Is it possible to lose weight if you don't eat after 6 pm?

Most people, in pursuit of a slim figure and supposedly proper nutrition, refuse not only a full dinner, but also a banal snack, firmly believing that eating after six o’clock in the evening is fraught. Of course it is. But the only danger is that deliberate fasting has a detrimental effect on the general physical and mental state of a person, having a detrimental effect on the body.

Excess weight

To eat or not to eat...
Many are sure that it is dinner that contributes to the accumulation and deposition of unwanted kilograms. But in reality this is far from the case. According to experts, everything happens exactly the opposite and refusing dinner contributes to the appearance of excess weight. This happens for the reason that, when lying down on an empty stomach, a person subconsciously experiences a feeling of hunger; accordingly, at such moments the body experiences enormous stress, trying with all its might to satiate itself with what it has. As a result, slow metabolism and accumulation of reserve reserves from fat deposits. Of course, you shouldn’t overeat before going to bed and eat heavy food in the form of fried potatoes and meat; it’s enough to eat a light but satisfying dinner that will maximally saturate the body with all useful substances.

The main thing is not to convey.

Let's satisfy... emotional hunger!

In the evening we are left alone with ourselves, our thoughts and desires. And sometimes they are related exclusively to food. So what prevents you from switching and satisfying your hunger, not physical, but informational and emotional?

Finish the work that had to be put off for a full lunch or read professional literature, improving in your career.

At home - no thoughts about work. Nothing prevents you from keeping yourself busy, for example, doing “ever-postponed tasks.” Compiling a photo album from long-printed photographs, embroidering a once-started painting, cleaning the mezzanine, in the end. Just think how many opportunities abstinence from late feasts opens up for us!

If after work you don’t have enough strength for anything, and the desire to eat also makes you feel bad, then don’t be lazy!

Read magazines or fiction, call all your friends (maybe by talking you can help them not have dinner after six), and just surf the Internet or play a computer game.

In a situation where the proximity of the refrigerator and the habit of late meals affect you too much, isolate yourself from food.

Leave home to go to the cinema (but not to the cafe next to the cinema hall!), meet with friends, just take a walk in the park or along the streets near your home (do not take money with you so as not to buy anything edible).

In the end, if you cannot cope with hunger, if it does not allow you to sleep, replace a plate of food with a piece of cheese, boiled chicken, cottage cheese, or food in general with a drink (a glass of tea without sugar, kefir or milk). Just give up coffee and strong tea. They will prevent you from falling asleep quickly, which means you will be more likely to forget about food.

Some admit that after six in the evening a can of light drink saved them: it’s sweet, it fills the stomach, and because of the gas you can’t drink it in one gulp, so while you’re sipping the drink, you seem to be full.

True, the health benefits of these drinks are questioned. But that is another topic.


Metabolic disorder

Do not lead your body to metabolic disorders.
If you constantly refuse dinner or at least a snack, this can lead to a malfunction in the body. Consequently, there is a complete metabolic disorder, which negatively affects insulin in the blood, cholesterol and the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Failure of metabolism leads to excess weight.

Stagnation of bile

Stagnation of bile.
As it turns out, with long intervals between meals, bile begins to accumulate. As a result, stones form in the gallbladder, which, in fact, negatively affects the condition of the entire body.

Accompanied by pain in the side.


Feeling hungry leads to insomnia.
Insomnia is another reason why you shouldn’t skip dinner. An empty stomach promotes a feeling of hunger, which does not allow the body to relax and tune in to proper sleep and rest.

Lack of dinner is fraught with insomnia.

Proper dinner

Don't deny yourself dinner.
In order to be in shape and feel great, you shouldn't give up dinner. You just need to follow a couple of simple rules that will help you maintain beauty and health: • Don’t overeat before bed; • Choose a product low in calories; • Eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, in which case the food you eat will be completely digested and saturate the body; • If you suddenly feel hungry, it should be quenched with a small amount of water.

Prepare a light dinner.

Why does evening dinner make you gain weight?

You can gain weight quite quickly if you eat high-calorie foods and sweets. To achieve leanness or maintain a stable body weight, avoid the following items in your diet:

  • fatty sausages;
  • sauces, mayonnaise, sour cream;
  • sandwiches;
  • raw vegetables in large quantities;
  • sweets, cakes;
  • soda, sweet compote;
  • fruits high in sugar.

We exclude foods that are difficult to digest and foods that can cause stomach fermentation. If you decide not to eat after 18:00, this means that you must go to bed no later than 22:00. Otherwise, you will definitely get hungry and lose your temper.

If it is very difficult for you to go without food for a long time, break your dinner into several meals. Eat the next portion after half an hour. This way you will not fill your stomach and maintain a feeling of fullness.

A couple of recipes for dinner

Healthy dinner.
These dishes will not only satiate the body, but also completely quench the feeling of headache, having a beneficial effect on the body, without in any way affecting the slim figure. So, stop torturing yourself with an eternal hunger strike after six, and then dragging pieces from the refrigerator, trying to eat up the unbearable feeling of hunger while trying to sleep from the annoying suction in the pit of your stomach.

Don't forget to have dinner.

Can you lose weight if you don't eat after 6 pm?

There are several reasons why eating after six o'clock in the evening is undesirable:

  • At this time, the stomach works less actively, does not have time to digest food, and it turns into extra pounds.
  • At night, due to lack of activity, metabolism slows down, calories are not consumed, and the food eaten is converted into fat and not into energy.
  • In the evening, enzymatic activity decreases: what you eat before bed remains in the stomach until the morning, without being digested. Toxins accumulate, the body gains excess weight, and all systems fail.

If you regularly limit yourself to eating after 18:00, you can lose weight relatively quickly, but you need to adhere to certain requirements:

  • gradually reduce the volume of portions;
  • refuse high-calorie foods.

The evening menu also needs to be revised to include more:

  • vegetable salads without fatty dressing;
  • fermented milk products that do not contain sugar;
  • any cereals (carbohydrates should be slow).

There is no need to completely exclude sweet, meat and flour foods. Any heavy food should be eaten before 12-13 pm. Coffee, tea and alcoholic drinks that require snacks should be limited.

Legumes, mushrooms, and liver should be completely excluded from the diet.

Nutritionists recommend eating at night:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower or white cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • leek;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomatoes.

It is not recommended to eat sweet fruits: they contain a lot of sugar, in the dark their absorption slows down, and your appetite can only increase.

How to change your eating schedule correctly?

When switching to a new diet, you can follow some secrets:

  • When you really want a snack, you first need to drink a glass of water.
  • If the feeling of hunger does not subside, you can eat an apple or replace it with a glass of kefir. This option is not suitable if it is not possible to have a full lunch and dinner.
  • A walk before bed will help you take your mind off hungry thoughts.

You also need to change your lifestyle: exercise daily, give up alcohol.


According to reviews from people who have used this technique, you can lose weight in 25-30 days if you don’t eat after 6 pm. In a week, up to 5 kilograms of weight are lost, and within a few months - up to 15-20 kg.

But the time limit for weight loss is different for each person. The result will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Age plays a big role: the older a person is, the slower the weight loss process occurs.

Vegetable omelette 50 calories

Omelette with tomatoes. Ingredients: • Sweet pepper – 1 piece; • Tomatoes – 3 pcs; • Eggs – 2 pcs; • Milk – 100 g; • Fresh herbs to taste; • Salt to taste.

Light omelette. Method of preparation: • Finely chop the tomatoes and sweet peppers; • Stew vegetables in tomato juice over low heat for about five minutes; • Beat eggs with milk; • Add salt and spices to taste; • Pour the resulting mixture into the frying pan with the vegetables; • Cook for 7-10 minutes over medium heat; • Decorate the finished omelette with fresh herbs.

Steamed Chicken Meatballs 50 Calories

Steamed chicken meatballs.
Ingredients: • Chicken fillet - 1 piece; • Eggs - 1 piece; • Milk - 1 tbsp; • Onion - 1 piece; • Garlic - 1 clove; • Fresh herbs to taste; • Salt and spices to taste.

Easy, tasty and satisfying.

Method of preparation: • Chop greens; • Grind chicken fillet, onion and garlic in a meat grinder; • Add milk and egg yolk to the resulting minced meat; • Add salt and spices; • To stir thoroughly; • Form small balls; • Place in a double boiler or steam bath; • Cook for 20 minutes; • Serve the finished meatballs with chopped fresh herbs.

Diet menu minus dinner

You choose your diet and the composition of your plate up to 16-17 hours at will, with the proviso that fermented milk products, milk and meat are low-fat, and the only drinks available to you are tea, compote without sugar and water. You need to drink a lot of the latter, especially in the evening, instead of dinner. It is advisable to keep your daily caloric intake within 1200 kcal.

Diet Minus dinner for painless weight loss can have the following menu for the day:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, boiled egg.
  • 1st snack. Hard cheese, whole grain bread, avocado.
  • 2nd snack. A handful of nuts.
  • Dinner. Boiled beef with broccoli.
  • Afternoon snack (no later than 17:00). Low-fat cottage cheese with herbs.
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