Ways to lose excess weight after 40 and 45 years


Rule one: no diets!

After 40 years, additional kilograms not only creep up on us more easily, but also have difficulty leaving us. Because our metabolism slows down, we burn 300 fewer calories a day than we did when we were 20.

Additionally, the drop in estrogen levels that begins at this age leads to increased insulin sensitivity, which makes it difficult for our bodies to control our blood sugar levels.

What changes occur in the body?

Before moving on to methods of getting rid of extra pounds at home, a person needs to understand what is happening to his body. This will help you find the right path and solve the problem without harming your health.

After forty years, the following changes are observed in the body:

  • deterioration of excretory function;
  • slowing down metabolism;
  • decreased muscle mass;
  • increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • changes in hormonal levels, decreased production of female sex hormones;
  • deterioration of the skeletal system;
  • vascular disorders, etc.

Most often, at this age, women experience low physical activity, which leads to the development of various pathologies. At the onset of menopause, it is important to visit an endocrinologist.


Add more calcium

Diets with plenty of calcium prevent the risk of age-related skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis, help Calcium and dairy acceleration of weight and fat loss during energy restriction in obese adults. reduce weight and waist size.

Bones are constantly broken down and rebuilt through the process of remodeling. Until the age of 30, this occurs at approximately the same rate, but after this milestone, the rate of destruction begins to slightly exceed restoration.

Calcium helps support bone repair and reduce the risk of bone breakdown. This is especially important for women during menopause, since decreased estrogen levels slow down calcium absorption.

According to the standards of the Ministry of Health MR Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation. , adults need to consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day. This amount is contained in 100 g of hard cheese, 800 ml of milk or kefir. Also rich in calcium are some nuts and seeds (almonds, sesame, pistachios, sunflower seeds), fish and seafood (sardines, crabs, shrimp), and legumes (beans, beans).

However, calcium alone is not enough, since vitamin D is required for its absorption. The best sources are herring, salmon, mackerel, cod liver, fish oil, and egg yolks. It is found in smaller quantities in chicken, pork and beef liver, sour cream and butter.

Vitamin D is also synthesized in human skin under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, try to stay in the sun more often.

Weight norm and waist

To understand how many kilograms you need to lose, you first need to calculate your optimal weight. To do this, it is recommended to start from a normal body mass index.

To calculate it, you should divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters, multiplied by itself. The result is a mass index. Based on it, you can understand how much it deviates from the norm.

For example, with a height of 1.7 m and a weight of 60 kg, according to the above formula, 1.7 * 1.7 = 2.89. 60/2.89=20.76. Normal mass index for women is 19-24. That is, in this case, the weight is within normal limits and there is no need to lose weight.

For many, an important indicator is the waist and its absence. In this case, you should not rely on the norm imposed by advertising - 60 cm. In fact, not even all well-known models have such parameters. It is better to focus on body weight. When your weight normalizes, your waist will return to the correct parameters on its own.

Key nutrition rules

When discussing the problem of how to lose weight at 45 years old, a woman first of all needs to reconsider her diet. It must be balanced. It's important to eat right. To do this, you should follow a number of tips:

  • The morning should begin with a glass of clean warm water. Additionally, you can add a little lemon juice to it. Thus, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated and metabolic processes are launched.
  • Every day you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean still water. It is advisable to do this in the first half of the day to avoid swelling after sleep. When calculating the amount of fluid consumed, soups, tea, coffee, etc. are not taken into account. We are talking exclusively about water.
  • You should drink a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal. This will help reduce your appetite. Liquid takes up some of the free space in the stomach, causing a person to eat less.
  • Meals should be fractional and portions small. It is recommended to eat food 4-5 times a day. The last dose should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.
  • It is advisable to eat at the same time every day.
  • Regarding how much you should eat at a time, nutritionists say that the serving size should be 2 woman's fists folded together.
  • To make the task of reducing portions easier, experts recommend putting food on a small plate. This way you can trick your brain.
  • It is important to chew your food thoroughly. This way the body receives a significant amount of useful substances. At the same time, saturation occurs faster.
  • The amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet should be kept to a minimum. Carbohydrates can only be consumed in the first half of the day.
  • The daily total amount of calories should not exceed 1200-1500. The second figure is designed for people whose bodies experience physical stress. How many calories a person receives, so much should he spend. The numbers should be as close as possible.
  • The diet should contain as much iron and calcium as possible. To do this, you can take multivitamin complexes.
  • To improve metabolism, your diet includes foods that help burn fat deposits.
  • For snacks, you should use fresh vegetables, fruits, natural yogurt, and low-fat cottage cheese.

The body must receive sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances necessary for normal functioning. If there is a shortage, the brain gives the command to “stock up.” As a result, the body reduces energy expenditure. At the same time, the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits increases.

Woman on a walk

Reviews from those who have lost weight

When choosing a particular diet, it is advisable to focus on reviews. You can find them by reading a thematic forum about weight loss, where mainly those who actively lose weight gather and share their impressions and achievements. Of course, after you finally decide on your nutritional system, you need to consult a doctor.

Some residents of the forums who have lost weight urge them to seek help from nutritionists. And it is right. This way you can avoid many annoying mistakes. They share that the doctor described in great detail a whole system for them, which consisted of a gentle protein diet, food fasting and physical exercise. Many found it difficult to change established habits. However, the first plumb line of 5 kg inspired further exploits.

Some people emphasize that in order to really lose weight well, you need to eat a little at least 4 times a day, eliminate pasta and baked goods, and replace sweets with fruits. In the evening there is a mandatory walking tour. If you stick to all this, you can not only become slimmer, but also look younger.

Others preferred to make their own diet decisions. Without consultation with nutritionists. They combined nutritional correction with exercise in the gym. It should be noted that the most purposeful also received good results. But if there is no strong motivation, it is better not to experiment, but to immediately consult with a specialist.

Having studied the reviews of those who have lost weight, we can conclude that after 40 years, only a healthy diet will help a woman lose weight. And, of course, regular cardio exercise - for example, a 20-minute run, 3 sets per day.

Important factors for losing weight

When figuring out how a woman can lose weight at 40, it is important to understand that with dietary restrictions alone, it will be difficult to achieve results. The process can take a long time. An integrated approach is needed.

This requires:

  • Take walks. Walking speeds up your metabolism. Long walks in the fresh air are a great way to provide tissues and cells with oxygen, which has a positive effect on the weight loss process.
  • Exercise. The body needs at least minimal physical activity. To do this, you can visit the pool 2 times a week, do yoga, gymnastics, dancing, etc. Training should be regular. Exercises can be done at any convenient time.
  • Quality sleep. To lose extra pounds and improve your health, you need to get enough sleep. During sleep, the body recovers. Normal sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours a day. It is important that it be continuous. You can also relax during the daytime. However, it is not taken into account in the 7-8 hours indicated above. Thanks to this, the woman will look younger.
  • Examination. Weight gain is often caused by health problems. To exclude pathology, you should undergo a medical examination 2 times a year. Visit an endocrinologist, therapist and other specialists.

The body should receive positive emotions. Stress leads to weight gain and poor overall health.


When losing weight, 80% of success is determined by proper nutrition, and only 20% depends on training. Sports are necessary in order to get a beautiful, toned body, which is impossible with proper nutrition alone. After 40 years of age, women are recommended physical activity to lose weight, but more gentle than at 20 years of age. For example, heavy functional and impact training should be replaced with low-impact, joint-friendly training.

We offer a three-day training plan without equipment, designed for weight loss or for maintaining good shape for women over 40 years old.

Training plan and rules:

  • The program consists of a three-day plan: cardio exercises (day 1), training the arms, abdomen and back (day 2), training the legs and buttocks (day 3).
  • The first option for the weekly plan: train 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes, for example, Mon/Wed/Fri or Tue/Thu/Sat.
  • The second option for the weekly plan: train 6 times a week for 15-20 minutes, alternating the three proposed workouts with each other.
  • For those who want to lose weight, it is better to focus on cardio exercises and perform them more often than leg training or upper training (for example, 2 times a week instead of once).
  • Additionally, 1-2 times a week you can do yoga or stretching exercises and muscle relaxation. Check out the selection of exercises in this section.
  • As a warm-up before training, perform joint exercises. Don't start training without warm-up exercises!
  • At the end of the training, do stretching for the whole body.

Exercise options:

  1. First option (by repetitions). Perform the specified number of repetitions, one after another. Rest between exercises for 15-20 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the exercises in two circles (for beginners and intermediate levels) or three circles (for advanced ones), resting 1 minute between circles. At first, you can take a 1-minute break every 5-6 minutes.
  2. Second option (in time). Perform timed exercises according to the 30 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest scheme (ready timer) or according to the 45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of rest scheme (ready timer). It is recommended to repeat the exercises in two circles (for beginners and intermediate levels) or three circles (for advanced ones), resting 1 minute between circles. At first, you can take a 1-minute break every 5-6 minutes.


Cardio training is necessary for fat burning and stimulating metabolism. We do not recommend running or jumping after 40 years of age to avoid putting stress on your joints. As an alternative, we offer low-impact cardio training that will help you effectively lose weight at home.

In the first couple of weeks of training, we recommend reducing the number of repetitions by 2 times, so as not to start with sudden loads.

1. Step with knees up

Stand up straight and bend your elbows so that your palms face down. Lift each knee one at a time, trying to touch your palms. An excellent exercise to start your cardio workout, which quickly increases your heart rate, and also tightens your abs and strengthens your leg muscles.

How much to do: 25 leg raises on each side (50 in total).

2. Shin wraps with arm raises

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, arms down. Bend each leg back one at a time, as if you were running with a shin sweep. With each overlap, raise your arms up through your sides. By engaging the muscles of the upper and lower body at the same time, you can quickly increase your heart rate and start fat burning processes.

How much to do: 20 leg wraps on each side (40 in total).

3. Boxing

Stand straight, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Slightly turn your body and pelvis, tighten your stomach. Start boxing intensely with your hands, trying to put force into each blow. This low-impact cardio exercise quickly raises your heart rate without stressing the joints of your lower body.

How much to perform: 50 blows with both hands (25 each) first on one side, then 50 blows with both hands (25 each) on the other side.

4. Swing forward with palms touching

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your legs one at a time, trying to touch the opposite palm. The exercise tightens the most problematic areas for women after 40 years: the stomach and legs.

How much to do: 15 leg swings on each side (30 in total).

5. Shin wraps

Lower your arms and move them back a little, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Perform a dynamic shin sweep, maintaining a steady rhythm and avoiding sudden movements. This exercise is a great low-impact alternative to running at home.

How much to do: 25 leg wraps on each side (50 in total).

6. Swing to the side

Clasp your hands in front of you, keep your feet together and bend your knees slightly. Swing to the side, raising your leg as high as possible, while moving your body forward. Exercise is useful not only for burning calories, but also for getting rid of breeches and sides.

How much to do: 25 leg swings on one side, then 25 leg swings on the other side.

7. Side step with arms raised

Place your feet together and lower your arms down so that one palm is next to the other. Take a step to the side while raising your arms up. Go back and put your hands down. Step sideways with your other foot, raising your arms up again, then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise rhythmically at an average pace. Exercise burns calories, helps get rid of problem areas and strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.

How much to do: 20 leg abductions on each side (40 in total).

8. Kicks

Place your arms at your chest, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform an energetic kick forward, fully extending your knee. Perform kicks with each leg alternately. This kickboxing exercise tones your legs, butt, and stomach while burning calories without the jumping or impact.

How much to do: 20 kicks on each side (40 in total).

9. Raising the knees with touching the elbows

Now bend your elbows and lift each knee one at a time, trying to touch the opposite elbow. This exercise is useful for strengthening the abdominal muscles, tightening the abdomen and getting rid of the “life preserver” at the waist.

How much to do: 20 crunches on each side (40 in total).

10. Half squat with leg abduction

Place your feet wider than shoulder width and lower yourself into a half squat. Keep your hands in front of you. As you rise from a half-squat, spread your elbows to the sides and move your leg back. Perform a full set on one side, then the other. The exercise is not only useful as cardio for burning fat, but also super effective for getting rid of cellulite, tightening the buttocks and hamstrings.

How much to do: 20 leg swings on one side, then 20 leg swings on the other side.

You can repeat the workout in 2 circles (for intermediate level) or 3 circles (for advanced).


The second day of the plan is devoted to working the upper body. Here you will find exercises that will help tighten your arms and stomach, define your waist, and strengthen your chest muscles. The workout will tone your muscles, boost your metabolism and help women over 40 lose weight quickly and safely.

In the first couple of weeks of training, we recommend reducing the number of repetitions by 2 times, so as not to start with sudden loads.

1. Half lunge raise

Place your right leg in front, bending it slightly at the knee. Bend your arms at the elbows, palms in front of you. Raise your arms to the sides with maximum amplitude and bring them back. A simple exercise that tightens the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest. At the same time, the lower part of the body also works due to the half-lunge position. To make it more difficult, you can pick up light dumbbells of 1-2 kg.

How much to do: 30 arm raises.

2. Half-lunge abduction

Now place your left foot forward. Pull your arms straight back and perform scissors with maximum amplitude without sudden movements. This exercise very well tightens the problem area of ​​the triceps in women over 40 on the back of the arms. To make it more difficult, you can pick up light dumbbells of 1-2 kg.

How much to do: 40 hand pulsations.

3. Pulling the knee to the chest

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, raise your arms up, clasping your palms. Shift your body weight to your left leg and lift your right leg up, bending it at the knee. As you raise your knee, lower your arms, trying to touch your knee with your palms. Perform the exercise at a moderate pace, engaging your core muscles. This is one of the most effective fat-burning exercises for the stomach and flat abs.

How much to do: 25 pull-ups on one side, then 25 pull-ups on the other side.

4. Pulsating Arm Raise

Spread your arms out to the sides so that your palms are facing down. Perform light pulsating movements with your hands up and down with a small amplitude. This is another simple exercise for slender arms, which, despite its apparent ease, tightens the muscles well.

How much to do: 40 hand pulsations.

5. Crunch with hands on knees

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Place your palms on your hips and lift your upper body, squeezing your abdominal muscles. Do not lift your lower back off the floor, only raise your shoulder blades. This is a lighter version of the classic crunch for a flat stomach and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

How much to do: 15 crunches.

6. Body turns

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and move your body back a little. Close your palms and rotate your body left and right, touching your palms to the floor on each side. A simple and effective exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles, helping to achieve a slimmer waist and get rid of the sides.

How many to perform: 20 touches on each side (40 in total).

7. "Hunting Dog"

Get on all fours, straighten your leg and raise your opposite arm. Then bend your knee, pulling your knee toward your body. At the same time, bend your elbow, trying to touch your knee. This simple exercise is useful for women 40+ not only to get a slender and toned stomach, but also to improve posture, improve the health of the spine and strengthen the deep back muscles.

How much to do: 20 pull-ups on one side, then 20 pull-ups on the other side.

8. Climber

Get into a plank position with your arms straight. Bend each leg alternately, taking rhythmic steps forward, bringing your knee toward your chest. Climbing is considered one of the best functional exercises, allowing you to engage several muscle groups at once: arms and shoulders, stomach and back, legs and buttocks.

How much to do: 15 knee-to-chest pull-ups on each side (30 total).

9. Superman Arm Pull Back

Lie on your stomach with your arms extended in front of you. Alternately move your arm back, turning your body in each direction. Perform the exercise at a calm pace, concentrating on the exercise. An effective exercise for strengthening the back and lumbar muscles, as well as straightening your posture and getting rid of osteochondrosis.

How much to do: 15 leads on each side (30 in total).

10. Lifting the body from the side bar

Stand in a side plank position on your forearm, with your upper leg straight and your lower leg bent at the knee. Raise and lower your body, lifting the thigh of your lower leg off the floor. The plank tightens the sides and waist, and also actively engages the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

How much to do: 15 lifts on one side, then 15 lifts on the other side.

You can repeat the workout in 2 circles (for intermediate level) or 3 circles (for advanced).


The third day of the training plan is designed to work the lower body. Here are exercises for strengthening the legs, shaping the buttocks and tightening the thighs, which are perfect for losing weight for women over 40 years old.

In the first couple of weeks of training, we recommend reducing the number of repetitions by 2 times, so as not to start with sudden loads.

1. "Good morning"

Stand up straight, put your hands behind your head. Lean forward with a straight back, without rounding your lower back. Movement occurs through the hip joints rather than flexion of the spine. A simple but effective exercise for the buttocks and hamstrings.

How much to do: 15 bends.

2. Taking the leg back

Stand with your side to the back of a chair, holding it with your hand. Pull your legs back almost parallel to the floor. Make sure your leg moves in the same plane. This is a super-effective exercise for women on the buttocks and hamstrings.

How much to do: 20 leg swings on each side.

3. Swing to the side with knee lift

Stay in the same position, only now swing your leg to the side. As you bring your leg toward your body, lift your knee up. The leg swing helps tighten the outer and inner thighs, while the knee pull works the quadriceps and abs.

How much to do: 15 leg swings on each side.

4. Leg abduction with knee lift

Turn your face to the chair and perform abduction with a bent leg, at the extreme point raise your knee up. This is another effective exercise for the buttocks with the additional inclusion of the abdominal muscles by pulling the knee to the chest.

How much to do: 15 leg swings on each side.

5. Swing up on all fours

Get on all fours and lift your leg bent at the knee upward, performing abduction. Perform the exercise with maximum amplitude, straining your buttocks. This affordable exercise should definitely be included in the workout for women 40+ who want to pump up their buttocks and get rid of cellulite.

How much to do: 15 leg swings on each side.

6. Fire hydrant

Remaining on all fours, move your leg to the side without straightening your knee. Keep the target muscles tense during the exercise. This exercise not only pumps up the gluteal muscles, but also helps tighten the outer and inner thighs.

How much to do: 15 leg abductions on each side.

7. Leg swing

Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. Lift your top leg up at a 45-degree angle. Here, do not work with maximum amplitude, so as not to relax the muscles at the end point. This exercise is easy to perform, and it is indispensable in the fight for slim legs.

How much to do: 20 leg swings on each side.

8. Pilates Sink

Staying on your side, bend your knees and close your feet, keeping them suspended. Lift the knee of your top leg, opening your hips, then close them together again. Keep your feet apart and try to keep your supporting leg motionless. One of the best exercises for the inner thigh, which is a problem area for women of any age.

How much to perform: 20 dilutions on each side.

9. Gluteal bridge

Lie on your back and bend your knees. The feet rest on the heels for better emphasis on the gluteal muscles. Lift your pelvis up, tensing the muscles of your buttocks and abs. The glute bridge strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, hamstrings and lower back.

How much to do: 20 pelvic lifts.

10. Lying leg abduction

Lie on your stomach with your chin on your forearms. Alternately lift each leg as high as possible until your buttocks are tense. Try not to lift your body off the floor; only your legs should work. This is a simple, low-impact exercise that will help tighten your buttocks and hamstrings.

How much to do: 15 lifts on each side (30 in total).

You can repeat the workout in 2 circles (for intermediate level) or 3 circles (for advanced).

The best foods for weight loss

When losing weight, your diet should include certain foods:

  • Fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits. They are a source of fiber. As a result, the intestines are cleansed, waste and toxins are removed. Vegetables and fruits also saturate the body with vitamins. At the same time, most fruits do not contain calories and do not harm the figure. Fruits are consumed only in the first half of the day.
  • Cereals. Rice, buckwheat, millet and other cereals are a source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. They should also be consumed in the morning. The ideal option is breakfast. The exception is semolina. They get better from it.
  • Nuts. You need to eat a small handful of nuts per day. Despite the fact that this is a high-calorie product, when taken in moderation, they do not harm the figure.
  • Beans. Beans, peas and other foods normalize insulin levels. However, canned beans are prohibited.
  • Dairy products. Women need to eat cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, and natural yogurt. It is advisable to choose products with a minimum amount of fat.
  • Meat and fish. The body needs protein and amino acids. To do this, it is important to eat lean meats and fish every day.
  • Eggs. They are a source of protein and fat. Eggs should be present in a woman’s daily diet.
  • Soy. Soy products are a source of protein. They quickly and effectively eliminate obesity.
  • Spices. Red pepper, cinnamon, ginger and other spices are excellent fat burners. When used in moderation, they promote weight loss and are not harmful.

It is allowed to eat dark chocolate, cookies in limited quantities, and black bread.

Food after 40

Improve bowel function

No matter how strange it may sound, our health and beauty depend on the functioning of the intestines. Beneficial gut bacteria help the immune system fight pathogenic microorganisms. The appearance of seborrhea is also associated with a violation of the microflora in the intestines.

Do not forget about taking antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on the microflora. In cases where taking medications cannot be avoided, you should help your intestines function. Natural probiotics come to the rescue. This:

  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes.

These products restore microflora. There are also natural prebiotics that create conditions for the proliferation of beneficial rather than harmful bacteria. This:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • asparagus.

In addition, the intestines work better when fiber-rich foods are present in the diet. This is a prevention of constipation and flatulence. Fiber is found in:

  • pumpkin seeds and pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • cocoa;
  • apples

Blacklist of products

Separately, it should be said about foods that can help you get better:

  • Salt. Salty foods retain water in the body. Along with this, the weight also increases. To reduce it, the amount of salt is reduced to a minimum. You can use soy sauce instead.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol contains a large number of calories. Many people consume large amounts of food at the same time, as a result of which they gain weight. Alcohol also removes water and vitamin C from the body, which accelerates the withering process.
  • Sugar. This is the main product that makes people fat. Sweets do not benefit the body. Instead, it manifests itself as kilograms on the stomach and cellulite on the legs.
  • Some vegetables. Despite the benefits of the fruits, women get better from a number of them. We are talking about potatoes, carrots, beets. Their amount in the diet should be minimal.

It is also worth limiting the amount of coffee.

Even children know about the dangers of smoked foods, preservatives, chips, fast food and other products for weight loss and overall figure. It is important not to forget about this and completely avoid such dishes.

How to get out of a diet correctly

Any diet involves a smooth inclusion of familiar foods. A sharp return to normal eating will provoke a rapid gain of kilograms. To avoid this, you need to:

  • try not to overeat;
  • do not indulge in flour, sweet and fatty foods;
  • drink enough water per day;
  • add high-calorie foods to the menu gradually.

The body, which was experiencing a calorie deficit, will begin to actively store fat deposits. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow these rules. It is best to make healthy eating a principle of life.

Sample menu for seven days

To look fit and attractive in the photo, after 40 it is recommended to follow a diet. The diet for 7 days could be like this:

  • Breakfast. Barley porridge. Egg. Tea.
  • Dinner. Rice soup. Salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Oven baked fish.
  • Breakfast. Omelette. Toast.
  • Dinner. Chicken bouillon. A piece of meat.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt.
  • Dinner. Meat baked with herbs.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Soup. Meat salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Casserole.
  • Dinner. Boiled veal. A fresh vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast. 2 boiled eggs. Toast.
  • Dinner. Boiled brown rice with meat.
  • Afternoon snack. Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Fish on a bed of vegetables.
  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese. Fruits.
  • Dinner. Chicken bouillon. Vegetable Salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Kefir. Nuts.
  • Dinner. Baked potato.
  • Breakfast. Wheat porridge. Boiled egg.
  • Dinner. Boiled veal. Seasonal vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Dried fruits (6-8 pieces).
  • Dinner. Baked turkey breast (1/3 part).
  • Breakfast. Hard-boiled eggs. Toast.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup puree. Kebab with greens.
  • Afternoon snack. Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Fish with seasonal vegetables.

The menu is quite varied. As a result, the diet is easily tolerated.

Expert advice

To lose weight, you should take the advice of professional nutritionists:

  • Once a week it is worth having a fasting day. This does not mean that you will have to fast for a day. On such days you can consume kefir and, for example, buckwheat.
  • Baking should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • Fried, fatty, smoked foods will also have to be completely abandoned. Those who do not like boiled food can use baking.
  • Hunger is strictly prohibited. This is a serious blow to the body.
  • Teas and diet pills should be avoided. They have a laxative effect and, together with feces, remove minerals and trace elements from the body.

To start losing weight, you need to completely reconsider your rhythm of life. Eliminate foods that cause obesity. To do exercises. Spend more time on your health and emotional state. This will help you not only lose weight, but also look much younger and more attractive, and improve your psycho-emotional state. As a result, the woman likes herself in the photo and feels a surge of strength and energy.

You can learn more about how a woman can lose weight after 45 years, and why the body accumulates fat, from the video:

Increase your fat intake

Beautiful hair and wrinkle-free skin are not the only beneficial functions of fats. Eating enough fat literally prolongs your life. Unsaturated fatty acids help reduce cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. In addition, the membranes of all cells of the human body consist of fatty acids, therefore, with a lack of fat, memory, vision, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are impaired, and dry skin appears.

It is worth paying attention to the following products:

  • fish fat;
  • tuna;
  • salmon;
  • walnuts;
  • sunflower and olive oils.

Only unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial. Trans fats, which are found in excess in confectionery products, fast food, and processed foods, are considered harmful fats and cause the opposite effect - they contribute to the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels. It is advisable to reduce their consumption to a minimum and, if possible, exclude them from the diet.

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