How to lose weight in the stomach and sides in 30 days? Tips for losing weight, a set of effective exercises for the abdomen

Effective exercises with dumbbells for losing weight on the abdomen and sides in men

It is possible to reduce your body fat percentage in less than a month with our fitness plan! It is made up of dumbbell weight loss exercises for men that can be performed to burn excess calories at a high intensity at home or in the gym.

As we age, we begin to notice that the food we consume during the holidays is not digested as quickly and begins to greatly affect our figure. And how can you deny yourself a huge portion of fried potatoes, chops, smoked wings, salads with mayonnaise... And what do we have for dessert?! I propose another option for the development of events.

You, as a person who loves and respects himself, must stop going with the flow of life and depending on the will of chance. Start changing this world, and there will be fewer annoying patterns in your life. Start this world with yourself, love yourself even more. Find time for what you always don't have time for, namely your own body.

Read tips on how to remove belly fat from a man at any age.

Fortunately, we have for you an effective and quick way to remove your belly and sides, and regain your former shape in the shortest possible time. If you follow our plan strictly, then the result will be even better. This will be the best gift you could afford. All you need to complete this workout program is a set of dumbbells.

A little theory

Before you start doing side exercises in the gym, you need to try to understand why they appear. The fact is that fat deposits tend to appear in certain places. These are the stomach, arms, thighs and buttocks. Of course, fat appears on other parts of the body, but these suffer the most.

The main reasons for the appearance of sides and a full belly are as follows:

  • Wrong diet with a lot of unhealthy foods in it, such as sweets, fast food, fatty and fried foods, and so on. Also, the problem is an unbalanced diet and its unsystematic nature, that is, if you skip normal meals and then snack on something harmful on the go.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Frequent stress and nervous tension.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Bad habits.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

It will not be superfluous to take care of cleansing the body of harmful substances, since its contamination is another reason for excess fat deposits.
Having determined the main reason for the presence of fat in the abdomen and sides, you need to take care of combating it. And, of course, in any case, exercises for the abdomen and sides in the gym for women will be useful to you.

How this plan works

Before you start training with dumbbells, study the basic rules and features of this training program.

1) You will do circuit training

The plan includes four circuit training sessions per week. It includes the most effective exercises with dumbbells for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for men who will exercise at home to quickly tighten their abdominal muscles. A circuit is a period of time during which you perform one set of one exercise before moving on to the next without resting.

You only rest at the end of each cycle. This is very effective because the lack of rest forces your muscles and cardiovascular system to work harder, which means you burn the maximum number of calories. Each complex ends with a “super exercise”, which you are given 60 seconds to complete, during which time you will have to do the maximum possible number of repetitions. Doing this exercise will help you lose your male beer belly faster, as it will allow you to push yourself to the limit at the end of each round for maximum fat loss. It's like a big push before the finish line.

2) Race against time

The complex is designed in such a way that you perform the first four exercises for time, and not just a certain number of repetitions. Why is this so? First, you can record the number of repetitions you perform and then try to do more next time. Secondly, this program can be used by both beginners and professionals. A beginner, for example, can do 6 push-ups per set, while an experienced athlete can do 30.

3) Lead time increases from week to week

Every week consists of the same four circles, but this does not mean that you have to do the same thing week after week. We made weeks 3 and 4 more difficult and increased the duration of the sets from 40 to 50 seconds. An extra ten seconds isn't much, but it will increase your workload a little and you'll notice the difference. Recording what you do and how much you do will give you extra motivation to improve your performance. If you managed to complete 12 repetitions of an exercise to burn belly and flank fat in the first week, then your goal for the next week will be to increase the number of repetitions.

Here is our simple but effective 4-week workout routine that will help you get rid of excess belly fat at home in a short time.

  • Week 1: Complete sets 1-4 in 40 seconds, then do a super exercise in 60 seconds. Write down the number of repetitions, thereby setting yourself a bar for next time.
  • Week 2: Do everything as in the previous week. Compare the results with the previous one, there should be progress.
  • Week 3: Increase your workout time to 50 seconds.
  • Week 4: Continue training for 50 seconds, then the best movement for 60 seconds. Write down your best results for the entire plan and share them with your friends.

Circle 1

You need to perform each exercise for 40 seconds, take a break for 2 minutes between rounds. Complete 5 rounds.

Squats with dumbbell curls

How to : With feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees and hips to squat, chest up, hands pointing down toward heels. Stand up and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders.

Why : Squats are aimed at working the entire lower body. Dumbbells in your hands increase grip strength, and biceps curls help develop additional muscle mass and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Don't forget, our goal is a toned stomach!

Bent-over dumbbell row

How to : Stand with your pecs and core engaged, holding dumbbells in your hands. Bend forward—do it at the hips, not the waist—then lift the dumbbells to your sides. Return to the starting position.

Why : Dumbbells help work out the back muscles, this is necessary so that the muscles develop evenly on both sides. At the end, or rather at the top of the movement, try to close your shoulder blades together.

Romanian deadlift

How to : With your legs straight, lean forward at the hips and lower the dumbbells down to your shins until you feel a good stretch in the hamstrings. And use the strength of your back muscles to straighten your body.

Circle 2

Perform each movement for 40 seconds, resting 2 minutes between rounds. Complete 5 rounds.

Lunges with bicep curls

How to: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, step forward and lower yourself until both knees form a 90-degree angle. At the same time, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. Do the same on the other leg.

Why: Lunges work all the major muscles in your lower body. This exercise is an excellent test of coordination and balance. Biceps curls give a great start to the circuit.

Renegade Row with Dumbbells

How to: Get into a push-up position with your hands resting on dumbbells. Keeping your core tense, lift one arm up and return to your starting stance. Change your hand.

Why : This exercise is a brutal version of the plank. It is aimed at working the back muscles and improving the sense of balance. Try to control yourself throughout the upward movement of your arm to get the most out of it.

Push ups

How to: Get into a push-up position with your arms straight and under your shoulders, core and glutes engaged, and feet together. Lower yourself toward the floor, then push back and lift your body using the strength of your triceps.

Why: Push-ups can work your chest muscles effectively, intensely and safely only if you do them correctly. Focus on performing the movement correctly, not on the number of repetitions.

Wide overhead presses

How to : Stand straight with dumbbells near your shoulders, palms facing out. Engage your core and glutes for stability and simultaneously lift both arms up and slightly out to the sides.

Why : Changing the angle of your arms during push-ups creates additional stress on your shoulder muscles. Try to raise your arms more up rather than out to the sides to avoid putting too much stress on your shoulders.

Exercise to complete

Choose a move that suits your fitness level and complete as many reps as possible in 60 seconds.

Beginner: Split Squats

Take a position in which one leg is in front and the other on the toe behind, dumbbells in your hands at the sides of your body. Bend both knees and squat down until your back knee touches the floor. Straighten both legs to return to the starting position and repeat the squat again.

Intermediate: Squats

Stand straight, tighten your abs and pectoral muscles, dumbbells in both hands. Bend your knees to squat so your thighs are almost parallel to the floor, then lift up with your heels firmly pressed into the floor.

Advanced: Jump Squats

Perform a squat as described above, then push your body upward into a jump. Try to jump as high as possible. From the jump you should land in the next squat.

Exercises to remove belly fat

The abdominal muscles are located in front and on the sides, so exercises need to be selected so that they work all the muscles well in proportion. In addition, it is necessary to remember that the abs are muscles, our goal is not to pump up muscles, but to remove fat deposits from the abdomen and sides. These are completely different goals and they are achieved in different ways. Exercises for losing belly fat at home should always begin with a warm-up - stretching. To do this, while inhaling, you need to inflate your stomach as much as possible and hold, and when you exhale, pull in your stomach and count to thirty.


The starting position of the exercise is to bend your arms at the elbows, the position of the body is to rest, lying on your elbows. You need to lean on your forearms and toes. The elbows are placed strictly under the shoulders, the hips and stomach are tense during the entire session. Perform the plank while exhaling and hold it as long as you have enough strength (start with 10 seconds).

  • Feet together - this will increase the load on the abdominal muscle complex.
  • The legs must be kept straight, under strong tension.
  • The buttocks are tense all the time.
  • The lumbar region should be flat when performing the plank. You cannot round or arch your back.
  • The stomach is drawn in as close as possible to the ribs, but there is no need to hold your breath.
  • The elbows are placed exactly under the shoulders, which will relieve the load on the shoulder girdle.

Plank exercise

Straight crunches

Starting position - lying on your back, on the floor, legs bent at the knees and placed above body level (on a sofa or chair). This position allows you to twist the pelvis from the very beginning of the exercise. It is important to position your hands correctly. The closer they are to the pelvis, the easier it is to perform the exercise. It is more difficult to do crunches if your hands are located far from your head, but you need to gradually increase the complexity of the activity.

At the stage of mastering the exercise, you can place your hands on your stomach to feel the tension in your abs. You need to start twisting the body towards the pelvis slowly, you need to round your back, and raise your shoulder blades from the floor. Try to reach your groin with your head and hold for a few seconds. Then exhale and slowly take the starting position, but you cannot lie down completely on the floor so that the target muscles do not relax until the end of the exercise.

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Diagonal crunches

Used to train the oblique and anterior abdominal muscles. You need to perform the exercise from a lying position on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor. Hands are clasped behind the head, elbows spread to the sides. The shoulders are raised towards the knees, tensing the abdominal muscles. Approaching your knees, you need to twist your body so that your left elbow touches your right knee, then the same with the elbow of your other hand. Movements are slow and smooth.

Circle 3

Complete each move for 40 seconds, giving yourself a break between rounds. Complete 5 rounds.

Squats with press

How to : Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells at shoulder level. Perform a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor, then return to the starting position and raise your arms above your head.

Why : This exercise strengthens the work of the cardiovascular system and provides a good load on it, so it takes a lot of strength to be able to rise from a deep squat with dumbbells in your hands, and then, without stopping, lift them up above your head. Set yourself a good pace and make sure you have enough strength and preparation to begin with.

Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

How to : Stand up straight, take a neutral back position with a slight arch, and hold dumbbells in front of you with your palms facing out. Bend your torso at the hips, then perform a bent-over row towards you. Lower your arms down, then perform dumbbell rows again.

Why : The reverse grip puts extra stress on your biceps when you perform dumbbell rows to your sides. This is very useful, since working out this muscle group is not found anywhere else during the workout.

Romanian single leg deadlift

How to : Place your feet parallel to each other, with your toes slightly turned out to the sides. Hinge forward at the hips until you feel a strong tension in the hamstrings, then straighten to complete the rep. Spend half the time on one leg and then switch legs.

Why : This exercise tests your balance and proprioception (where your body senses where parts of your body are), as well as your hamstrings. You will get the maximum results from this exercise if you tense your buttocks at the top of the movement.

Dumbbell lateral raises

How to : Stand up straight, using your shoulder muscles, and spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Perform dumbbell swings to shoulder level.

Why: If this exercise is performed correctly, then it is a good opportunity to add size and width to your shoulders and beauty to your upper body. Therefore, try to perform this movement correctly rather than quickly.

Super exercise

Choose an exercise that suits your strength and perform as many repetitions as you can in 60 seconds.

Beginner: Side-to-side push-ups

Get into a push-up position with your arms slightly wider than usual. Lower your torso down, then move your body first to one arm, then to the other. On your next rep, start with the other hand.

Circle 4

Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, resting 2 minutes between rounds. Do 5 rounds.

1.Lunges with press

How to : Hold dumbbells at shoulder height and lunge forward. As you lunge, lift the dumbbells up above your head. Change your leg.

Why : This movement is a good test of coordination and mobility of the shoulder joints.

Renegade Row with Dumbbells

How to : Get into a push-up position, bracing yourself against dumbbells. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles, lift one dumbbell up, then change hands.

For what:

It is aimed at working the back muscles and improving the sense of balance. To make this movement more challenging, try doing it with round dumbbells.

Push ups

How to : Get into a push-up position with your arms straight and under your shoulders, your abs, back and butt muscles tight, and your legs together. Bend your elbows to lower yourself toward the floor, then push back using the strength of your triceps.

Why : Push-ups can work your chest muscles effectively, intensely and safely only if you do them correctly. Focus on performing the movement correctly, not on the number of repetitions.

Reverse flyes

How to : Bend forward at the hips, holding dumbbells in your hands just below your knees with your palms facing each other. Keep your back straight and spread your arms out to your sides as if you were spreading your wings, aiming to squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

Why : The good thing about doing this exercise for men is that it is aimed at working out the rear deltoids. It creates stability in the shoulder area and along the entire arm. It is more important to concentrate on the quality of the movements performed than on their quantity. If you have questions about the correct execution of a particular movement, or if our photos are not enough for you, then find a video containing more detailed instructions on the exercise technique.

Super exercise

Choose an exercise based on your fitness level and complete as many repetitions as you can in 60 seconds.

Beginner: Lunges

Start in a standing position, keeping your core and chest engaged while holding dumbbells in both hands. Step forward and lower yourself until both knees form a 90° angle. Push off with your front foot to return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Alternate your legs.

Intermediate: Reverse Lunges

Start in a standing position, tightening your core and pectoral muscles while holding dumbbells in both hands. Step back and lower yourself until both knees form a 90° angle. Push your back leg to return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Alternate your legs.

Advanced: Jumping Lunges

Get into a lunge position, then jump out of it. While in the air, switch legs and land in a lunge position on the other leg. Try to land softly and perform the exercise smoothly to remove fat from problem areas.

So, now you know what exercises to get rid of excess waist size without leaving your home. Agree, we have selected the most effective of them.

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How to remove belly fat - exercises without and with dumbbells.

Touching the legs from a lying position. Lie on the floor on your back, stretch your legs, place your arms along your body. Raise your left leg and at the same time your right hand and try to touch the toes of your raised foot. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your shoulders off the floor. Then return to the starting position. This is one repetition.

Next, do the exercise on the other leg. On each side you need to do 10-15 repetitions.

Exercises for the lower and upper abs with dumbbells.

This exercise is for the more advanced, as well as those who want to do the most effective exercises for getting rid of belly fat, a more serious version of the exercise described above.

Lie on your back holding dumbbells. Place your hands with dumbbells behind your head without lowering them to the floor. Raise your legs so that they form a 45-degree angle with the floor. Raise your arms straight above your chest and your legs at the same time until they are perpendicular to the floor. Arms and legs should stand parallel to each other, shoulders slightly raised above the floor.

Return to the starting position without completely lowering your arms and legs to the floor. Do 10-12 reps.

Lateral muscle training.

Lie on your left side, stretch your legs, place your right leg on your left. Your body weight should rest entirely on your left forearm, which you are resting on the floor, and on your left leg. The elbow is directly under the shoulder.

Tighten your entire body so that it creates a straight line from your ankles to your neck. Keep your right hand on your hip. Stay in this position for 30-45 seconds, then repeat. Do 5-7 repetitions. This exercise will not only have the effect of removing belly fat, but also generally tones the body well. It makes sense to do one of its variations as well:


After your body is stretched into a single line, place your right hand on your thigh, lift your left leg and bend it at the knee. Now the weight of your body is transferred to your left forearm and the inside of your right leg. Hold this pose for 30-45 seconds and repeat on the other side. Do 5-7 such repetitions.

Flexion-extension with dumbbells

Take one dumbbell with both hands and lift it towards your right shoulder. Place your left leg slightly to the side so that it touches the floor with your toes.

In one motion, lower your elbows down and lift your left knee toward your chest. It will also be useful to touch the dumbbell slightly with your knee.

After this, perform the movement in reverse order to return to the starting position. You need to do 10-12 repetitions for one side.


Diet Tips for Belly Fat

Now let’s figure out how to remove belly fat in men using diet. After all, it doesn't matter how hard you work out in the gym if you don't put in the time and effort to prepare healthy meals. The rule “wrong diet - useless training” reflects the whole essence of this issue. If you don't already know how to quickly lose sides and change your body, then start by thinking more about food. Here are some tips from our expert on how to start eating smarter and burning fat faster.

Fuel for the whole day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as what you eat first thing in the morning will help you establish good eating habits right up until bed. A breakfast made with lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber is eggs. bacon and some green vegetables will provide you with a boost of energy for the whole day, and hunger will not appear until lunch.

Replace sandwiches with salad

Replacing sandwiches and chips from a fast food joint with a large bowl of leafy greens, a variety of vegetables and chicken, tuna or other quality protein will help a man's belly and sides get toned quickly. Such a lunch will help you get rid of your belly as quickly as possible, provide your body with protein for building muscle mass, a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, and your stomach will be full for a long time due to the fiber contained in vegetables.

Refuel during dinner

Dinner should be rich in protein, especially if you have recently finished training, your muscles need protein to recover. Baked salmon, grilled steak or chicken breast on a side of some oven-roasted or grilled vegetable will give you everything you need. Add avocado or homemade hummus, which are rich in healthy fats, which will help some vitamins be better absorbed into the body.

Watch your carbs

A small amount of certain carbohydrates, such as those found in sweet potatoes or whole grain rice, with your post-workout dinner will help you recover and fall asleep faster. You should remove sugar and other processed carbohydrates found in chocolate, cakes, cookies and sodas if you want to lose fat without gaining more.

Drink like a fish

Staying hydrated is critical to weight loss for men and women because if your body is struggling mentally and physically with dehydration issues, it has no resources or ability to burn fat. Try to drink at least three liters of water per day, carry a large bottle with you and drink often, especially on training days.

Eat the right snacks

To burn fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit (expending more than you take in), but this will make you feel hungry more often. Hearty and healthy snacks with nuts, natural yogurt, and beef jerky will fill you up and increase the amount of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Avoid snacking on fast food, sugary and processed foods and watch your sides and belly melt before your eyes.

Always take an integrated approach and you will not find a better way to remove belly fat than by combining intense training and following a proper diet.


Nutrition for losing belly fat

To lose weight quickly, it is important to choose the right diet. A nutritionist or fitness trainer can help with this. To avoid exceeding your daily calorie limit, write down everything you eat in a notebook. The norm for women is 1800 - 2000 calories per day, and for men - 2000 - 2500 calories.

The diet to combat excess belly fat is as follows:

  • Eat low-carb foods twice a week. Your main goal is to eat more than 50 milligrams of carbohydrates twice every seven days. Whatever dish you prepare, serve it on lettuce leaves;
  • Replace grain carbohydrates with vegetable carbohydrates. After eating, be sure to snack on an apple or pear. Avoid eating pasta, bread and baked goods. Try to always include foods rich in fiber and nutrients in your diet, which help burn belly fat faster;
  • Have eggs for breakfast. Eating proteins for breakfast will fill you up for a long time, so you won't want to snack between breakfast and lunch. An hour and a half before leaving home, be sure to eat 300–500 calories;
  • Instead of sweets for lunch, it is recommended to eat almonds. It is enriched with fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats;
  • To normalize the digestive system, prevent bloating, and also lose weight, it is recommended to eat no more than three glasses of low-fat yogurt during the day;
  • Every day for lunch, be sure to prepare yourself vegetable soup or vegetable cabbage soup;
  • Try to eat only healthy fats. To lose weight, it is recommended to eat salmon, avocado, milk and cheese (low-fat) in small portions, and season your dishes with olive oil. Thanks to such products, you will be full longer, and your body will also receive the necessary natural healthy fats;
  • Since all food eaten is effectively digested after exercise, it is important to eat well after exercise, not before. To strengthen muscles and reduce fat accumulation in the abdominal area, it is important to eat protein foods.

To lose excess belly fat, it is recommended to feast on bread or whole grain bread, vegetables, low-fat cheese, eggs and seafood, lean meat (turkey or chicken), and vegetable oils.

Losing weight on buckwheat

To lose excess belly fat, it is recommended to eat buckwheat porridge for ten days. After washing the cereal well, boil it in water, without salt, sugar or butter. It is important to ensure that the buckwheat does not overcook.

Buckwheat porridge saturates the human body with useful substances, and also removes toxins and waste from it.

Eat ready-made porridge when you feel hungry. Always take it with you to have a snack at work or on a walk. You need to drink any liquid 30 minutes after a meal or 30 minutes before a meal.

In order for the buckwheat diet to help you lose excess weight, you should also exercise at the same time.

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