Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews

When choosing contraceptives, representatives of the fairer sex give preference to those that help get rid of extra pounds. Before you start taking birth control pills for weight loss, conduct a comparative analysis of drugs that do not make you gain weight, study in detail their characteristics, rules of use and possible side effects.

Some contraceptives can help you lose weight

How hormonal contraceptives affect body weight

To answer the question of whether there are hormonal contraceptives that make you lose weight at all, you should consider the original purpose of contraceptives.

Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews

The essence of the theory is that such drugs contain analogues of female hormones, which provides protection against unwanted pregnancy .

Due to the uterine endometrium, the cervical fluid thickens, the movement of sperm becomes difficult and then fertilization becomes impossible. Therefore, oral contraceptives necessarily contain hormones.

At the same time, you should know that a person’s weight depends on how actively and correctly metabolic processes occur in the body.

And any hormonal changes certainly entail a change in body shape .
A person’s weight can not only increase dramatically, but also decrease. But it is difficult to make a preliminary forecast as to which direction the scales will swing - it will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

To whom and why are hormonal drugs prescribed?

Professor Alexey Kovalkov

There are seven major endocrine glands in the human endocrine system, and there are many cells scattered throughout the gastrointestinal tract, for example, that also have the ability to produce hormones. There are several dozen hormones themselves, natural biologically active substances produced by the human body.

There are many hormonal medications that can be prescribed to women for one reason or another. And it is wrong to combine them into one frightening whole, overgrown with myths and superstitions. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor and the patient takes it correctly, there is no point in raising the question of the advisability of treatment. There are situations when hormonal therapy is irreplaceable.

Are there birth control pills that have a weight loss effect?

According to doctors and nutritionists, new generation hormonal contraceptives can help women get rid of extra pounds. And many women actually lose weight when taking them.

Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews
Hormonal contraceptives, which help you lose weight, actually have a different purpose - protection against unwanted pregnancy.

However, you need to understand that the effect of losing weight is a concomitant phenomenon, because their main function is completely different .

Medical specialists can recommend the use of birth control pills not only to women who do not want to become pregnant, but also to those who have impaired thyroid function.

It has been proven that dysfunction of the endocrine system leads to an imbalance of hormones. And this, in turn, threatens with extra pounds. And in this case, oral contraceptives are not intended to prevent conception, but to stabilize the emotional background.

They should be taken only after being prescribed by the attending physician , and undergo regular tests to keep the situation under control.

When the balance of hormones is achieved, metabolic processes return to normal and weight stabilizes, it turns out that after taking oral contraceptives of the new generation, a woman can really lose weight.

Read the popular site article: Popular birth control pills: list, names, prices, reviews

How to avoid gaining weight while taking hormones?

In order not to remember your slender figure in a few months, looking at its changed likeness with a difference of twenty kilograms, follow the rules. They are as old as time, but as old as they are, they are just as reliable.

Regular weigh-ins

Weigh yourself, take measurements of volumes, write everything down in a special notebook. Write down your weight, height, chest, waist, hips, arms, legs, ankles there. You can even take pictures, they will show all the slightest changes much more clearly. But it is very important for you to control all changes. Both for the better and for the worse. No one is immune from this.

Exactly a week later, repeat these simple machinations. You will want to step on the scale every day, especially during the day. However, protect yourself from this. Your weight will change very rapidly throughout the day. And along with your weight, your mood will change. So weigh yourself every week.

Sports activities

If you haven’t played sports before and led a completely sedentary lifestyle, then it’s time to change everything. Walk for an hour or two, light exercise in the morning and in the evening too. Not only your figure, but also your mood will thank you, since physical exercise has a beneficial effect on muscle tone and hormones. The treatment will be much easier, faster and with much better results, since attitude and desire play a huge role in recovery.

Proper nutrition

Think over your menu. Keep a special notebook where you write down dishes, ingredients and prepare them in advance. Eat three times a day, with obligatory healthy snacks, be it fruits, nuts, vegetable salad, and so on.


What drugs will help you lose weight

Ladies who prefer OK have noticed that it is not always possible to achieve a slim figure; the tablets need to contain drospirenone . This is what promotes weight loss.

What kind of hormone is this and what is it used for? The initial action of drospirenone is to suppress ovulation. But, besides this, this substance has a number of positive characteristics:

  • If hormonal contraceptives, which help you lose weight, contain drospirenone, then excess fluid is removed from the body.
  • Preparations containing it have a therapeutic effect. The condition of the skin improves, acne and seborrhea are eliminated.
  • The patients' blood pressure normalizes.
  • In women, swelling of the mammary gland is relieved.

There is a simple explanation for the wonderful properties of hormonal diet pills. Slimness returns to the female body due to the fact that the body is deprived of excess fluid. But you should know that this does not burn fat deposits.

It is important to note that along with the benefits of drospirenone, there are also a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored.

If a woman takes pills that contain the specified substance, but for some reason drospirenone is not suitable for her, then the body will signal the problem in the following ways:

  • allergic rash on the body;
  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • visual impairment;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle.

If, after using contraceptives containing drospirenone, at least one of these reactions is observed, then you should immediately stop taking it and be sure to consult a doctor.

It is important to remember that taking contraceptives on your own is not recommended. You must first consult a gynecologist and undergo a number of examinations.

Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews
Before taking hormonal contraceptives that help you lose weight, be sure to consult a gynecologist

Take care of yourself

The best way to maintain a healthy weight is to monitor your reactions and body condition. “If you have to take a course of taking any drug, start weighing yourself every morning,” advises Georgy Chernov, Ph.D., head of the rehabilitation center. — An extra 2 kg that appears after starting to take medications is a sign of a side effect of the drug and a signal to consult a doctor. If you have a sudden increase in appetite, you should talk to your doctor about a possible change in medication."

Obesity coupled with depression has become one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. And new antidepressants appear so often that many doctors have little time to study the side effects of each. In some cases, replacing one drug with another or reducing the dose is not a solution to the problem. It may be necessary to reconsider the entire treatment regimen, abandoning some medications, but only under the supervision of qualified endocrinologists or neuropsychologists.

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New generation contraceptives. Prices, reviews

Even in the last generation, women could not even think that contraceptives could not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also improve their well-being and help make a woman’s appearance much more attractive. After the course begins, the skin becomes smoother, rashes and oiliness are eliminated, hair and nails are strengthened.

Here are a few drugs that have a good reputation among the female half of the population:

  • Jess - this drug is taken orally. Its effect is due to the fact that ovulation is suppressed in a woman’s body and sperm are immobilized in the cervix.

Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews

Its advantages include the fact that women taking “Jess” reduce the risk of malignant tumors and reduce pain during menstruation.

The drug contains drospirenone, which eliminates headaches, irritability and joint problems.

The cost of packaging is 800 rubles.

  • Dimia . It is analogous to Jess. White film-coated tablets. The price is two times less than the original. Amounts to 450 rubles.

Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews

Among the tablets with the active substance there are placebos. It is very important to take the pills exactly at the same time. And pacifiers are designed to take a break from taking hormones, without interrupting the use of contraceptives.

Side effects include decreased libido. But reviews from women who have been drinking Dimia for a long time indicate that after a while everything returns to normal.

  • Yarina . For women suffering from seborrhea, fluid retention and acne, this will be a real godsend. But during breastfeeding and if pregnancy is suspected, the use of these oral contraceptives is not recommended.

Contraceptives that make you lose weight. Hormonal pills, names, reviews

The price of tablets ranges from 250 to 500 rubles.

Reviews about this drug are excellent in content. Some women are satisfied with the effect obtained, while others are forced to abandon it due to side effects.

Eat healthy fats

For normal functioning of the hormonal system, the body must regularly receive healthy fats. Vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, fatty fish, avocado, olives, tofu and soy milk - all of them satiate for a long time and improve metabolism. But foods rich in saturated and trans fats - sweets, store-bought baked goods, chips, margarine and fried foods - should be avoided.

Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, kefir, kombucha, natural yogurt, as well as the less common kimchi, miso, tempeh and natto are rich in probiotics.

Excess caffeine can negatively affect the growth hormone somatotropin, which is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, memory and brain activity and prevents premature aging. High levels of somatotropin help maintain muscle and bone tissue in adulthood, as well as retain fluid in the body. Coffee is especially harmful in the evening - in addition, it raises cortisol levels and interferes with restful sleep.

A glass of wine or something stronger at night is also not a good idea: alcohol prevents the body from processing estrogen and impairs the quality of sleep, which means it interferes with the production of growth hormone.

Why is it important to select medications based on tests together with your doctor?

Modern oral medications have proven themselves to be the best; they are not only effective, but also have a minimum of contraindications. And, nevertheless, when choosing, you should take into account even the most minor nuances . Everything is important: age, frequency of sexual relations, and combination with medications.

You should not choose hormonal pills for yourself; this can cause changes in hormonal levels, which will entail a number of the most unpleasant consequences. These are changes in body weight, bleeding, headaches and dizziness.

Eat less sugar

Sugar is also a simple carbohydrate that causes an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone: after eating cakes, we are happy and satisfied for a while, but after an hour or two we become irritable and anxious. Dietary products will not save the situation, since instead of sugar they add the even more harmful sweetener aspartame, which causes endocrine disruption.

Of course, you won’t be able to completely eliminate sugar - it is found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, but try to eat less desserts and teach yourself to drink unsweetened tea and coffee, and choose foods with a low glycemic index.

Contraindications for use and side effects

A woman can lose weight from taking hormonal medications if she takes them correctly and has no contraindications to use. You should not take birth control pills in the following conditions:

  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • smoking women over 35 years of age;
  • with a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting;
  • for high-risk arterial hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies;
  • women with allergies to any of the components.

When using birth control pills, side effects may occur that will require discontinuation or replacement of the drug. Their severity varies from person to person, but in the first 2 months they are a consequence of addiction to the drug. You need to pay attention to the following conditions:

The cosmetic effect is not a side effect of taking birth control pills; it is a direct effect of antiandrogenic types of progestins.

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