Reduxin Light: reviews from doctors and those losing weight, composition, contraindications

Every woman suffering from excess weight problems dreams of seeing noticeably lower numbers on the scale. And what they don’t do is starvation diets that do not bring anything useful to the body, various pills with dubious effect. In addition, after taking them, the mass begins to increase again.

In recent years, the weight loss industry market has been offering dietary supplements for these purposes - dietary supplements that, according to manufacturers, help you quickly lose weight. One of these drugs is Reduxin Light. Customer reviews about it arouse genuine interest. In this article we will try to figure out what kind of remedy this is and what effect it has.

Risk area and reasons

Before you start talking about the drug, it is worth identifying the problems that cause excess weight and those who are at risk.

And the problems are:

  1. A naturally slow or disrupted metabolism or short-term strict diets can lead to gradual weight gain over a long period of time. The risk of such conditions increases after reaching the age of thirty. The solution is physical activity and a balanced diet.
  2. Excess weight can appear after taking a number of medications. Only the doctor can decide on the advisability of canceling them.
  3. Weight gain occurs as a result of edema processes and fluid accumulation in the fatty tissue of the body. Physical training and routine will help.
  4. Age-related weight gain is caused by hormonal changes in the body of women, starting from the age of forty. A healthy sports lifestyle and fractional meals will help.
  5. Excess weight can also be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys or liver. People with hypertension, diabetes, and hepatitis need to regularly see a doctor.

For the purpose of prevention or assistance in the treatment of various conditions that cause uncontrolled weight gain, experts advise the use of various dietary supplements, including the “Reduxin Light” weight loss supplements noted in reviews. The enhanced formula of the drug is especially preferable, they say, and acts somewhat faster.

What are dietary supplements and what are they for?

Dietary supplements (abbreviated as dietary supplements) are specially selected compositions of biologically active substances. They are not medicines, are intended for direct consumption with food and are an additional source of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

In addition, they are substances that accelerate certain functions in the body, while acting gently and gradually. The effect is achieved by the fact that the additives act not on the effect, but on the cause of the problem. Reviews of Reduxin Light confirm this effect of the drug.

Most traditional medications suppress, rather than cure, the problem and make it chronic. Whereas supplements, when taken over a long period of time, even out metabolic processes and physical cycles in the body. As a result of this, recovery occurs.

Dietary supplements can also be considered as preventive measures to stabilize the functioning of organs and systems of the human body. People who dream of losing weight invariably limit themselves in food intake, thereby reducing the availability of necessary substances, causing harm to the body. These are also what dietary supplements help to replenish.

Composition of the substance

This supplement appeared in two thousand and ten and immediately aroused the interest of many people.

The product is sold in all pharmacies and is available without a prescription. These are capsules with a gelatin shell and water, glycerin and citric acid added to it.

Each capsule contains conjugated linoleic acid in the amount of five hundred milligrams - the main active ingredient of the Reduxin Light diet pills (reviews about the effect of this substance are mostly positive), as well as vitamin E.

The product is equally suitable for people of both sexes.

According to the recommendations, taking the drug:

  • burns fat;
  • does not allow the formation of new fat depots;
  • increases muscle tone.

How to take the product, reviews from doctors:

Reduxin Light is a dietary supplement and is sold without a prescription. But you should not consider dietary supplements as the only means for losing weight. Taking Reduxin Light should be supplemented with a balanced diet and exercise. You can often hear the question: “how much weight can you lose on Reduxine Light?” In order to answer this, you should study the reviews of those losing weight: they show that losing weight with the help of Reduxin will be long-term; it is recommended to lose no more than 2 kg of excess weight per week. If you are not overweight according to medical standards, the use of dietary supplements may not give a pronounced effect at all.

Properties of the main components

The main active component of the Reduxin Light product is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is one of the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not produced independently by the human body.

The substance is obtained using animal products as raw materials - fish, dairy products, red meat. The problem is that the required amount of acid cannot always be obtained from food. After all, modern animals are raised on artificial feed, and not on natural pastures, which determines the volume of linoleic acid synthesis. Therefore, nutritional supplements, which include Reduxin Light, should compensate for its deficiency, and reviews from doctors confirm this.

Properties of conjugated linoleic acid:

  • powerful stimulation of the immune system;
  • is an anticarcinogen and antioxidant;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and metabolism;
  • slowing down the processes of fat deposition and activating enzymes for their processing;
  • increase in muscle mass during sports activities;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • reducing the risk of developing allergies.

According to the description in the instructions for use of “Reduxina Light” (reviews from doctors note a successful combination of ingredients), the second component of the supplement is vitamin E, which protects cells from unnecessary oxidative processes.

Its properties:

  • red blood cell protection;
  • stimulation of oxygen transport to cells and tissues;
  • preventing the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • positive effect on blood clotting processes;
  • protection against blood clots;
  • improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • general rejuvenation of the body.

Losing weight is difficult, but possible

I never went on a diet or did special cardio exercises to “burn” fat. To be honest, I thought there was nothing complicated about it. I firmly believed that I could muster my will and get rid of 10-12 unnecessary kilograms in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I was wrong. If it weren’t for Reduxin Light, he would still be fat now. It turned out to be very, very difficult to change eating habits in one fell swoop.

I got a job in the office of a well-known company selling sports equipment, nutritional supplements and special running clothing. Everything would be fine - I studied the assortment, made a couple of successful direct sales, but the boss decided that a fit, athletic guy should communicate with clients, and not a “cheerful tomato” (when I overexert myself, I blush because of the excess weight).

The place is really good and I thought that I could work out for it and lose excess fat. I went on a diet, joined a gym and within a week... I broke down(((It turned out that habits were stronger than me. Without donuts and sandwiches, I got irritated, couldn’t think normally and generally became a “bad person.” Time passed (I was put on probation 3 months), but no results. Spas Reduxin Light with its enhanced formula. Only thanks to this drug I am now back to normal!

Admission rules

Reviews of the Reduxina Light formula confirm that this drug will be useful not only for removing extra pounds, but also as an additional supplement in the treatment of endocrine diseases and dysfunctions of the immune system, gastric and intestinal problems, inflammatory processes, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerotic changes vessels. However, the optimal dosage is individual for everyone and should be determined by a doctor.

According to the instructions and reviews, “Reduxin Light” is taken in courses, the number of which is calculated based on the initial weight indicators and weight loss goals. The duration of one course is two months, and the break is thirty days.

Take two capsules three times a day along with food. Experts do not recommend increasing the dosage - the maximum daily dose should be six tablets.

Necessary conditions for using "Reduxina Light"

Reviews from people losing weight indicate that to get the desired effect from using the drug, it is not enough to just take it. There are certain conditions that must be met while taking the course.

These are:

  1. Mandatory refusal to take alcoholic beverages - they destroy the effect of the drug.
  2. Compliance with the rules of rational nutrition - it is forbidden to starve or, conversely, overeat. You should eat food four to five times a day in halved portions.
  3. Nutrition should be balanced with an optimal ratio of microelements, proteins, carbohydrates and fats in portions to maintain proper metabolism.
  4. Fast food and semi-finished products, sweets, dishes with added fat and high-calorie sauces should be excluded from the diet.
  5. During the course, you need to drink about two liters of still clean water daily. This does not include the consumption of liquid foods.
  6. Non-exhaustive sports are required - brisk walking, dancing, aerobics, swimming or light jogging.

Strict adherence to these instructions for taking Reduxina Light (reviews from those losing weight fully confirm this fact) allows you to achieve maximum effect.

How to use reduxin light

In general, CLA sources are drunk once, in a dosage of 1 g of the substance. This is if the goal is to lose weight. In the case of reduxin light, the manufacturer recommends drinking 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day, along with food. One capsule of Reduxin Light contains 500 mg of CLA, therefore, you can focus on 2 capsules daily to begin with.

The problem is that numerous studies show the effectiveness of the drug, starting with relatively high dosages, but taking a high dose can provoke an increase in blood cholesterol, hypertension, and kidney and liver problems. One can, of course, debate whether Reduxin Light is to blame or the diet, but the fact remains that taking CLA in high doses requires almost perfect adherence to the diet, which is popularly called a “fitness diet.” Yes, you will have to say goodbye to full-fat meat, regular-fat dairy products, cream in coffee, coconut oil and all your favorite cheeses. These foods are also sources of saturated fat, which increases the effect significantly.

The manufacturer recommends drinking the product in courses. Usually this means that the course lasts 1 month, and no more than 3-4 are offered per year. This is consistent with a one-year weight loss plan - you can use the maximum calorie reduction in the month you take the supplement. This will make it possible to painlessly “cut” sources of saturated fats in the diet for the hormonal system and improve diet tolerance. Then, when the cycle ends, you should move on to a more moderate calorie reduction (10%) and add more intense exercise. Thus, losing weight may look like a cycle of a more strict diet and strength exercises in a hypertrophy (8-12 repetitions per set) mode with taking reduxin light (1 month), a “recovery” cycle with an increased diet, but with a slight deficit and more intense exercises (weight lifting, aerobic strength intervals, classic metabolic training) and without pills, and a recovery cycle with a diet according to the body’s needs in combination with intense strength training (i.e. for developing strength 5-8 repetitions, if we are talking about amateur fitness). This cycle will help maintain muscle mass during the weight loss process and achieve an athletic figure. But this, so to speak, is the knowledge accumulated by the fitness community in the process of using other CLC brands.

And the manufacturer, meanwhile, does not give any sensible recommendations either on diet cycling or on organizing physical activity. Which allows us to conclude that the dietary supplement is designed for beginners, for whom, as you know, any cycle and any training plan is almost ideal.

Moreover, here and there there are reviews of people who are trying to “eat” KLK and lose weight with the help of a hula hoop, which, to put it mildly, is counterproductive.

Strengthened drug formula

The industry for the production of weight loss products does not stand still; new products are being developed or existing ones are being improved. This product did not escape the same fate.

Manufacturers have created a variety of the drug - “Reduxin Light. Strengthened Formula." Reviews from those who have experienced its effect on themselves testify to its effectiveness.

The main active component of this non-medicinal product is microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), the task of which is to control appetite and reduce it. Thanks to this, eating habits are adjusted and the achieved result is consolidated.

One capsule once a day with a glass of water at the same time - these are the conditions for taking Reduxin Light. Strengthened Formula."

Reviews of those losing weight with this drug are quite optimistic. Users claim that as a result of use they notice actual weight loss, improvement in overall well-being and tone.


Medical contraindications for taking Reduxin Light include:

  • pregnancy and lactation, since the drug has not been tested on pregnant women;
  • age up to 18 years, children are recommended only a natural source of CLA - safflower oil (vegetable oil obtained from the seeds of safflower);
  • It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

In addition, it should be clearly understood that taking Reduxin Light cannot correct eating behavior that is disturbed for psychological reasons. If you overeat, can't maintain a balanced diet despite your best efforts, and have cravings for certain less-than-healthy foods, nutritional supplements, even the best and healthiest ones, won't do anything for you in terms of weight loss. Try to solve your underlying problem first, and only then select nutritional supplements that will help speed up post-workout recovery.

Side effects and contraindications

According to the manufacturers, the dosage of the drug correctly selected by a specialist and compliance with the conditions of administration guarantee that the product does not cause side effects at all. But there are some cases where the use of the drug provoked the occurrence of digestive disorders, constipation, dry mouth, sleep disturbances, tachycardia, anxiety, and increased blood pressure.

An overdose of the drug causes dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and itching of the skin.

Side effects arise from taking both of the above-mentioned drugs, especially, as reviews indicate, from Reduxina Light. The cellulose-reinforced formula calls for caution when using the drug.

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to eighteen years;
  • allergy to the ingredients that make up the drug;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver or kidneys that are chronic.

Cost and analogues of the drug

Cost of "Reduxin Light. Strengthened formula" varies from three thousand two hundred to three thousand six hundred rubles per pack of sixty capsules. And the price of Reduxin Light tablets ranges from one thousand six hundred to one thousand nine hundred rubles for a similar amount. Consumer reviews note the quite affordable price of these drugs.

Product analogues include:

  • "Dietress";
  • "Xenical";
  • "Ultra Effect";
  • "KLK 1000".

Differences between “Reduxin Light” and “Reduxin”

Many people who hear these two names are interested in the question: what is their difference? Let me explain.

"Reduxin" is a domestic drug for the treatment of three degrees of obesity, which is prescribed exclusively by a specialist and is sold in pharmacies by prescription. Belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs. Produced since two thousand and twelve. Prescribed to people who are overweight from thirty kilograms.

The main ingredient of the product is sibutramine, used in the complex treatment of obesity. This is an anorexigenic drug, the effect of which is to increase the feeling of satiety. This effect is also achieved due to the content of microcrystalline cellulose in the drug, which, swelling in the stomach, creates a feeling of satiety.

In addition, sibutramine stimulates thermogenesis, which is disrupted in obese people due to metabolic problems - the human body stops using fat for heating, but instead stores it. The drug helps solve this problem.

In contrast to this product, Reduxin Light (reviews from doctors absolutely confirm this fact) is a food additive, which makes these two products fundamentally different.

History of Reduxin Light

Reduxin Light, based on the name, exploits the popularity of another “reduxin” - a drug based on sibutramine for weight loss. At the beginning of the 2000s in Russia and Ukraine, it was possible to buy almost any sibutramine drug without a prescription, despite the fact that reduxin was always a prescription drug. However, since 2010, the government began to control how pharmacies sell prescription drugs, and drug companies began to lose profits. It’s no secret that most weight loss medications are purchased not by those for whom they are indicated for medical reasons, but by lazy people who want to lose 5 kg without much difficulty.

Reduxin Light went on sale in 2010. While promoting the drug, its sellers even sent out free “samples”, and the pills, as they say, went to the people. Today you can purchase the product at any pharmacy. True, in any sports nutrition store in your neighborhood you can buy CLA in capsules or the drug Lipidex at half the price.

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Many people trust their doctors' advice regarding dietary supplements. Below is what the doctors say.

This drug is a mild food additive. However, it is still worth taking it after preliminary consultation with a specialist, so as not to experiment with the body again. The same applies to Reduxina Light. Reviews say that in conditions of moderate physical activity, a balanced diet and the absence of contraindications, the product really helps to get rid of excess weight, but only as an auxiliary component.

Some experts express the opinion that seemingly harmless dietary supplements can cause harm to the body. These may be disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems due to uncontrolled use of such drugs. Preliminary consultation and tests will allow you to make the right decision.

The ability to lose weight mainly depends on an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. With systematic overeating or, conversely, fasting and lack of physical activity, no drug will help you lose weight or maintain the result. And uncontrolled intake of food additives leads to disruption of the hormonal system.

According to many, the undoubted benefit of the product is the presence of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the human body from the harmful effects of the environment.

Composition of reduxin

The composition of “Reduxin Light” is to some extent similar to other nutritional supplements that help get rid of excess weight in the human body. But, like all quality nutritional supplements, it also has its own characteristics. The opinion of most nutritionists about the drug is confirmed by its unique capabilities.

Reduxin Light contains vitamin E and linoleic acid in combination with conjugir. It is no secret that scientists have been experimenting for many years and trying to create substances that will have a more active effect on the human body and help eliminate excess weight in a faster and harmless way. These studies give results and one of the results of a successful study can be shown “Faty acids saturated with polenin.”

Linoleic acid with conjugin is what experts themselves call “CLA.” This acid is part of a group of acids that are vital for the human body. It is considered widespread in nature. Scientists were the first to find acid with conjugin in meat and dairy products. For the production of the Reduxin Light dietary supplement, CLA is taken from plants. It should be noted that very often CLA is taken from a plant oil called “Safflower”.

This acid helps a person improve the metabolism that occurs in his (her) body. In addition, linoleic acid with conjugin helps block the enzyme that converts excess energy in the human body into fat and retains it. When this enzyme is blocked, CLA simultaneously accelerates the processing of fats in the human body.

Doctors can also recommend CLA for the treatment of various diseases. Diseases in which CLA can help are: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, diseases associated with the immune system, inflammatory processes.

Women should not take the nutritional supplement “Reduxin Light” while breastfeeding or during pregnancy. And yet, it should not be taken by children. Before you start taking this dietary supplement, you need to consult a doctor and get tested to check your body for sensitivity to the substances contained in Reduxin Light.

About “Reduxin Light” for weight loss: reviews from those losing weight

It is especially interesting to listen to the opinions of those who have already used this drug. And they testify to the following.

After taking this remedy over the course of two courses, it is possible to lose weight up to ten kilograms. Those losing weight are happy with this result, but note that this happened simultaneously with a change in eating habits - they began to eat regularly and nutritiously. The product does not cause side effects or allergic manifestations, and does not interfere with the functioning of internal organs.

Most of the reviews say that, in fact, to lose weight, along with taking the drug, they began to carry out sets of simple physical exercises once or twice a day, and this also gave a certain result. After taking the product, immunity increased and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improved.

Weight loss after two courses occurred by only three kilograms with an almost unchanged lifestyle - these are also reviews of Reduxin Light. The increased metabolism that this supplement provides gives its results, but they will not be consolidated without working on your regime.

The undoubted advantage of taking the drug is that weight loss occurs gradually, so the skin has time to recover and does not sag, and there is no feeling of weakness and hunger.

Some reviews question the effect of this supplement; they say that the entire effect is achieved through changes in diet and exercise. But such opinions only confirm the fact that the drug itself does not give results, but only helps in achieving it in parallel with other means.


The similarity is that both drugs help to correct weight and maintain good athletic shape. But both drugs have a positive effect only with complex therapy: a balanced diet, exercise, correction of habits and lifestyle. Dietary supplements and medicine are not a temporary measure for quick weight loss, but part of lifestyle changes.

Recommended Products

When compiling a list of foods for a diet for the purpose of losing weight, experts recommend the following: unsweetened dried fruit compote, buckwheat or rice porridge, bran, raw salads from carrots and beets or other vegetables, soups from lean meat and chicken, low-fat yogurt, green tea, boiled fish.

This list is quite enough to create a menu with a complete balanced diet for a week. Daily meals should be taken in small portions up to five times a day, and dinner should be planned four hours before bedtime.

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