Breathing exercises with Marina Korpan: a set of exercises for weight loss

Among the huge number of sports areas and programs, I would like to highlight a set of exercises that is not quite ordinary, but has already become popular - breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan. The creator of this system, Jill Johnson, as well as her follower Marina Korpan, convinces that these exercises, compared to other types of fitness, are the best way to lose excess weight.

Operating principle

The process of fat breakdown without oxygen is absolutely impossible. After all, it is oxygen, under certain conditions (physical activity combined with low-calorie nutrition), that can cause a reduction in fat cells. Burning excess deposits, accelerating metabolic processes - all this ensures the supply of oxygen.

In addition, the special breathing technique “Bodyflex” performs a kind of massaging of the internal organs, which not only trains the abdominal muscles, but also improves digestion, all organs begin to work better. The process of losing weight will be more active if proper breathing is combined with exercise.

Bodyflex with Korpan: the essence of the technique and effectiveness

Quick weight loss with Marina Korpan using bodyflex requires devoting only 15 minutes to exercise in the morning between waking up and breakfast. Through a combination of proper breathing and exercise, you can achieve the following results:

  • Burning fat by saturating muscles with oxygen.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the body, filling the body with vigor and energy.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Improved complexion and skin condition.
  • Elimination of edema, relief from shortness of breath.
  • Improving mood and fighting fatigue.

There are no other contraindications, but to increase efficiency it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat small portions and often;
  • try to exclude flour, fried, and sweet foods from your diet;
  • do not eat food 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bodyflex breathing exercises with Marina Korpan are based on the following components:

Breathing is five-stage, with the obligatory participation of the diaphragm. Aerobics, that is, a direct set of exercises. Their correct implementation is the key to success. All of them are described in detail in the corresponding videos. Fitness, that is, the shape of the body and the level of training to adapt to stress

This also includes proper nutrition, which, according to bodyflex experts, is very important.

For the complex to work, it is also important to consider the following recommendations:

  • You need to exercise exclusively in the morning and on an empty stomach. If you do not have this opportunity, then you need at least three hours to pass since your last meal.
  • The lessons involve controlled breath-holding. To avoid negative consequences, do not exceed the time recommended by the instructor. You should not devote more than an hour to exercise. In the process of losing weight, perform the complexes every day, and in the future, to maintain shape, it is enough to do this 2-3 times a week.

Bodyflex includes 8 best lessons with Marina Korpan. The following is worth knowing about them:

  • They help to work out the stomach, hips, neck, arms, and also the face.
  • Special “physical training for the cheeks” allows you to replace Botox, fillers and other similar procedures.
  • Each lesson begins with an introduction to the system itself and its key basics. You will learn how to practice breathing; the instructor will also correct the mistakes of his assistants in the video. In this case, you do not need special equipment and clothing - just a small piece of room and 15 minutes a day.
  • Each complex is aimed at accelerating fat burning processes. It provokes the active release of carbon dioxide into the blood during breathing, therefore it has the contraindications mentioned above.
  • All lessons are available online and you can watch them completely free of charge. In fact, there are more than 8 of them, but this selection includes the most popular ones.
  • Reviews of bodyflex, which are almost always positive, note as an additional advantage that the exercises do not force you to leave your comfort zone, because many overweight people are often embarrassed to exercise in groups or jog in front of other people. A personal trainer is also not affordable for everyone, but absolutely everyone can spend 15 minutes a day in the morning if they wish.

We invite you to watch videos demonstrating how to perform the exercises.

First, the trainer introduces us to the technique of proper breathing, which involves exhaling, sharply inhaling, noisily exhaling and holding your breath. Afterwards, a small set of exercises is shown, aimed at different muscle groups: abs, chest and biceps, legs, back, quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscles. The complex ends with a kind of “intestinal rinsing”, which involves a pose on the floor with emphasis on the knees and hands. You need to alternately draw in and relax your stomach on the second exhalation at a fast pace. The exercises are repeated three times.



The “Bodyflex” breathing exercise complex is not recommended to be practiced in the presence of the following factors and diseases:

  • Low or high blood pressure.
  • Heart failure.
  • High intracranial pressure.
  • Head injuries.
  • Gallstones larger than 5 mm.
  • Hernia.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Head injuries.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy.

If we compare Marina Korpan’s breathing exercises and Oxysize exercises, the latter are considered softer and are perfect for beginners. Oxysize gymnastics is contraindicated only for persons with diseases of the respiratory system and pregnant women.

What is special about bodyflex from Marina Korpan?

Since Marina herself was overweight and quite plump since childhood, she tried to lose weight through training and strict diets. Having developed neurosis, stomach diseases and not achieving her goal, Marina began to look for solutions to her problems more thoughtfully and carefully. Thus, she came to bodyflex and yoga as the most useful and effective complexes for losing excess weight. Even before taking bodyflex classes, Marina knew about yoga and its benefits for human health. In her newest developments in the field of bodyflex, the basic principles of breathing , which she took from yoga - pranayama .

In nutrition, Marina Korpan advises avoiding restrictions and diets . If her teacher, Greer Childers, recommends switching to healthy foods, low-calorie foods and low-fat dishes, then Marina recommends not changing your diet , but changing your attitude towards what you eat. You need to eat with a “teaspoon” - very slowly, thoughtfully. In no case should you overeat , but eat exactly as much as is required to satisfy your hunger. Marina recommends adhering to the principles of healthy nutrition - eating at the same time , in small fractional portions , and not overeating at night .

Marina Korpan described her path in bodyflex, as well as recommendations and findings in this gymnastics in the book “Bodyflex. Breathe and lose weight . This book tells not only how Marina herself was able to achieve excellent results in losing excess weight, but also what exactly helped her achieve them. Marina’s book, as well as many training videos about bodyflex with Marina Korpan, help many women start their lives anew.

Additional recommendations

When performing a set of breathing exercises, the founder of which is Marina Korpan, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods that will benefit you.
  • Eat meals more often, but keep portions small.
  • Every morning you need to start with a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • Drink more fluids throughout the day.
  • During training, you should not be distracted by anything. Try to focus as much as possible on the execution technique.

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan full complex for all parts of the body

To make the picture more interesting, all the bodyflex video lessons with Marina Korpan are made up of several people who are also completely unfamiliar with the exercise technique. While watching the video, it is important to keep your attention on every detail in order to. to follow all the expert’s instructions as correctly and effectively as possible. The video demonstrates Marina Korpan’s gymnastics for all parts of the body:

Lose weight with Marina Korpan

For most people, the video may cause justifiable mistrust, because in it Marina Korpan is not yet in the best shape and looks more like an amateur than a professional. This nuance is explained by the fact that this video was filmed at a time when Marina Korpan had not yet reached the top in building her body, but the technique was already giving a decent result.

In the end, you can watch the following lessons and make sure that Marina Korpan has indeed achieved very impressive results.

This video is similar to the first one: it also focuses on the respiratory system, but the students in the lesson are more experienced. In general, all bodyflex exercises are based on proper breathing, so you should carefully watch Marina and perform bodyflexes with detailed accuracy

The second lesson is designed for people who have a general understanding of bodyflex. Therefore, it represents a longer and more in-depth analysis of technology

Due to the detailed consideration of the system, Marina Korpan does not cover all parts of the body in this lesson, paying more attention to the upper limbs and especially the abdominals. The bodyflex itself in the lesson is not particularly difficult, especially if you have already read the first lesson

After training the torso, we move on to the lower body. Namely, to the muscles of the buttocks and legs. This bodyflex lesson demonstrates the technique of stretching the legs, which has an active effect on their slimness.

Also during the lesson, attention is paid to the abdominal press, since when training the legs it is an integral part


The bodyflexes from this video already have a more complex execution technique, so first you should just watch the video tutorials with due attention, several times if necessary. Then complete the tasks, for starters you can forget about breathing, the main thing is to maintain balance. If you are standing up straight, then you can complete the exercise completely; again, there is no need to rush

If you feel discomfort, you can hold your breath less than required. It is important to remember that you cannot eat or drink before starting classes.

Lose weight with Marina Korpan

This lesson shows a technique that affects all the muscles in your body, but not equally. In this case, the emphasis is on maximum pumping of the waist.

How correctly you complete tasks can be determined by simple observation. During the load, you should inhale, so at the end of the exercise you should have a desire to exhale.

Each bodyflesh lesson from Marina Korpan has similarities with the others, so, if you wish, you can choose the technique you like best or perform each of them one by one. Regardless of which technique you choose, bodyflex will always provide the same benefits, as evidenced by reviews from bodyflex fans who have been practicing this technique for quite a long time.

The video begins with a repetition of the previously learned bodyflex for proper breathing. Then there is training of the arm muscles and exercises that involve the oblique abdominal muscles. At the end of the workout, the entire load goes to the abdominal muscles.

  • The bodyflex system is popular in many countries, as evidenced by countless reviews from its adherents.
  • As with any issue, there are people who are critical of the system, accusing it of inefficiency; only you can decide which side to be on.

Despite all the criticism of the bodyflex method, the demand for trainers of this technique is in no way inferior to the demand for fitness trainers.

Marina Korpan – breathing technique

Before you begin directly, it is important to master the breathing technique. You should breathe like little children - with your stomach. First, try taking a deep breath until your stomach fills with air, then take three short additional breaths. After this, exhale and take three “exhalations.” Your stomach should be completely empty.

breathing exercises lessons by Marina Korpan

At the same time, you need to do seemingly simple exercises, in most cases of a static nature - tensing the abdominal muscles and further holding them in this position.

In total, breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan contain 12 basic exercises that affect all muscle groups. It's only 20-25 minutes a day.

The essence and methodology of bodyflex from Marina Korpan

The basis of bodyflex from Marina Korpan is breathing exercises . The special breathing system should be very closely connected with the special exercise . A person inhales, exhales air, and while holding the breath, performs special exercises, which are also included in the bodyflex method. Marina claims that for each lesson it is necessary to perform twelve exercises , this is a classic bodyflex.

Marina Korpan significantly improved the bodyflex system, added exercises that need to be done dynamically , as well as exercises with sports equipment - balls, ribbons, and other equipment . The original bodyflex system, which was developed by the American Greer Childers, was shown only for healthy people. Marina Korpan involved medical professionals, specialists in the field of physiology, cardiology, dietetics, etc. in the research and development of effective and safe exercises. As a result, a unique system was developed with many possibilities , which can vary depending on a person’s preparation, his health and physical capabilities, and also correct various problems in his health. Bodyflex from Marina Korpan includes breathing exercises from classical yoga, as well as exercises developed according to the recommendations and under the guidance of doctors - various specialists. A huge plus in this gymnastics is that even with active and very significant weight loss, the skin is restored , it does not sag.

Marina Korpan recommends doing bodyflex in the morning, before breakfast . Due to the fact that you only need to do bodyflex for fifteen to twenty minutes a day , it won’t take much time even in the morning. In the beginning, you need to do the exercises daily . Then, once the weight is steadily decreasing, you can maintain two to three workouts per week . But the beauty of bodyflex also lies in the fact that some exercises can be performed during the day - while working in the office, traveling in public transport, sitting at home on the couch in front of the TV or doing your favorite handicraft.

In order to master bodyflex gymnastics according to Marina Korpan, a woman must become familiar with its “ basics ”:

  1. Mula bandha (“root lock”) – drawing in a group of muscles of the perineum, vagina, and anus. This allows energy to be distributed evenly in the body, without loss, and significantly reduces the load on the abdominal cavity and organs in the woman’s pelvis.
  2. Uddiyana bandha (“middle lock”) – strong retraction of the abdomen (pressing the “ball” to the spine). This exercise allows you to massage the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract, improving their functioning, it improves liver function and cleanses it, and helps restore metabolism.
  3. Jalanhara bandha (“upper lock”) – raising the root of the tongue to the upper palate, simultaneously lowering the chin onto the chest, at a palm’s distance from the sternum. This exercise massages the thyroid gland, speeds up metabolism, and preserves the vocal cords.

Exercise No. 1

Take the starting position - stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and keep your knees soft. Roll your shoulders and exhale through your mouth. As if you are blowing on hot soup or blowing out candles, stretch out your lips and exhale vigorously. At the same time, you need to pull the anterior abdominal wall towards the spine. In a normal exhalation, we, as a rule, “open” the stomach and relax it. In this case, the reverse diaphragmatic yoga breathing technique is used, that is, the stomach should be drawn in as you exhale.

Recommendations and contraindications

Oxysize, like any weight loss exercise, requires consistency. If you practice gymnastics for several days and then leave everything as it is, the desired effect will not follow. The kilograms will not go away if you forget about consistency and proper nutrition. Oxysize requires some restrictions regarding fatty, sweet and fried foods.

A useful skill will be splitting up your meals: if you eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber four times a day, your metabolism will quickly stabilize.

It is important to understand that oxysize and diaphragmatic breathing, which is unusual for women, should not be mastered during illness and with elevated temperature. Gymnastics is also contraindicated during pregnancy.


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Many argue that to lose weight, it is enough to exercise according to this system three times a week. You will be able to get rid of extra pounds without restricting food and time spent in the gym. However, not everything is so easy; the Bodyflex system will require a lot of effort from you, both physical and moral. “Puffing up” and retracting the abdomen is far from an easy task, and some complain that they feel dizzy during exercise.

bodyflex system

The exercises are performed in a static mode, in other words, the muscles should be kept tense. You should also not forget about dietary restrictions. Therefore, you still have to sweat, the most important thing is that the result is worth it. The volume will actually go away, your appetite will normalize and your waist will appear. In addition, breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan help fight swelling and improve complexion. In general, like any other physical activity, it is useful and provides significant support in the difficult task of acquiring beautiful forms.

Features of breathing exercises for weight loss Korpan


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According to the fitness instructor himself, after just 15 visits to the express course, positive changes are observed. Marina Korpan’s set of exercises is based on the basic principles of breathing exercises, with the exception of the need to hold your breath for a long time:

  1. it is safe and harmless to health, the training duration is 13-15 minutes;
  2. it is performed on an empty stomach in a ventilated room, the main emphasis is on how to breathe correctly in order to get rid of excess weight;
  3. For this method, you don’t need to exhaust yourself in the gym or go on diets; weight loss occurs without much effort.


Breathing exercises for weight loss by Marina Korpan allow you to remove fat deposits in problem areas. This technique is available for use. This set of exercises can be performed by almost everyone, since this technique does not involve long breath holds. In addition, it helps women get rid of belly fat after childbirth. Marina Korpan personally experienced it herself.

Correct execution of these exercises will allow you to fit into pants that are one and a half sizes too small after just two weeks. This gymnastics accelerates metabolic processes in the body, tightens muscles, giving your figure a chic shape. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and helps strengthen the facial muscles. As a result, you will look younger.

This technique can be mastered not only by professionals, but also by beginners. Breathing exercises “Bodyflex” can be compared to an exercise bike. Moreover, it burns calories more efficiently by about 140%.

You can train both at home and in a fitness club. To practice at home, you will need a chair, a soft rug and, of course, a good mood.

How to exercise to lose weight

To master Bodyflex, you only need to watch the training video 3-4 times. So, you will learn to exercise at home. But it’s better, of course, if you study with a qualified instructor, who will individually select the level of intensity of such classes for you.

It is advisable to perform Oxysize exercises early in the morning - at this time your body will receive maximum benefit, and this period is considered the most productive for combating excess weight. Making them is not difficult at all.

  1. To perform the simplest exercise, you just need to stand up, straighten up and place your right hand on your stomach.
  2. Now we begin to take regular and consistent inhalations and exhalations. Only the nose is involved. We don't use the mouth. We pay special attention to ensuring that the stomach works more during the breathing process, and the chest is relegated to the background. This type of breathing is called diaphragm breathing. It is he who enriches the body with useful oxygen. The minimum number of repetitions is 3 times.
  3. Let's move on to the next exercise. You will need to inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, and then take 3 short and sharp additional mini-breaths into your nose. And only then – breathe out. The number of repetitions of this exercise is the same as the previous one. To finish, inhale and exhale through your mouth.

If you do breathing exercises for about 15 minutes every morning, then after 10 days you can get rid of several kilograms. This is a very high result, given the lack of physical activity and serious diets.

Useful tips

Losing weight through a set of breathing exercises will be effective if you adhere to the following basic recommendations:

  • Combine these exercises with sports. Preference should be given to cardio exercises - cycling, running, walking, etc.
  • You can train in the morning and evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, and a few hours after dinner.
  • In the warm season, it is preferable to exercise outdoors. In cold weather, exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area.

losing weight with bodyflex

Constant breathing exercises help improve digestion, dull the feeling of hunger, calm the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, and also increase the rate of breakdown of fat reserves.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan for the belly. Video tutorials for beginners: Oxysize with Marina Korpan

Marina Korpan, based on bodyflex, has developed a unique method that allows you to quickly and effectively lose weight. Today, a large number of instructions and

Oxysize for weight loss uses breathing exercises as a basis, presented by Greer Children from America. Through long-term study, Marina Korpan increased the effectiveness of the technique. In addition, it was possible to minimize the negative consequences that were the cause of Greer Children's shortcomings. As a result, a new set of gymnastic exercises, which takes into account correct breathing, became a real hit and gained popularity not only in Russia, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

Currently, Marina Korpan conducts classes, gathering large groups of people. As reviews indicate, if you strictly follow the recommendations, the first result is noticeable after a week.

Lesson 1: Oxysize for Beginners

This video is provided as an introductory lesson. In it, the fitness trainer gives answers to frequently asked questions, describes his own technique, talks about its advantages and effectiveness, and points out the need for proper breathing. Therefore, beginners simply need to familiarize themselves with the video.

A lesson is held where each movement is explained in detail. The material presented in the video will be useful for those who want to familiarize themselves with the oxysize technique.

Lesson 2: Oxysize non-stop

In this video, Marina Korpan introduces viewers to the sequential implementation of a set of exercises using the oxysize method. The fitness trainer recommends doing this kind of gymnastics every day to achieve the required results.

There are no explanations in this video, but each movement is clearly presented. It is enough to launch it and repeat what is shown on the screen. It is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the video materials of the first lesson, and then adopt this set of exercises.

Lesson 3: breathing exercises

This video can also be used for reference. On it, Marina Korpan clearly explains the difference between oxysize and bodyflex breathing exercises. In addition, viewers are shown several simple exercises that even beginners can handle. According to the instructor, the final result, in particular, depends on proper breathing.

Lesson 4: breathing exercises for women

In the video, Marina Korpan presents exercises from a complex of breathing exercises aimed at working out problem areas of the female body. These areas are the lower abdomen and the back of the thigh.

The video demonstrates a targeted workout, where the main emphasis is on strengthening muscles and burning fat deposits. However, experts do not recommend using breathing exercises for weight loss every day. In their opinion, fat burning should occur evenly in all parts of the body. This will be more natural for the body and will not lead to stressful situations. Thus, it is necessary to direct all efforts to working out all muscle groups, and not just problem areas.

Lesson 5: morning routine from Marina Korpan

In this video, Marina Korpan talks about what exercises she does in the morning. According to the fitness trainer, they help her recharge with energy for the whole day, gain vigor, and also keep fit. Morning exercises allow you to always feel great.

These exercises will especially help those who feel exhausted in the morning and cannot wake up for a long time. In addition, this is an excellent remedy after a sleepless night. Having saturated the body with oxygen, fatigue will not be reflected in appearance, and will not be felt from the inside.

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