Quitting smoking and losing weight at the same time is not as easy as it might seem. Many people, when they quit smoking, are afraid that after this serious step they may gain weight. That is why some are looking for reasons not to give up their addiction. It’s rare to find women who can boast that they easily managed to quit smoking and lose weight. So is this possible and if so, how to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time?

The effect of smoking on a person's weight

The most dangerous substance in a cigarette is nicotine, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. Excessive amounts of this substance pose a threat to the body. A smoker is most often at a stable weight because he spends a lot of energy fighting nicotine and tobacco smoke.

Why does smoking keep a person at a stable weight?

  • burns calories by binding them with resins from smoke;
  • no constant appetite;
  • the body is poisoned and organs are damaged;
  • due to increased glucose levels, a feeling of satiety appears;
  • metabolism occurs at an accelerated rate, and a large number of nutrients are poorly absorbed.

In experienced smokers, the body is too clogged, so some of its functions may be impaired. For example, diseases such as ulcers, cardiovascular diseases, and yellowed skin and teeth are common among smokers. The more stress a smoker experiences, the more pronounced his thinness. This is because such people smoke too much, thus replacing meals.

However, approximately 40% of people who smoke for a long time may gain weight. This is due to impaired metabolism. Some beneficial substances are excreted from the body, but more are stored as fat in the body under the influence of nicotine. This can last for many years. You can even track how a smoker becomes more obese over time. After giving up cigarettes, such people can only get worse because they begin to replace the nicotine required by the body with sweets. Therefore, quitting smoking and losing weight at the same time is extremely difficult.

Quit smoking and lose weight at the same time

Why do they get better?

Knowing why people lose weight from smoking will help you understand what the problem is and what mistakes should not be made when quitting tobacco. There are two main reasons for this: chronic intoxication and the effect of nicotine on metabolism. But the second affects the body only slightly.

According to research, nicotine accelerates metabolic processes only for a short period of time. Therefore, for those who smoke only a few cigarettes a day, their body weight remains virtually unchanged when they quit this habit. But heavy smokers really run the risk of gaining a lot of weight if they don’t control themselves.

But the first reason is far from harmless. With chronic intoxication, which is caused by a combination of nicotine and tar inhaled along with smoke, irreversible processes gradually develop in the body, leading to chronic diseases.

Heavy smokers can be easily recognized by their external signs:

  • teeth damaged and covered with dirty plaque;
  • yellowish, dry, parchment-like skin;
  • unpleasant pungent odor from the mouth;
  • constant cough (often paroxysmal);
  • severe shortness of breath even with minimal exertion.

All this is a sign of damage to internal organs and pathological processes occurring in the body. Naturally, the body tries to somehow resist this, which takes a huge amount of energy. Therefore, a person does not gain weight, even if he eats a lot.

Against the background of this information, the answer to the question of whether smoking helps you lose weight no longer looks as harmless as smokers try to present it. Weight does indeed decrease, but the price for such weight loss is the gradual destruction of the entire body. And for a reasonable person, staying slim at such a cost is out of the question.

How to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy while quitting smoking.

  1. Try to prepare yourself psychologically. It is not at all necessary to constantly scroll through the same thought in your head that you are quitting smoking and become fixated on it. Just try to remove those items that may remind you of smoking. For example, get rid of ashtrays and lighters at hand, refuse a spare pack of cigarettes and try to avoid smoking rooms during lunch breaks. If possible, avoid being in the company of smokers. Before the date when you intend to quit smoking, try to listen to and read trainings or special techniques to facilitate the process of quitting the bad habit.
  2. It is known that in order to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time, the process of giving up a bad habit should be instantaneous; you should not plan it for a long time and look for different ways, stretching it out over a long period of time. Just choose a specific day and quit your addiction without hesitation!
  3. How to quit smoking, but also lose weight at the same time? The answer is obvious: try to switch to proper nutrition. There can be 5 or more meals per day, the main criterion is small portions. Avoid eating after seven o'clock in the evening. If you have already quit smoking, do not rush to pounce on sweets, flour, snacks and soda. It is advisable to eat healthy for another month after quitting smoking and not give in to weakness to eat the nicotine required by the body with junk food. Especially for the first couple of weeks, avoid foods that contain a lot of glucose (in particular nuts and fruits). It is better to chew sugar-free gum or even just a match.
  4. Move more. Get into the habit of doing exercises in the morning. Scientists have also proven that swimming is very useful for people who have quit smoking, because it helps to quickly burn calories thanks to the work of all muscles.
  5. Try rewarding yourself for every day without smoking. For example, go to the cinema or buy a new thing.
  6. The taste of menthol reduces the desire to smoke, so try to brush your teeth after every meal.
  7. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, because lack of sleep can lead to you gaining weight due to poor metabolism.

Quitting smoking and losing weight at the same time is not an easy task. It is known that only 20% of those who want to quit smoking get rid of their addiction. In order for the process of quitting smoking to be effective, you need to understand and realize all the positive aspects of your choice. To do this, it is recommended to get tested to find out the health problems associated with smoking.

How to eat in the first month after quitting smoking?

Almost everyone who quits smoking begins to gain weight, especially for people who are naturally overweight. In this case, panic begins, and as a result, a doubled appetite. Remember that diets and hunger are not the way out of this situation. If you quit smoking and want to lose weight at the same time, you need to eat more foods that reduce nicotine cravings. Such products include:

  1. Dairy products. Some even specifically soak cigarettes in milk, as this product causes an aversion to nicotine. Try to drink a glass of milk a day to cleanse your body and stay alert throughout the day.
  2. Eat ginger, especially when you have a strong urge to smoke. Salt a piece of ginger and place it behind your cheek like a candy.
  3. To cleanse your body of toxins, eat broccoli. By the way, this product prevents the formation of cancer thanks to the special substances contained in its composition. And this is very important for smokers, even former smokers, because they are especially prone to cancer.
  4. Potatoes, legumes, tomatoes and cucumbers, celery, and asparagus also reduce the craving for smoking. The beneficial substances in these vegetables help cleanse the body of a former smoker.
  5. Few people know, but eggplant contains a little nicotine, which helps a person quitting smoking cope with nicotine withdrawal.
  6. Try to minimize or completely eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages, because it causes cravings for cigarettes.
  7. During a smoke break at work, it is best to snack on a banana, dried fruit or an apple.
  8. To cleanse the body of toxins and nicotine in the body, drink more than 2 liters of water per day, preferably in small sips. Eliminate sugary drinks from your diet, they significantly affect the appearance of excess weight.
  9. Temporarily exclude coffee from your menu; it most closely reminds you of a bad habit.
  10. Minimize the consumption of salty and spicy foods, because their aftertaste can only be overcome by the smell of a cigarette.

how to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time

Exercises that help you lose weight

It is definitely impossible to lose weight after quitting smoking without exercising. You don't have to go to the gym at all. To gradually lose weight and stay in shape, simple exercises are enough to help you feel cheerful and not think about cigarettes. Sample exercise plan:

  • squat – about 55 times;
  • ice skating – several times a week for 30 minutes;
  • ride a bike - every day on average 45 minutes;
  • walk quickly - every day for about an hour;
  • walk around the park - every day for about an hour and a half;
  • swim – 3 times a day for at least 30 minutes;
  • slow running – 2 times a week for an hour and a half.

Within a week you will feel vigorous and healthy. You can come up with your own training program, consisting of the most interesting and suitable exercises for you. Remember that physical activity should not be excessive, as this can negatively affect the functioning of your body.

Exercises to help you lose weight while quitting smoking

Most smokers wonder if it is possible to lose weight after quitting smoking without exercise? The answer is clear - no. To do this, you don’t need to sign up for a gym, exhausting yourself with long workouts, or go jogging in the morning. For gradual weight loss and maintaining physical fitness, it is recommended to perform simple exercises and physical activity, during which you can get a lot of positive emotions and forget about the desire to smoke for a while. The following daily physical activities are recommended:

  • squats - at least 50 times;
  • ice skating 2-3 times a week - at least 30 minutes;
  • daily cycling - 40-60 minutes;
  • daily brisk walking - at least 1 hour;
  • daily leisurely walk in the park - at least 90 minutes;
  • swimming 3 times a week - 30-45 minutes;
  • leisurely jogging once every 3 days - 30-40 minutes.

After 1 week of classes, a person will feel a surge of strength and improved well-being. Everyone can design their own workout, including various exercises. Physical activity should increase evenly. Excessive stress can cause disruption of the cardiovascular system, shortness of breath, and sprained ligaments and muscles.

Tips to help you quit smoking

Every smoker understands very well that it is very difficult to quit your bad habit. It is especially difficult to endure the first couple of days of nicotine withdrawal. The main thing is not to give yourself any slack during this period, then you will definitely be able to get rid of the addiction. Losing excess weight while quitting smoking can help not only with proper nutrition and exercise, but also with some special methods. Here are some of them:

  1. Make yourself a special anti-nicotine tea: pour a teaspoon of black tea with 2 cups of boiling water, add half a teaspoon of valerian, chicory root and mint, as well as nettle leaves and fragrant rue. Leave for one hour and take 100 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Prepare oatmeal broth: pour 2 tablespoons of oat grains with a glass of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes and leave for an hour. After this, strain the broth and take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Take fish oil 2 times a day, a teaspoon.
  4. Rinse your mouth with baking soda solution. Particularly effective for acute cravings for cigarettes. To prepare the solution, stir a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  5. Nowadays there are more modern methods. For example, special tablets, patches, electronic cigarettes, etc.

Quitting smoking is not so easy, so many people give up without finishing what they started. But it is even more difficult during this period to fight excess weight. All of the above tips will help you lose weight and quit smoking at the same time. The main thing is not to allow yourself to relax, but to continue to fight the bad habit.

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