deposits are burned several times faster.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kuznetsov rug

Like any cellulite treatment method, Kuznetsov’s applicators have pros and cons. Among the main advantages of the simulator:

  • high performance;
  • multifunctionality (the device helps not only remove the “orange peel”, but also solve other health problems);
  • affordability;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to use it independently at a convenient time, without acquiring special skills;
  • non-traumatic (if the device is used correctly).

The disadvantages of the device include:

  • an extensive list of contraindications;
  • painful procedure;
  • unproven effectiveness;
  • high probability of side effects.

The teeth of the modules act not on one point (as with acupuncture), but on entire zones. This increases the risk of complications. If you use the device correctly, most of the negative consequences can be avoided.

What is cellulite

Cellulite is a pathology of adipose tissue caused by a violation of cell structure. Such changes are usually caused by a weakening of blood flow to the dermis. From the outside, cellulite looks like small protrusions and pits that form an unaesthetic relief. Because of the latter, the pathology acquired a second name - “orange peel”.

Cellulite appears externally as an unaesthetic relief on the surface of the skin

The main prerequisites for the occurrence of cellulite are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • dehydration (insufficient amount of water consumed per day);
  • constant stress;
  • disrupted hormonal levels;
  • love of alcoholic drinks;
  • smoking tobacco products (everything from cigarettes to hookah);
  • a sharp decrease or increase in body weight (the skin does not have time to adapt to the new dimensions);
  • constant fatigue;
  • lack of the required amount of activity;
  • insomnia or insufficient night rest (less than 7 hours a day).

“Orange peel” can provoke not only psychological, but also physical discomfort in a woman. The thing is that over time, a harmless defect in appearance can develop into a serious illness. The latter is difficult to treat, often with the help of a surgeon. The main signs of the disease progressing to a severe stage are:

  • blue tint of the affected areas;
  • pronounced skin texture, difficult to hide even under clothes;
  • weak sensitivity of areas of the body affected by cellulite.

Cellulite can be easily detected by squeezing the skin.
To avoid the occurrence and development of “orange peel”, it is recommended to test your own skin from time to time for the presence of pathology. To do this, you should strongly compress the dermis at the suspected site of cellulite formation. There is no need to worry if the surface is smooth. Otherwise, it is necessary to begin taking measures to eliminate the “orange peel” and prevent its further development.

Video: what is cellulite and what are the main causes of its occurrence?

Side effects

Side effects, as a rule, occur due to improper use of the Kuznetsov anti-cellulite applicator.

Violation of the session rules may cause:

  • injury to the integument;
  • headache (up to migraine);
  • hematomas;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dermatological irritations;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • jump in blood pressure.

Attention: the simulator can provoke an exacerbation of some chronic pathologies.

Pain during the first procedures is normal. Over time, the dermis will get used to the injections, and the sessions will be easily tolerated. If the pain is unbearable, you should change the applicator to a device with less sharp needles.

The massager has a noticeable effect on acupuncture points, so if negative sensations occur, the session should be interrupted and stop using the device. If alarming symptoms do not go away, you will have to consult your doctor.

Possible side effects

Like any procedure, the use of a Kuznetsov mat has its side effects, namely:

  • redness and swelling, pinpoint hemorrhage under the skin, as well as hematomas and bruises (as a rule, this happens during the first uses, after which the skin gets used to it and stops reacting sharply to the procedure);
  • nausea, dizziness, headache and rapid heartbeat (such symptoms indicate a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, so you should refuse the procedures and visit a cardiologist).

It is up to each individual to decide whether to continue the procedures or stop due to unpleasant symptoms.

Expert advice

First of all, doctors advise making sure there are no contraindications before using the device. Improper removal of cellulite tubercles with thorns can cause serious harm to health.

Severe pain during the procedure can be caused by an incorrectly selected step between needles or nervous overexcitation. The following should help: rest, relaxation exercises, reducing the distance between the prickly modules. With proper organization of the session, pain is felt only in the first couple of minutes. Then it is replaced by a pleasant feeling of warmth, which is accompanied by slight tingling sensations. For girls with thin dermis and a low pain threshold, it is advisable to organize sessions not every day, but alternate them with manual or cupping massage.

It is equally important to observe the rules of personal hygiene. In the process of working with applicators, microtrauma to the skin is possible, therefore it is unacceptable to use one device by several people without prior disinfection.

The product should be protected from mechanical damage that leads to deformation of the spikes or the base of the device. Before each procedure, the device must be carefully inspected and broken teeth replaced.

Types of products

Many people know what Kuznetsov’s applicator looks like, but in fact this device is produced by manufacturers in several types. Each of them has its own characteristics and nuances in application; it is better to learn about them before purchasing a specific product. What manufacturers offer:

  • Classical. This is an ordinary rectangular mat with plastic sewn or glued onto its surface; it can have ties and be used as a massage belt. Sometimes “hedgehogs” are available for sale in bulk - you need to attach them yourself to any piece of fabric.

The sizes of the classic Kuznetsov applicator can be very different, but to combat cellulite you need to choose the largest - 35 x 46 cm. The distance between the spikes on the mat will also be different, you need to remember that the smaller it is, the softer/gentler the effect on the skin .

Classic Kuznetsov applicator

  • Tibetan. It is distinguished by its large dimensions (41 x 60 cm) - this is an entire mat, which is often used for yoga practitioners. On its surface there are plastic discs with spikes; they can have different colors. Green “hedgehogs” should be chosen by those people who have overly sensitive skin and a low pain threshold; blue spikes have a deeper effect and at first can cause unpleasant, painful sensations during the procedure.

If a person is sufficiently trained, has a high sensitivity threshold and is ready to experience some discomfort during the procedure, then it is worth choosing Kuznetsov’s Tibetan applicator with red spikes. They penetrate deeply, have an aggressive effect and can even leave small hemorrhages and hematomas on the body.

Tibetan applicator Kuznetsov

  • Roller-cylinder. Typically, this applicator is used to massage the neck or lower back, but it can also be used in the fight against cellulite. The roller is rolled over problem areas of the body and this effect is considered more effective, because at the same time it has a complex effect on cellulite.

Semicircular applicators are also available for sale. They will be inconvenient in this case because they will not provide a dense effect on areas of the body with cellulite.


There is a Kuznetsov magnetic applicator for cellulite - it is practically no different from the Tibetan version, it’s just that a magnet is inserted inside each applicator. Doctors do not note any special properties of this massager.

Regardless of what type of device is chosen, you can find it with different substrates - oilcloth, a regular piece of textile, soft filler, rubber base. This point does not play any role, does not affect the quality characteristics of the applicator, and therefore the choice must be made based solely on your own preferences.

Types of Kuznetsov applicator spikes

Reviews about the Kuznetsov applicator

Girls who have practiced this method of fighting cellulite speak positively about needle massagers. After just a month of using them, folds and bumps were significantly smoothed out. The body became smooth and elastic. The results were especially noticeable among those who combined massage with diet and fitness classes.

Ladies for whom the procedure was too painful simply shortened the time it took. The effect of this is not reduced if sessions are performed regularly. Among the additional advantages of the device, women note its affordability and ease of use.

Smooth skin and a slender body not only emphasize the beauty of a girl, but also serve as a marker of health. Kuznetsov's applicators successfully cope with cellulite and have a general rejuvenating effect on the body. To achieve the desired result, massage sessions must be combined with other weight loss methods.


Reviews from women who have used this device confirm that it is indeed effective and helps reduce “orange peel.” Fat deposits are reduced after 3-4 weeks.

More than 80% of women note that using the Kuznetsov applicator initially causes severe pain, and many ladies simply cannot lie down on it. Also, after the procedure, red dots remain on the skin, which do not go away for several days. In general, women are satisfied with this device. Negative reviews are associated not with a lack of effect, but with pain.

Positive effect of the Kuznetsov applicator on the skin during weight loss

The skin is a large integral system on which a great many nerve endings and points are located. With any impact on it, the body gives a response. This function can be used to activate the functioning of many organs.

When using the applicator, you may initially notice:

  • Burning;
  • Mild pain;
  • Anxiety;
  • Sweating;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • Weakness.

These are all temporary phenomena, indicating that many systems are being activated and are starting to work. Gradually, when you get used to the procedure, such symptoms will go away.

The applicator is based on reflex therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that temporary exposure to needles is carried out on various painful areas. The force of contact will depend on the pressure applied.

The advantages of such procedures:

  • Loose skin gradually tightens;
  • Flabby muscles become toned;
  • The outflow of lymph increases;
  • Blood circulation in the vessels is normalized;
  • Cellular metabolism improves.

Against the background of these processes, the appearance of cellulite is noticeably reduced. Subcutaneous fat tissue also noticeably decreases in volume.

Criticism of doctors

Medical experts do not have a unanimous opinion about the weight loss applicator. One group of doctors considers the device dangerous to health, since the destruction of fat cells in large quantities can lead to disruption in the endocrine system.

Their strong reasons against use:

  • The human body has certain acupuncture points. Finding these same areas on the body is very difficult even for a specialist, let alone amateurs. The main danger lies in the fact that next to the “useful” points there are “harmful” ones, if you hit them you can significantly harm your health.
  • Not everyone can tolerate discomfort during the procedure. Sellers claim that the pain will go away after the first session, but this is not the case. Yes, the skin will get used to the pain, but is it beneficial?
  • In conclusion, experts ask a completely logical question: has research been conducted in this area of ​​application? Even if there were tests, unfortunately, there is no detailed report on them. Inventor Kuznetsov always used the applicator to treat muscles and joints, but not for weight loss.

Modern medicine calls the device the “placebo effect” because people believe they are losing weight and it actually happens. That is, most often the “culprit” for this is ordinary self-hypnosis.

Essence and objectives

The healing mat has helped many people get rid of back and joint pain. It was intended for athletes who are prone to injury. Gradually, the fame of the healing device spread beyond the sports world, and it could be purchased at any pharmacy. Admirers of the applicator were attracted by the ease of use and the resulting effect. The inventor repeated that the thorns have an effect on certain points in the body.

The mat has a beneficial effect when:

  • insomnia;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • colds (ARVI, flu);
  • circulatory problems;
  • weight loss issues.
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