Calorie content of strawberries per 100 grams and strawberry diet


Strawberries are a healthy berry that is even used in medicine, as an antimicrobial drug for the treatment of nasopharynx.

It contains tannins that strengthen the gums. In addition, strawberries relieve stress and help maintain a good mood.

The berry is often used as a main product for weight loss. (Article about strawberries for weight loss). By correctly compiling a menu for every day, you can get rid of at least four extra kilos in a week.

Is strawberry a berry or a nut?

This is one of the most popular garden crops in the world. But how to classify it, a strawberry or a fruit? Let's analyze:

  • Fruits grow on trees, berries on the ground or bushes.
  • The berries are distinguished by numerous seeds, sometimes very small (as, for example, raspberries). Strawberries also have them, only they are located not inside, but outside. But this is not a berry.
  • According to botanical science, strawberries are considered to be nuts. And that's why. The usual red berries are the protruding receptacle. It contains the true fruits - dryish miniature seeds-nuts.

Strawberries are not a berry, not a fruit. It is classified as a multi-walnut, the softest of this family.

At the everyday level, strawberries are considered a berry.

Difference between strawberries and wild strawberries

What is usually called strawberries and grown in garden plots or cottages is actually garden strawberries.

But this is not a “cultivated” version of wild strawberries, but two different types:

  1. Strawberries and strawberries have different “insides”. The inside of the strawberry is uniformly red, the strawberry version is whitish and has a column-like stem.
  2. The strawberry fruit is larger, juicier, and softer than the strawberry fruit.
  3. Wild berries are more fragrant.

Strawberry is a purely Russian name. Derived from the Old Russian "klub", meaning "roundness" or "ball" (for example, puffs of smoke). This is how wild green strawberries have been called in Rus' for centuries.


Botanical description

It’s not for nothing that strawberries and wild strawberries are confused:

  • Both berries belong to the Rosaceae family.
  • Their common Latin name is Fragaria, meaning “fragrant.”
  • Officially, both are considered strawberries.
  • They ripen on a low growing bush.
  • In spring, white or pinkish flowers appear on them from the receptacle.
  • The cone-shaped fruits that appear are green, bitter and tasteless. As they ripen, they turn red, gaining sweetness.
  • Their top is crowned with a “crown” of leaves and green leaves on the same stalk.
  • Small yellowish specks on the surface are seeds. In berries they are located not inside, but outside the fruit.


At the everyday level, the criterion for determining the type of berry is the dimensions: real strawberries are always larger than wild strawberries.

Strawberry fruits weigh 15-21 grams. Weight, dimensions and taste depend on the variety of garden strawberries. Hybrid specimens are two to three times more massive and sweeter. The general flavor range is from sour-sweet to dense sweetness.

Strawberry classic – bright red color. There are burgundy, white, and yellowish berries. Deep red strawberries are considered the most useful.

Geography of growth

The common garden strawberry is the result of cross-pollination of Chilean and Virginia strawberries (Virginia is a US state). The process was helped by an incident: the royal gardener planted bushes in the Louvre garden nearby. This is how dozens of varieties were born. According to another version, the hybrid was obtained by the Dutch, and brought to Europe by the French in the 18th century. A hundred years later, the Russians became acquainted with garden strawberries. In addition to the USA and Chile, it grows in neighboring countries of the American continent. In Europe there is a zone of forest and forest-steppe, from the Baltic states to Kazakhstan plus Siberia. This is the distribution area for wild or summer berries. In greenhouses, strawberries bear fruit anywhere.

Strawberries during pregnancy

1. Doctors recommend that pregnant women, especially in the first months of pregnancy, take folic acid. So there you go! Strawberries can easily replace a chemical drug.

2. During pregnancy, women often suffer from constipation. Red berries will also help solve this problem, and will also cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

3. A slight diuretic effect will help relieve swelling and stress on the kidneys.

4. Vitamins and minerals will strengthen the immune system and protect against viral and colds.

5. Fluorine, magnesium, potassium - these microelements will strengthen the nervous system and normalize hormonal levels. A woman’s irritability, aggressiveness, tearfulness, and depression go away.

Note! Delicious berries are among strong allergens. If you experience redness, swelling, itching, or a sore throat, call a doctor immediately! During pregnancy, it is best to consume strawberries only when they are in season. This way you will protect yourself and your unborn child from harmful nitrates and pesticides.

On a note! For a nursing mother, no more than 3-5 pieces per day.

For children

How many calories are in strawberries


100 grams of pulp contains only 40-42 kcal. Therefore, the calorie content of fresh strawberries can be neglected even when on a diet: it is purely symbolic.

Frozen strawberries have even fewer calories - 36 per 100 grams. This is due to the increased amount of water.

Low-calorie content makes strawberries a pleasant basis for an aesthetic (weight loss) diet. Even Hollywood divas use it.

But such a mono-diet (1.5 kg of berries per day for a whole week) is not useful for everyone. A fasting day or taking a portion of strawberries instead of lunch or dinner would be better.

Strawberry diet

Losing weight with strawberries is not only easy, but also quite pleasant. Some diets suggest losing weight using only strawberries, while others offer them in combination with other healthy foods. But it should be noted that the calorie content of fresh strawberries is different from the calorie content of strawberries with sugar. The more sugar, the higher the calorie content.

The strawberry diet not only helps you get rid of extra pounds, but also perfectly removes toxins from the body. Digestion improves and at the same time the immune system is strengthened. The strawberry diet also perfectly fights skin aging, and therefore is widely used in cosmetology.

Strawberries are a better alternative for weight loss than fermented milk products. It contains a large number of microelements. They promote fat burning. You can eat strawberries in unlimited quantities, unless, of course, you are allergic to them. The strawberry diet is usually consumed in the summer. And for the winter, this berry is canned and made into jam. But it is worth remembering that strawberry jam has a high calorie content, and therefore you should not get carried away with it if you have problems with excess weight.

Strawberry chemical composition

Strawberries are tasty and healthy. Both qualities are due to the range of nutrients contained in it.

The nutritional value

The BJU triad (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) for garden strawberries is as follows (g/per 100 grams of pulp):

  • proteins – 0.80-0.82;
  • fats – 0.41-0.43;
  • carbohydrates – 7.3-7.5.

The exact figure depends on the variety of strawberries and the degree of ripeness.

Vitamins, minerals

Garden strawberries contain the following substances:

  • vitamins – A, group B (1, 2, 9), C, E, K, H, PP;
  • minerals - potassium, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus.

But what vitamins do strawberries contain the most? First of all, it is ascorbic acid. It contains almost 67% vitamin C. This is more than citrus fruits. By eating six to seven berries (about 100 g), you can get 70% of the daily adult requirement. In terms of quantity and range of vitamins, garden strawberries are second only to black currants.

The fruits are rich in pectin, natural sugars and acids, and tannins.


Boron, iron, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and copper are present in microdoses in garden strawberries. Each is responsible for its own component of the overall health of the body.

Can you lose weight by eating strawberries?

A girl measures her waist after a strawberry dieta girl measures her waist circumference after a strawberry diet.
The answer is yes.

There is an express diet based on strawberries, designed for 3-4 days.

Please note that with every meal there are always strawberries for dessert. And yet, according to Ayurveda, the ideal time to eat berries is the first half of the day. And it’s better to completely avoid aromatic dessert at night.

However, if you have never restricted yourself in food, try starting with one diet day every 14 days. Gradually increase the number of days you restrict your food intake with the goal of losing weight. Look at your feelings, health and goals.

So, we looked at the benefits of strawberries for burning excess fat, as well as their energy value in small and large doses.

Be attentive to your body's reactions. If you have any allergy to strawberries, avoid eating them.

Be healthy and moderate in your diet!

Beneficial properties of strawberries

The natural properties of strawberries are a powerful weapon against a “bouquet” of diseases. From routine types of constipation to serious diabetes and atherosclerosis. Berries are chosen by those who want to look younger and more attractive.

Medicinal properties of strawberries

What does strawberry cure?

By consuming berries during the season, you can improve your health, strengthen your immune system, and get rid of some ailments:

  1. Garden strawberries are endowed with antimicrobial properties; in fact, they are a source of natural aspirin, therefore they relieve pain of a different nature (headache, periodic pain, joint pain, etc.).
  2. Disaccharides stimulate the production of glucose, so the berry is indicated for diabetes.
  3. Its saturation with potassium and magnesium makes it useful for normalizing heart function.
  4. Soft fiber regulates intestinal motility, prevents or eliminates constipation. Together with pepsin, it cleanses blood vessels.
  5. Strawberry masks heal the skin, make it young and radiant.
  6. Berry juice removes yellow teeth and freshens breath.

Consumption of fresh strawberry berries heals the body, simultaneously solving human aesthetic problems.

The berry is an easily digestible product (20-25 minutes), saturating the body with energy. But it does not create a feeling of heaviness.

Nutrients and their benefits

Strawberries have a rich composition, which includes various minerals and trace elements. They have a beneficial effect on all internal organs, improve their functioning, increase immunity and strengthen the body.


It is worth highlighting the main nutrients found in fruits:

  • Iron. Source of hemoglobin. This component protects against anemia and prevents the appearance of anemia.
  • Bor. It is considered an essential component of blood cells, muscle and bone tissue.
  • Iodine. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Copper. Has a strong disinfecting effect.
  • Fluorine. Increases the strength of tooth enamel and prevents its destruction.

Strawberries contain organic acids. These components dissolve kidney stones.

How to eat strawberries

Garden strawberries are saturated with organic acids that irritate the walls of the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to eat berries after the main meal, as a pleasant addition. No wonder this is the most popular dessert.

It is believed that strawberries are not mixed with other products - this provokes fermentation in the stomach and flatulence. And it is only compatible with milk.

However, the Internet offers garden strawberry salads for every taste: with chicken, cheese, nuts, and other fruits. It probably has to do with individual perception of the berry.

Content of vitamins and microelements

Strawberry fruits contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins B, K, PP, macro- and microelements: potassium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine, natural sugars, pectin substances, fiber, organic acids.

Amino acids are also present in the pulp of the fruits: asparagine K-Ta 0.149 g, glutamine K-Ta 0.098 g, leicin 0.034 g, Alanin 0.033 g, Arginine 0.026 g, lysine 0.026 g, Serin 0.022 g, valin, valin 0.019 g, phenylalanine 0.019 g, etc.

The use of strawberries in cosmetology

Garden strawberries are one of the top beauty ingredients. Its extracts are found in skin care products from major cosmetic brands. This is the main ingredient in home cosmetic procedures:

  • A mask made from strawberry pulp tightens pores, cleanses the skin, and makes it more elastic. The skin is saturated with vitamins, becoming fresh and velvety.
  • You can mix the pulp with honey - the skin will be moisturized and visually more uniform.
  • Adding white clay to strawberry pulp helps smooth out fine wrinkles and soften rough skin.
  • Strawberry juice is a traditional bleach: it “dissolves” freckles and fine pigmentation.

Product calculator

Enter the amount of the product “Strawberries (garden), strawberries” to calculate its nutritional value

PropertyMeaning% of normal
Calorie content, kcal412.05 2.05%
Proteins, g0,80 0%
Carbohydrates, g7,52.8 2.8%
Fats, gr0,40 0%

Enter the quantity of “Strawberries, raw” to calculate its nutritional value

PropertyMeaning% of normal
Calorie content, kcal321.6 1.6%
Proteins, g0,670 0%
Carbohydrates, g5,682 2%
Fats, gr0,30 0%

Harm and contraindications of strawberries

The berry has contraindications:

  1. Allergy. Personal intolerance is manifested by red skin rashes that cause itching.
  2. Gastritis, colitis, ulcers, other problems of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Intolerance to pharmaceutical aspirin.

For a healthy person, strawberries can be harmful only if they are unripe, full of nitrates or poorly washed. Or consumed in kilograms at a time.

What makes garden strawberries an allergen is the pollen of other plants, which clings to the seeds on the surface. To neutralize it, pour boiling water over the berries in a colander or sieve before use. The procedure will not affect the taste and usefulness.

Medicinal infusions made from strawberries

Strawberry infusions can be prepared from fresh berries, as well as leaves. In the first case, you need to pour two tablespoons of the product with one glass of boiling water. The broth should be infused in a thermos for at least thirty minutes. Then you need to strain it and drink it, as an effective diuretic/diaphoretic and immunomodulating agent, half a cup before eating. The described recipe also helps to heal a sore throat. You just need to gargle with strawberry water.

Do you like sweets? Find out what the calorie content of honey is and what medicinal properties it has?

This news is all about grapes, their beneficial properties and calorie content.

Useful properties of rice!

As for fresh and dried leaves of the plant, they can help heal from bleeding, including hemorrhoids. To prepare the medicine, pour two tablespoons of chopped leaves with boiling water and leave for forty minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and drink half a glass three times a day.

Who are strawberries contraindicated for?

Certain categories of people need to be very careful with strawberries. This:

  • Suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis (strawberry seeds are very irritating to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Suffering from joint diseases (the plant aggravates the problem of gouty pain syndrome).
  • Those taking enapril or similar medications that help lower blood pressure (strawberries in combination with these medications place a greater burden on the kidneys).
  • Allergy sufferers. Perhaps this is the most important reason why people of all ages refuse strawberries. The surface of the product contains pores. They, like a sponge, accumulate pollen, which provokes allergic reactions.

Description and characteristics of culture

This plant is full of contradictions:

  • called a strawberry, it is actually, from a botanical point of view, a green strawberry;
  • its delicious and aromatic berries are actually false, i.e. they are not berries at all, but are multi-nuts in the form of an overgrown receptacle with a surface dotted with small seeds.

StrawberryStructure of strawberries
The name “strawberry”, derived from the ancient word “club”, i.e. in the form of a ball, ball, was originally assigned to a hybrid of European and American strawberries. This hybrid in the form of pineapple strawberries was called strawberry, after which gradually all varieties of garden strawberries began to be called this word, leaving only wild, small forest species behind the strawberry itself.

The plant consists of complex trifoliate leaves on long stems and creeping shoots that can take root. The fibrous roots reach a depth of a quarter meter. The flowers are most often white, but sometimes yellowish in color, located on long peduncles and, being usually bisexual, are pollinated by insects. Apocarpous fruits, as already mentioned, are false berries.

Did you know? Strawberries are so popular that they are grown everywhere on our planet, with the exception of the North and South Poles. In California alone, almost 1 million tons of it are grown annually, which is about a third of the world production of this product.

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