Exercise at night. Is it possible to exercise before bed and how will it affect sleep?

How to choose a time to workout

Everyone understands perfectly well that people are divided into “night owls” and “larks”. It’s clear that a night owl won’t want to get up at seven in the morning to work out his abs in the morning or go for a run.
But this regime is just right for early risers. Always take into account your bio rhythm of life. Also, you will choose a schedule of classes depending on the type of your activity. If you are engaged in mental work, the best option for training would be in the morning, so you will cheer up and start your work day in a good physical and emotional state. If you are running around the city all day, it is unlikely that you will have the strength and desire to spend the remaining energy on training after work.

Your training time will also depend on what results you are achieving. Experts say that morning workouts are more effective in helping you lose weight. This is due to the fact that in the morning, there is less sugar in the blood, which means that the strength for training will be drawn not from carbohydrates, but from fat. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, train during the day or evening.

It’s good when you have a choice, and working out at the right time is not a problem for you.

But still, in most cases, people study in their free time from work. As practice shows, most often it is evening. In this regard, the question often arises: is it possible to pump up the press at night? Absolutely not. So, you will completely disrupt your regime, but this is an integral part of successful training. After training, for about two hours, the body will be in an excited state, after pumping the press at night, all vital processes in the body will work in full swing, and you will not be able to sleep.

If you decide to pump up your abs in the evening, do not forget:

  • you can't exercise on a full stomach
  • you need to alternate strength exercises correctly
  • fully concentrate on doing the exercises
  • adhere to proper nutrition, sleep and rest patterns
  • training should take place at least two hours before bedtime

When is the best time to do abs after eating?

Every person who wants to look good has probably wondered when is the best time to pump up the abs. And this is correct, because sometimes, by choosing the wrong time to exercise, you can significantly harm your health.

The difference between men and women is not only different gender characteristics and psychology, there are also physiological differences. It is always better and easier for representatives of the stronger sex to pump up Hollywood abs on their stomach.

Women have to make considerable efforts to ensure the relief of their abdominal muscles. It's all about body structure. Women have more subcutaneous fat around the waist than men.

It is he who protects and warms the internal organs necessary for the body to bear and give birth to children. Therefore, cubes on the stomach in women are more of a deviation than the norm.

In any case, before pumping up your abdominal muscles, you need to remove excess fat with the help of proper nutrition, because otherwise, body weight and volume will not go away, but increase.

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Separately, I would like to talk about the risks for women when pumping the press. According to statistics, the majority of female athletes and ballerinas who train intensively have gynecological problems.

This can be explained by the fact that when the abdominal muscles pump, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases sharply, and it affects the female genital organs, trying to push them out. This is counteracted by contraction of the pelvic floor muscles.

Many trainers even now attach little importance to this fact, so a significant part of women are not even aware of the possible risks and methods of preventing them.


Every person who decides to play sports asks the question of when is the best time to pump up the abs and do other exercises. Some people look for answers from specialists and sign up for gyms, while others try to do it on their own using the Internet or books.

Fortunately, in the modern world there are many ways to find out how and what needs to be done correctly, if you wish. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Each person is individual in his own way.

Some people get up vigorously early in the morning, while others only feel a surge of energy in the evening. What is good for one may be harmful for another. Therefore, what time of day you should exercise should be decided based on the characteristics of your body, habits, method of employment, etc.

The main thing is to have the mood, health and time to practice.

Most experts believe that the optimal time for exercise, including abdominal exercises, is the morning. By doing this before breakfast, on an empty stomach, the body will use energy from fat reserves. In addition, it is generally accepted that other times of day are more suitable for building abdominal muscles.

But in no case is it recommended to do exercises at night, because the body, which is preparing for sleep, must be in a calm state. Otherwise, it may lead to its depletion.

The body, invigorated after training, will not be able to switch from active to passive mode for a long time, which will provoke insomnia, which, in turn, causes fatigue and subsequently stress.

One of the important issues when pumping up abdominal muscles is the choice of time before or after meals. It is also important to know whether you can start exercising immediately after eating or whether you need to wait a little.

And if you wait, how long after that can you start training. Food plays one of the main roles in a person’s life, and often a lot depends on it. For example, poor nutrition can not only lead to obesity, but also develop many different diseases.

On the other hand, fasting together with intense sports also has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, it is very important to find a balance between concepts such as nutrition and sports.


In any case, you should pump up your abs or do any exercises before eating or 2-3 hours after eating. Because you can’t train on a full stomach.

In order to pump up your abdominal muscles, you need to adhere to a certain diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet some types of foods, such as smoked meats, pickles, sausages, mayonnaise (even the lowest calorie ones), sparkling water, sweets, and alcohol.

Fat will not go away without a diet, even with regular abdominal exercises. The abdominal muscles will grow, but under the fat layer. This will make your body look even bigger.

So you can make your figure more attractive only through a properly selected diet and time for exercise.

Abdominal pumping, like performing any other exercise, requires correct execution. Otherwise, you can harm your health. So, the first thing you need to remember is that you can’t train on a full stomach.

You should start with a light warm-up and move on to stretching exercises. As for girls, under no circumstances should you pump up your abs during your period and for 2 more days after it ends. All exercises must be performed on a flat and hard surface. Do everything rhythmically, without jerking.

You should not hold your breath, as oxygen helps burn fat deposits. There is no need to throw your head back or lean forward, pushing with your hands. This can damage the neck muscles and joints. The correct thing to do is to keep your head in line with your spine.

At the top point, it is recommended to linger for a few seconds.

You don’t need to pump your abs every day, twice a week will be enough, and you need to start with light loads. Abdominal muscles will not become visible only from daily exercise; you also need to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle.

In addition, the abs will not become stronger from a large number of twisting exercises and turns. What is much more important here is how long you keep your abdominal muscles tense.

If, for example, you pump your abs by lifting your legs, then what is important is not the speed and number of repetitions performed, but the duration of holding them at the most difficult point. And the main thing is that everything needs to be done slowly, without jerking.

Source: https://popravsya.ru/exercise-and-muscle/press/kogda-luchshe-kachat-press-2/

How can you not?

Before you know what to do to pump up your abs, you need to understand and remember a few points.

At the initial stage, some people think that 2-3 classes a week is not enough, so they also study at home. Conventional wisdom: if you train your abs every day, the results will become noticeable much sooner.

In fact, excessive physical activity leads to “overtraining”: the muscles do not have time to recover, stop growing, and you feel a loss of strength and fatigue. However, this is not the only mistake made by newcomers to the sport.

Common Myths

There are many misconceptions associated with pumping the abdominal muscles. Let's highlight the most popular four:

  • Myth No. 1: Abs require daily training. This is wrong. All muscles need rest. Moreover, it is in this phase that they begin to grow. Therefore, to achieve better results, you should pump your abs no more than 3-4 times every 7 days. Bodybuilders, for example, do this in just one workout per week.
  • Myth #2: Abdominal muscles only need 24 hours to recover. In reality, everything is different. If you do not feel discomfort in the abdominal area and the muscles do not begin to ache the next day after training, this does not mean that the body is rested and you can pump up your abs non-stop. It takes up to 48 hours for the muscles to recover.
  • Myth #3: Abdominal exercises will help you lose fat. Have no illusions! During exercise, fat is burned throughout the body. True, in some areas this is done faster. You can get rid of excess weight only with an integrated approach. And this requires not only physical activity, but also a healthy diet, leading an active and healthy lifestyle in general.
  • Myth #4: There are separate exercises for each part of the abdominal muscles. This opinion is common even among experienced people who are actively involved in fitness. In fact, during training, all the muscles in this area are involved. And only certain movements allow you to create additional stress on certain muscles. For example, the “corner” on the horizontal bar helps to train the lower abs.

How many days can you pump up your abs?

As warmer days approach, many people think about a beautiful belly with the coveted sculpted abs, asking the question: “How long can it take to pump up your abs?” A similar problem faces not only boys, but also girls, however, it should be borne in mind that men's and women's goals differ significantly from each other.

How to properly pump up abs for girls

Now let's talk about the basic rules of the exercises. Even if you plan to exercise exclusively at home, you will not need special sports equipment. It’s entirely possible to do it on your own. It is best to do the press while lying on the floor, as we need a rigid base. Be sure to use a special mat for yoga or fitness classes.

Start each session with a warm-up. It doesn’t matter in what form - muscle stretching, gymnastics, dancing. Well-warmed abdominal muscles are the key to more effectively performed basic exercises. You need to start exercising 2 hours after eating and no later than 2 hours before going to bed.

Interesting: How to pump up your upper abs

Abdominal exercises for girls at home

First, let's talk about the structure of the abdominal muscles. The press is a complex of muscles that includes three areas:

How to pump up your abs to six-pack

First, let's talk about the most important thing: there is no point in pumping up six-pack abs if they are hidden under a layer of fat that you have not had time to get rid of.

Therefore, let's start working not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on getting rid of fat. In the abdominal area, fat accumulates the most, as it is designed by nature to accumulate energy.

You can't do without a low-calorie diet, running or aerobic exercise.

What do you need to quickly pump up your abs?

If you can't run in the morning, run at any other time of the day. The most important thing is to start. You can also ride a bike instead of running. And if you want to train outside, then cardio training at home will help you.

Eating right

However, a woman can also pump up her abs quite quickly by choosing from a whole range of benefits at once. Firstly, physical training helps to bring the figure into a noteworthy form, and secondly, by gaining tone, the abdominal muscles make a woman more adapted to bearing a fetus. Pregnancy will be easier, and childbirth will be less painful.

As for the time it takes to pump up the abs, in the case of a not too “advanced option”, a woman usually needs no more than 2 months. This is subject to regular training along with proper diet and daily routine.

lasting for 20 minutes. Next, we use alternating exercises with an emphasis, now on the upper part of the press, then on the lower:

  • Pull the cable with two stationary arms, bent at the elbow, down to the stomach from a standing position.
  • Raising your legs to your chest while on the horizontal bar.
  • Raising the body with hands behind the head from a horizontal position.
  • Lying on a bench upside down at an angle of 45 degrees, we raise our legs, bending at the knees.

How many approaches do you need to pump up your abs this way? You can do them in a circle, eventually repeating each exercise twice. The number of repetitions per approach is 15-20. After this, we get on the treadmill for 10-15 minutes.

If you work out for several years... In general, you can try drinking protein shakes, they grow muscles well, there is no harm... But, on the contrary, some people get fat from them, in fact, they are just good for gaining weight.

It’s better to look on sites dedicated to bodybuilding

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