Apple and pear, or How women and men get fat

Obesity in women: causes

There are several reasons for this disease, which boil down to one simple mechanism: a long-term imbalance between the amount of energy supplied to the body and its expenditure. Excess energy is stored in the form of adipose tissue. The most common causes of obesity in women are external factors: improper and overly plentiful nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle against this background. This is the main cause of obesity in women - about 80% of all cases of this disease. Internal causes are: heredity or genetic predisposition to this disease, and disruption of metabolic processes occurring in the body. It is also worth noting that obesity in women is often a consequence of psychological problems. It is women who are susceptible to various depressive and stressful conditions, during which uncontrolled food intake occurs. Other causes of female obesity include: - frequent use of contraceptives; - surgery on the genital organs; - childbirth and, as a consequence, pituitary ischemia.


All women, without exception, should remember that the best method of treating obesity is its prevention. Prevention of obesity consists of:

  • Healthy eating (eating food that is enriched with minerals and vitamins);
  • Refusal from fast foods, fatty, fried and spicy foods, soda;
  • Any sport (running, swimming pool, gym or fitness center);
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.


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Obesity in women: symptoms

Of course, the most basic symptom of this disease is a large amount of fat deposits, which is immediately noticeable. But there are times when obesity and simply being overweight are easy to confuse. For this purpose, there is an indicator of BMI - body mass index, which is used to determine the degree of obesity in women. You can read more about this in the corresponding section of this site. The main type of obesity in women is considered to be gynoid. In this case, the main fat deposits are localized on the butt, thighs and lower abdomen. The woman's figure takes on a pear-shaped shape. This is considered a not very severe type of this disease. Abdominal obesity in women is considered much more severe (although this type mainly affects men). In this case, fat is deposited in the abdominal area. This type of disease is dangerous because fat begins to be deposited on the woman’s internal organs, which is fraught with many complications. Among other things, the following general symptoms of obesity in women : - frequent drowsiness;
- shortness of breath and nausea; - increased sweating and, as a result, skin problems; - swelling of the limbs; - pain in the spine and joints; - constipation; - poorly developed muscle mass; - often a general weakness. When the condition is neglected, the following appear: - arterial hypertension; - tachycardia; - respiratory failure; - arthrosis of the joints; - cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Possible complications

The main danger of the accumulation of excess visceral fat is compression of internal organs, which disrupts their functioning, impairs lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. According to some studies, such deposits cause the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. Because of this substance, a person constantly feels tension. As a result, organs work even more intensely.

Another substance synthesized by visceral fat is an inflammatory hormone, which can make even a common cold severe. The list of complications of abdominal obesity includes the following pathologies:

  • decreased potency;
  • heart failure;
  • gout;
  • uric acid metabolism disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • the appearance of unwanted hair on a woman’s body;
  • infertility;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • fatty liver degeneration;
  • salt deposits in joints;
  • calculous cholecystitis.

Obesity in girls

According to recent studies, about 30% of girls are currently overweight. And there are two main reasons for this: 1. Usually the child suffers from obesity due to the negligence and ignorance of the parents, who overfeed him and consider this an indicator of good care for the child. No no and one more time no. You cannot force food into a child; you cannot force a child to eat if he is categorically against it. 2. Hereditary factor is the second cause of obesity in girls. If both parents of a girl suffer from this disease, then in 80% she will also suffer from it; if one mother suffers from excess weight, then this figure drops to 50%, if the father, then to 36% - this confirms the fact that women bear a great responsibility to the future generation for their health. Obesity in girls is a very alarming signal for parents, primarily because it is in childhood that the formation of the female body and its immune system in particular takes place, which is the “foundation” of her health and the health of her descendants, and that is why parents need to take all measures to eliminate your child from this disease.

Key Aspects

Abdominal obesity has other names, namely:

  • central;
  • visceral;
  • according to the male type;
  • like an apple.

The fight against the problem has been going on for a long time, but the successes are quite insignificant, and epidemic indicators are increasing exponentially. This is mainly due to unhealthy eating habits, an inactive lifestyle and the development of the food industry.

Obesity in women: diagnosis

First of all, the doctor examines his patient and conducts a survey (collecting anamnesis), finding out her diet and diet, intensity of physical activity, duration of the disease, family predisposition, what lifestyle the woman currently leads, what complaints she has about her health ... To determine the stage of the disease, BMI is calculated, and to determine the structure and percentage of fat, instrumental diagnostic methods are used: - Ultrasound; — computed and magnetic resonance imaging; - densinometry. Research is also carried out: - to determine the level of glucose in the blood; — to determine the level of cholesterol, lipoproteins and triglycerides; - to determine the level of uric acid. Be sure to take ECG readings to identify possible diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Obesity in women: treatment

Treatment for mild to moderate female obesity is simple: “putting things in order” with your own diet, increasing physical activity and restoring your immune system. Of course, this disease requires an individual diet, which, depending on the severity of the disease, should include food restrictions. First of all, it is necessary to control the calories entering the body: stop consuming foods containing animal fats and high in carbohydrates. Increase your intake of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Change your diet: eat more often, but in small portions. Start gradually increasing your daily physical activity. Be sure to work on strengthening the immune system, because it is precisely its failures that underlie any disease, and without restoring its normal functioning, all your achievements will be in vain - obesity will return again, even if you use medications that suppress appetite, especially since all medications cause quite unpleasant side effects - this must be taken into account. In more severe stages of obesity, surgical intervention is resorted to. Today, all these operations have become commonplace and do not represent anything complicated. But here, again, it is necessary (especially after surgery) to strengthen the immune system. It is for these purposes that Transfer factor is used in the complex treatment of female obesity. The basis of this drug is made up of immune molecules of the same name, which, when entering the body, perform three functions: - eliminate failures of the endocrine and immune systems, and promote their further normal development and formation; - being information particles (of the same nature as DNA), transfer factors “record and store” all information about foreign agents - causative agents of various diseases that (agents) invade the body, and when they invade again, “transmit” this information to the immune system a system that neutralizes these antigens; - eliminate all side effects caused by the use of other medications. There is a whole line of this immunomodulator, of which Transfer Factor Advance and Transfer Factor Glucouch are used in the Endocrine System program for the prevention and complex treatment of endocrine and immune diseases and complications, including obesity in women.

Exercises and workouts for an apple body shape

At home, it is quite difficult for a beginner to remove his stomach on his own. The reason here is not that fat deposits are “stubborn”, but that he is doing the wrong movements. To “remove bellies”, the so-called stabilization of the center of the body is indicated. This means that we must strengthen not only the rectus abdominis (twisting), but also the transverse abdominal muscle. In addition, balanced work on all muscles of the body will help change your figure.

The transverse abdominal muscle works in such exercises that, at first glance, are not related to the work of the press at all:

  • squat, squat with a light stick over your head. You must perform a deep squat, bending not only at the knees, but also at the hip joints;
  • scissor squats, or what we call “lunges”;
  • planks, racks resting on toes and forearms;
  • push-ups from the floor from the toes;
  • pull-ups on a low bar when your back is parallel to the floor;
  • twisting with the anterior abdominal wall retracted, which is practiced in Pilates.

The conclusion is quite simple. If you don’t know anything about sports, but dream of becoming slim, go to the gym. A woman's figure will only improve from moderate weight training. No opportunity? The training program could be like this:

  • a couple of months of training in any Pilates program for the abdomen, or Pilates for weight loss. There are planks and crunches, and it shows how to pull in the stomach in order for the transverse abdominal muscle to work;
  • a couple of months with a program like 6 Week 6 Pack, or any other similar one. The point here is that you learn how to work with light dumbbells and do different exercises for the center of the body. In addition, this particular program provides good aerobic exercise;
  • a couple of months with any program that is in the words HIIT Abs. These are the same crunches and planks, but alternated at intervals with aerobic exercises and strength movements.

A thoughtful approach will help you train correctly. First, watch the video from beginning to end, pay attention to the technical features, and only then work. Make yourself a schedule for the day, which will definitely include training. Alternate your video sessions with aerobic activity, such as walking, running, cycling. Do a day of video training and a day of walking, do this consistently and you will see changes in just a couple of months.

Do beauty treatments work?

Slim without sports? This does not happen; the body’s shape will change only slightly if you only do procedures and do not engage in physical activity systematically. Among salon procedures, lymphatic drainage massage and cavitation give the fastest effect. The first helps remove excess fluid, and due to this, reduces volume, the second helps burn fat in problem areas. The procedures are effective if done in a course of 12 or more and allow you to get rid of fat deposits quickly enough, but are ineffective if a person does not follow a diet. However, any salon will tell you about this.

From home, it is best to concentrate not on warming wraps, but on what helps improve microcirculation and get rid of stress. And this is our contrast shower and bath with sea salt. Do 30 seconds of pouring almost hot and almost ice water in the morning to wake up the drainage system and improve blood circulation, and in the evening relax for half an hour in a warm bath with a kilogram of salt.

Choose a moisturizing body milk and apply it regularly to keep your skin beautiful. Stay positive, get enough sleep, and you will definitely achieve your goal!

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

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