How to do facial massage and face building correctly? 9 Indispensable gymnastics exercises for the face

To be forever young – isn’t this what every woman dreams of? But time is inexorable, and no one has yet managed to avoid the appearance of age-related changes. True, some are more lucky in this regard, while others are less fortunate. But you don’t have to sit and hope for a miracle - you can take the fate of your skin into your own hands, and if not completely overcome age-related changes, then at least make them much more invisible. How? Facial gymnastics will help against wrinkles. And we will tell you how to perform it correctly, how to prepare for the exercises and what nuances you must take into account. Don't go anywhere!

What are the benefits of exercise for facial muscles?

A girl does gymnastics for her facial muscles

The greatest effect can be achieved by starting a course of training before the age of 30-35. This could be, for example, Japanese or Tibetan gymnastics for the face against wrinkles, a facelift technique, or a complex of facial aerobics. Any training course will be useful because:

  • will make the muscles move, strengthen them;
  • activates blood flow;
  • improves nutrition of the dermis;
  • maintain skin elasticity;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • reduce bags under the eyes;
  • delays aging.

Why is this necessary?

Unfortunately, women believe that doing gymnastics for facial rejuvenation and correction is not at all necessary if you systematically go for professional procedures.
But muscles are a natural supporting frame for the skin, which prevents it from sagging. And without regular training, they, like the muscles of the body, lose tone. In addition, they have a heavy workload during the day. We express emotions, talk, eat. And the ability to do all this is provided by various muscle groups. From time to time, spasms and blocks occur in them, which lead to a rapid deepening of facial wrinkles. They are also easy to remove with gymnastics.

Rules for performing anti-aging gymnastics

When starting a course of exercises with the effect of non-surgical rejuvenation, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • do facial exercises for wrinkles every day;
  • perform the entire complex, including training the muscles of the forehead, chin, cheeks, and neck;
  • do gymnastics in the morning and before bed;
  • start exercises after completely cleansing your skin of makeup;
  • before gymnastics, do a light facial massage;
  • maintain a breathing rhythm;
  • When combining muscle training with massage, apply moisturizer to the skin and use massage oil.

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face

Lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Lymphatic drainage massage removes swelling and helps get rid of lymph stagnation.

Lymphatic ducts on the face and neck:

  • between the temple and the tragus of the ear;
  • 2 centimeters from the lower jaw;
  • in the supraclavicular cavities.

Begin any massage by cleansing the skin and applying massage oil. For young skin, grape seed oil is suitable, for more mature skin, almond or coconut oil.

Lymphatic drainage massage has a fairly simple technique:

  1. Warm up your face by stroking along the massage lines.
  2. Run your fingers along the massage lines, pressing lightly. Make sure that the skin does not stretch.
  3. Slow down near the lymph nodes and move your hands down them to the supraclavicular cavities.
  4. Repeat the movements several times.
  5. Finish the massage with light stroking movements.
  6. Rinse off the oil and apply skincare.

Print out a diagram of massage lines, in which direction to massage the face of each zone. You will need it not only for massage, but also for applying cosmetics.

An effective set of exercises against facial wrinkles

The effect of rejuvenating gymnastics is based on the basic reflexes of muscle tension and relaxation, correct and deep breathing. You should tense your facial muscles as you inhale and relax as you exhale. As a result of alternating the active and passive phases of each exercise, the blood is enriched with oxygen and its flow accelerates. The regeneration process starts, the effect of photo- and physical rejuvenation is achieved.

For wrinkles around the eyes

Do you want to remove wrinkles under the eyes and delay the appearance of crow’s feet? Then do these exercises:

  1. Cover your eyes. Place your middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyelids and slightly pull the skin to the sides. Rotate your eyeballs in circles. Ten to the left, then the same amount to the right.
  2. Press your fingers into the skin at the border of the ossicles (the eye sockets in the skull) in the outer corners of the eyelids. Pull it back slightly. Without releasing the pressure, lift your eyes up and close your eyelids. Wait five seconds, open your eyes. Do five to seven reps.
  3. Press the four middle fingers of both hands to the skin under the eyebrows. Lift them up slightly. Close your eyes, wait five seconds. Open your eyelids while continuing to apply pressure to the skin under your eyebrows. Relax your muscles. Do ten reps.

Find out more methods on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes.

To strengthen the lip muscles

These exercises for the facial muscles will help smooth out wrinkles above the upper lip and make nasolabial folds smaller:

  1. Open your mouth as wide as possible. Press your lips tightly against your teeth, as if hugging them. Breathe through your nose, holding this position for ten to seventeen fifteen seconds. Relax your muscles, close your jaws. Repeat the exercise a couple more times.
  2. Pull out your half-open lips with a tube, as if you were saying “O”. Slowly, with tension, move your lips forward, open your mouth wide. Relax your muscles, close your mouth. Do ten to fifteen repetitions.
  3. Open your mouth slightly. Without closing your teeth, try to purse your lips tightly. Start raising the corners of your mouth as if you are smiling. Do ten to fifteen stretches. If you can’t, help yourself with your hands, pulling the corners of your lips up.
  4. Tighten the muscles at your temples and at the top of your cheekbones. Stretch the skin of your forehead with muscular effort, “pushing” it towards your ears. Speed ​​up the pace by making springy movements, tensing and relaxing.

Exercises for facial muscles

For lifting the cheeks and oval face

Regular dosed exercise on the lower part of the face helps restore facial contour, tighten cheeks, and smooth out wrinkles. For the desired effect, perform gymnastics consisting of the following exercises:

  1. Close your jaws tightly. Lower your lower lip down, exposing your teeth, but keeping the corners of your mouth motionless. Feel the tension in your chin, stay in this state for five seconds, relax your muscles. Do five to seven repetitions.
  2. Fill your mouth with air, puff out your cheeks. Push the air with muscle effort from one cheek to the other. Make sure that the lower jaw remains motionless. Do the exercise, speeding up the pace, imitating rinsing your mouth with water.
  3. Place your fingertips on your cheekbones, pressing and fixing the skin. Close your lips tightly, pressing them to your teeth. Tighten your cheeks, try to stretch your lips into an oval without opening your mouth. Relax, repeat the exercise nine more times.
  4. Press your palms firmly against your cheeks. Try to stretch your mouth into a smile while resisting with your hands. Relax, repeat the exercise a few more times.

For the chin muscles

The problem of double chin is relevant for men and women. Special simple exercises will help you get rid of it and tighten sagging skin. This complex will “round” and lighten an angular chin, making the oval of the face softer:

  1. Tilt your head, trying to press your chin to your chest. Lock this position. Count to ten. Raise your head. Do the exercise four more times.
  2. Look ahead. Move your chin forward, pull your lower lip into your mouth and bite. Move your jaw forcefully left and right. Do five to six reps.
  3. Open your mouth, tilt your head back. Moving your lower jaw forward, tighten your chin and close your lips. Straighten your head. Do five to six reps.
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Against forehead wrinkles

It is very difficult to train the forehead muscles. You can smooth out wrinkles that appear from active facial expressions if you use the muscles in the eyebrows and temples. Exercises for the face against wrinkles look like this:

  1. Place folded palms lengthwise on the forehead (fingers to the temples). Press your hands to your face as tightly as possible. Close your eyelids and rotate your eyeballs to the left in a circle, then to the right. Relax your muscles, remove your hands. Repeat the exercise five to six more times.
  2. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Open your eyes wide and stay in this state for two to four seconds, relax. Repeat the exercise five more times, increasing the pace.
  3. Place your palms lengthwise on your forehead, placing your thumbs on your temples. Press down on the skin on your forehead. Using muscle force, sharply raise your eyebrows, creating an obstacle to this movement with your hands. Do five to seven reps.
  4. Place your right index finger on the bridge of your nose, and place your left one above it. Pressing your hands on the skin, move from the nose to the temples, repeating the pattern of the eyebrows. Change fingers and repeat. Perform the next approach by increasing the diameter of the semicircle pattern. Do the exercise until you have massaged your entire forehead.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles

For the neck

A set of exercises for the neck is based on stretching. Gently stretching the muscles will tone them, tighten the skin, and get rid of the double chin. Before exercising, you should massage your neck, stroking it with the back of your hand from the collarbones up. Massage should be completed with gymnastics, consisting of the following exercises:

  1. Place your palms on top of each other, hug your neck with them, lightly pressing the skin. Smoothly turn your head to the sides, then back and forth. While creating slight resistance with your hands, do five rounds of turning and tilting your head.
  2. Grit your teeth. Throw your head back, imagining that you are going to touch the top of your head to your shoulder blades. Feel the tension in your muscles and skin. Stay in this position for ten seconds. Do four more sets.
  3. Sit on the floor with your knees pressed to your stomach. Stretch your neck upward. Trying not to move your shoulders, move your head forward as much as possible, then slowly move the back of your head back. Don't throw your head back, look ahead. Do five sets.
  4. Tilt your head up. Stretch out your lips like a tube, imagining that you are holding a pencil with them. Start “writing” all the letters of the alphabet one by one, moving your head. Repeat the exercise two to three times.

Features of choosing exercises depending on age

Many gymnastics are designed for women over 30 years old. In the period from 20 to 25 years, you should not choose aggressive exercises, because young skin is endowed with high regenerative ability. Daily light facial exercises are perfect for prevention. But after 30, you can safely use the rest of the methods:

  • gymnastics of Margarita Levchenko,
  • Shiatsu,
  • Asahi, etc.

After 40 years, the choice narrows because the skin needs more active treatment. For women of this age, the Santa Maria Runge or Carol Maggio complex is suitable. You can also try facial yoga. It includes:

  • meditation,
  • self-perception,
  • massage,
  • relaxation.

Basic exercises:

  1. "The Face of a Lion" Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Let's look up. Let's take a minute and relax. We inhale through our nose, tense our face, and stick out our tongue.
  2. "The Look of a Cat" We place the index, middle and ring fingers on the outer corner of the eye, stretching the skin. Open and close your eyes 20 times.
  3. "Air kiss". We stretch our necks and tense up. Blow a kiss 5 times. Then we put two fingers on our lips and repeat everything from the beginning.

Video tutorials on performing facial exercises for wrinkles

Do you want to see how to properly perform facial exercises for wrinkles? Watch a video collection that presents anti-aging oriental practices and proprietary techniques developed by modern cosmetologists. You will learn how to remove wrinkles under the eyes using aerobics, what Japanese facial gymnastics and Chinese massage are, what face-building is (facial exercises with a sculpting effect). Choose the exercises that suit you, listen to reviews of different practices, and master gymnastics using online lessons.

Japanese gymnastics Asahi (Tsogan)

Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) - Russian voice acting / Yukuko Tanaka's Face massage Zogan (Asahi)

Shiatsu facial acupressure massage

Shiatsu massage (Shiatsu). Video. Training session

Mimic gymnastics

Mimic gymnastics for the face

How to look 35 at 50

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles, or how to look 35 at 50

Chinese gymnastics for facial wrinkles

2 Chinese stretch gymnastics for wrinkles on the lips and nasolabial folds

Face-lifting facelift by Emma Hardy

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles. Emma Handi gymnastics for the face

Facial massage with cups at home

Vacuum massage is a massage physiotherapeutic technique in which the skin is exposed to discharged pressure using cups.

What effect will you get from cupping massage?

  • your vascular permeability will increase;
  • microcirculation will improve;
  • the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells will improve;
  • lymphatic drainage will improve;
  • you will have a healthy complexion and an attractive blush;
  • your facial skin will become more elastic.

Cupping massage will help you if you have facial swelling or skin color has changed.

Banks vary in diameter. Medium and small sizes are suitable for the face. The choice depends on the subcutaneous fat layer; the larger it is, the larger the diameter of the jar is needed. You can easily find the jars you need in a pharmacy or online store.

How to do cupping massage at home?

  • Cleanse skin and apply oil.
  • Move the cups from the center of the face to the periphery along the massage lines.
  • Adjust the pressure to avoid the formation of hickeys.
  • If the trajectory is long, then break it into segments. Do not continuously move the can across your cheek, otherwise skin creases will form.
  • Rinse off the oil and apply cream.

Contraindications for vacuum massage:

  1. sensitive skin;
  2. acne;
  3. vascular network on the skin.
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