How to build perfect, beautiful abs in 30 days: table for men, boys and girls. Abs in 30 days for girls: reviews

How to pump up sculpted abs in a month at home

A few exercises you can do without leaving home: Fold:

We lie down, keep our legs straight, lift them up and reach our hands to our toes. We monitor breathing and precise execution technique.

Classic crunches:

We lie down, bend our knees and do crunches. We pay special attention to the abdominal muscles.

Classic plank:

Focus on your elbows, feet on your toes, keep your body straight, try to maintain tension in your abs. Great exercise at home.

Three exercises we can do at home with our own weight. Each of them contains 3-4 approaches with a certain number of repetitions that are suitable for you.

For example a fold:

  1. Set - 25 reps
  2. Set - 20 reps
  3. Set 15 reps


  1. Set - 25 reps
  2. Set - 20 reps
  3. Set - 15 reps


  1. Approach - 2 minutes
  2. Approach - 1.5 minutes
  3. Approach - minute

It is recommended to perform the complex no more than twice a week to give our muscles time to recover.

Where to start pumping up your abs?

To make the abdominal muscles visible, you need to get rid of the layer of fat that covers them. This requires a program of general developmental exercises, as well as proper nutrition. To break down fat and remove it from the body, you will need 40 minutes of intense exercise. During the first 25 minutes, sugar and carbohydrates will begin to be processed in the blood, after which fat will be burned.

The video shows effective abdominal exercises

Remember! The load must be increased gradually, and start with running: 15 minutes at an average pace, 15-20 minutes at an easy fast pace, 10-15 minutes at a walk to restore heart rate and breathing.

The running time in the lap of nature or on a simulator is increased daily by 5-10 minutes to a training duration of 60 minutes. Then you can move on to cycling, stretching, cardio training, and swimming in the pool. Cardio exercises should be done before training. It burns most of the calories and energy.

Now you can start basic exercises: crunches, hanging on the bar with leg raises. Perform 10-15 repetitions, 4 sets. Gradually, the number of repetitions can be increased and weights can be added - weights from 1 kg.

Crunches on the mat
Crunches on the mat

When performing exercises for oblique and rib muscles for men, you will need weights of 10-20 kg. You should:

  • stand up and straighten your spine;
  • take a 10-20 kg dumbbell in your straightened arm;
  • a weighted hand works along the body, the other is behind the head;
  • perform side bends, repeat 10-15 times, 4 approaches.

Bend to the side with a weight in the form of a kettlebell or dumbbell
Bend to the side with a weight in the form of a kettlebell or dumbbell

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  • Push-up program for girls: learning to do push-ups correctly
  • How to effectively pump up your abs at home?

How to pump up your abs in a month at home

To begin with, this muscle needs to be pumped up.
Skinny girls and guys often don't have abs, even though they have a low body fat percentage. It is not visible because the muscle is not pumped enough. In order to pump up your abs, you can use this set of exercises:

Crunches (30 reps)

No rest:
Parallel leg raises (30 reps)

No rest:
plank (2 minutes)

Next, rest for two minutes and the next circle. There are three such circles. Also add a run of at least 30 minutes to your training process.

The most important thing is to change your diet. I advise you to avoid fried foods, mayonnaise, and butter. Reduce consumption of sweets, buns, cakes and pastries.

General recommendations for performing abdominal exercises for men

  • Warm up before your workout. Warming up warms up your muscles, protecting you from injury and preparing you for further exercise, promotes blood flow to the muscles, nourishing them, and allows you to concentrate on further training;
  • During exercise, keep your abdominal muscles (namely the abdominal muscles, not others) in constant tension;
  • Monitor the amplitude, speed of movement and the correctness of your actions. In other words, follow the exercise technique. There is no need to use jerks and rebounds from the floor in order to complete the desired number of repetitions. Quality is more important than quantity!;
  • Do not rest during repetitions of one set;
  • Don't forget to breathe. Try not to hold your breath while doing the exercises;
  • Focus your attention on the muscle being worked. If you are training your lower abdominal muscles, direct all your attention to this area. You should feel how it is being worked out during the exercise. This helps to better understand proper movement technique, isolate the muscles and remove tension from the accessory muscles.

Reasons why you can’t pump up your abs in a month at home

If you are thinking about how to lose a couple of kilos, this is no longer just a desire, this is already a real problem.

Three main problems:

. If you have a health problem, you need to solve it first and then return to the other two. But if you don’t have any health problems, then the next two reasons already become problems for you.

Not enough motivation.

Imagine this situation if you were told that if you lose 5 kilograms this month, you will be given 100,000 rubles.

For the entire month you will live the same life, but adding one goal to it. Which takes almost no time from you. Refusal of junk food begins to show itself. The first week you grit your teeth and continue to move forward because the goal is worth it. Later you realize that this is normal, you don’t experience any discomfort, your performance increases, and your sleep improves. New ideas appear, you begin to think differently. When time comes, you start looking for something to do instead of eating these tones of food.

You fulfill your goal, but then it turns out that you were simply deceived. They won’t give you those treasured 100,000 rubles that you were already counting on. But instead of these hundred thousand rubles, you received a beautiful body made by your labor, health which is generally priceless. New ideas and tasks that will bring you much more than you could ever think of.

And that's all you needed? Some promises to become ten times better. Isn't such a good life a motivation for you?

Lack of information.

Finally, you decided to take care of yourself. You start searching on the Internet and find some vague diets. 1000 different techniques and that’s just nutrition. As for the training process, there is generally darkness covered in horror.

Three main problems that you must overcome if you want to pump up your abs in a month at home.

It won’t happen tomorrow, from the first of September, from the new year, or now. Don’t show your weakness, don’t put off until later what needs to be done now.

Types of exercises for abdominal training

Different types of exercises are aimed at working specific muscle groups. There are three groups: upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Only a full study of all three groups allows you to achieve the desired result.

Exercises for the upper group:

You need to lie with your back on the floor. Place your hands on your chest or behind your head with your elbows apart. The legs should be positioned at right angles, with the feet resting on the floor. The exercise begins by lifting the body at an angle of 45 degrees. The lift must be done slowly to feel the muscle tension. You need to linger a little at the top and bottom points. You can increase the load by holding a certain weight at your chest, which can be a dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell plate or any other weighty object.

This element is performed lying on your stomach. Having straightened up, you should try to raise your arms and legs as high as possible. This exercise will strengthen not only the abs, but also the back muscles, which is very important for full development.

You need to lie on your back with your legs straight. Then slowly raise your legs to a perpendicular position to the body, after a short pause you need to lower your legs. Then repeat the original movement.

Exercises for the lower group:

  • Weighted leg raises.

You should lie with your back to the floor with emphasis on your arms, which need to be bent at the elbows.
Straightened legs should be raised to 45 degrees with a slight delay at peak height, then pull the knees to the chest and slowly lower. You need to lie on the floor with your back and keep your legs straight. Then you should raise and hold your legs to an angle of 45 degrees. When fixing this position, you need to alternately lower your right and left legs so that from the side these movements resemble the work of scissors. Movements must be done quickly and energetically.

Raising the pelvis is a very effective exercise and can be performed on two or one leg. The difficulty of execution depends on this. You need to lie on the floor and lean on your arms spread out to the sides. The legs or one leg should be bent at the knee, placing the foot on the floor. Tightening your abdominal muscles, you need to lift your pelvis up so that the body weight transfers to your shoulders and arms.

Exercises for oblique muscles:

  • Leg straightening.

On the subject: Ab exercises that can be done with diastasis

This exercise can be performed sitting on the floor, focusing on straight arms, or on a chair. Your legs should be pulled toward your chest so that your calves are parallel to the floor. Then you need to move your feet forward, keeping your legs parallel to each other.

  • Side crunches.

This type of exercise is performed like regular crunches, only in the last phase it is necessary to alternately move the right elbow to the left knee and the left elbow to the right knee.

  • Horizontal scissors.

You need to lie on your side with your legs straight and perform the scissors exercise, but in a horizontal exercise.

  • Lateral leg raises.

You should lie on your back, raise your legs up and bend your knees. Then alternately lower your bent legs to the right and left, lifting them with the help of your abdominal muscles.

Particular attention should be paid to exercises such as planks. It is universal, as it strains all muscle groups and has no analogues. It can be performed in two versions: straight plank and side plank.

To perform a straight plank, you need to focus on lying down, as in push-ups, or lower yourself onto your elbows. Then you need to keep your body as straight as possible, parallel to the floor. The execution time depends on how long you can stand in this position. For the side plank, you need to focus on your elbow at a right angle so that your face looks at the wall.

The plank is a highly effective exercise that develops endurance in the muscles of the back, abs, arms and shoulders. It allows you to tone your body and evaluate your own capabilities.

How to pump up your abs in a month at home - The only reason why you don't have abs

So often, when the New Year comes, when summer approaches, everyone starts working on themselves, choosing a diet, training. A week, two, three passes, the person either doesn’t see results or gets tired of everything and quits. And so often you may have started, but did not reach the end. Or they started, but didn’t see any results and gave up.

The only reason you still don't have abs

What is this secret reason that will allow you to finally answer the question of how to pump up your abs in a month at home.
Perhaps you need to bench press barbells instead of dumbbells, or start eating more broccoli instead of regular cabbage. There are so many tips out there when it comes to losing weight. But all of them will be meaningless if you cannot make them a lifestyle. Lifestyle is something that you don’t need to think about, fix, and constantly develop willpower to overcome yourself every day. Lifestyle is something that you do automatically without thinking about it. This is precisely the main problem of everyone who begins to lose weight. Because a diet, a training plan, a weight loss plan, a cutting plan, a plan on how to pump up your abs in a month at home, it all doesn’t work that way. Perhaps this will give you results in the short term. But then you must apply and adjust everything to suit yourself.

This is exactly what we will tell you about, how to make a diet, a training plan, how to turn it into a lifestyle. And you won’t think about how to pump up your abs in a month at home. Because you don't want to spend 30 days before summer working out and getting abs and looking great. And then, by the end of summer, swim again, eating God knows what, without training. And in winter, hide your belly from everyone. You should look in great shape 24/7, 365 days a year.

Formula for how to pump up your abs in a month at home

  1. Tailor your diet to suit you.
    When you look at weight loss plans or read our articles where we talk about a certain diet. You shouldn't take it blindly. You have to take the time and find alternatives to what you like. Those meals, those salads, dishes that you like to eat every day. Over time, you will wean yourself off all sweeteners and flavor enhancers, and you will enjoy the taste of live food. If you hate oatmeal in the morning, it might be better to replace it with buckwheat and milk, for example. It is possible to add fruits and jams to the oatmeal - improvise. Perhaps not any kind of porridge at all, but just an omelette. This also shakes the breasts. It's not just dry breast and you stuff it into yourself, figure out how to make it tasty, how to cut it into a salad. Take tuna, tomatoes, mozzarella, spinach, everything is mixed - an ordinary healthy meal with practically no calories, just proteins and vegetables can be so tasty. Therefore, take time to diet. First, start with the basics, understand how it works, and then develop a menu that you like.
  2. Find ways to replace unhealthy sweets with healthy ones.
    Millions of dessert recipes for weight loss. Fruit smoothie, chia pudding, chia with mango, chia with strawberries.
  3. The right training style.
    Choose what you like. Enjoy your workouts and look good.
  4. This whole process will no longer be a torment and will become a new lifestyle for you. Which will not only help you look good, but always be positive and charged. Feel amazing and proud of yourself when you look in the mirror. You can inspire others by your example, which makes life full of meaning and satisfaction. Make the right habits your style, not those that destroy us.

Final result

Balashov believes that the “Make perfect abs in 30 days” experiment can be called successful. Of course, there was a desire to quit training at the very beginning, but the blogger saw it through to the end.

On the final day of training, Anton already had a clearly visible six-pack and oblique abdominal muscles. All this while weighing 76 kilograms. Also, the volume of the arms and chest increased because the guy was simultaneously working out on the horizontal bar and testing another application program. In the month of the challenge and a couple of weeks before it, Balashov lost eight kilograms and managed to improve his strength, but he does not intend to stop. “This is not the end, this is just the beginning,” the blogger promised.

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