Harm and other consequences of excess weight in men

Obesity in men: causes

This endocrine disease has one cause: the excess of energy that enters the body (in the form of food) over its consumption. Excess energy is stored in the body in the form of fatty structures. The reasons that cause this process: 1. Systematic overeating against the background of low physical activity. 2. Hereditary factors (a man’s genetic predisposition to obesity). 3. Disruption of the body’s metabolic processes due to a number of factors: - age-related decrease in testosterone production; — malfunctions of the immune system; - endocrine diseases. Obesity in men also occurs as a result of: - alcohol abuse; - to give up smoking; — nervous disorders (stress and depression); - systematic use of hormonal and psychotropic drugs.

Obesity in boys

Today, 30% of boys in Russia suffer from obesity. Considering the serious complications this disease causes, parents should not be calm about their child’s excess weight. Obesity in boys in most cases occurs due to the banal illiteracy of his guardians (mothers, fathers, grandparents), who overfeed their child, thinking that this is an indicator of the child’s health. And considering the temptations that modern children have - television and computers, which limit their activity, it becomes clear why we have so many overweight children. This is a worrying trend. Among other things, young people do not feel responsible for the health of their future generation, because... heredity is not the last reason for obesity in boys. Studies have shown that in 80% of cases, parents who suffer from obesity give birth to children with a presumption of this pathology. Obesity in boys is also unpleasant because, suffering from the ridicule of their peers, the child develops many complexes in childhood that ruin his life. And, of course, complications “undermine the foundation” of health, which is laid precisely in childhood.

Diagnosis of the disease

The examination of the patient begins with a medical examination, during which the doctor examines the patient and talks with him about his lifestyle. There is no need to be shy about talking about your life; the doctor must know all the details, for example, about the presence of bad habits, non-compliance with healthy eating rules, and lack of physical activity.

The doctor can judge the development of gynoid obesity by the patient’s figure, but the final diagnosis is made based on the result of a laboratory blood test for hormones. If it shows a predominance of the female sex hormone, then it is a female type of obesity.

Obesity in men: symptoms

Well, of course, the first symptom of this disease is excess weight and fat deposits that are visible. Obesity in men is characterized by a special type of fat deposits, which are localized according to the android type: fat is localized mainly in the abdomen, chest, and upper shoulder girdle.
This type of obesity is dangerous because fat begins to be deposited on the internal organs, thereby disrupting their normal functionality. Obesity in men is also characterized by general symptoms: - shortness of breath; - increased sweating, causing various skin problems; - constant drowsiness; - swelling of the limbs; - poor development of muscle mass; - pain in the joints and spine; - constipation and other gastrointestinal problems; - general weakness of the body. In the last stages of obesity in men, symptoms of a disease that is caused by excess weight appear.

Features of obesity

There are several types of obesity, which have their own external signs and cause certain problems for a man. But female overweight differs from other types of obesity in the deposition of fatty layers in the waist, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, which affects the condition of internal organs, because fat cells settle not only under the skin, but also around the abdominal organs.

This condition disrupts their physiological functioning due to the displacement of organs from their seat, increase or decrease in size, the ability of fat to penetrate into the cells of internal organs, for example, the liver, and replace them, which is fraught with the problem of obesity of these organs.

At the same time, metabolism slows down significantly, the body experiences a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen, pathological changes begin in the cardiovascular, endocrine system and in other areas of the male body.

The appearance of a man suffering from female obesity becomes unattractive, and female sexual characteristics begin to form, such as:

  • Increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • Voice change;
  • Decreased sexual desire for the opposite sex;
  • Gradual dysfunction in erection.

The problem of female obesity in men is quite serious and widespread, as stated by many nutritionists when conducting their research in this area. To change the situation and return a man to the status of a conqueror, a male, a winner, you need to find the reason for gaining excess weight. The fact is that female obesity occurs not only due to irregularities in a man’s diet, but also under other circumstances.

Obesity: how to treat

Many people have questions: what is the duration of obesity, how to treat this disease, how to get rid of it? Men are inherently lazy about themselves and most of them want to buy pills, drink them and, without doing anything, maintaining their old habits, get rid of extra pounds. We will say that this will have no effect. Medicines that, as a rule, block appetite do not solve the problem of obesity and are effective only in the complex treatment of this disease. And keep in mind that all medications cause unpleasant side effects. Effective treatment of obesity in men is adherence to a certain diet and diet (proper nutrition), as well as physical activity. Severe forms of obesity in men are treated with surgical methods. Surgeries to remove fat are commonplace today and are not complicated at all. Attention! The most important task in the treatment of obesity is the restoration of the normal functionality of the human immune system; it is its failures that are the root cause of any disease. For this purpose, the immunomodulator Transfer factor is used in the complex treatment of obesity. The basis of this drug is made up of immune molecules of the same name, which, when entering the body: - eliminate failures of the endocrine and immune systems, and promote their further normal development and formation; - being information particles (of the same nature as DNA), transfer factors “record and store” all information about foreign agents - causative agents of various diseases that (agents) invade the body, and when they invade again, “transmit” this information to the immune system a system that neutralizes these antigens; — eliminate side effects that are caused by the use of other medications. There is a whole line of this immunomodulator, from which Transfer Factor Advance and Transfer Factor Glucouch are used in the Endocrine System program for the prevention and complex treatment of endocrine and immune diseases and complications, including obesity in men.


As with any obesity, the female type must be treated comprehensively. The problem is that if men easily cope with the two components of therapy (they still force themselves to exercise and take pills), then they usually have problems with normalizing their diet. It is indeed difficult for them to exclude salty and meat products from their diet. And without this, recovery is unlikely to occur.


It’s rare that a man will independently normalize his diet. This moment is best left to professionals. Nutritionists calculate the daily caloric intake for each individual case (correctly, it does not exceed 1,500 kcal) and prepare a menu for the patient every day for the whole week. You will have to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and limit yourself to eating unhealthy foods:

  • The diet must contain complex carbohydrates (in small quantities), high-quality protein foods, fiber, vitamins and microelements;
  • you will have to give up sweets, marinades, fatty and fried foods, fast foods and alcohol;
  • eat often, but little by little.

There are foods that enhance testosterone production, and these should definitely be included in your diet:

  • poultry meat;
  • seafood;
  • green vegetables and herbs;
  • nuts (you need to be careful with them, as they are high in calories);
  • from fruits and berries - citrus fruits (not grapefruit), apricots, papaya, grapes, melon, dates, persimmons, currants, prunes, cherries, figs, pomegranate, cranberries;
  • from spices and herbs - curry, cardamom, ginseng, golden root;
  • from cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley.

Men are rarely able to objectively assess their capabilities. Most often, with such a diagnosis, they set themselves too unrealistic goals (for example, to lose 10-20 kg in a month). With female obesity, dictated by hormones, this is simply impossible. Even the most strict diet (and such are not recommended here) cannot produce such results. Maximum - 5-6 kg per month - and then only if other therapeutic measures are successful.

Behavioral therapy

Upon hearing about the diagnosis, many immediately rush to the gym. In fact, the doctor should warn them that this approach to treating obesity is ineffective. You need to load your body by gradually increasing physical activity. Most often it is proposed to combat excess body weight according to the following scheme:

  • 1st week - exercises in the morning and walking in the evening;
  • 2nd - pool and swimming at least twice a week;
  • 3rd - inclusion of any cardio equipment in your daily exercises;
  • 4th - only at this stage can you start doing some active sports and visiting the gym.

At the same time, men face significant changes in their lifestyle, which they are often not at all happy about. This applies to complete cessation of bad habits (both alcohol and smoking) and adequate sleep (at least 8 hours a day). A cozy chair at the computer or a comfortable sofa in front of the TV will now have to be exchanged for evening walks.

Hormonal treatment

For female obesity, the main goal of drug hormonal treatment is to normalize testosterone levels. For this purpose, special androgenic drugs are prescribed:

  • Andriol;
  • Androgel;
  • Nebido;
  • Omnadren;
  • Sustanon 250;
  • Testosterone propionate.

In advanced forms of the disease, hormones are injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. If the obesity stage is the first, the doctor may limit himself to prescribing these drugs in the form of tablets. There are even transdermal patches.

As for other drugs, all these sibutramines and amphetamines are rarely effective. In particular, it is completely useless to prescribe lipase inhibitors. Minor results can be observed after the use of centrally acting drugs that directly affect parts of the brain.

Surgical intervention

In severe obesity, when all other treatment methods are ineffective, men are offered surgical intervention. These could be operations such as:

  • gastric banding;
  • sleeve gastrectomy;
  • installation of an intragastric balloon;
  • gastric bypass, including laparoscopic biliopancreatic.

If the doctor and the patient work in a single tandem and achieve the same goals, the result will not be long in coming. Recovery is still possible.

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