Coding for food addiction as a way to get rid of excess weight

Coding for food addiction as a way to get rid of excess weight

We live in a constant environment of food temptations that truly test the endurance of our taste buds and sense of smell, and those, in turn, ourselves, giving rise to a strong desire to try a new cake on the restaurant menu or a raw smoked sausage according to a new recipe from a nearby grocery store.

And, if some of us manage to come to an agreement with our own heads in order to avoid gluttony, others continue to indulge destructive whims, unable to deny themselves pleasure. Having reached the limit of pleasure - a couple of dozen extra pounds or a “decent” degree of obesity - we are frantically looking for a wonderful way to lose weight.

The main thing is that it lasts forever and quickly - this is what everyone dreams of who has had to fight excess fat at least once in their life. “Maybe we should encode? It helped Svetka.” Will it help you? Is not a fact. Now we’ll tell you in detail why and how this method of becoming slim actually works.

What is coding for weight loss

At the end of the twentieth century, the Soviet doctor Dovzhenko invented a method of getting rid of alcohol addiction using hypnosis.
The experience was successful; many of the doctor’s patients were able to start a new life. Later, the idea of ​​instilling the necessary attitudes was continued and became the basis of the weight loss method. A person seeking to lose excess weight is put into a state of hypnosis and the rules of nutrition or lifestyle in general are introduced into his consciousness. After the session, the patient unconsciously gives up harmful foods and begins to consume healthy ones. Changing eating habits is an impetus for weight loss. The suggestion has a validity period - some experts say that the installations are valid for 1-6 months, others - 5 years. As the suggestion weakens and then ends, the person may again change his preferences and gain weight.

How is the procedure performed?

Food coding involves psychological influence on a person using hypnosis. In the patient’s brain, peculiar foci of excitation and inhibition appear, thanks to which new eating habits replace old ones. The psychotherapist programs a person by instilling certain conditions that are perceived by patients on a subconscious level.

During hypnotherapy, a person with obesity problems experiences a range of emotions: from mild surprise to shock. Before coding, the patient is prohibited from eating for 24 hours: due to such stress for the body, perception is enhanced. The coding technique includes several stages:

  • first, the specialist increases tension by vividly describing the most negative consequences of overeating, while ensuring that the patient gets the right mood and begins to perceive food differently;
  • then there is direct coding for obesity, which is based on the method of negative suggestions (the patient is put into a trance, after which he is inspired with an aversion to harmful foods, and terrible pictures associated with excess weight are drawn in front of him);
  • After completing hypnotherapy, the doctor teaches the patient the correct diet and the basics of auto-training to help combat obesity.

Types of suggestions

Coding for weight loss uses several types of installations. Among them are the following:

  • Mobilizing. This type of suggestion forces a person to use internal resources to achieve a result. All the body's forces are directed towards losing weight - additional energy appears for playing sports, metabolism accelerates, and the desire to indulge in sweets disappears.
  • Limited open. The patient is taught nutritional rules - avoiding late-night snacks, limiting portion sizes, and preferring lower-calorie foods.
  • Covering all possibilities. A person is given a certain freedom of action - it is possible to use the internal resources of the body, follow nutritional rules suggested by the hypnotist, or focus on affirmations (text formulas).

Hypnosis for weight loss

Coding stages for weight loss

Each specialist involved in suggestion acts according to his own plan. Most sessions are divided into three stages:

  • Preparatory. In the first minutes, the doctor interviews the visitor and finds out the problem - the reason for weight gain. Then the therapist gradually leads the patient to the idea of ​​the dangers of overeating, the danger to which he exposes himself by eating harmful foods. It is possible to describe diseases that accompany obesity, etc.
  • Basic or suggestion stage. Having prepared the patient for the main stage, the doctor connects the sound and visual background - soft music, red dim light. Visitors are put into a trance - they are asked to concentrate on some object (a lamp with red light, or a swinging pendulum). Full immersion in hypnosis is not required - it is important to achieve a state of semi-sleep. Afterwards, the specialist pronounces verbal formulas prepared in advance. This could be a list of permitted products, conditions for a new diet, or lifestyle.
  • Final. The doctor brings the patient out of the state of half-sleep and helps to develop a nutrition schedule. After the session, it is recommended to abstain from food for about a day, which serves as an additional lever in changing your diet. Sometimes, at the final stage, the patient receives a film or recording of natural phenomena with 25 frames, which must be viewed once a day, to enhance the effect of hypnosis.

Obesity coding methods

There are different coding methods for weight loss, but the most popular are according to Dovzhenko and Smelov. They both influence the human psyche through verbal programming. At the same time, Dovzhenko’s method is considered a classic, and Smelov’s suggestion has a well-founded scientific basis. It’s worth choosing the right one, focusing on the features of each method and your own habits.

According to Dovzhenko

Influencing the subconscious through mental images and emotions - suggestively - is the principle of the Dovzhenko method. The main core of this method of suggestion is maintaining the proper level of health and preserving beauty. Therapy according to Dovzhenko is carried out in stages, each session takes 40 - 45 minutes:

  • Stage 1. The doctor gets to know the patient and finds out the root of the problem - the reason that led to the development of obesity. Psychological and physical disorders are analyzed, the psycho-emotional state of the visitor is assessed.
  • Stage 2. At this meeting, the doctor instills in the patient a rational attitude towards food and eliminates the pathological addiction to unhealthy snacks. During treatment, the doctor blocks the emotions of perceiving a meal as a source of joy and pleasure, and instills a healthy attitude towards diet and physical activity.
  • Stage 3. The psychotherapist continues to instill in the patient the rules for organizing an optimal daily routine and identify the psychological causes of overeating. During this period, the information received is consolidated, the doctor individually puts blocks on the patient’s bad eating habits.

Dovzhenko's method of suggestion is contraindicated for people with mental disorders (schizophrenia, psychosis) or disorders of the central nervous system. If the patient has a history of diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract or oncology, hypnosis sessions will not help. You can lose weight by 9–11 kg per month using the Dovzhenko method. The cost of a course of treatment averages 12,000 - 15,000 rubles - this amount includes a consultation and two sessions of 45 minutes.

Woman and doctor

According to Smelov

Academician Pavlov coined the term “food center,” which includes a set of brain regions responsible for appetite and food consumption. While researching the problems of obesity, Dr. Smelov came to the conclusion that a program could be inserted into the brain, like into a computer, to regulate the work of this center. The processes of its inhibition and excitation are regulated in 1.5 - 2 hours during one session under the guidance of a specialist. The information embedded during hypnosis subsequently suppresses the food reflex, and the patient unconsciously chooses foods that are healthy for the figure.

Psycholinguistic programming consists of a specific set of words spoken by the doctor at a time when the patient is half asleep. Excess weight loss occurs over the next 2-4 months. During this time, you can get rid of 15 - 30 kilograms, sometimes more. Suggestion therapy is not carried out for persons under 18 years of age, or for those who have impaired functioning of the nervous system. The cost of the session is 7,000 - 8,000 rubles, discounts are provided for disabled people and pensioners.

Doctor differs from doctor - how not to end up with a charlatan

Doctor differs from doctor - how not to end up with a charlatan

When choosing a psychotherapist, do not hesitate to ask for documents confirming his qualifications. Of course, it is much easier to believe honest eyes and a sincere look, but your task is to make sure that this is not an impostor, but a real specialist. In the end, your health depends on it - both mental and physical (for one thing, money will not be thrown away).

What documents should I ask the doctor for? First of all, about specialized medical education, as well as certificates, licenses and other regalia that indicate the experience and training of a psychotherapist. Pay attention to work experience: it is excellent if the doctor worked in psychoneurological institutions (especially government ones).

It is unlikely that you will be able to look into your work record book, so rely on the recommendations of “experienced” doctors - a competent doctor always has positive reviews. In such a subtle field as psychotherapy, there are many charlatans. Choose a doctor wisely - this is your personal guarantee for a successful coding result.

Coding results for weight loss

Many people have succeeded in becoming slimmer using weight loss coding. Some people lose 3-5 kilograms after a course of suggestion, others lose 30 kilograms. According to statistics, on average, after hypnotherapy, weight decreases by 8-10 kilograms, and the effectiveness increases if you act in a comprehensive manner. It is better if suggestion is not the only tool for influencing fat deposits, but only an additional incentive to lose weight. The weight loss program laid down by the therapist during the session will become a lever that will “start” the patient’s metabolism and increase the result of his work on himself.

Pros and cons of coding

Coding for extra pounds

Since coding from extra pounds is an introduction into the subconscious, you can only trust the procedure to a true professional. Otherwise, even the slightest coding errors can lead to disastrous results. This is, at a minimum, a zero result from the procedure. In the worst case, memory loss, character changes, depression and frequent headaches occur.

Coding does not eliminate the cause of excess body weight, but only inhibits the emergence of bad habits. For a large number of people, food is not just food, but an opportunity to alleviate the troubles of the outside world and problems. If after coding the patient controls himself when eating, but psychological dissatisfaction remains, nervous breakdowns and the appearance of psychosomatic diseases cannot be ruled out. According to statistics, coding is effective on average for fifty percent of patients. The procedure helps to change nutrition priorities by placing them correctly.

Of the fifty percent, only half continue to eat properly. Others regain lost weight and even gain it back. The encoding has a “expiration date”; as a rule, it is a certain time: a month, six months, one year or two to three years. Each specialist sets his own term. After a set time, it is recommended to repeat the encoding procedure, since failures occur quite often. Coding has a number of limitations. These include: mental problems, neurological diseases, a history of traumatic brain injury, pregnancy, liver and kidney pathologies.


About microcurrent therapy

Coding Security

Some believe that obesity coding will harm health, or cause the patient to do something illegal in an unconscious state. After a properly conducted session, a person will be able to lead a normal life. According to the rules, the psychotherapist conducts the suggestion procedure in the presence of the visitor’s relative or under recording. The doctor has no right to carry out manipulations for which the patient’s consent has not been obtained - to instill in him the need for any action or to look for the cause of psychological trauma in childhood memories.


Hypnosis for weight loss is a completely safe process. You can give an example: in childhood, many had the experience of motion sickness while driving in transport, after which you inadvertently fall asleep. For the human psyche, these things are to a certain extent similar. Many people are afraid that under hypnosis they may be induced to take certain actions. In fact, a person in a trance state will not do things that he would not do in full consciousness, for example, inflict injury.

It should be understood that laws and medical practice prohibit specialists from doing anything to which the patient has not given his consent. That is, they will not delve into psychological traumas of the past, etc. Hypnosis sessions are often conducted on video or even in the presence of relatives. The benefits of obesity coding are:

  • By increasing overall motivation, hypnosis can help people exercise, be active, and eat healthy and nutritious foods.
  • Hypnotherapy promotes relaxation and positivity, helping to cope with stress and negative thoughts about failure - it often haunts those who want to get rid of excess fat. Regular hypnotherapy sessions can transform a person's helplessness into long-term, confident optimism.
  • Suggestion during the session helps the patient to better navigate choosing healthy products and eliminating harmful ones. On a subconscious level, he will begin to prefer less calorie dishes. After the correct settings, those who want to lose weight will be much less attracted to all sorts of goodies.
  • According to scientific research, hypnotherapy can directly affect the levels of ghrelin, leptin, cortisol and testosterone, i.e. hormones that regulate metabolism in the body. After coding for long-term weight loss, appetite decreases for a long time. A person begins to feel full with regular and even smaller portions. This approach helps you lose weight slowly but surely.

Benefits of coding for obesity

Losing weight through coding has many benefits. Among them are the following:

  • A suggestion session provides motivation that helps you resist the craving for a tasty meal before bed, or extinguish the impulse to empty the refrigerator after a failure or under stress.
  • Therapy helps to tune in to positive changes in life, relieves stress, relaxes, and instills confidence in the result. A fighting mood and an optimistic outlook on the problem are an important element of the path to weight loss.
  • Having received the mindset for proper and rational nutrition, a person unconsciously and effortlessly gives preference to healthy and low-calorie foods.
  • Hypnotherapy promotes the production of hormones that stimulate metabolism - leptin, cortisol, testosterone, which leads to weight loss - after the session, patients note a decrease in appetite and a decrease in portion sizes.

Girl with a centimeter on her waist

Disadvantages of coding for weight loss

A large number of advantages are offset by the disadvantages of this method of losing weight. Cons of hypnotherapy:

  • Every 10 people are not susceptible to hypnotic influence - sessions will not help such people.
  • The weight does not come off from hypnosis, but from changing your diet, so you shouldn’t rely only on a session.
  • The result of encoding is delayed - it does not appear immediately, but over time. In reality, the first effect is noticeable only after 3-4 weeks.
  • People with professions that require strict self-control and attention (pilots, air traffic controllers, surgeons) should abandon this method of losing weight. Hypnosis relaxes and dulls attention, which in some cases is unacceptable.
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