Bodyflex for weight loss - the main thing is to learn to breathe. Breathing exercises for weight loss

Almost every woman has the problem of excess weight, obsessive ideas to lose weight, or lose at least a couple of extra pounds. But at the same time, some leave it at the level of ideas, without trying to implement it, while others are actively looking for effective methods. For those women who want to get in good physical shape, lose weight, and at the same time improve their health, there is “Bodyflex”. It’s especially great that you can practice bodyflex after childbirth.

What is bodyflex? History of origin, features of this type of training

If we speak in “dry” language, then “Bodyflex” is a special program for body correction , burning fat in body tissues and exercising those muscle groups that most of the time remain passive. “Bodyflex” is a completely different - deeper - breathing in a specific system, as well as stretching exercises . Unlike all other similar techniques, this program is very easy to learn and use, which is why it is currently enjoying continued popularity. There are more and more adherents of this technique every day, because people who practice bodyflex demonstrate amazing results to others. The essence of the “Bodyflex” method is that with certain breathing and stretching exercises, oxygen is more active and penetrates better into the tissues of the body - and, as you know, oxygen has an excellent ability to burn fat.

Who invented the wonderful “Bodyflex” gymnastics?

This technique was invented by an American woman, Greer Childers . This woman has three children, and by the time she started developing her own gymnastics and regular classes, she wore size 56 clothes. By the way, Greer Childers came up with her unique gymnastics when she was already over fifty. This woman, at one time completely desperate in the fight against extra pounds, took a very expensive course of breathing exercises in order to slightly reduce her threatening weight. But later she took this technique as a basis, carefully reworked the exercises, painstakingly studying all the in-depth scientific principles of breathing, and created her own exercises - those that best helped her in the fight against extra pounds.

specialists in the field of nutrition, sports, and medicine in this work , so that they would also adjust these methods and make them as useful and effective as possible. The best advertisement for Bodyflex is Greer Childers herself, with her magnificent figure , excellent health, the youth of a forty-year-old woman at the actual age of “a little over fifty” and simply amazing weight loss results. In the few years that have passed since the development of the unique and very effective Bodyflex gymnastics, Greer Childers has become not only a slender and young woman, self-confident, but also very wealthy, she has a lot of followers and students. The triumphant march of “Bodyflex” gymnastics around the world is accompanied by the admiration of its active fans, who, with its help, solved all their problems with excess weight and regained their health. Video: Bodyflex with Greer Childers, effective weight loss in 15 minutes a day

Breathing technique

The basis of the weight loss complex is breathing exercises, so there are special rules for its implementation. In everyday life, a person uses only a small surface of his lungs. Thus, only the upper chest area is activated, and the diaphragmatic muscles remain flaccid and inert.

Bodyflex exercises involve the active involvement of “non-working” tissues in order to activate their oxygen supply. The diaphragm begins to intensively contract and unclench, improving blood flow and the movement of red blood cells - O2 carriers. This option is the breathing of newborns and infants. At an early age, there is a rapid leap in the development and growth of tissues, organs, bones, muscles, and ligaments. Similarly, the volume of blood in the body increases in children.

Look closely at babies and you will see measured vibrations in the navel area. Pre-train before the main complex. To do this, lie on your back and place an object, such as a book, on your lower abdominal area. Inhale slowly through your nose, exhale through your mouth, take your time while performing

In bodyflex, experts usually divide the process into 5 main stages:

  • The lips are tightly compressed and form a rigid tube. At the same time, the stomach is pulled in as close to the spinal column as possible. The act of soft and smooth exhalation is performed.
  • The mouth is tightly compressed and the stomach protrudes. A deep breath is taken through the nasal cavity to the point of failure.
  • The word “Groin” is pronounced, and at the same time there is an active exhalation from the lungs. It is important to keep your stomach tightly pressed to your spine while doing this.
  • This is followed by holding your breath for 8-10 seconds. with the stomach tucked under the ribs. In this case, the peritoneal area should look like a bowl.
  • The last stage is simple, takes a normal breath.

It is worth remembering the breathing frequency, which is important when performing the complex. Test yourself: count the movements of the diaphragm muscle by placing your hand on your chest and stomach. If you perform gymnastics technically correctly, your breathing will change. It will become deep and the weight will begin to rapidly decrease. This is because the basis of bodyflex is oxygen, which actively burns fat deposits.

The essence of the bodyflex weight loss technique

Which woman has ever experienced the strain of training in the gym, or adhered to any strict diet, the goal of which is to lose weight, gain health and good physical shape, knows that losing weight is a very difficult and sometimes “painful” process . In the process of training and dieting, you have to overcome your strength, clench your will into a fist and set very strict restrictions in your life - so as not to gain weight again. The beauty of a woman is constant work on herself, especially when nature has not endowed her with a stately figure or a good metabolism. Older women are very limited in their choice of diets and workouts - fatigue, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system affect them. And most of all, it’s a shame when the achieved result suddenly disappears - the weight is gained again, health fails as soon as a woman stops actively playing sports and dieting. Fortunately, the new Bodyflex , which everyone is talking about, can be suitable for a woman of any age, with any body type and any physical fitness . This unique and inimitable set of breathing exercises gives very quick and amazing results, and at the same time does not require much time to practice or learn the technique. A day, according to bodyflex gymnastics trainers and Greer Childers herself, 15 minutes of exercise is enough. Another undoubted advantage of the method is that, in parallel with classes, a woman does not need to go on diets and torture herself with fasting. During one session using the bodyflex system, an average of 2 thousand kilocalories are burned - this result is not achieved by any of all known weight loss systems. The main essence of “Bodyflex” gymnastics is the establishment of correct diaphragmatic breathing . As you know, women expand their chest to the sides when breathing, and men breathe with a “diaphragm” - therefore breathing can be “female” and “male”. Women's breathing is due to the fact that a woman, while carrying a child, simply cannot breathe through her diaphragm, so as not to affect the growing fetus. The “Bodyflex” technique tells us that we must learn correct diaphragmatic breathing - take a deep breath, then exhale completely and then draw in our stomach, holding our breath for ten minutes. This should be followed by inhalation followed by relaxation. But the essence of gymnastics is not only breathing, but also the selection of special exercises to enhance the effect , accelerate tissue metabolism, oxygen exchange, and breakdown of fat cells.

The set of exercises in “Bodyflex” gymnastics is divided into three groups:

  1. Isometric exercises , which are aimed at one specific muscle group, training only one area of ​​the body (abs, calves, etc.)
  2. Isotonic exercises , which are aimed at training several muscle groups (general exercises - squats, bends, turns, etc.)
  3. Stretching exercises , which are designed to increase the elasticity of the body muscles and improve joint function. Thanks to this group of exercises, a woman can forget about osteoporosis and never experience unpleasant cramps or involuntary contractions of the facial muscles.

Like all powerful means that give very quick results, this gymnastics requires a very wise approach to it, a reasonable attitude to exercise . It is necessary to engage in bodyflex without fanaticism, without significantly exceeding the training time limits. As a very effective and strong remedy, bodyflex simply does not need to be forced, and haste can be harmful to health.

Advantages and disadvantages

The bodyflex weight loss system is unique and individual. According to the research results, its main pros and cons were identified. Among the positive factors is the turnaround time. It’s very easy to allocate 15-20 minutes to study, even with a busy work schedule. For bodyflex you don’t need to gather in a gym or swimming pool; all you need is pleasant, relaxing music and a mat on the floor.

The only dietary rule when performing the complex is to exclude cakes and pastries from the diet at night. Compliance with a special diet with serious restrictions is not provided. The advantages include the absolute ease of performing the exercises. There is no need to do vigorous cardio or high physical activity. This is especially pleasant for people who do not like to lose their breath, experience pain and burning in their muscles, and numerous approaches during training.

During exercise, the body is actively saturated with oxygen, cerebral circulation increases, well-being improves, and headaches go away. Bodyflex is a purely female sport and helps to notice positive changes in your figure in front of the mirror.

However, do not forget that any system is not ideal. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of the program in advance in order to avoid unjustified expectations in the future. Bodyflex should be practiced constantly so that the extra pounds and centimeters do not return again. The first time after training, there is slight dizziness and pain, adaptation and restructuring of the body occurs.

The list of disadvantages ends with the acceptance that bodyflex is a system for overweight people. If you are in a relatively normal weight category, the results are unlikely to be surprising or will remain little noticeable. The muscles other than the diaphragm are not involved, so there will be no desired “pack” on the abs. To achieve more significant results, we recommend considering a different set of exercises.

Why do people lose weight with bodyflex?

As we noted above, bodyflex causes an increased flow of oxygen to all tissues and organs of the body, which allows fat cells to quickly break down. Moreover, fat in tissues is broken down into various components - carbon dioxide, water, energy. As a result of this gymnastics, all fat breakdown products are eliminated from the body very easily. Women who begin to engage in bodyflex note that they have the urge to urinate , stool normalizes - this is another positive factor that plays a very important role in the breakdown of fat in the human body. It is very important that bodyflex becomes not just another newfangled gymnastics in the life of a woman who wants to get rid of excess weight, but a way of her life . It is very easy to perform the technique and exercises - as we have already said, it will require no more than 15 minutes of free time daily. Bodyflex exercises are not a reason to go on a diet, but a woman who is trying to improve her health and get rid of excess weight should reconsider her diet towards healthy foods rich in vitamins, fresh fruits, vegetables, light and low-calorie.

Sportswear for training

In addition to performing the exercises correctly and technically, it is worth taking time to choose a form for training. Functional and durable clothing gives comfort and safety during training, affects your well-being and the final result.

The uniqueness of the system lies in the absence of a strict dress code. Bodyflex exercises require the presence of comfortable, comfortable, elastic clothing that is well breathable. The main rule is to feel free and attractive. Specialized sporting goods stores offer everything you need in the departments for “yoga,” “light aerobics,” and “gymnastics.”

The best options include: one-piece overalls, leggings and boleros, shorts, tops with cups, T-shirts, pants and even swimsuits. Clothes should fit nicely to the body, not restrict movement, allow air to pass through, and have flat seams so they don’t rub the skin. If you feel discomfort, try to choose a loose fit. This does not mean that clothes will sit baggy and hide body imperfections, or look fashionable and stylish in oversized items. The main thing is to trust your own taste, listen to your inner voice, and at the same time enjoy shopping.

Correct activities

To achieve an ideal body, you need to do breathing exercises every day. Moreover, in the morning it must be done before eating, and in the daytime no earlier than 2 hours after eating it. According to experts, the greatest effect can be achieved with morning exercises.

The most noticeable results are achieved by those who have not previously resorted to physical training, as well as those who are overweight. This is due to the fact that people who regularly play sports often use other loads, since bodyflex practically does not give them tangible results.

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