A set of exercises with a fitball for weight loss - circuit training

07/07/2019 Olga Migunova 0 comments

Do you want to lose weight and shape your figure? Try a fitball for weight loss. Thanks to balancing on the ball, the body will be in constant tension, which allows you to work out each muscle group well. At the same time, the exercises have a beneficial effect on the spine and joints, without overloading them, but making them healthier.

Fitball for weight loss

What is fitball

A large gymnastic ball made of high-strength material is called a fitball. The same name is given to the trend in fitness, when all exercises are performed on a ball.

History of creation

In the middle of the last century in Italy, the owner of a small family business producing toys began producing large balls made of durable rubber. The new toy was called “Gymnastics”.

Physiotherapists liked the gymnastic ball, and they began to actively use it for therapeutic medicine. In particular, the following specialists became interested in fitball.

  • English physiotherapist Elset Kong, who developed a program for neurological rehabilitation of children.
  • Her colleague Mary Quinton, working in Switzerland, used the ball in programs for newborns.
  • Susan Klein-Vogelbach, a Swiss physiotherapist, used a fitball to treat cerebral palsy.
  • American doctor Joan Posner Mauer used a gymnastic ball as a tool for restoring the musculoskeletal system after injuries.

Although the ball was invented and manufactured in Italy, it began to be called “Swiss”, since it was there that gymnastics using a large ball was invented. In Russia, a new direction in aerobics and physical therapy became widespread in the mid-nineties, then the first health center was opened in Moscow. In 1995, the first seminar was held to train instructors in a new direction of fitness.

Fitball aerobics is useful not only for health purposes, but also helps to correct errors in the figure, form correct posture, reduce stress on the musculoskeletal system and tone all muscles.

Basic principles and rules

Exercises on the ball are performed while sitting on it or lying down. At the same time, the practitioner must maintain balance, which, in turn, uses a large number of muscles.

During exercise on the ball, a vibration effect occurs on the body. Continuous but light vibration has a calming effect on the nervous system, while more intense vibration has a stimulating effect. The first is mainly used for classes with children, while the second is more likely intended for body correction in adolescents and adults.

When a person performs exercises on a ball, the vibrations have a beneficial effect on the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, joints, and internal organs. Impulses enter the brain, due to which new conditioned reflex connections develop, which are simply necessary for the proper physical, mental, and intellectual development of the child. Adults unload the spine, reduce the load on the joints, strengthen the muscle corset, increase flexibility and stretching.

Fitball improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, increases regeneration processes in tissues, and stretches the spine.

In Scandinavian countries, many preschools use gymnastic balls instead of chairs.

Indications and contraindications

Exercises with a fitball for weight loss are especially recommended for people who are contraindicated for intense physical activity due to health problems or excess weight (in this case, there is excessive stress on the joints and heart).

This equipment minimizes the impact load on the musculoskeletal system. Since all exercises are performed smoothly, the likelihood of injury to ligaments and joints is eliminated.

Training with a fitball for weight loss is suitable for obese people suffering from varicose veins, after joint injuries, as well as pregnant women. Such exercises are great for losing weight after childbirth, as they guarantee quick results.

Despite its high safety, there are a number of contraindications. The following activities are not recommended:

  • in the presence of dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • if there are pathologies of internal organs, since they are very actively affected during classes;
  • in the presence of herniated intervertebral discs.

If there are health problems, weight loss exercises on a fitball are best done under the supervision of a qualified trainer who can select the optimal load and regulate it, constantly monitoring the condition of the trainee. When there are no contraindications to playing sports, you can safely exercise on your own at home.

The benefits of fitball for humans

Exercises with a fitball help:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back, abs, buttocks and legs;
  • creating a strong muscle corset;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • development of the respiratory system, vestibular apparatus and motor functions;
  • beneficial effects on the nervous system.

When balancing on a ball, you use a huge number of muscles to maintain your balance. Since the load is quite large, a lot of calories are burned, and this only contributes to weight loss. The most valuable thing about fitball is the involvement of deep muscles, which during regular training “sleep” or do not work at full strength.

When performing abdominal exercises, you are guaranteed not to be able to injure your lower back and back - you will not be afraid of any pinching, and the corset muscles will be safely loaded and strengthened.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball are recommended for everyone who has certain back and joint problems. The spine is stretched, joints are unloaded, muscles are strengthened, and back pain gradually disappears. All exercises are done smoothly, at a moderate pace, without jerking.

Thanks to the gentle load on the spinal column and good pumping of the back muscles, posture improves, the vestibular apparatus develops, coordination of movements and reaction. A person becomes more flexible and develops a sense of balance.

Gymnastics with a ball is very helpful in rehabilitation after injuries to the musculoskeletal system; it is useful for patients with osteochondrosis - an elastic ball helps to “break” salts and regenerate tissue between the vertebrae.

For diseases of the knee and ankle joints, varicose veins and other diseases of the lower extremities, almost any gymnastics is contraindicated. But not a fitball, in which the load on joints and legs is reduced to a minimum.

Features and benefits of training

Fitball is suitable for people of all ages, including the elderly. This option is also acceptable for pregnant women. Despite the simplicity of the exercises, their effectiveness is quite high: since many muscles are involved, the body is significantly loaded, and a large number of calories are burned. The spine does not suffer in this case - on the contrary, a fitball is often used to eliminate back pain.

When exercising with a fitball for weight loss, you can count on additional bonuses:

  1. Working out different muscle groups. The load is distributed evenly throughout the body. Muscles that are “forgotten” during standard training (aerobic or strength) are pumped up.
  2. Posture becomes straighter. Regular exercises for weight loss with a ball not only relieve the spine, but also allow you to forget about pain. During training, you need to put in some effort and alignment, which allows you to form beautiful posture.
  3. Development of flexibility. Each exercise affects the stretching of muscles and joints.
  4. The skin becomes more beautiful. The tangible effect of training is a gentle massage that improves the condition of the skin.
  5. Improving coordination of movements. You have to maintain balance in a certain position, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  6. Stress relief.

It seems that exercising on a fitball for weight loss is almost no different from regular gymnastics on the floor. This is standard cardio that helps burn fat and increase calorie expenditure. But the “magic” lies in the instability of the projectile - you have to balance while performing the exercises. Several muscle groups are trained at the same time. This is energy-intensive work, although a person does not notice the extra stress. For example, abdominal exercises with a fitball will bring more benefits than on the floor.

There are several ways to make weight loss exercises on a ball more effective:

  • choose a suitable fitness program;
  • combine sports with a low-calorie diet;
  • add cardio exercise during breaks.

An hour of exercise burns approximately 400 kcal. If you exercise 3-4 times a week, you can lose about 2-3 kg. First of all, with the help of a fitball, muscles are strengthened. Each exercise burns more calories than the same workout without a ball. Weight loss also occurs due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. Metabolism increases by 20-25% - the effect lasts up to 12 hours.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball for weight loss are suitable for almost everyone. Still, in some cases you need to consult a doctor:

  • pregnancy;
  • serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • herniated discs;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • too much weight (more than 130 kg).

The advantage of such training is that the legs experience reduced stress. Varicose veins, damage to the knee or ankle joints, injuries to the lower extremities are not a hindrance. Osteochondrosis, arthritis or rheumatism are also not contraindications.

An hour of training with a fitball burns approximately 400 kcal

If there are no contraindications, you can play with the ball at any age.

Fitball exercises are also suitable for men

In addition to losing weight, your muscles will tighten and your posture will improve.

Advantages and disadvantages

Regular fitball exercises:

  • correct the figure;
  • reduce weight;
  • develop flexibility, dexterity and coordination of movements;
  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • improve mood and relieve stress;
  • improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • promote correct posture.

No deficiencies found. Gymnastics with the help of a large elastic ball is used to prepare for childbirth, exercises with newborns, to correct the figure, as well as to treat many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Fitball is approved by scientists and doctors for all ages and has no contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages
Photo: https://pixabay.com/vectors/pilates-pilate-ball-sphere-2137509/


Modern fitness clubs and gyms have a huge variety of different sports equipment. One of them is fitball. This large ball has a diameter of 40 to 75 cm. The ball is used in fitness and aerobics training. Simple exercises on a fitball help you lose weight and keep your body in good shape. It helps strengthen muscles, ligaments and relax your back.

Advantages and disadvantages

Exercises on a fitball have many benefits, including the following:

  • beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system,
  • high-quality muscle development,
  • posture alignment,
  • relieving stress from the spine,
  • vestibular apparatus training,
  • increasing body flexibility,
  • helps pregnant women prepare for a painless birth,
  • inexpensive price,
  • adults and children can easily use it.

There are not many contraindications for fitball. It is not advisable for people for whom it is contraindicated for health reasons.

How to choose?

In order to perform exercises on a fitball at home, you need to choose the right gymnastic ball. Effective results can only be achieved if the sports ball suits you completely. When choosing, it is important to take into account your height; the diameter of the future projectile depends on it.

height up to 145 cmball diameter 45 cm
height up to 165 cmball diameter 55-60 cm
height 170 cm and aboveball diameter 65 cm
height 185 cm and aboveball diameter 75 cm

Before purchasing a gymnastic ball, it must be tested. All you have to do is sit on the ball and see how your legs are positioned. Your feet should rest lightly on the floor and your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle and parallel to the floor. During the production process, the fitball is made from a fairly strong and reliable material. It can support a person up to 180 kg.

Fitballs come with handles, horns or spikes; these options are well suited for small children. It's easier for them to hold onto them and do the workout.

Who needs to exercise with a fitball?

The exercise system with a fitness ball is suitable for people who care about their health, pregnant women, infants and children of any age. And also people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • excess weight,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • arthritis,
  • improper coordination
  • rachiocampsis,
  • rheumatism.

The effectiveness of fitball for weight loss and diet

Any physical activity, including fitball, contributes to weight loss only when it is combined with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
If after training you eat your fill and lie down on the sofa, then no amount of exercise will help you get rid of the hated layer of fat. First of all, you must follow a diet, but your meals must be balanced and include enough fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Give preference to protein foods - lean meat, preferably boiled or baked, fish, poultry. Use raw or boiled (stewed) vegetables as a side dish for the meat component. It is advisable to eat porridge in the first half of the day. Include cottage cheese, fermented milk products, and fruits in your diet.

Try to avoid as much as possible, or better yet, completely exclude fast carbohydrates from the menu - sweets, baked goods, confectionery, sausages and smoked products, pickles and preserves, store-bought sauces, marinades.

Stay hydrated and don't overeat at night. The last meal should be at least four hours before bedtime; if you feel very hungry, drink kefir.

Avoid alcohol and nicotine. Eat 5-6 times a day and in small portions.

To enhance the effect, try to perform all exercises at an intense pace with a large number of repetitions. The same exercise must be performed 15-20 times in two or three approaches. Rest between sets should not be longer than a few minutes.

The harder you push yourself, the more calories you will burn. Try to get your heart rate up. Cardio exercise helps you lose weight. If your goal is muscle definition and figure correction, then give preference to strength exercises with dumbbells.

Flexibility exercises are vital for elasticity and muscle tone and stretching of the vertebrae, but do not affect weight loss. However, they should not be neglected.

When will the first results appear?

fitball exercises for weight loss

When can I expect the first results from exercising with fitball? Experts never tire of repeating that the effectiveness of exercise directly depends on how often you practice. One of the main conditions is full compliance with the system, following the training scheme.

It is important not only to exercise regularly, but to maintain a special diet. As a rule, almost any diet involves severe restrictions on the daily amount of calories and an increase in the volume of fluid consumed. As a result, water comes out of the body first. This is approximately 2 kilograms, which are recent. Already a week after the start of dietary restrictions, a woman may notice that she wakes up with an empty stomach, and her stomach has significantly decreased. The next result of losing weight is the face. Everything unnecessary goes away, swelling subsides (again due to the release of water).

Be sure to read: Losing weight and improving your figure through dance

Girls note that their cheekbones stand out, their hated cheeks disappear, and their double chin disappears.

Nutritionists say that getting rid of the belly and cheeks are the simplest tasks of weight loss methods, which can be solved already in the first months of losing weight.

The most inaccessible places are those areas that are the hardest to work on. These include the triceps area. This area should receive the most attention. Even with effective weight loss, it is necessary to include strength training, since without them the skin can sag significantly.

fitball exercises for weight loss

The hips and buttocks area is quite difficult to lose weight precisely because of physiological natural factors. Much depends on your body type. If a woman has a glass-shaped figure, then there is a high probability that she will be able to achieve ideal waist measurements, but her hip measurements will remain the same. In this case, all that remains is to “ennoble” the problem areas: tighten the skin, gain muscle mass, get rid of the “orange peel”.

You need to pay attention to the side area. Hanging fat deposits are a phenomenon that does not appear overnight. This is a long process that has a cumulative effect. It also takes a long time to correct this problem area of ​​the female body.

How to choose a fitball ball

The fitness ball is made of very durable material – ledraplastic. Since it is designed for use by people of considerable weight, optimal elasticity and resilience are necessarily taken into account during manufacturing. Even if the ball bursts when a person weighing more than 150 kg sits on it, it will release air gradually and the person sitting on it will not be harmed.

Modern balls can withstand weights of up to 300 kg, so even obese people can jump on it.

Fitball is often used during gymnastics by expectant mothers, as well as for the development of babies, starting almost from the moment of their birth. Therefore, the material does not contain harmful impurities and the projectile itself does not have any foreign odors. The product must be certified. Consider this fact when purchasing.

How to choose a fitball ball
Photo: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/yoga-fitness-sport-sporty-training-1989833/

The diameter of the ball can be different:

  • Fitball for children under five years old – no more than 45 cm;
  • from six to ten years – 55 cm;
  • ball for teenagers and adults 150-165 cm tall – 65 cm;
  • with adult height from 170 to 190 cm – 75 cm.

It is very easy to check if the ball is suitable for your height. All you have to do is sit on it. If the angle between the thigh and shin is straight or slightly more than 90°, then the projectile is selected correctly.

The surface of the ball can be:

  • smooth;
  • ribbed;
  • with handles that you can hold on to while doing exercises;
  • on the legs there is a special orthopedic ball.

There is no fundamental difference between these balls; everyone can choose the surface to their liking. The same applies to color, although for activities with children it is better to choose calm shades that do not cause excessive excitement.

A quality ball should have the following qualities.

  • It’s good to spring, you shouldn’t “sink” into it like into a soft chair.
  • Be flexible. Try to “pinch” it; if you succeed, then the material is of poor quality.
  • Have plasticity. When inflated again, it should not bunch up or “wrinkle.”
  • Have an anti-explosion system. When physically damaged, the ball slowly deflates rather than being torn to shreds with a loud “bang.”
  • Have a quality surface. No seams or hangnails! The nipple through which the ball is inflated must not protrude outward.
  • Be hypoallergenic and do not contain harmful impurities.
  • Easy to clean and antistatic.

How to choose a fitness ball

The effectiveness of training largely depends on the quality of the ball. Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the following points:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • high rubber density;
  • absence of scratches, irregularities, bulges on the surface of the ball;
  • good seam processing;
  • sufficient weight characteristics.

If you need equipment for simple weight loss training, buy smooth balls. If you plan to conduct jumping classes, we recommend models with handles. For massage lovers, balls with special spikes are sold.

Now let's figure out how to choose a suitable fitball in size. To do this, we recommend using the following ratios:

  • The athlete’s height is 155 cm or less, arm length 52–55 cm – ball size S (45 cm).
  • The athlete's height is 155–165 cm, arm length 56–65 cm – ball size M (55 cm).
  • The athlete's height is 165–180 cm, arm length 65–75 cm – ball size L (65 cm).
  • The athlete's height is 180 cm and above, arm length 75–85 cm - ball size XL (75 cm).

The cost of a fitness ball depends on the diameter and manufacturer. You can purchase a cheap model for 350–500 rubles on Chinese trading platforms. But the quality of such shells may be extremely low. In sports stores, prices for good balls start at an average of 800 rubles. Models with a pump cost about 1000–1200 rubles.

Fitball exercises for weight loss

A gymnastic ball is available to absolutely everyone. It is recommended to be used by expectant mothers to reduce the load on the spine, as well as to prepare for childbirth. Elderly people exercise on it, trying to maintain healthy joints. And most of the fair sex use the ball to correct their figure and try to reduce excess weight. The best part is that ball exercises can be done at home.

Fitball exercises for weight loss
Photo: https://pixabay.com/vectors/pilates-fitball-silhouette-exercise-3163366/

For the stomach and sides

  • Upper press. Lie on the ball so that it is located under your lower back and buttocks. The feet are on the floor slightly wider than the shoulders, hands on the back of the head. Slowly lift your body up, pause for a few seconds at the point of maximum tension, and then lower to the starting position. Do several approaches.
  • Reverse twist. Lie on your stomach on the ball. The upper body is suspended, hands behind the head, feet resting with their toes on the floor. Raise your upper body by arching at the lower back. Stay in the stationary position for a while, and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Passing the ball. Lie down on the floor. Hold the ball between your calves. Fold in half, holding the ball with your feet, and grab it with your hands. Slowly lower your feet and hands with the ball to the floor. Do the same movements, but at the same time passing the ball from your hands to your feet.

For hips and buttocks

  • "Bridge". Lie on your back and place your calves on the ball, pulling your toes toward you. Spread your arms to the sides, palms down. Raise your buttocks as high as possible so that your body forms a straight line, and hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do several approaches.
  • "Office chair." Use a large exercise ball instead of a chair and go about your business. In fact, this exercise is not as simple as it seems. You will have to constantly monitor your posture and maintain balance.
  • Reverse lunge. Stand with the ball behind you. Place your outstretched leg on it. Bend the other one at the knee. Try to sit down as low as possible. Hold the motionless position for a few seconds and then slowly straighten up.
  • Leg lift. Take a lying position, resting your feet and part of your shins on the ball. Raise your legs up one at a time.

For arms and chest (upper part)

  • Pushups. Take a lying position so that your shins rest on the ball and your hands rest on the floor with your palms. Slowly bend your elbows, going as low as possible. Keep your back straight. When you feel maximum tension throughout your body, stay in this position for a while. Then just as slowly straighten your arms.

If the exercise seems too difficult, then you can lean on the ball with your hips. Over time, increase the load, resting first on your shins and then only on your feet.

For arms and chest (upper part)
Photo: https://pixabay.com/vectors/fitball-gym-laptop-stick-man-2852224/

  • Dumbbell press. Lie with your back on the ball. Legs are bent at the knees and rest on the feet. Bring your hands with dumbbells in front of your chest, and then spread them.

For the back

  • "Boat". Lie on the floor on your stomach. Place an exercise ball between your feet and calves. At the same time, raise your arms and legs (with the ball), arching your back. For maximum effect, hold still for a few seconds. Return to the starting position.
  • Squats. Take the ball in your hands and lift it above your head. Feet shoulder-width apart or wider. Squat down, holding the ball in outstretched arms in front of your chest. The shoulder blades are brought together, the lower back is arched.
  • "Plank". Depending on your physical fitness, lean on the ball with your outstretched arms or forearms. The body is stretched out in a “string”, the legs are slightly apart and rest on the toes. The exercise is static, that is, it does not require any movements. It is necessary to stand in the “plank” position for as long as possible, while almost all the muscles of the body are worked out, but the latissimus dorsi muscles receive the greatest load.

Effective exercises for weight loss

If classes are carried out regularly, the result will be noticeable after two weeks. Exercising will not only help you shed pounds, but will also improve your health. It is also a good way to relieve tension and stress. Gradually it is necessary to increase the load. For example, if the belly fat ball exercise no longer seems to require any effort, it may be worth adding an extra approach.

For the back

Weight loss exercises for beginners are exercises that strengthen the muscle corset. This will not only help you lose excess weight, but also create beautiful posture. Exercises are performed 10 times - 2 approaches.

You need to lie on the fitball with your stomach down and relax as much as possible. In addition, this activity is ideal for losing weight on the stomach and thighs. When inhaling, you need to straighten to the maximum horizontal position. The hands need to be extended along the body. As you exhale, you should smoothly lower yourself onto the “simulator.”

On the press

Popular exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides are crunches. Using a fitball, this technique is considered even more effective than the usual version: among other things, small stabilizing muscles are trained.

The starting position is to lie on the ball with your middle back. Your legs should be spread and your knees bent. Hands need to be placed behind your head or crossed. The top of the body is slightly tilted below parallel. When exhaling, twisting is performed until a noticeable tension arises in the press. You need to stay in this position.

There are special exercises on a fitball for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. You need to kneel down, lie on the sports equipment with your left side and hug it with your right hand. The left hand needs to be “hidden” behind the head. The left leg needs to be moved to the side. The body must be lifted, leaning on the ball. Then start over.

For the buttocks

To lose weight on a fitball, jumping is also used. Since the muscles of the legs and buttocks are actively involved, and the body strives to maintain balance, a lot of energy is spent. You need to jump on a ball for at least a few minutes to lose weight. To make the result appear faster, you need to set a high pace.

You need to lie on your back and put your feet on a fitball. The pelvis is raised, creating a straight line of the body. If it is necessary to subject the buttocks to increased stress, they must be squeezed when lifting. You need to linger for a while and then lower your body. These exercises with a fitball for women are also good for losing weight in the abdomen and sides.

For hands

The hand area also needs work. It is necessary to strengthen the biceps, triceps and shoulders. A good workout is push-ups. You need to throw your feet on the fitball, maintaining the usual technique: this position will enhance the effect.

Exercises with a ball are used in fitness both for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, and for improving health. Fitball is known for its overall therapeutic effect. Muscles are strengthened and digestion is normalized. It is easier for the body to get rid of excess fat. But the speed of getting rid of kilograms is influenced by the chosen fitness program. It is important to conduct classes in an open space to avoid getting caught on objects and getting injured.

Ready-made training programs with fitball

Taking into account your physical fitness, you can use sets of exercises compiled by experienced fitness instructors for home exercises.

For newbies

For beginners, older people, and also when recovering after childbirth, gentle loads can be used. At the same time, do not neglect the warm-up by doing several general warm-up exercises - swinging your arms and legs, bending and turning your torso.

The basic exercises are as follows.

  • "Bridge".
  • Lifting the ball with your feet from a lying position on your back.
  • Swinging of the upper press.
  • Jumping while sitting on a ball.
  • Stretching on a fitball - lie on your back and, bending at the waist, stretch with your arms and legs.

After your workout, do a plank for one minute.

Depending on your physical condition, you can independently determine the number of exercises, but it is advisable to do at least 10 times each. Over time, their number increases to 20.

For intermediate level

After you have mastered the exercises for beginners, you can move on to a more complex program.

  • Dumbbell press – two sets of ten times.
  • “Boat” – two sets of five times.
  • Leg raises – 20 times on each leg.
  • Push-ups – two sets of 15 reps.

Include exercises from the complex for beginners in your training, as well as learn new ones and perform them at least 10-20 times in one approach.

For intermediate level
Photo: https://pixabay.com/vectors/gym-life-practicing-fitness-cardio-3449526/

Before training, do not forget to do a warm-up, and after it, do stretching and planking exercises.

For advanced athletes

Training is carried out at least five times a week. You can use the following exercises .

  • Upper abs – three sets of 20 exercises. Every day you can add 5 exercises.
  • Leg raises - three sets of 20, 25 and 30 reps.
  • Reverse crunch - two sets of 15, 20 and 25 times.
  • Passing the ball – two approaches of 15, 20 and 25 times.
  • “Bridge” – three approaches of 15, 20 and 25 times.
  • Reverse lunge – 15, 20 and 25 times on each leg.

How to lose weight on a fitball and pump up your abs

Exercises on a fitball for the abs (see photo) give an amazing effect and make your tummy toned and beautiful. This is due to the fact that the constant need to keep the body in the desired state involves even the smallest abdominal muscles, which are not used in ordinary life, and sometimes even when performing the usual set of physical exercises.

Lie on the exercise ball with your back so that your shoulders touch the ball. Tighten your core so that it forms a straight line from your head to your bent knees. Place your feet at right angles to the floor. Move your legs so that the ball moves to the buttocks area, gradually raising your body and taking a “sitting” position. Do the exercise in reverse order - move the ball up, gradually lowering your body. Repeat 5-7 times at a slow pace.

Place your hands on the floor in front of you, and place your feet on the fitball and fix them in this position. Then, without bending your knees and your elbows, move your hands towards the ball until your body and hips form a 45-degree angle with each other. Repeat this 5-7 times slowly.

Contraindications for fitball

A gymnastic ball can be used by absolutely everyone, regardless of age. It has a gentle effect on the body, the loads are gentle, so the fitball is used both for therapeutic exercises and for figure correction.

A doctor’s consultation about the advisability of exercising on a gymnastic ball is required if:

  • the expectant mother is in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • for severe heart diseases;
  • if a herniated disc is diagnosed.

The doctor can prescribe physical therapy and explain which exercises are necessary and which ones should be avoided.

Advice from experts

Exercises on a gymnastic ball can be used by anyone, anytime and for as long as they want. No restrictions on age, pace or intensity. It is only important to take into account the advice of experts .

  1. Be sure to warm up before your workout. A few vigorous warm-up exercises are enough - swinging your arms and legs, bending, jumping, lunging.
  2. Next comes the main set of exercises, which you can create yourself, working on “problem” areas, or use ready-made programs from fitness trainers. The ideal option would be to take several individual lessons from a professional who will assess your problems, physical fitness and other necessary criteria and, based on them, create a set of exercises aimed at solving specific problems.
  3. The end of the workout is mandatory stretching. It can be done using a ball, or you can add other exercises.
  4. Proper breathing is necessary for a positive result. Never hold your breath while doing exercises. Physical effort is carried out while inhaling, and when exhaling you need to return to the starting position.

What time to train

Fitball exercises can be done at any time of the day, but the most effective training will be in the first half of the day. Morning exercises will “wake up” the body and provide vigor and excellent mood for the whole day.

How many workouts per week

You can exercise on a fitball at least every day, but at least twice a week. The best option is three times a week. Training duration is 40-60 minutes.

Fitball for weight loss
Photo: https://dietmap.ru/uprazhneniya/na-myache-dlya-pohudeniya.html

General recommendations for classes

First, the product must not be fully inflated - about 75%. After a couple of hours, you need to deflate the balloon and then inflate it completely. The denser the fitball should be, the more effort will be required and the more significantly the load on the body will increase. If adaptation to the simulator occurs, it is advisable to not fully pump it up. Then classes for a beginner will seem simpler.

Today, fitballs are available in all fitness clubs. Balls are used during aerobics classes, are present in dance and Pilates programs, and are included in strength training.

The exercises are combined into complexes. There are calm, strength, and cardio workouts. Some increase flexibility, others strengthen the back muscles, and others will help tighten the gluteal muscles. Among exercises with a fitball for weight loss, there are also various options.

Basic principles:

  1. Regularity is important - 3-4 times a week. Class duration is 30-60 minutes.
  2. Even the simplest workout should start with a warm-up. You need to “warm up” the muscles, and then using the weight loss ball will be more effective.
  3. If it is important to speed up weight loss, then cardio is needed between approaches. Regular running or jumping rope will do. This will increase your calorie expenditure.
  4. Gymnastic exercises for burning calories at home are done by repeating them 10-20 times. This will create circuit training. There is another option: the exercises are divided into approaches.
  5. When sitting on a fitball, you should not slouch and keep your shoulders turned. When performing abdominal exercises, it is important not to arch your lower back when lifting your legs. Lean on the ball as much as possible without overloading your arms.
  6. The abdomen should be kept tense, without moving from side to side. This way you can enhance the effect.
  7. After training, you need a cool-down - stretching, relaxing and restoring the muscles.

The most common exercises for fast weight loss with a big ball are jumping, push-ups, rolls, bends, squats and leg raises. The technique will vary depending on the desired result.

It is important to start any workouts with a fitness ball intended for weight loss with a light warm-up for 10-15 minutes. It could be like this:

  1. Take the fitball in your hands and take 30 steps on the spot.
  2. Then - high hip raising while simultaneously lifting the ball up (repeat 50 times).
  3. You can complete your preparation for the lesson by doing squats while holding the ball in front of you (10-20 repetitions).
  4. You can dance and jump, perform rotational movements with your arms. Running and jumping rope are also suitable.
  5. There are special warm-up exercises. You need to lean your stomach on the ball and bring your hands forward to the floor. The toes of the feet should also be on the surface. Lifting one hand off the floor, you need to raise the other hand up (diagonally). The position should be held for a minute and then change arms and legs.

When performing any exercises on a gymnastic ball for weight loss, it is important to breathe correctly:

  • do not hold your breath;
  • special efforts must be made during exhalation, returning to the starting position when inhaling.

It will be difficult to maintain balance at first, so it is recommended to start with basic exercises.

Feedback from those involved

  • “I tried to catch my balance for quite a long time. In my opinion, this is the main result of my training; I didn’t notice any other changes in myself. I think that the ball is dangerous - I flew off it a couple of times, hitting it noticeably. Maybe it's just me being clumsy, who knows. I decided for myself that this is not my projectile and I will do something else.”
  • “Not my favorite machine, but sometimes I have to use it. It effectively pumps up the muscles, especially those “hidden” deep inside me. Then everything hurts and every movement is painful. I feel that this is necessary, but I feel too sorry for myself.”
  • “It seems that there is not a single muscle that does not ache after the first lesson. Moreover, I considered myself physically prepared - I had more than one month of going to the gym behind me. I’ll keep practicing as long as I can stand it.”
  • “The classes are fun and not boring, but you need to have good coordination so as not to fall off the ball. Not everyone succeeds. Here's the first disadvantage - there is still a risk of injury. But there is a little secret - for beginners it is better to use a half-deflated ball, it is not so “capricious”. I understood one thing - it’s better than Pilates. Constantly in tension - you need to maintain balance. The exercises are simple and performed at a moderate pace, but it feels like you’ve unloaded a carload of coal.”
  • “The weight is there. No relief or other “sweet water” from fitball advertising. Is my coordination now wow! Well, thanks for that! True, I’m not an angel myself; regularity, sports and I are incompatible concepts.”
  • “If you listen to the instructor and follow safety precautions, there will be no injuries. The ball is an excellent solution for working deep muscles. I recommend it to everyone, regardless of age and gender.”
  • “Fitball is suitable for pregnant women, babies, grandmothers and everyone! The main thing is to choose the right size and quality. It is inexpensive, it can be used for studying at home, you just need to overcome laziness, and this is not given to everyone. In this case, it’s better to go to the gym - that’s where you’ll get the most out of your money.”
  • “A magic ball that can be useful for adults and children. Children use it in games, sit on it in front of the TV, jump and roll, thereby quietly developing muscles and forming posture. This is a great way to rock a baby; no cradle can replace a fitball for me now. And I managed to recover from my last birth much faster than before, when I didn’t have this wonderful ball. True, I had to sweat quite a bit. But beauty requires sacrifice!”

Doctors' opinion about the method

Exercises on the ball are approved by medicine and are actively used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

In particular, gymnastics is indicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • recovery after childbirth;
  • diseases of the spine, back and musculoskeletal system;
  • unloading of joints;
  • rehabilitation period after various injuries;
  • cerebral palsy and convulsive syndromes in children.

On the press

The best gymnastics with a large ball to strengthen the abdominal muscles.


IP: the lower back and shoulder blades are placed on the ball. The legs are bent at the knees and stand on the floor, and the buttocks “look” down, but do not fall through. Exercise: As you exhale, you need to twist, tensing your abs, but not bringing your chin closer to your chest.

Pelvic lifts

UP: perform a fitness move while lying on your back. You need to rest your feet on the big ball. Exercise: By slightly pushing it away from you, you need to raise your body, while pulling it, lower your body.


IP: position lying on your back Exercise: you need to hold the ball with straight legs. Having raised your legs, you need to take the fitball with your straight arms, and after a second, pass it back to your legs and lower them.

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