Lymph and lymphatic drainage disorders, lymphostasis, lymphatic drainage

Complex therapy

Stagnation of lymph is a nuisance that many people have to face.
Unfortunately, today not only older people, but also young people are forced to use drugs for lymphatic drainage. Problems can arise due to a variety of factors - poor environmental conditions, bad habits, excess weight, and so on. With the development of the pathological process, it is necessary to select suitable drugs to improve lymphatic drainage. A specialist can prescribe complex therapy, which includes not only the use of certain drugs, but also:

  • wearing compression garments;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage treatments;
  • physical therapy.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage allows you to activate various factors that promote the formation and outflow of lymph. There are several types of lymphatic drainage based on the level of impact:

  • superficial , associated with the activation of lymphatic capillaries of the skin (microcurrent therapy, vacuum, barolaser massage);
  • deep , restoring lymph flow at the level of vessels, collectors, ducts (myostimulation with the application of electrodes at the site of projection of large lymphatic vessels or when the treated area is exposed to negative air pressure - vacuum);
  • associated with the study of the projection area of ​​the main lymph nodes , usually the inguinal-femoral and popliteal (microcurrent therapy, exposure to increased air pressure - press massage, endermology).

Forms of release of drugs

Lymphovenous insufficiency can be managed with medications. The following forms of release of such drugs exist:

  1. Gels. They are lightweight and quickly absorbed. Only a light film remains on the skin.
  2. Ointments. They are created on a fatty basis. The active substances included in their composition do not completely dissolve in it, so absorption into the skin does not occur immediately. The effects of such medications are quite long-lasting.
  3. Pills. Intended for internal use.
  4. Creams. Drugs in this category can remain on the skin for quite a long time without penetrating very deeply. For this reason, they are usually used to correct superficial lymphovenous insufficiency.

In certain cases, injections are prescribed. Injections are performed with medications for intradermal administration in the form of ampoules. You can also buy drops. They are no less effective.


This is a group of drugs that help improve the flow of blood from the veins. They affect every link of microcirculation.

These products contain substances that have a lymphotropic effect. They improve the drainage of lymph and tone the venous vessels. Medicines in this category effectively cope with swelling of the legs, which affects many women.

Let's consider the features of the most popular drugs belonging to this type.


The main active ingredients of Detralex are hesperidin and diosmin. Release form: oval tablets covered with a special coating. This drug provides angioprotective, venotonic effects. The result of its application:

  • swelling decreases;
  • veins are toned and the elasticity of their walls increases;
  • the distensibility of blood vessels decreases;
  • lymph and blood flow improves;
  • pain is reduced;
  • capillary walls are strengthened.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of Detralex. You just need to take into account the tendency to allergies to its components. During lactation and pregnancy, this drug is prescribed very rarely.

You should take 2 tablets per day for healing lymphatic drainage. You need to drink one during the day, the other in the evening (during meals). After a week they should be taken at the same time. Remember that this must be done while eating.

The drug can cause the following adverse reactions:

  • allergic skin rashes;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • headache attacks.


The drug helps eliminate problems caused by venous insufficiency. It is very often purchased for use at home. Many consumers leave positive reviews about it.

"Troxevasin" affects the body as follows:

  • elimination of trophic ulcers;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • fight against cramps and relieve pain;
  • reduction of swelling.

The medicine is effective for eight hours after administration. The kidneys are responsible for removing the drug to the outside (this happens along with urine).

The following contraindications to its use can be identified:

  • problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • kidney diseases.

The composition of "Troxevasin" includes troxerutin. This is the main active component.

The manufacturer produces this drug in two forms - gel and capsules. The latter should be taken three times a day (one at a time). Treatment lasts about a month.

The gel is applied to the skin and rubbed in with massaging movements. This medicine should be taken twice a day at an interval of 10 hours.

After rubbing the gel in, wash your hands thoroughly using soap. Make sure that it does not get on the mucous membrane.

If the limbs swell very much, capsules and gel are used together. There are usually no side effects. However, in certain cases, allergic reactions – rashes on the skin – may occur.


"Venoruton" provides a phlebotonic effect on blood vessels. It significantly strengthens their walls. The use of such a medication will protect the veins from fragility. They become more elastic.

This medication is available in two forms - gel and capsules. The latter should be taken three times a day - one at a time.

You should continue to take the capsules until the swelling completely subsides. After this, you need to stop for a while and repeat the treatment for preventive purposes. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to supplement Venoruton with ascorbic acid.

Please note that side effects may occur - flushing and minor headaches. In certain cases, rashes occur on the skin. It is not recommended to take capsules if you are highly sensitive to their components or if you are pregnant.

The gel should be used in the evenings and in the morning. It is absorbed almost immediately, relieving swelling and pain. Venoruton can be applied under special underwear with a compression effect and elastic bandages.


This product contains aescin. Horse chestnut is used to obtain this component.

"Eskuzan" works as follows:

  • fatigue and feeling of heaviness in the legs disappear;
  • veins are toned;
  • metabolism is activated;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • blood circulation improves.

The medication is available in four forms - gel, ointment, drops, tablets. Therapy usually lasts from 30 to 60 days.

The tablets should be taken before meals. They need to be washed down with plenty of liquid.

Escusan is not recommended to be taken with contraceptives and antibiotics. Possible side effects are heartburn, vomiting, nausea. In certain cases, allergic rashes occur and body temperature rises.

Drops should not be used during lactation or pregnant women. They are also not suitable for people with aescin intolerance. Overdose may cause problems such as diarrhea, cramping and flatulence.

Gel and ointment have the same effect, but differ in absorption rate. Apply a little product to the skin and rub in gently. Use the gel or ointment one to three times a day. After using the medication, a rash may appear on the skin.


I like to make myself a vitamin lymphatic drainage tea from dried strawberries, birch leaves, rosehip syrup and honey. The mixture is simple, but effective in reducing excess weight and suppressing appetite. The main condition is to follow a diet. Drainage for weight loss at home will not work if you eat a diet rich in unhealthy foods.

For those looking for quick weight loss, I recommend a drainage diet: sit on cleansing drinks for 3 days. I drink vegetable juices, rosehip decoction, herbal infusions (coltsfoot, horsetail), mineral water with mint leaves and lemon. This is convenient to do in the summer when there is no appetite. I lose 2-2.5 kg, my headache stops. After another 2 weeks I drink these drinks in the morning.

I read in reviews that apple juice diluted with water works well as a drainage drink, which should be drunk on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. My stomach began to hurt - the gastroenterologist said that the acidity was high. I replaced it with herbal infusions (I like the option with calendula): they are softer and more pleasant to drink, but they also need to be combined with a diet.

Homeopathic medicine "Lymphomyosot"

This drug is homotoxic and immunomodulatory. Its main functions:

  • helps improve interaction between organs of different systems at the cellular level;
  • reduces intoxication;
  • eliminates inflammation and swelling;
  • improves the quality of lymphatic drainage.

The release forms of "Lymphomyosot" are injection ampoules and drops. The drug can be used together with other medications. There are practically no side effects from it. However, if you are intolerant to the components of the product, you should not use it.

Herbal medicine "Lymphotransit"

The manufacturer of this drug is . When creating products, she uses natural ingredients.

“Lymphotransit” supports the body’s protective barriers, deeply cleanses it, and removes toxins. It is produced in two forms - drops and a concentrated drink. The drug is used to eliminate swelling and improve lymph flow. Consists of the following components:

  1. Aloe vera. Provides a slight choleretic effect, improves immunity and metabolism.
  2. Uncaria. Supports the body.
  3. Cherry stalks, green tea, nettle. Helps remove excess fluid.
  4. Grapefruit and lemon juices. They are sources of vitamins.
  5. Corn silk. Provide bile and diuretic effects.

A contraindication to the use of Lymphotransit is intolerance to the constituent components. This remedy should not be used during lactation or by pregnant women.


Medicines in this category promote normal blood microcirculation. They have a positive effect on blood vessels. These remedies increase tone and normalize metabolism.

Prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • varicose veins;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • venous insufficiency.

Such drugs are also prescribed to improve cerebral circulation and in cases of atherosclerotic plaques. And in addition - for vascular diseases caused by diabetes mellitus or rheumatism.

Today there is a very wide range of angioprotectors on sale. The specialist selects the appropriate medication, focusing on the severity of the disease and the location of the lesion.

What happens when lymphatic drainage is disrupted?

lymphatic drainage disorder
Deterioration of fluid outflow is a universal, nonspecific process. It can be observed in many diseases and conditions, such as increased total body weight, local fat deposits, cellulite, scars. Microcirculation disorders and internal edema are an integral part of inflammatory processes, tissue degeneration and the natural aging process. Moreover, in most cases, tissue pathology begins with a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymph.

Long-term obstruction of lymph outflow leads to its stagnation - lymphostasis.

Insufficiency of lymph circulation is observed with certain malformations, increased venous pressure, mechanical compression of tissues and lymphatic vessels (as a result of tumors, chronic infections (including erysipelas), scars, ligation of lymphatic vessels). As a result of this, the organs increase in volume - this is how elephantiasis is formed. An organ or tissue from which lymphatic drainage is impaired becomes swollen and often painful.

Due to insufficient lymphatic drainage, people who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to sit or stand for long periods of time, often have swollen ankles at the end of the working day. Fluid retention and endotoxin accumulation in the thighs and buttocks, characteristic of conditions such as cellulite, are also associated with the “sluggish” functioning of the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic drainage tea

This medicinal tea helps speed up metabolic processes, lose weight, and relieve swelling. It usually consists of a collection of herbs with immunostimulating and diuretic effects, as well as green tea enriched with antioxidants.

For example, immortelle prevents the formation of plaques and makes blood vessels more elastic. Birch buds remove toxins, purifying the blood. St. John's wort eliminates inflammation. Lingonberry leaves provide diuretic and antibacterial effects.

Lymphatic drainage tea has many benefits. This drink can not only improve your health, but also improve your complexion. However, it is worth noting that its price is quite high.

Weight loss supplements (drainage and de-puffing)

Today's post is about drainage.
When losing weight, detoxing, after a flight, barbecue in the country, breaking a diet, on certain days of the cycle and with severe cellulite, it is very important to help the body first expel excess, stagnant fluid, which causes swelling and looseness of the body, and also contributes to the formation of cellulite. Therefore, in order to remove cellulite and make the body and muscles sculpted, you need to start not with creams and “anti-cellulite scrubs”, but with drainage, that is, removal of excess fluid. There is no escape from drainage!

Why are diuretics needed, what are they?

Diuretics are drugs to remove excess fluid and relieve swelling. Swelling appears due to salt, sugar, flour, fast food and products with hidden salt (canned food, sausages, etc.). We ate lightly salted fish in the evening, hello mirror in the morning!

Plus, during critical days and for another week after, the body accumulates water and extra pounds. Or two days of breakdown, then you step on the scale and gain an extra couple of kilos! This is not fat (the body can gain a maximum of 150 grams of fat per day), it is excess water that needs to be removed! Cellulite is also excess stagnant water that has swollen in the cells!

This is why diuretics are needed, which gently remove water. Losing weight on diuretics is stupid, but helping the body remove excess water after a cold period, a breakdown or a flight is necessary! It will take a long time to appear on its own, and during this time it will pretty much spoil your mood. Well, something like this (photo from the Internet):

Herbal diuretics - herbs

Herbal herbs and preparations from pharmacies have a mild effect and are safer compared to pharmacology. But their efficiency is quite low. Herbs include dandelion root, bearberry, orthosiphon leaves, various renal and diuretic herbs. Collections are stronger than herbs individually; the law of synergy comes into play here. But herbs don’t help everyone!

There are special herbal teas that remove excess fluid. I wrote about them in a post about Detox tea and now I’m waiting for another large parcel from iHerb with Pukka and Yogi Tea teas. Most of them provide a soft and good drainage effect.

Plant extract complexes

There are also special complexes of extracts for a diuretic effect. They are more effective than herbs because they are more concentrated and selected for their synergistic effect. I looked through the entire iHerb and I only liked two complexes in terms of composition and extracts. I personally like the diuretic brand Solgar.

  • Solgar, Herbal Water Pill, 100 Veggie Caps, 100 Veggie Caps

Taurine is an amino acid with diuretic properties.

There is another interesting thing that is more effective than herbal diuretics, but it is also safe and can be taken for a long time without fear for the kidneys.

The amino acid taurine (L-taurine) is not a diuretic, although it performs the same function; it fights swelling . According to nutraceuticals, taurine is the best remedy in cases where it is necessary to reduce swelling and rid the body of excess water in the tissues, not only in case of serious diseases, but also in cases where the cause of swelling is a long flight on an airplane or the approach of a cold. And without the side effects of diuretic drugs!

Taurine works in a different way than herbs! It keeps potassium and magnesium inside cells and prevents excess sodium from entering them. This means that it can be used in emergency cases - eat salty food, wash it down with a taurine tablet, and prevent swelling. I'm already waiting for these magic pills to arrive so I can try them on myself))

  • Solgar, Taurine, 500 mg, 250 Veggie Caps - $19.98
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