How to exercise correctly on an orbitrek to lose weight

Probably, many people who have been to the gym have come across such a simulator as the orbitrek. This elliptical trainer has many advantages, especially when it comes to pumping muscles, and not only the legs and hips, but also the arms and back. The orbitrek simulator is especially popular among women, since exercise on it does not give volume, but strengthens the muscles.

Orbitrek is the most suitable option for those who decide to purchase it and install it at home. Orbitrek will allow you to diversify your workouts at home, because training on it is reminiscent of skiing, only in the comfort of your home. If you choose a good simulator, the results will not be long in coming.

Orbitrek: how to exercise correctly?

The result of any training largely depends not on how much you want to lose weight or gain muscle mass, but on how correctly you approach the organization of the training process. Now we will try to briefly explain to you what your training should look like, and we will provide a small list of recommendations for training specifically on the orbit track.

  1. Decide on your training time . Everyone knows that all people have different biorhythms. Some easily get up at 4 am and are ready to set work records, while others feel in the best shape at 11 pm. Depending on these factors, you should approximately select the optimal training time for yourself in order to carry them out as efficiently as possible. However, keep in mind that your exercises on orbitreks for weight loss should begin no earlier than 2-3 hours after waking up, and also end at least 2 hours before bedtime. If we talk about the location of training, then this should be the golden mean: not under the scorching sun, but not in the dark; not in a draft, but not in a stuffy room either.
  2. Sportswear . Of course, you don’t have to dress up in beautiful suits and put on makeup (there are some) as if you were going to the gym. Dress comfortably in any clothing that meets the following requirements: It should be light and comfortable to allow the body to breathe. Freedom in choosing clothes is another plus for home workouts.
  3. Meals . Most likely, you want to lose weight (after all, you won’t be able to gain muscle mass on the orbit track). In order for training on the orbitrek for weight loss to produce tangible results, you must start it no earlier than 2 hours after eating, and after training you cannot eat for one hour. If you have taken any other substances (alcohol, medications, cigarettes, coffee), training should begin one hour after taking them. You'll probably want to drink during class. There is no need to do this - just rinse your mouth with water.
  4. Warm-up before classes on the orbit track . This is also a mandatory condition, because not only the effectiveness of the training, but also its invasiveness will depend on the quality of the warm-up. After all, getting injured due to carelessness or neglect of safety precautions when practicing on an orbit track is not so difficult. Even a minor injury can put you out of action for several weeks. If you want to lose weight by summer, then such a loss will be very sad and tangible.
  5. Regularity of training . Everything is obvious here - only regular training can bring good and quick results. Don’t be lazy to devote 30 minutes to your body - in a few months you will be very glad that you overcame laziness at this moment!
  6. Training intensity . For those new to the sport, a good heart rate during training would be 110-120 beats per minute. This will provide a good load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and will also force various muscle groups to work. For more experienced athletes, the training intensity level should be higher. And make sure that your heart rate does not exceed 80% of the maximum age norm. It is 220 minus your age.

Don't force yourself!

But at the same time, you should not force yourself. Training will only benefit you when you begin to feel joy both when climbing onto the orbital track and when descending from it. And any healthy body will very soon begin to experience joy at the thought of exercising on the orbitrek, since it is programmed to feel positive emotions if it leads the way to rejuvenate and strengthen itself.

There are three different ways to start training on the orbit track.

First way

Run for the maximum amount of time with minimal load, increasing the time in each session. And when it reaches the desired 45-90 minutes per training, begin to increase the speed and level of load.

Second way

Divide each training into 3 stages. Work out until failure. Rest without sitting down or lying down, but walking around the room or along the corridor until your pulse is completely restored. Re-enter the orbit track. In this case, the time of each approach should be equal to:

  • 1st approach – X minutes;
  • 2nd approach – X/2 minutes;
  • 3rd approach – X/3 or 4.

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Third way

The third system of the initial stage of training refers us to the famous Seluyanov system, according to which you need to practice:

  • 1st month: 30 seconds of training, 2.5 minutes of rest.
  • 2nd month: 1 minute of training on the orbit track, 2 minutes of rest.
  • 3rd month: 1.5 minutes of training 1.5 minutes of rest;
  • 4th month: 2 minutes of training - 1 minute of rest.
  • And so on until you can study for up to an hour and a half straight.

And the last thing that needs to be said about self-pity: if after getting on the orbittrack, you feel tired and lack of strength, exercise for a couple of minutes and get off it. Once you have rested, you will definitely return to your studies. In the meantime, your body is giving you a signal that it has neither the desire nor the strength to train. Learn to listen and hear the body and it will not let you down!

Orbitrek training program

Now we will provide you with three options for training programs. Since we will only have one sports equipment, the programs will be very simple. At the end of the article there will be a short explanation of some terms and their meanings.

So, there will be three programs : for beginner athletes, for amateurs and for professionals. In any case, we advise you to start training with the very first program so that the load increases gradually. Even if you are a super tough athlete, a couple of weeks of warm-up training definitely won’t hurt you! In order not to make a mistake when choosing a program, start with the very first one. When classes on the orbitrek for weight loss are easy, you can begin the second program. It will have an effect even for experienced athletes, so proceed to the third program only when your cardiovascular and respiratory systems are sufficiently developed. The third program is designed to support the athletic tone of the entire body at the highest level!

Give up the depleted diet!

Remember that you fail during a diet not because you are weak. But because your body will otherwise simply die or undergo destruction:

  • by giving up fat, you deprive nerve cells of nutrition;
  • by refusing sweets, you deprive brain cells of nutrition;
  • By refusing carbohydrates, you are depriving your muscles of nutrition.

And as a result, when there are no internal reserves left, the body initiates an explosion. Moreover, having learned that hunger may return, she will do everything to accumulate as many supplies as possible. Here are those few mandatory extra pounds that you gain after every diet!

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Orbitrack training program for beginners

This program is designed to prepare your body for serious, regular exercise, so don't try to train at high speeds right away. Your goal is to train continuously for 30 minutes at a heart rate level of about 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. When this result is stable, you can slightly increase the load to 75-80%. After a couple of weeks of regular training, the heart should adapt to the stress and the heart rate should drop to 60-70%. So, the program itself:

  • The duration of one workout is 25-30 minutes;
  • Training frequency - 3-4 times a week;
  • Step frequency is no more than 50 steps per minute;
  • The intensity throughout the workout is 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

The pulse determines the level of stress!

As for the number of trainings in 1 week, no one has an exact number. The main measures to determine their quantity:

  • your general condition;
  • your pulse.

Let's talk about the pulse. Training will allow you to lose weight only if during exercise on the orbitrek your heart rate stays within the range of 130-165 beats per minute. Less - and the fat will not melt. More - without serious preparation you risk dying.

But the pulse should be measured not only on training days, but also on rest days. At first it will be quite high on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th day after each session. Which means you can’t do it.

The second indicator is the condition of the body. Only if it is rested and only if it is full of strength, conduct repeated training. Excessive orbital training will lead to chronic fatigue, which will sooner or later force you to quit. Exercising too infrequently will not allow you to lose weight.

Orbitrek training program for amateurs

You should switch to this program after a month or two of regular training according to the program for beginners. This scheme, as a rule, gives results to most people who are not professional athletes.

  • The duration of one workout is 30-45 minutes;
  • Training frequency - 3-5 times a week;
  • Step frequency is about 50-60 steps per minute;
  • The intensity throughout the workout is 70-80% of your maximum heart rate.

Proper nutrition is the most important argument for losing weight

Regular exercise strengthens the body and promotes weight loss, but only proper moderate nutrition allows you to record the results.

Did you know? Orbitrek is a recent invention that instantly gained immense popularity. The patent for it was registered in 1995 by the Precor exercise equipment company. Already in 1998, the first batch of elliptical trainers for home use was released.

Follow these rules to improve your training results:

  1. Reduce your usual diet by 20%. This amount of calories stimulates the body to use fat deposits as an energy source. At the same time, muscle mass will not be involved in the process of breakdown, as happens with insufficient nutrition.
  2. Eat small and often. Organize five meals a day to avoid feeling hungry. The body perceives hunger as a signal to store fat, and the effectiveness of training decreases. Don't overeat to avoid stretching your stomach. It pushes the abdominal wall outward, and it will not be easy to eliminate such a defect.
  3. You can eat after physical activity. Even if you worked out late at night, eat something high in calories. The body will come out of stress and receive the energy it needs.
  4. Reduce the amount of fat in your diet by half. Consume twice as much protein, and leave carbohydrates at normal levels. Fats are a non-constructive food substance that promotes rapid weight gain. Carbohydrates, on the contrary, are a source of quick energy. Proteins become the building material for muscle tissue.
  5. Drink clean water. Avoid sweet teas, fruit juices, smoothies. They do not give you a feeling of fullness, and are high in calories.

Orbitrek is a training device that can be used at home for gradual and safe weight loss. No additional skills are required, and you can always choose the pace of exercise that suits your physical capabilities. Organize yourself the right diet, choose a quality exercise machine and lose weight for your health.

Orbital training for supermen and superwomen

The last training program on our list is intended for professional athletes or very active amateurs. Let's not talk too much - here it is:

  • The duration of one workout is 35-60 minutes;
  • Training frequency - 4-6 times a week;
  • Step frequency is about 60-80 steps per minute;
  • The intensity throughout the workout is 80-90% of your maximum heart rate.

So we looked at the basic training programs for all types of sports training.
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The elliptical trainer has 2 main disadvantages.

  1. The first drawback is not related to the simulator itself, but to the features of working on it. Beginners, not fully understanding the principle of operation of this simulator, can put too much stress on their body from the very first workouts, which can negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the general condition of a person. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended that before starting training on an ellipsoid, consult with athletes or trainers who have experience working with this simulator.
  2. The second significant drawback of the orbitrek is its cost. The simplest elliptical trainer costs from 9-10 thousand rubles, while the cost of exercise bikes starts from 5 thousand rubles.
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