Tibetan mantra for weight loss: ritual for weight loss

Tibetan mantras for weight loss are a chain of specific, individual sounds that create significant energy vibrations. By isolating yourself from the mortal and bustling world while reading mantras, you can give your body a new lifestyle, make positive changes in your consciousness and give impetus to your weight loss program. We know little about Tibet and the way of life in this special part of our planet, but we always have positive associations with this word. Tibetan monks profess a different way of life, radically different from ours. If we strain our memory and remember how we saw them in pictures, or embodied in numerous souvenir figurines of the East, it becomes clear: monks are never depicted as overweight, obese people.

But what explains their slimness and endurance? After all, the lifestyle they lead is sedentary; they do not go to the gym or run in the morning. But they regularly pronounce mantras, the vibrations of which not only help them get rid of extra pounds, but also prevent them from gaining new ones.

Mantras can be compared to a spell that a witch reads over a vat of boiling water and various roots and herbs. Someone will now grin and say: What nonsense! And maybe he will be right, but mantras are not just a set of words or some kind of abracadabra that a witch whispers under her breath, their secret lies in the vibrations emanating from them, which have a positive effect on the body and improve metabolism.

What is a Tibetan mantra for weight loss?

A mantra is a short prayer recited in Sanskrit. It consists of words and sounds designed to influence the subconscious. The influence of Tibetan mantras is aimed at activating the hidden capabilities of the body. Each commandment is intended to achieve specific goals. Sacred mantras are not just magical spells. Special phrases are part of ancient Eastern culture. Syllables have peculiarities of pronunciation, as well as traditional rules of behavior when reading.
A deep impact on the subconscious with a certain attitude is possible only in a meditative state. To do this, free your head from extraneous thoughts, imagine the desired effect and concentrate for a certain time. In this case, the subconscious is “encoded” for specific actions to achieve the desired result. What matters is the content of the sacred text and the ability to pronounce it correctly - with the required pitch, frequency, amplitude, and length of sound.

A special Tibetan mantra for weight loss and body beauty carries a powerful energy charge aimed at programming a person. The words contain a special “code” that influences subconscious weight loss. In the process of pronouncing the mantra, the aura is cleansed of negativity, which contributes to spiritual development, improved well-being, and healing of the entire body. An eastern spell is cast on food, water or during meditation.

What are mantras?

The problem of excess weight has always been relevant, and therefore many ways have been invented to bring your body back to normal. These include all kinds of diets, various motor and breathing techniques for losing weight, as well as esoteric practices. To normalize weight and energy balance in the body, ancient sacred texts - mantras for weight loss - are very effective.

Mantras can be called syllables and words aimed at creating certain sound vibrations to merge with the Universal energy of the Higher Mind. These ancient texts are written in Sanskrit; reading them promotes self-improvement and has a positive effect on human consciousness. Saying such prayers makes it possible to tune in to some activity and frees the mind from internal dialogue.

mantra for weight loss

Mantra text for weight loss

There are two versions of the text of the Tibetan prayer for weight loss. The first version of the spell goes like this: San Sia Chii Nah Pan Tun Dou. The second modification of the same mantra looks slightly different: Siya San Wii Nah Pai Tun Dou. The meaning of the phrases is the same; they choose a wording that is more comfortable to recite. In addition, they read another miraculous mantra for rejuvenation: Ma Nos Ku Sa Si Mon U. Vibrations from sounds affect the cellular structures of the body, triggering a mechanism for returning internal processes to a state of youth.

Girl in lotus position

Other mantras

In addition to the traditional Tibetan mantra for weight loss SAN SIA SI, there are others that are no less effective. Texts for body beauty help rejuvenate, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and improve the overall tone of the body.

These mantras are sung to achieve harmony, weight loss, beauty and rejuvenation:


Vibrations cleanse the body of unnecessary ballast in the form of excess weight, accumulated fluid and harmful substances. Due to this, a healing transformation occurs.

Reading rules

Read a mantra for weight loss during the waning moon. It is believed that this period helps to free the body from everything unnecessary. To achieve the maximum effect, they say the prayer 108 times, to free the brain from calculations, use a rosary. It is allowed to make breakdowns that are multiples of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. The spell is repeated out loud or silently, the main thing is to pronounce the sounds correctly. They speak or chant the words every day for 10–15 minutes a day at dawn or sunset, when there is an opportunity to detach themselves from the everyday hustle and bustle and retire for meditation.

Until the conspiracy to get rid of excess weight “bounces off the teeth,” the text will have to be read from sight. Vowel sounds are drawn out, and consonant letters are pronounced clearly. The sounds “n” and “m”, which come at the end of a syllable, are pronounced through the nose. In order to remember the mantra correctly from the very beginning, and not have to relearn it, it is better to listen to the recording the first time, memorizing it using video or audio. Mentally, whispering or repeating words out loud, you will be able to reproduce sounds as accurately as possible. It is advisable to concentrate on the internal vibrations of the body.

Before reading a mantra for weight loss, clearly and confidently pronounce the end result: “I want to lose N kilograms of weight” or “My weight is N kilograms,” or your own version. The effect is enhanced if you present a visual image of your body as slim and beautiful. The first changes for the better are noticeable after a week of regular pronunciation of the installation. The weight loss formula leads to a decrease in appetite with the usual way of eating.

Girl and refrigerator

Magic saying

Mantra translated from Sanskrit means “an instrument for carrying out a mental act” or “verse”, “spell”, “magic”.

This is a kind of sacred text that requires a certain sound reproduction.

The science of mantra is a complex thing. It is known that nowadays in physiotherapy and other fields they are just beginning to use the energy of words and sound.

But Indian sages possessed this knowledge many thousands of years ago.

What is it like?

Philosophers from Tibet were distinguished by their special powers of observation and ability to draw conclusions from their observations.

They noticed that some sounds and their combinations can act on an energetic level, healing people, and even allow them to achieve harmony.

The healers used special sound vibrations, pronouncing them either roughly or loudly. This is necessary to penetrate the cerebral cortex and human consciousness to cure diseases or eliminate psychological obstacles.

The mantra opens up new possibilities, brings the spiritual state and body closer to nirvana. She also helps fulfill requests (with good intentions).

Regular and correct reading of the text of the mantra disciplines, refreshes thoughts and directs you on the right path.

They say that with the help of a sacred saying you can achieve rapid weight loss.

The point is to correctly pronounce certain phrases. Wave vibrations entering the human brain give a direction to action.

For example, in this way you can “order” your body to get rid of fat deposits.

We speak correctly

Before you start practicing with mantras, you need to learn some rules:

  • sound vibrations must be repeated in a calm environment, removing all external stimuli (for example, turn off the TV, etc.);
  • Positive thinking is important, all doubts must be removed, the main thing is to believe;
  • a comfortable position is required (you can lie on a sofa or bed, sit on the grass in a park or on the coast);
  • pronounce words slowly, melodiously;
  • if the mantra ends with the letters M or N, then pull them through your nose to make a moo.
  • repeat - at least 108 times a day;
  • reading time - 30-40 minutes a day;
  • The best time for the mantra is dawn or sunset.

Tibetan prayer requires quantity and correct pronunciation. The main thing here is not the words. All mantras are short and easy to remember.

And then we move on to the most interesting thing - magic sayings for losing weight.

How to speak water

You need to recite the mantra for weight loss while drinking while holding the glass in your hand. Upon completion of the reading, they blow on the water and begin to drink. Any container will do; a crystal glass would be ideal. With every sip, it is advisable to imagine your ideal figure. It has been scientifically proven that the crystal structure of water has memory. Merging with the body, the healing liquid delivers to every cell a powerful goal of losing weight and a beautiful image of a future slim figure.

Water in a glass

What to remember

A mantra is a magical syllable that acts on an energetic level, revealing a person’s inner potential. With the help of such words, the ancient sages treated people.

Today there are a huge number of mantra options. They can be aimed at happiness, health, beauty, weight loss. They say that such sacred words promote weight loss on a subconscious level.

In order for a mantra to work, it must be spoken correctly. This needs to be done on a regular basis in a calm environment, as if programming yourself for success.

The main thing in such meditation is faith. Believe in yourself. Faith in the mantra. However, remember that such words are only an additional means of losing weight. The main tools - proper nutrition and sports - have not been canceled.

Do mantras really work miracles? What is your opinion, friends? Do you accept this method of weight loss? Maybe someone has experience? Share in the comments!

Results from reading the Tibetan mantra for weight loss

The effect depends on the internal mood, a conscious approach, and faith in the positive outcome of the event. An eastern spell for weight loss first activates the brain, tuning it to start the weight loss process. Then, spreading throughout the body, the vibration of mystical sounds penetrates every fat cell, setting the intention for self-destruction. When chanting a mantra for weight loss, special vibrations are created that activate the resources of the human body. The result from reading is this:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • muscle tone increases;
  • improves skin firmness and elasticity;
  • self-confidence increases;
  • the mood rises;
  • energy increases;
  • appetite decreases.

How to harmonize mantras with your lifestyle

  • Since repetition of syllables by itself does not burn fat, but acts on a subtle level, the practice must be combined with other methods of self-development and body improvement. For example, the cause of obesity is overeating, the habit of which must be overcome consciously.
  • A weight loss mantra will help you develop an outlook on life that is incompatible with indulging the animal instinct to fill your stomach. The efforts of the mind also ennoble the physical body, so that by accustoming yourself to diligently perform a voluntarily accepted task - long reading of mantras - you tune in to a conscious, careful attitude towards health, nutrition and discipline your self.
  • The mantra for losing weight and reviews about it depend on your willpower - strain this subtle “organ” of the mind whenever the opportunity presents itself. Give up the most high-calorie foods, choose physical exercise that you will strictly perform daily, consciously choose how you spend your free time - lying on the couch or actively moving.
  • Ancient Eastern practice teaches us to make conscious choices and stick to them in any circumstances. And if you find it difficult to change, this is the best way to start small - for us, reading mantras is neither a sacred service nor magic, but it is quite suitable as a meditative exercise that makes us better from the inside.

Performing the ritual

  • You will need a bowl, preferably a silver one, because
    How to read the weight loss mantra correctly to achieve a powerful effect.
    Silver is a lunar metal and has healing properties. But if there is no silver bowl, then use a regular one, for example, a steel one.
  • It is necessary to fill it with purified water, while repeating the words of the mantra 12 times.
  • As a result, you should have about two liters of water in the bowl, because this is how much water, according to Tibetans, a person needs to drink daily.
  • Sit in a comfortable position and indulge in meditation.
  • When you begin the process of daily meditation, drink only water charged with the words of the mantra. Be careful, you can’t drink regular drink!

How to enhance the weight loss effect and make it truly powerful?

To do this, you need to read a mantra during meditation: close your eyes, put your palms together at your chest. Focus on the processes that the mantra performs, imagine the energy inside you, under the influence of which the metabolism begins to accelerate. Meditate for 15 minutes and leave the process of losing excess weight to you.

The mantra is miraculous in relation to your appearance, and also helps in pacifying and calming the mind and soul.

Mantras and meditation

As we have already said, you can simply listen to mantras, even while walking or doing household chores. The vibration of sounds will still have an effect on the body. But still, the maximum impact will be obtained from a mantra combined with meditation, because when the body is relaxed and at rest, and a person is not distracted by anything, then the code will be perceived much more clearly.

It is best to do this in a well-ventilated room, sit on the floor in the “lotus” position, join your palms at chest level and start reading.

The main rule of success is to sincerely believe that the mantra will help you get rid of excess weight.

Full concentration

Full concentration

Even if you decide to listen to a mantra on public transport or at work, for just a few minutes you need to completely clear your head of any thoughts and focus solely on the sounds. Of course, for the first time it is quite difficult to renounce the world while being in direct contact with it.

But with a little practice and perseverance, even people jostling with their elbows won’t be able to stop you. You will be surprised, but regular reading of mantras will not only put your body and nervous system in order, it will help you deal with problems more easily, and life will seem much simpler and more interesting.

The power of mantras

Why can a mantra help in losing weight, due to what? Sacred sounds cause certain vibrational flows, which produce changes in the structures of the body, activate metabolic processes and rejuvenate the body. Mantras are completely safe for the body because they have a gentle and imperceptible effect on the spiritual level.

Mantras can help the mind overcome the constant feeling of hunger (you will stop eating frequently), establish a healthy eating regimen and get rid of gluttony. Why do such changes occur?

Mantras affect a person at the energetic and subconscious level, smoothly changing his energy structure and consciousness. The mantra cannot cause harm on the physical level, because there is no violence or coercion against the body. You'll just feel like you don't want to eat fatty foods or drink coffee often.

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