Wrapping the abdomen with cling film. Film wrapping: what is it and why?

The role of running in the process of losing weight

When running, all systems of the body are activated : blood flow accelerates, oxygen reaches all tissues of the body faster, almost all muscles work, ligaments and joints are loaded.

Half an hour after the start of the run, the utilization of subcutaneous fat begins (until this time, the main source of energy was glycogen from the liver), thus, regular long running sessions really help to lose excess fat mass. If you prefer to run early in the morning, then such runs have a double benefit: the speed of metabolic processes will be increased in the morning, thus, calories will quickly burn not only during the motor process, but also for several hours after the end of the workout.

swim or run
This is interesting

How to speed up the weight loss process

It is believed that the main indicators of proper weight loss are regularity and gradualness, but many are eager to reduce their weight and regain their slimness as soon as possible, using a variety of techniques and means , such as:

  • low-calorie diets in combination with long-term cardio training: in this case, the weight drops really very quickly, but extremely sharp weight loss is fraught with the fact that the body gets used to the minimum food received and sooner or later fails , the person gains the lost weight again, and the skin cannot adapt to new volumes and deteriorates, sags;
  • fat burners , metabolic catalysts, plant extracts for intensive weight loss - as a rule, such drugs have a lot of side effects and are indicated only for those who can boast of good health. These supplements are only a complement to exercise and a balanced diet, so you should not rely on them alone;
  • “sauna suits” - when training in such suits, profuse sweating occurs, and people are happy that they managed to burn a lot of extra pounds. An analogue of such suits can be wrapping them in the simplest plastic cling film - and many are interested, what if you wrap your stomach in cling film and run, will you be able to lose 15 kg in a month?

running with cling film wrapped

Is sweat fat?

There is also a category of people who are sure that sweat is fat. They are immensely happy when they sweat a lot during training, wrap themselves in film, and buy special clothes with a sauna effect to increase sweating.

Be sure to read: Causes of cellulite on the calves

Fat deposits and sweat released through the pores are completely different in composition, density, and accumulation of substance. Sweat is ordinary water with some admixtures of human waste products.

Proponents of the theory of the relationship between sweat and fat argue that the liquid secreted from the pores contains fat, because it leaves yellowish marks on clothes. It is generally accepted that subcutaneous fat has a yellow tint. To dissuade this, just look at lard. Human fat deposits have the same appearance.

Another argument in favor of this theory is that when a person sweats, the surface of the skin becomes shiny, sticky and greasy. Do not forget that the upper layer of the epidermis is literally penetrated by sebaceous glands. They are located close to the pores. When the fluid is released, it absorbs some of the contents of the sebaceous glands. Again, this has nothing to do with subcutaneous fat.

The only relationship between sweat and fat is that excessive sweating is caused by an increase in body temperature. With hyperthermia, fat deposits begin to melt a little faster. But the split fat is excreted through the blood and lymph. It is converted into energy and spent by the body for constant needs.

Artificially creating conditions for excessive heating of the skin is dangerous to health. This is fraught with disturbances in natural heat exchange. The person is at risk of heatstroke.

That is why experts recommend spending no more than 10 minutes in a row in a sauna or bathhouse, then immediately washing yourself with warm, but not ice-cold water, and drinking plenty of plain clean water or herbal tea during such a relaxation. Significant overheating should not be allowed for the sake of losing weight. This is fraught with numerous serious consequences, often irreversible.

Running with film wrap

Wrapping yourself in film while running is the most common and cheapest folk remedy for getting rid of extra pounds. Many people practice running with cling film on their stomach with the hope that it will help them lose weight faster, get rid of cellulite crust, and tighten their skin. For athletes, this method (as well as a long visit to the sauna) is used before competitions: to get into a group with less weight, or to give the body a more prominent , lean look.

Recipes for fat burning compounds

Wraps with cling film themselves are not enough to melt the fat layer. To achieve the desired effect, cosmetologists recommend using fat-burning masks.

The most effective of them include:

  • Mustard mixture. Dilute a small amount of mustard powder with water to obtain a paste-like consistency. Add a small amount of honey to the remedy to soften the burning effect of mustard.
  • Mix with vinegar. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water. Add 3-4 drops of orange or lemon essential oil into the solution. Before covering the body with film, coat problem areas with the prepared mixture.
  • Mixture with oils. Mix olive and peach oil in equal proportions. Add 4-5 drops of mint or orange essential oil to the product.

The effect of wrapping with cling film while running

Wrapping with cling film while running really allows you to reduce body weight by about 800-1500 grams per workout, but this loss is easily replenished by drinking water after a run. That is, it is impossible to talk about weight loss due to burned adipose tissue when wrapping in film while running; weight is lost only due to water . However, for those whose problem areas are located on the hips and buttocks and are caused by swelling, film wrapping can be a miracle secret and will help avoid expensive hardware drainage procedures.

The dangers of running with cling film

When using the wrapping method for running, you need to remember the following disadvantages:

  • dehydration of the body due to increased sweating can lead to problems with blood circulation and kidneys, so it is very important to maintain the correct drinking regime ;
  • when sweating profusely, toxins and toxic substances are released through the pores, remaining on the skin covered with a film they can cause irritation or inflammation ;
  • When jogging in film in windy, cool weather, it is very easy to chill your internal organs , so it is better to refrain from wrapping when running in strong winds.

wrapping with film when running

Contraindications to procedures

Such procedures are beneficial in terms of weight loss, but they do not have the best effect on the body. And if a healthy body can tolerate such loads if used correctly, then for some groups of people the results can be disastrous.

Contraindications to film wraps when running:

  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • Serious kidney problems;
  • Colds and viral diseases;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menstruation;
  • Hypotension and hypertension;
  • Dermatological diseases in the area of ​​wraps;
  • Damage to the skin (also a local limitation);
  • Exacerbation of various chronic diseases;
  • The course of acute inflammatory processes in the body.

If you have such problems, you need to choose less dangerous methods of losing weight. You also need to understand that this type of exercise is not approved by a doctor.

How to run properly in cling film

If, despite these disadvantages of this method, you decide to use a wrap for running, remember the following rules:

  • for effective weight loss it is very important to control your diet , do not overeat, use a minimum of salt when preparing food;
  • When wrapping, you should not wrap the film too tightly; you need to start from the top: from the stomach, gradually going down to the hips. Use 2 – 3 layers of wrap;
  • a bottle of water with you so as not to suffer from dehydration, drink water in small sips;
  • the approximate time of an effective fat-burning jog is 45-60 minutes;
  • To enhance the effect of the wrap, use special anti-cellulite creams , gels or emulsions - they will help make the skin more even and smooth, and remove excess fluid from swollen areas.

wrapping with film when running

It is important

So, to the question “Is it possible to wrap yourself in cling film when running?”, the following answer appears: you can, if you do not suffer from hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, skin disease, watch your diet, and want to get rid of puffiness and cellulite.

Do we lose weight if we sweat too much?

The human body is 60-70% water. Without sufficient fluid intake, our body cannot function normally. Water takes part in all important processes that make the body possible. Sometimes, due to hormonal imbalance and disruption of the excretory system, excess water is retained in the body and distributed throughout the tissues in the form of edema. If you get rid of excessive swelling, the person will lose weight.

When you go on a strict diet, it is a significant stress for the body; it loses moisture. In the first week of dietary restrictions, the first weight losses appear. This is how excess liquid comes out; this process has nothing to do with the fight against fat. When you visit a bathhouse or sauna, you also sweat a lot, changes in weight are noticeable, but your body volume does not decrease. They begin to melt over time if you follow the rules of a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

We can safely say that with increased sweating we do not lose weight. Fat is not heated in this way, and water supplies must be constantly replenished.

If you suffer from edema, you should not fight it with cling film wraps. See your doctor. You may need to consult a urologist to check the functioning of your kidneys and the entire excretory system. You can cope with the problem by undergoing complex therapy.

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