Face building for the face at home: a set of effective exercises

04/13/2017 / Face masks at home

Every woman dreams of remaining beautiful for a long time and having firm and elastic skin. A facelift will help preserve youth and restore the elastic structure of the skin. Moreover, the method is non-traumatic and completely safe. Facelifting is a special gymnastics that was developed by Sente Aria Runge in the middle of the last century. Since then, the set of exercises has been refined by many cosmetologists and doctors. The uniqueness of gymnastics is that after performing it, the deepest wrinkles on the face are completely smoothed out. Lifting of any folds is carried out in a natural way, without any surgery.

Lower part correction

Facelifting the jowls and facial muscles allows you to get rid of existing imperfections and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. The set of exercises is suitable for absolutely all people of any age. Today, such gymnastics is universal and represents a whole science. Anyone can choose a specific set of exercises for themselves.

Before starting gymnastics, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin of your face and neck with a cosmetic product. A nourishing cream is applied to the area under the eyes. To perform the exercises, you need to sit in front of a mirror and use a pencil to mark the muscle areas that you will have to work on.

For gymnastics of the lower part of the face you will need:

1. Extend the lower jaw as much as possible.

2. Cover your upper lip with your lower lip.

3. The facial muscles should be pulled high.

4. At the same time, raise the left corner of the mouth and squint the left eye.

5. Do the exercise again, holding the middle of the face with your finger.

Facelift: video

It is important to perform gymnastics in front of a mirror in order to have full control over your actions. While maintaining the facial position described above, you need to slowly turn your head. As soon as your shoulder comes into view, you need to freeze for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

The exercise from start to finish must be repeated with the other half of the face. A positive result will become noticeable after the first few sessions. Gymnastics must be performed 5 times.

A facelift in this way allows you to remove double tucks and eliminate sagging skin on the jaw and lower part. Exercise restores the tone of the facial muscles and promotes skin rejuvenation. It increases blood microcirculation and strengthens muscles. It is enough to look at the photos before and after performing a gymnastics course to understand that an effective technique can work wonders and actually restore youth.

Contraindications to performing face fitness

  • The exact execution of the exercises must be monitored in front of a mirror to avoid the formation of new wrinkles and other undesirable consequences.
  • It is best to perform a set of face-building exercises in the morning or evening, after removing makeup and cleansing your face.
  • After classes, you also need to wash your face. This will help prevent skin inflammation and acne.
  • When performing face-building exercises using your hands, you need to keep your hands clean, and it is better to use gloves, then your hands will not slip.
  • It is best to perform a set of exercises while sitting at a table. You need to sit with a straight back on the edge of a chair, only your hands are on the table, your elbows are down. You can turn on calm music and think about your own rejuvenation and beauty.

Face fitness exercises are recognized as an alternative to surgical interventions and injection cosmetology. It is also a supportive physical therapy after plastic surgery on the recommendation of a doctor. In addition, as the trainers themselves claim, face fitness is a philosophy of healthy life, with which not only the face and external transformation changes, but also the quality of life improves.

Article design: Mila Friedan

  • The best time for these exercises will be in the evening, because there is no need to rush anywhere, you can enjoy a relaxing workout;
  • Buy a good moisturizer or special oil for a specific skin type, apply every time you exercise;
  • Before starting, wash your face well, wash your hands (ideally after a shower, when the skin is better hydrated), apply a natural nourishing cream;
  • Start slowly, gradually increasing the load so that the muscles are prepared. This will help avoid any damage to the skin or muscles, because this would have the opposite effect;
  • Exercise at least twice a week during times of stress to relieve tension;
  • To enhance the effect of the massage, apply a mask according to your facial skin type after face building. This is a very favorable time for the skin to absorb all the necessary beneficial substances from the mask due to the stimulation of blood circulation;
  • It is better to practice outdoors so that the skin cells are enriched with oxygen;
  • For effective visible elimination of wrinkles with the help of face-building exercises for the face, rejuvenating exercises must be carried out regularly, at least 2-3 times a week.

In order to preserve youth as long as possible and slow down the process of skin aging, it is important to follow some recommendations:

Get rid of bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol; Pay attention to nutrition. You should include more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber in your diet, and increase your protein intake; To ensure that the body does not experience a lack of water, regularly removes toxins, so that the skin does not dry out, you should drink a sufficient amount of clean drinking water; Try to avoid stress (monitor your psycho-emotional state); When applying decorative cosmetics, choose only high-quality, hypoallergenic products; Before applying cosmetics, it is necessary to moisturize the skin well; Use special protective creams against exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation; During the cold season, be sure to apply a protective cream against frost and wind on your face; Timely treat various diseases, including runny nose, which can negatively affect the condition of the skin; Use an individual face-building complex, facial aerobics, which helps prevent aging and reduce existing changes; Following these recommendations allows you to quickly restore the skin’s former elasticity and get rid of wrinkles.

Following these recommendations allows you to quickly restore the skin's former elasticity and get rid of wrinkles.

Facial changes with age

Facelift for eyes

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, you need to perform the following set of exercises daily:

1. Stretch the outer corners of the eyes with your fingers.

2. Blink your left eyes in a similar position.

3. Then you need to blink your right eye.

4. Perform 10-15 times.

For the results to become noticeable, you need to practice gymnastics constantly. A very effective technique forms a neat, toned oval of the face, making its features clearer. The skin is noticeably tightened and becomes elastic. The face acquires stable attractiveness.

Removing crow's feet

The skin around the eyes is very delicate and therefore becomes covered with wrinkles early on, which does not look attractive at all. Special gymnastics will help cope with this and slow down the appearance of new ones.

It is enough to perform each exercise 8-15 times:
  • At a distance of 30 cm, place an object in the shape of a circle in front of the eyes. When moving an object, follow it with your eyes alone. During pauses, perform circular eye movements in different directions.
  • Close your eyes for 3 seconds, then open them wide for 3 seconds. and close.
  • look at an object in the distance, then instantly switch your gaze to the near one;
  • look forward, and using two fingers, lift the lower eyelid towards the upper eyelid for 2 seconds. and let go;
  • Close your eyes tightly and then open them, while holding the orbicularis muscle at the outer edge of the eye with two fingers.

Forehead facelift

Facial muscles actively work thanks to facial movements. A variety of exercises are aimed against natural muscle contraction. As a result, muscle tension occurs. All movements in gymnastics are performed at a slow pace. There is no need to rush. The main principle of the exercises is maximum relaxation of the entire face and tension only in a certain part of the face.

Exercises against horizontal and vertical wrinkles have their differences. The gymnastic complex will help improve blood circulation in the skin, tighten the forehead, and eliminate fine and deep wrinkles. Exercise activates metabolism and collagen synthesis.

Gymnastics for the forehead:

1. Sit at a table and place your elbows on the surface.

2. Place your fingers in the direction of hair growth.

3. It is necessary to slowly pull the forehead skin up with your fingers.

4. Existing wrinkles will be smoothed out.

5. Then the skin should be slightly pulled down and held for 3 seconds.

6. Repeat 6-7 times, completely relaxing the facial muscles.

The complex also includes intense eyebrow movements. It is necessary to raise your eyebrows as high as possible 12 times.

Exercises for vertical forehead wrinkles:

1. Place your palms on your forehead.

2. All fingers lie on the forehead, and the thumbs on the back of the head.

3. The forehead must be squeezed with your hands, while raising your eyebrows as much as possible.

4. Raise your eyebrows up and hold the position for 6 seconds.

5. Repeat 5 times.

Facelift of nasolabial folds

Deep wrinkles are especially noticeable in women who are approaching old age. Aging of the body cannot be avoided by any person. But with proper facial care, you can look great even at 50 years old. Gymnastics is contraindicated for hypertension, after Botox injections, and for pathologies of the facial nerve. Exercise increases blood microcirculation.

Facelift after 50 is aimed at overall rejuvenation of the facial skin. Deep nasolabial folds especially need gymnastics. To tighten them up, you need to do the following exercises:

1. Place your index finger in the middle of your upper lip. 2. Smile as wide as possible. 3. Repeat several times. 4. Then grab the upper lip with your teeth and hold it. 5. In this position, you need to try to smile. 6. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

To form a beautiful lip contour, you need to perform the following movements:

1. Place your fingers on the corners of your mouth. 2. Fix and maintain the position of the lips. 3. Alternately stretch the upper and lower lips.

The exercises will smooth out deep expression wrinkles after a week of daily gymnastics.

Features of Facebook building for women after 50 years

At this age, this method of rejuvenation and restoration of damaged areas of the face is considered the most effective, since thanks to regular training of muscle tissue, it is possible to restore the previous tone and volume, eliminating formed wrinkles and smoothing the skin.

There are some features of performing face-building for women after 50 years of age:

  1. The main emphasis should be on strength exercises, since the upper layer of the dermis thickens and becomes rough. Therefore, solely internal training will not be enough; external influences are necessary.
  2. It is important to take an integrated approach. Therefore, in addition to regular exercise, it is necessary to monitor your diet, enriching it with healthy foods.

Constant training over a long period of time affects the body of a woman over 50 years of age as follows:

  • muscle tone increases, which helps smooth out wrinkles;
  • expression lines begin to appear less;
  • blood flow is significantly increased, which leads to improved nutrition of the skin, giving it youth;
  • The oval of the face is tightened, the “double” chin disappears.

The procedure may be accompanied by a tolerable burning sensation in some areas. This indicates the correct effect on the facial muscles. As a result of the activation of metabolic processes, an accumulation of lactic acid occurs, which is a provocateur of unpleasant sensations.

Cheek facelift

Simple steps will help improve the tone of your cheeks:

1. Take a deep breath and exhale. 2. Slowly puff out your cheeks and close your lips. 3. Push the air out through your mouth.

Another gymnastics for the cheeks:

1. Inhale through your nose. 2. Press your tongue firmly against the lower row of teeth. 3. Exhale slowly, relaxing all the facial muscles as much as possible. 4. Take a slow breath. 5. As you exhale, stretch your lips tightly. 6. Hold the corners of your lips with your fingers.

Such gymnastics provides a powerful effect of tightening the nasolabial folds and correcting the cheeks. Exercises allow you to do without surgical plastic surgery and tighten your facial features.

Facial gymnastics is designed specifically for everyone who wants to rejuvenate their face in the safest way. Recently, the vampire facelift has been gaining popularity in Europe and the USA. The procedure involves injecting your own blood under the skin of your face. The technique has already replaced the well-known Botox. The new technique has gained great popularity thanks to pop culture. The topic of gothic and vampires is on the lips of young people. Since vampires are immortal, it means they always remain young.

Blood contains platelets and substances that are mixed with fibrin during processing. Then the mixed blood is injected into the areas of the face where correction is required. The result of rejuvenation becomes noticeable after a month or more. The effect of the procedure lasts for a year.

Why does the oval face lose its shape?

It is generally accepted that over the years the facial muscles weaken and lose tone, as a result of which they no longer maintain the shape of the face. In fact, it's almost the opposite.

In the process of life, many muscles spasm, tighten, contract, and some weaken. Due to such deformations, an imbalance occurs in the muscular system and the face changes.

Blocks in the muscles impair blood circulation and lymph outflow, which in turn contributes to the skin receiving less nutrition and poisoning it with waste from stagnant lymph.

Muscle spasms lead to muscle contraction and the skin that was previously stretched over them simply begins to sag.

Also, tight muscles lead to deformation and reduction of bone structures, which already decrease over the years due to the leaching of calcium from the body.

All this causes swelling, folds and sagging on the face. Plastic surgeries and injections provide only a temporary effect, since they do not remove the root causes of facial sagging and poor skin condition.

Special Recommendations

A compression facial mask after a facelift improves blood microcirculation and supports the chin. There are different types of masks. They are indicated after a variety of facial plastic surgery, surgeries, chin lifts and circular plastic techniques. The mask is used in the recovery period after thread face lifting.

Compression masks can also be used after daily gymnastic exercises to eliminate wrinkles. The products are made of highly elastic material and are multifunctional. They support the chin and create special comfort during the recovery period of rejuvenation. Experts recommend using a compression mask constantly after facial gymnastics.

The result of a facelift depends on the chosen set of exercises, the frequency of exercises and compliance with all recommendations. As a rule, any complex of special gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the skin and tightens it naturally. By performing exercises, any woman can make her facial features more attractive and clear. Facelift is gaining great popularity among all representatives of the fair sex. Daily exercises replace surgical plastic surgery and get rid of wrinkles in 1 month. The safe technique does not produce side effects or complications.

Tags: face masks

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A little history

Senta Maria Runge

Despite the fact that Senta Maria Runge was born in Europe, her works were first published in the USA. She announced a method that allows her to transform her facial skin with unique isometric exercises. The first edition of her book, entitled Face Lifting by Exercise, was published in 1861. It is worth noting that the book caused unexpected success among the fair sex and was subsequently reprinted several times.

Runge opened her own beauty salon in Hollywood, often visited by famous stars. Even those with very loose skin noticed changes: smoothing of wrinkles, overall facial transformation, restoration of contour.

The Saint Maria Runge facelift shows an ultra-fast effect, noticeable after the first sessions. However, to maintain the results, it is necessary to perform gymnastics constantly.

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