Is it possible to lose weight in a week or a month if you don't eat after 6 pm?

The topic of losing weight will never cease to be discussed among girls and women of all ages. The question of whether you can lose weight or not if you don’t eat after 6 pm is one of the most popular. In practice, this approach almost always works, especially if a person does not neglect other advice in the field of dietetics and a healthy lifestyle.

General rules

The diet of not eating after 15 allows you to lose 10 kg, it would seem, thanks to one simple rule - not to eat after a certain hour X. However, like all methods that set a time frame, weight loss occurs:

  • not at the expense of hour X, but by giving up dinner and thereby reducing daily caloric intake by at least 30%, and if you are used to eating in front of the TV all evening, then by all 50%, and such a change will give a serious impact in the coming days;
  • thanks to the diet menu - you still shouldn’t hope that if you eat sandwiches and rolls without a break until 15:00, you will lose weight sharply, the food should be dietary, complete and balanced, include lean meat, vegetables, some fruits and healthy fats;
  • carbohydrates and extra calories received before 15:00 will most likely be spent during the day, and if you limit the consumption of sweets and starchy foods, the existing energy deficit will cause the breakdown of existing reserves;
  • maintaining water balance - to feel good you need to consume a lot of natural water, because toxins need to be removed, and the best way for this is water, first set a “reminder” and drink at least 6 glasses a day.

How can you lose weight if you don’t eat after 6?

Many nutritionists advise those who want to lose weight to limit their food intake in the evening. This is due to the fact that after 6 pm a person’s activity most often drops, accordingly, metabolism slows down, and everything eaten does not have time to be digested. As a result, instead of an energy supply, a person receives a supply of subcutaneous fat. If you eat too late, you may have trouble sleeping.

Experts are of the opinion that eating at night is harmful. But they also say that the time interval between meals should not be too long. Therefore, it is better for those who go to bed at 21-22 hours to finish dinner before 6 pm. This diet is contraindicated for people who lead a nocturnal lifestyle, men and women with irregular work schedules, as well as people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Weight loss with this diet occurs due to a calorie deficit. Even an early dinner should contain a minimum of calories, and the diet during the day should be balanced as much as possible. If you consume double the amount of calories in the first half of the day, there will be no result from the evening “hunger strike”.

If your diet is “no eating after 6”, in order to get maximum results, you should give up the following foods:

  • all store-bought sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • sausages and frankfurters, semi-finished products;
  • sweets, baked goods, pastries and cakes;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

For dinner, you should avoid eating large amounts of raw vegetables and fruits that are high in sugar.

Authorized Products

anemia from developing during the diet , the following should be on the table every day:

  • protein is the main building material, not only of muscles, but also of blood cells, hormones , and much more, it doesn’t have to be lobsters or steaks every day, but eggs, poultry fillets, seafood, legumes, boiled beef and other types of lean meat you need to consume at least 140 g per day (for weight loss for women) and 160 g (for weight loss for men);
  • carbohydrates must be complex, they can be obtained from whole grain bread, cereals and vegetables, the daily norm for women is up to 120 g, and for men - up to 160 g;
  • healthy fats are found in fish, nuts, seeds, unrefined vegetable oil; for weight loss, 30 g is enough for women and 40 g per day for men;
  • vitamins - every day it is recommended to eat a couple of fresh fruits, a fruit salad or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, but if you notice that your body still lacks vitamins - your hair has become brittle and your complexion is pale, then consult a doctor who will prescribe you a multivitamin complex and, in general, will conduct diagnostics - evaluate the feasibility of using such a weight loss technique;
  • drinks - it is not forbidden to drink natural unsweetened tea and one glass of low-fat kefir an hour before bedtime.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

salad pepper1,30,05,327
head lettuce0,90,11,814



Cereals and porridges

boiled wild rice4,00,321,1100

Flour and pasta


Bakery products

rye flatbread8,018,344,2376
Old Russian grain bread9,62,747,1252
bran bread7,51,345,2227


fruit and berry marmalade0,40,076,6293

Raw materials and seasonings

Himalayan pink salt0,10,10,75


kefir 0%3,00,13,830

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled boiled pork16,418,31,0233
turkey cutlets18,612,28,7220


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130


hard-boiled chicken eggs12,911,60,8160

Fish and seafood

boiled shrimp18,92,20,095
fish fillet15,23,50,091

Oils and fats

linseed oil0,099,80,0898
olive oil0,099,80,0898

Non-alcoholic drinks

black coffee0,20,00,32
green tea0,00,00,0
tea tied dry20,05,14,0141

Juices and compotes

Orange juice0,90,28,136
Apple juice0,40,49,842
* data is per 100 g of product

Rules for switching to the “don’t eat after six” diet

You need to switch to this diet gradually.

  • First, replace high-calorie foods for dinner with low-calorie foods (boiled vegetables, vegetable salads with vegetable oil dressing, fresh fruits (melon, apple, apricot, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, etc., excluding banana, grapes), fresh vegetables ( carrots, beets, cabbage, etc.) low-calorie dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt). Then, you can have dinner earlier.
  • Before going to bed, do not do kitchen chores to avoid the temptation to eat.
  • In the evening, try not to drink: tea, juices, alcoholic drinks, as they increase appetite.
  • To distract yourself from the desire to eat in the evening, take a bath, go for a walk, read, watch an interesting movie, do embroidery, knitting, etc.
  • You can brush your teeth two hours before bed, then you won’t want to eat so you don’t have to brush your teeth again.
  • If you want to eat after six, a glass of low-fat kefir, fresh cabbage salad, grapefruit, 1 tsp will help. honey dissolved in a glass of warm water.
  • We gradually reduce the number of snacks and increase the interval from the last meal to bedtime.

Basic rules of the “don’t eat after six” diet:

  1. You should eat four meals: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner. The time interval between them should be four hours. If you are very hungry, you can have a snack - drink a glass of kefir or eat unsweetened fruit.
  2. It is necessary to reduce the daily calorie intake.
  3. You can't overeat.
  4. To increase the effectiveness of your diet, increase physical activity, exercise, and move more. But you can’t train late in the evening, otherwise you won’t want to sleep longer, you’ll have a strong appetite, and you may even break your diet.

Fully or partially limited products

In theory, the “don’t eat after 15” diet does not impose any prohibitions, but in order not to provoke ulcers , gastritis , pancreatitis , you should limit yourself to such foods as:

  • fried - it is better to cook any dishes in a dry frying pan, in a double boiler, stew, bake or boil, because vegetable fats, when heated, can turn into trans fats and provoke cancer, atherosclerosis , and put stress on the liver and other organs;
  • fatty – the diet of a healthy, fit person should not contain pork, lard, margarine, grilled chicken, because these are high-calorie foods, which can also lead to problems with the liver, gallstones, blood vessels, and metabolism ;
  • smoked - it is better even for a healthy person to consume it no more than once a month, because both “liquid smoke” and classic smoking, due to the presence of resins and ash, make the product a dangerous carcinogen and allergen ;
  • salt and spices are not prohibited by doctors, but there should be a moderate amount of them, if it is salt, then up to 5 g per day, and spices should be moderately hot, natural and without impurities such as preservatives and dyes;
  • sugar and flour are another scourge of modern society, we can no longer imagine tea, coffee, a snack without sugar, cookies, but these raw materials are too refined and processed, therefore they are empty carbohydrates that are absorbed with lightning speed, and if there is an excess in the bloodstream, either provoke a strong release of insulin from the pancreas (which is also bad, because it puts a lot of stress on it) or are stored in reserve; they have no benefit, so if you want to lose weight, give up sugar, sweets, buns, white bread, eat more non-starchy fruits, marshmallows, berry desserts;
  • canned food, semi-finished products, fast food, packaged sauces and juices should also be abandoned, their real composition is unknown or too frightening; the emulsifiers, dyes , preservatives , flavor enhancers , GMOs indicated there have long been recognized as hazardous to health, but if the manufacturer notified you about the composition on the packaging, then he completely abdicated responsibility and it’s not scary that the majority do not have any concepts about these substances, so do not abuse this food even in everyday life!

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,530,053,0520
caramel popcorn5,38,776,1401

Flour and pasta

premium pasta10,41,169,7337
pancakes with butter8,015,240,6332
Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms6,03,632,0184

Bakery products



candy caramel0,00,196,2362
milk candies2,74,382,3364
butter cookies10,45,276,8458

Raw materials and seasonings

chili sauce2,50,330,1120

Meat products

fried pork11,449,30,0489


amateur smoked sausage17,339,00,0420
brawn sausage11,328,40,3340
pork chops10,033,00,0337

Fish and seafood

hot smoked pink salmon23,27,60,0161
canned squid20,02,00,0105
canned saury17,52,00,088

Oils and fats

table milk margarine0,382,01,0743
vegetable-fat spread0,040,00,0360

Alcoholic drinks

Cahors red wine0,00,016,0147
light beer0,30,04,642

Non-alcoholic drinks

energy drink burn0,00,011,649
* data is per 100 g of product

If you don't eat after 6, how much weight can you lose?

It is impossible to say for sure, if you don’t eat after 6, how much weight you can lose in a week or a month. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the number of calories consumed daily, age and lifestyle. The older a person is, the slower his body gets rid of extra pounds.

Reviews and results from people indicate that the process of losing excess weight is noticeable within a week. By introducing small restrictions in the first week, you can lose 1-2 kg of excess weight. For obese people, this figure can be 5 kg or more.

A holistic approach to weight loss can produce more tangible results. The pounds will begin to fall off faster if you adhere to a more active lifestyle. For example, evening walks at a moderate pace will help distract you from the feeling of hunger before bed and increase your calorie expenditure. Some people who lose weight achieve impressive results; their weight loss can be 10–20 kg. But you shouldn’t be like those around you, each organism is individual.

Some people ask the question “How much weight can you lose in a month if you don’t eat after 5?” But such strict measures can cause breakdowns and even greater weight gain.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Sample menu for the day

Option 1

  • oat flakes with blueberries;
  • toast with tomatoes and ham;
  • black coffee.
  • fresh vegetable salad;
  • boiled breast;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  • lean vegetable stew;
  • a piece of cottage cheese casserole.
after 15:00
  • water, tea, 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Option 2

  • steamed chicken egg omelet;
  • leafy greens, tomatoes;
  • black coffee.
  • a bowl of borscht without meat;
  • fruit salad.
  • fish steak;
  • a portion of spring Italian spaghetti;
  • a couple of slices of natural marmalade.
after 15:00
  • water, tea, 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Do not eat after 19:00 (18:00)

Everything is individual. My colleague, larger and taller than me, also works a 12-hour schedule and can do without dinner. But in the morning she definitely needs to have breakfast. But for me it’s the other way around. But I was able to turn into a fairly slender doe, but she was not. Lifestyle, heredity, individual characteristics of the body - everything affects what is reflected in the mirror.

I have already devoted detailed opuses with illustrative photos to the topic of losing weight, but I cannot ignore such a topic as “not eating after 19.00.” Because I went through this too. And she didn’t just “not eat”, but did aerobics three times a week. The instructor recommended not to eat OR DRINK after training for an hour, she was not a very literate lady. (I agree with what not to eat, if we are talking about aerobic exercise, but you need to drink “before”, “during”, and “after”). And after this hour, the same hour X began, after which it was strictly forbidden to eat. And I went to work in the evening - not eating, not spamming, it’s good that I wasn’t unloading the cars.

The result was: the stomach was tightened, the face was drawn out, the hips still attracted the attention of men who were greedy for curvaceous figures. The dog knows what had a greater impact - voluntary fasting or physical exercise... But I always monitored my muscle tone and did not relax. However, the weight and volume both went away and returned. The weight will come back, the weight will come back again...

Kitchen scales - what a necessary thing, it turns out!

Strictly speaking, I was only able to not eat after 19.00 for 1-2 months. Then I started to lose ground - well, it’s really difficult if you fall asleep at two or three o’clock in the morning, or even don’t sleep at all! A little more, and I would have started throwing myself at people, and they would have had to fire back at me with silver bullets. And off we go: snacks at night with fruit, kefir, cottage cheese, and if I felt weak, “that’s it, the board is running out, I’m about to fall,” then sandwiches with cheese and sausage. And sometimes all together. And more nuts on top. And tea with sweets and cookies. Because when you forbid something to the body, it will find a way to get the forbidden fruit. He will hunt down and take revenge: our body is a very vindictive creature. Let's undress the girl - for clarity

Having grown considerably, but not critically, I was always “normal”, I just had to change my wardrobe, but these are little things, right? - I learned to accept myself for who I am. I stopped forbidding myself anything. And for what? Just think, the waist is 78 cm... But there’s a lot of energy! Good mood! And the harmful organism calmed down, curled up into a ball and purred quietly. And I continued to do the usual set of exercises, listen to what I wanted, what I didn’t, without violence and struggle, I minimized the consumption of baked goods (for me, bread is an independent dish, and only once a day) and sugar, and began to drink plain glasses of water immediately after the mental question “what should I chew...”. I began to eat more vegetables and fruits, not because I need to, but because I want to.

My daily routine allows me to eat small meals often and drink a lot. That’s why I often don’t want to eat after 7 p.m., if by food we mean dishes that require a fork or spoon. I know that after I put myself to bed, a legitimate glass of kefir and a banana are waiting for me. Carbohydrates? I am begging you! It will resolve. Sometimes cottage cheese, and sometimes also black bread with mustard butter and a piece of cheese and not a piece, but a PIECE! And what? If you want to make your knees tremble... The main thing is that the shape holds. So everything is correct. Reverse process. Wow, how I like it! In life it would be so simple and quick... Let's undress the girl again. The weight ranges from 56 to 58, but I don’t unstitch things. Not bad, after a stable 62 kg... Height 166 cm

Example. My vocal teacher, until she was 45 years old, was a slender, dry woman. It is known what metamorphoses sometimes occur in the female body at a certain age - she swam slightly and became rounder. Once, when I met her after the summer holidays, I noticed that the teacher had noticeably lost weight and even began wearing belts, emphasizing her waist. In response to my compliment, she replied that she was suffering, forcing herself not to eat in the evening, drinking some kind of oatmeal infusion, etc. But with her rhythm of life - concerts, competitions, business trips, rehearsals - it was simply unthinkable to endure this regime for a long time. After a couple of months she returned to her previous size. Well - my favorite phrase - was it worth it to fence the garden?

I agree with the thesis “don’t eat after 19.00” in the aspect that you can’t eat in bowls at night, you can’t eat fatty and heavy foods. Many people run all day long, and towards nighttime they arrange a belly festival for themselves, I know people like that, and their belly is very grateful to them for the pleasure they have received - it grows. But you can and even need to eat something light. And if force majeure forces you to postpone a full dinner to a later time, take it easier, do not mentally punish yourself for weakness. Thoughts are material! An ideal dinner after 19.00 looks like this... But this is far from ideal. But it also has a right to exist


6 petals diet - but I don’t recommend it

Individual diet - both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe

Breathing exercises Oxysize - toned stomach

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Fractional nutrition - everyone understands it differently, as long as it works

Stepper - neat buttocks and elastic thighs, just don’t overdo it

Reduce hip size with body wraps

Kitchen scales - what a necessary thing, it turns out!

The best way to keep your weight under control


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Advantages and disadvantages

  • The weight loss is stable - about 3-4 kg per week.
  • You can make your own menu and eat whatever you want.
  • There is no need to count the calories or weight of what you eat.
  • The diet is ideal for early risers.
  • The process of losing weight is not quick, it takes time and self-discipline.
  • For those who are used to having a hearty meal in the evening, the task may be impossible.

How long will it take to lose weight if you don't eat after 6 pm?

Many women, even before starting to lose weight, are interested in whether it is possible to lose weight if you do not eat after 6 pm. Reviews from those who adhere to this diet indicate a positive result. The weight will not go away in a couple of days, but within a week the result will become noticeable.

Many achieve their goal within a month. But when introducing restrictions, it is worth remembering that rapid weight loss can affect your health. The norm is considered to be a loss of 0.5-1 kg per week. The slower the weight goes away, the more stable the weight loss results will be.

We must remember that rapid exhaustion will lead to loss of fluid and muscle mass. And for healthy weight loss, you need to part with fat mass. Therefore, if you have a lot of extra pounds, you should stick to the diet for several months. And to maintain weight, you should make the “6 pm” rule a habit.

Comments from nutritionists

Eating until 15:00 is the idea of ​​American scientists from Alabama, Birmingham. They conducted research and found that if you eat at 8, 12 and 15 hours, your metabolism will greatly improve and your blood pressure will lower. They associated this with the compliance of the proposed diet with human biorhythms.

However, members of the Russian Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists deny this idea. They believe that too much gap between meals can lead to a slower metabolism. Even if a person loses weight at the beginning, it soon stops working. Scientists recommend taking a more classic approach and refusing food 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Reviews about the “don’t eat after six” diet

Many people say that by following a diet, they lose 0.5 kg - 1.5 kg per week, sometimes even more.

It is noted that while following a diet, you cannot eat sweets or fatty foods during the day, and you also need to limit the serving size.

People say that it is difficult to follow a diet during the first two weeks because it is difficult not to eat at night - at this moment you need to overcome yourself.

Clara : I lost two kilograms a week without experiencing any discomfort. Now I follow the “don’t eat after six” diet all the time.

Reviews about the “don’t eat after six” diet

Vika : The “don’t eat after six” diet is the most reasonable. I ate everything and didn’t overeat. I had four meals a day, I ate at the same time: at 7 o'clock I had breakfast, at 11 o'clock I had lunch, at 15 o'clock I had a snack, at 7 o'clock in the evening I had dinner. When I wanted to eat, I drank a glass of kefir. As a result, the body did not have time to get hungry and I ate much less food. As a result, I lost weight gradually - four kilograms per month. And in four months I lost sixteen kilograms.

Marina : After following the “don’t eat after six” diet, I haven’t recovered for a long time. Of course, I didn’t lose weight instantly, but it was effective.

There were difficulties only during the first two weeks.

To lose weight, I ran, worked out in the gym, and swam. Of course, the muscles became stronger, but I really wanted to eat after the workout! Therefore, it is important that the training is not exhausting!

Lena: I decided to lose weight slowly but surely. Therefore, the “don’t eat after six” diet suited me. After 6 pm I didn’t eat or drink. It was difficult to restrain myself for two weeks, then my body got used to the diet. Within 6 months my body returned to normal, but I was pleased with the result.

Lera : Before pregnancy, I weighed seventy kilograms and was 164 centimeters tall. And after giving birth, she began to gain weight sharply - she became 89 kilograms. And I decided: stop, I’m losing weight.

First of all, I set myself up to lose weight - the desire to dress beautifully helped.

I began to limit my food intake at night and stopped eating sweets.

The “no eating after six” diet helped me lose weight, but I made it my way of life.

I ate almost everything; I ate my favorite sweets only sometimes in the first half of the day.

I didn’t overeat - I ate three times a day, had dinner before six in the evening (at most, four hours before bedtime). I tried to choose low-calorie foods for dinner, sometimes I didn’t feel like eating dinner - instead I drank a glass of kefir or ate an apple.

I lost weight gradually, and the weight is still coming off. Now I’m already 77 kg, I plan to lose weight further.

My appearance became more pleasant, I began to dress beautifully.

Diet “don’t eat after 15”: reviews and results

Reviews about eating before 3 pm are numerous; many girls began to refuse food after 3-4 pm and say that they feel great, while not denying themselves their favorite foods and systematically losing weight.

The “Don’t eat after 15” diet is a fairly long-term program, but girls who have achieved good results come to the forums and leave their reviews, photos, share tips and recommend starting to fight extra pounds in this way:

  • Katerina, 27 years old: “... In about 3 months of this diet, I lost 7 kg, tried to eat healthy food and deny myself almost nothing, in the evening - tea or kefir. Now I’m not stopping the diet, I’m continuing to lose weight, because I’m already used to not eating in the evening.”
  • Zhanna, 19 years old: “... It’s best to keep yourself busy with something useful - yoga, go to a massage, choreography, then you won’t have time for dinner. This is not the first time I’ve tried a diet, the weight is good - up to a kilogram per day, but I can’t stand it for more than 2 weeks - I break down.”
  • Zoya, 15 years old: “... My friend went on this diet 2 years ago. Initially, the goal was minus 10 kg, but now it’s just convenient for her - eat whatever you want, but only until three o’clock in the afternoon.”
  • Alena, 23 years old: “... I was very afraid of getting gastritis, but the desire to lose the extra 20 kg after giving birth was stronger. Sometimes I would break down and eat something in the evening, but in general I dealt with the problem in six months. Now, if I gain a couple of extra pounds, I immediately refuse dinner and after a week I’m happy with my figure again.”

Scientists suggest that those losing weight should not eat after 14:00

If you want to lose weight quickly, don't eat after 2 pm. This conclusion was reached by researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. You might think they've gone crazy, but the participants in the experiment don't think so!

The new weight loss theory looks like a more extreme version of the classic “don’t eat after 6.” From 8 am until lunch you can eat whatever you want, but after 2 pm you will have to close the refrigerator until tomorrow morning.

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The eight-day experiment involved 11 obese men and women. They were asked to eat as usual for 4 days, from 8 am to 8 pm, and for another 4 days not to eat after two. The number of calories remained the same throughout the experiment.

The researchers then tested the effect of meal timing on calories burned, fat loss, and appetite. And they found that eating between 8 and 14 hours allows you to lose more excess weight during the rest of the day and night than during the standard eating principle. The restricted regime changed the pattern of burning fats and carbohydrates in the body.

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“It should be noted that people who ate only in the first half of the day did not feel hunger at night and slept well, although we expected the opposite reaction,” admitted study leader Dr. Courtney Peterson. “The human internal biological clock is designed so that aspects of metabolism, such as blood sugar levels and the ability to burn fat, are especially active in the pre-lunch hours.”

Since the study is based on a small sample of data, the theory will need to be confirmed with a larger number of participants. The long-term prospects for such a risky diet are also unknown. But if you remember the anti-aging course from Oksana Skitalinskaya, it becomes obvious: breaks between meals are really beneficial. But 18 hours without food is somehow too much. It's better to wait for further research.

Kirilenko Alexandra Evgenievna


It is possible to lose weight quickly without medications, but it will be extremely stressful for the body. Also, after a sharp weight loss, after a short time the kilograms will return twice as much. It is better to lose weight slowly (2-3 kg per week), without harm to health and without the “boomirang” effect.

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