How to enlarge your hips and buttocks in the gym and at home

How to make your hips bigger with exercises

It is no secret that many girls dream of becoming the owners of smooth and rounded hips, because a female figure with such shapes looks more attractive in any clothing.
Sometimes curvy shapes are given by nature, but often the volume in this area, on the contrary, is not enough and then some women go to extreme measures - they increase this area surgically. However, thin girls with narrow hips should not despair, since the attractiveness of the hips depends solely on the presence of muscle mass, which can be built up. That is, the answer to the question of how to increase hip width without surgery is quite simple: with the help of a number of special exercises.

After just a month of regularly performing exercises, you will notice results. Let's look at some exercises for pumping up the thighs, which can be performed both in the gym and at home.

1. Classic squats. During squats, almost all the muscles of the lower body, abs and back are involved, and this will pump up the gluteal muscles, improve posture, and get rid of excess fat on the stomach and legs:

  • We take the starting position - legs together, shoulders back, arms extended forward.
  • We do a squat so that the knee is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Toes and heels should not be lifted off the floor during a squat, as there is a risk of losing balance and simply falling.
  • We monitor our breathing: before the squat, inhale; the squat itself is performed while exhaling.
  • Number of repetitions of squats: the first few times it will be enough to do 3-4 sets of 10-15 times, then you should increase the load, bringing it to 150-200 squats per day.

2. Plie squats. The exercise actively involves the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, so it promotes the appearance of more rounded hips, and also makes the legs slimmer, like a ballerina. The execution technique also differs:

  • We take the starting position - legs apart as wide as possible, toes turned outward, buttock muscles as tense as possible, lower back not bent.
  • Your arms can be extended forward or clasped in front of you near your chest.
  • We perform a squat while exhaling: the back remains straight, the buttocks should not fall below the knees.
  • At the bottom of the squat, you should linger for a few seconds, then, while inhaling, return to the starting position, almost straightening your knees.
  • Every day it will be enough to do 3-4 approaches of 15-20 times.

You can make the exercise more difficult and add weight (a barbell or dumbbell at the gym, a bottle of water at home).

3. Lunges forward and backward. Lunges are an excellent prevention against cellulite by activating blood circulation in the thighs:

  • Take the starting position - stand straight, put your hands on your belt.
  • Take a step forward with one leg, while lowering your body so that the knee of the stepped leg bends at a right angle, the left leg should also bend as low as possible, but without touching the floor.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Perform an equal number of times on one and the other leg (20 times).

Back lunges are performed according to the same pattern, only the leg is taken backwards.

4. Lunges to the side. Side lunges or side lunges are performed as follows:

  • We take the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, we move our right leg to the side, while the left leg supports the body.
  • We move our right leg to the right side and bend it at the knee, keeping the back straight.
  • You should lower yourself slowly, supporting your spine and keeping your heels off the floor.
  • For balance, your arms should be extended forward, and the thigh of the bent leg should be parallel to the floor.
  • We smoothly rise to the starting position and do the same with the left leg.
  • You need to do the same number of times for one and the other leg (2-3 sets of 20 times for each leg).

5. Leg Swings:

  • You need to stand facing a support (this can be a chair or a wall), move your right leg to the right and hold it there for a few seconds.
  • Move your leg all the way to the left and again hold it in this position; we do the same with the left leg.
  • Next, the movements need to be accelerated.
  • The exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 20-25 times on each leg.

Training programs to increase hip width

Curvy female forms are increasingly becoming the subject of fierce debate. Be that as it may, having a beautiful body is good and healthy. It makes sense to thoroughly understand how to achieve wide hips without gaining weight overall. This requires an integrated approach, otherwise weeks, months, and maybe even years of effort will simply go down the drain.

Girls with a thick, stocky physique do not necessarily have to seriously lose weight in order to create an appetizing figure. Attempting to lose weight in the abdominal area to visually reduce your waist will lead to loss of muscle mass. Likewise, those who are naturally thin will not need to gain extra pounds to achieve nicely rounded hips. The emphasis should be on physical education, choosing the optimal program and lesson plan.

Almost all programs of this kind include isolating and basic exercises. The approach to the issue should be comprehensive. The options presented below are suitable for any body type and level of physical fitness, so you can start exercising today.

Lesson plan

Like all similar corrective complexes, the program for making your hips wider and your waist narrower is usually designed for 3-4 workouts per week. This mode is suitable for beginners, but you can also use it for those who are visiting the gym more than once. True, not everyone can find the time and opportunity to go to the gym. Therefore, you can modernize the program to suit you by replacing the exercises on the machines with others that are similar in effectiveness.

  • Squats with weights (barbell, dumbbells) – 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.
  • Squats in Smith - 3 sets of 8-14 reps.
  • Lateral crunches for oblique abdominal muscles – 4 sets of 18-22 times.
  • Straight press crunches (incline bench) – 4 sets of 18-22 repetitions.
  • Hyperextension – 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • Raising the pelvis from a lying position - 3 sets of 12-16 repetitions.
  • Deadlift (straight legs) – 3 sets of 12-16 reps.
  • Stepping onto a special bench – 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

If you have not previously had excess fat, then the number of repetitions can be reduced, and at the same time reduce the approaches to 2-3. Do not forget that a huge role in the effectiveness of training, as well as the speed of obtaining results, is played by correctly selected weights (weights), the correct technique for performing each movement. You also need to remember that your studies are systematic, otherwise you will not get any benefit from them.

In the gym


  • Squats.
  • Lunges with weights.
  • Plie with dumbbells.
  • Gluteal bridge.
  • Side crunches.
  • Straight crunches.


  • Romanian deadlift.
  • Pull-ups (maximum) or lat pull-downs (behind the head).
  • Dumbbell rows to the waist.
  • Dumbbell bench press (incline bench).
  • Pull the lower block towards the waist (narrow grip).
  • Lying dumbbell flyes (incline bench).


  • Hyperextension.
  • Pulling the leg back (block or simulator).
  • Single leg squats (split) with weights.
  • Leg bending and extension in the simulator.
  • Raising your legs while resting on your elbows.
  • Arnold press (seated with wrist rotation).

A set of exercises at home


One of the most effective exercises to build wide hips is squats. The main thing is to pay attention to technology. If you don't learn how to do them correctly, you won't get the desired result.

  • Stand straight, your back is completely straight, your gaze is directed in front of you.
  • As you inhale, begin to slowly squat, while pushing your pelvis back, only slightly leaning forward with your body. You can imagine that you are trying to sit on a chair located half a step behind.
  • As you exhale, return to the original position.

During the exercise, it is unacceptable to lift your heels off the floor or bring your knees in/out.

Simple plie

This type of squats is also popular with girls, because it makes it possible to work out those areas of the buttocks and thighs that were not used during regular ones.

  • Stand up straight, back straight. Place your feet wider than for regular squats, but your toes should point in different directions.
  • As you inhale, begin to squat, keeping your knees wide apart.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.

How to enlarge your hips and make them wider at home

Rounded, toned hips are a real adornment for girls and women. Some representatives of the fair sex are wondering: how to increase the width of their hips? If the individual characteristics of the figure do not favor curvy figures, proper nutrition and special physical exercises to enlarge the hips will come to the rescue. In addition, such an integrated approach will increase the tone of the body and improve mood.

Hip enlargement program

To acquire the desired shape, diligence and regular exercise are required. A properly selected program will allow you to build muscle mass in the right places and make narrow hips wider.

General recommendations include:

  • mastering the correct exercise technique;
  • performing movements slowly to ensure maximum muscle tension;
  • gradually increasing the load using dumbbells or other suitable loads;
  • selection of the optimal diet for increasing muscle volume.

If desired, a girl can work out in the gym under the guidance of an instructor or increase her hips at home.

Essence and basic principles

Girls who want to increase the volume of their buttocks should remember that the back of the thigh consists of a complex of muscle fibers. These are the large, medium and small gluteal muscles, the combined development of which allows you to give the butt a bulge, make it elastic, and get rid of the layer of subcutaneous fat. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to follow the basic principles of organizing the training process, which are described in the table below.

How to increase the volume of a girl’s buttocks at home in a week. Exercise, nutrition
How to increase the volume of a girl’s buttocks: in addition to exercise, proper and high-quality nutrition is important.

The essence and basic principles of increasing the volume of the buttocksDescription of the organization of the training process
Quality foodBuilding large amounts of muscle mass in the hamstring area is impossible without providing high-quality and nutritious nutrition. A girl performing exercises on the muscles of a given part of the body should consume a calorie surplus. Your daily diet should include chicken or veal, eggs, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, and dairy products. Carbonated drinks, confectionery, coffee, and strong tea are strictly prohibited. Compliance with dietary norms with restrictions on food intake will not lead to a gain of muscle mass in the buttocks, but will only cause their depletion and burning of the subcutaneous fat layer.
Maintaining training frequencyThe gluteal muscles are initially quite voluminous, so after the next workout they require a sufficient period of time for complete recovery. For stable development of the muscles of the back of the thigh, a girl should perform exercises on this part of the body no more than once every 5 days. The rest of the time must be devoted to the restoration and development of the gluteal muscles. If this basic principle is observed, the effect of regular training will appear within the shortest possible period of time.
Complete recovery of the bodyThis principle of training, aimed at increasing the volume of muscle mass in the buttocks, requires compliance with the rule of quality rest. After performing heavy physical training that creates a static load on the muscles of the back of the thigh, the girl must provide her body with adequate nutrition, followed by sleep. Then, until the date of the next workout, it is necessary to avoid physical activity on the buttocks, creating favorable conditions for the restoration of bulky muscles. Failure to comply with this basic principle leads to drying out the muscle fibers and producing the opposite effect.
Exercises for massIt is impossible to get voluminous, firm and large buttocks with aesthetically attractive hip lines without performing physical exercises that stimulate muscle gain. To do this, you need to use sports equipment with maximum weight, which allows you to do no more than 3-5 repetitions of the same exercise. In this case, there should be no more than 3 approaches with a rest period of 5 minutes. Physical exercises aimed at increasing the volume of the gluteal muscles should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. This will minimize the risk of injury to the lower extremities, hip joints or lumbar spine.
Drink plenty of fluidsThe basic principle of providing the body with sufficient fluid must be observed during the training process, as well as throughout the entire recovery period. In between each physical exercise, you should drink 150-200 ml of pure water without gases. In total, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water during the day.
Workout to get rippedIn order for the gluteus maximus muscles to have an aesthetically attractive appearance with visible hip lines, it is necessary to alternate exercises for gaining mass with training for relief. In the latter case, sports equipment with minimal weights is used. The main emphasis is on the maximum number of repetitions, which also makes it possible to achieve the effect of endurance.
Cardiac stressPrevention of cardiovascular diseases is one of the basic principles of organizing the training process to increase the volume of muscle mass in the buttocks. To do this, you need to devote 1 day a week to exercises aimed at strengthening the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels. The best option would be leisurely cycling, swimming in a pool or open water, easy running, walking up to 10 km.
Using your own body weightIncreasing the volume of the buttock muscles, which is performed at home, is impossible without using your own body weight. These are exercises in the form of squats and raising the lower extremities, which allow you to achieve the effect of relief of the gluteus maximus muscles.
Using additional weightsTraining using sports equipment that creates additional stress on the muscles of the back of the thigh is a prerequisite for the stable development of voluminous buttocks. Maximum implementation of this basic principle is possible only in the gym. At home, there is not a whole variety of sports equipment that allows you to use the heaviest weights to increase the volume of your buttocks.
Technically correct execution of exercisesEach exercise aimed at developing the muscles of the back of the thigh must be performed correctly. If this principle is observed, full physical activity is ensured exclusively on the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles with minimal risk of injury.

Compliance with the above basic principles of training to build muscle mass in the hamstrings will allow you to achieve positive results in the shortest possible period of time.

How to get rounder hips at home

A set of simple exercises performed 3-5 times weekly will give a visible effect within a month. It is very important to master the correct technique of movements, the effect of the classes directly depends on this . Before starting a workout, it is advisable to find detailed information with videos to understand how to perform the exercises correctly. To expand and pump up the hip girdle, you need to repeat the exercises 15–20 times in several approaches. So, let's get to work!

In the beginning, it is very important to spend 5-10 minutes preparing for classes in order to quickly warm up your muscles and joints. Warm-up may include walking in place with high knees, bending and rotating movements, stretching, and raising your toes.

Basic hip exercises

Squats are ideal for working almost all the muscles of the lower body. The plie squat is a very effective exercise for expanding the pelvis:

  1. Starting position for classic squats: legs together or slightly apart, arms extended in front of the chest, back straight. You need to squat while exhaling so that the angle when bending your knees is 90°, and the line of your hips is parallel to the floor. The torso is tilted forward. The number of repetitions should be gradually increased from 10 to 50 times, and then add dumbbells or stay in the squat for several tens of seconds.
  2. Starting position for plie squats: legs wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward, do not arch your lower back. Your arms can be stretched out in front of you, folded in front of your chest or behind your head. You should squat while exhaling, without lowering your buttocks below knee level. If you linger in the squat, the tension on the inner thigh muscles will increase, which will lead to the creation of a beautiful relief.

Lunges prevent the development of cellulite on the thighs by increasing blood circulation in the pelvic area.

There are lunges forward, backward, sideways and cross movements:

  1. Starting position for lunges forward and backward: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist, back straight. Take long steps forward or backward with a squat so that both legs are bent at the knee by approximately 90°. For greater effect, it is useful to linger in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
  2. When lunging to the side, the step is made left and right, bending one leg at a right angle, and keeping the other straight.
  3. Cross lunges are performed by crossing one leg behind the other so that the front leg is bent 90°. The second leg should not touch the floor with its knee.

Swinging with straight legs creates sufficient load and develops the femoral part. Swings are performed in a standing or lying position, abducting the working leg as much as possible:

  1. Standing, leaning on the back of a chair, perform movements with your legs forward, backward, and to the side. The body of the body should not deviate. By holding your leg up for a few seconds and speeding up the pace, you can increase the load.
  2. Lying on your stomach, you need to rest your head on your arms crossed at forehead level. Swings should be performed by tensing the hips as much as possible. The same exercises can be repeated while standing on all fours or lying on your side.

How to make your hips wider

Athletic girl in a swimsuit

Our body gains weight when we consume more calories than we burn. To gain weight, you should increase the amount of calories consumed by 250-500.

However, it is not for you to decide where the increase in volumes will occur.

If your middle or upper body stands out, and your legs and hips are thin, then as you gain weight, the proportions will remain the same.

It's all about calories

Calories provide fuel for the body and energy for functions such as circulation, breathing, and all muscle activity.

Whenever you consume more calories than your body burns for fuel, the excess is stored in fat cells, causing them to grow.

Excessive consumption of any food leads to increased thigh fat. An extra 3,500 calories roughly equates to 0.5 kg of fat. This process usually lasts for weeks or months if you continuously consume more calories than your body needs.

In most cases, after the age of 8 years, girls' bodies accumulate fat more actively than boys' bodies.

During adolescence, fat cells in girls increase almost 2 times compared to boys.

Most of the fat is deposited in the thighs and buttocks.

If you have not yet reached puberty, then you should not do anything to gain weight; this is very likely to happen naturally due to hormonal changes in the body.

To widen your hips you need to eat

Athlete girl

Try to eat healthy foods, but in larger portions than you are used to. Building muscle requires a lot of energy. You will have to eat more often than the standard 3 times a day.

Exercises for hips in the gym

Detailed information on how to pump up a girl’s hips in the gym can be provided by an instructor who will develop a program taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and explain in detail how you can make your hips wider. The same movements described earlier, performed on machines or using a barbell, give a quick effect.

Basic rules when exercising in the gym:

  1. Compliance with nutritional regimes. It is better to start training 2 hours after eating, and drinking water is allowed regardless of the time of training.
  2. Doing a warm-up. To avoid damaging your muscles, you should warm them up before strength training.
  3. Load compliance. To develop muscles, they should be overloaded, but this should be done gradually and moderately so as not to damage the muscle tissue.
  4. Consistency of exercise. Once you have achieved results, you cannot quit. This will lead to a rapid loss of tone, because the muscles need constant stress.

Correction of nutrition and lifestyle

Girls with an asthenic body type usually have narrow hips. Naturally, they want to look more feminine due to the roundness of the lower body. Correcting your diet and lifestyle will help you enlarge your hips and round your buttocks.

The key to success is fractional nutrition, including eating five or six times a day. This is done to ensure that the breaks between meals are not too long, otherwise the body will take the missing nutrients from the muscle tissue of the thighs and buttocks.

Protein for thigh growth

Enlargement of the hips and buttocks in girls occurs due to muscle growth. The growth of muscle mass is greatly influenced by the protein supplied with food, which should be more than with a normal diet. The body equally needs animal and vegetable protein, which the following foods are rich in:

  • lean meats of all kinds;
  • low-fat fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • cottage cheese and fermented milk products;
  • legumes, nuts, seeds.

It is worth noting that the amount of animal proteins is absorbed by the body twice as much as plant proteins. The daily protein intake is 100 grams.


To increase the muscle tissue of the thighs and buttocks, along with proteins, complex carbohydrates are needed, which are slowly absorbed and provide the body with energy for a long time. They bring the most benefit when consuming carbohydrate-containing foods in the first hour after physical activity.

Complex carbohydrates are found in the following foods:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals;
  • greens and vegetables;
  • fruits.

For breakfast, girls will choose porridge made from buckwheat, pearl barley or oatmeal, which contains, in addition to carbohydrates, a large amount of microelements. It is better to avoid pasta because it does not bring any benefit to the body and does not affect the growth of muscle mass in the thighs and buttocks.

There is an opinion that fatty foods make a person fat, and it is not without common sense. But this does not mean that you should completely abandon fats. Their presence is necessary in a balanced diet for proper lipid metabolism and muscle building on the thighs and buttocks.

It is better to supplement the fats contained in protein foods with unsaturated fats, which are found in sufficient quantities in vegetable oils. For fresh consumption, olive, sunflower or other unrefined vegetable oil is used for salad dressing.

Physical exercise

In order for a girl’s hips to increase in width, it is necessary to select a special set of exercises, including squats. Without physical activity, you will not be able to achieve the desired result, so you should be patient and strictly follow all recommendations for performing the exercises. Training should take place at least three times a week and last at least half an hour.

Complex for home exercises

Squatting is one of the special exercises with which you can make a girl’s hips round and attractive. Exercises will become more effective if you do squats with dumbbells. If dumbbells are not available, they can be replaced with plastic bottles filled with sand or water. The girls choose the load individually.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position - legs together, back straight, arms extended in front of you. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, squat down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. In this case, the feet should not leave the floor. The squat is repeated ten times, four approaches each. After the buttock muscles get used to the load, the number of squats gradually increases.

On a note! The squat must be performed slowly to maximize the load on the hips.

Exercise No. 2

Starting position: legs wide apart, toes apart. Hands clasped together, elbows bent and placed opposite the chest. Squats are performed while exhaling so that the buttocks do not fall below the knees and the back is straight. You need to stay in this position for three seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated ten times, four approaches.

Exercise #3

Starting position - hands on the belt, back straight. With your right foot you need to step forward and lower yourself so that an angle of ninety degrees is formed. The left leg should also be bent, but not touch the floor. The squat must be repeated on each leg twenty times.

Exercises for the gym

Strength training of the gluteal muscles will help girls widen and tighten their hips.

Squats with weight

With your legs spread wide apart, you need to spread your socks to the sides and take a weight in your hands so that it is between your legs. When exhaling, you need to sit down as deeply as possible, and when inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the squat 15 times, 3 approaches.

Press your thighs

You need to sit on a bench, hold the butterfly exercise machine between your knees, squeeze your thighs to the limit of muscle tension. Do ten repetitions in three sets.

Swings in a crossover

The leg is secured in the loop of the simulator and the required load is set. The straight leg is pulled back and then placed on the supporting leg. The exercise is repeated fifteen times in three approaches.

Increasing volume with a barbell

In order for your legs to match your beautiful, pumped torso, you need to devote time to them. To build bigger thighs, use a barbell and a high-protein diet.

Exercises with a barbell for the beauty of the hips:

  1. Coming close to the barbell lying on the floor, squat down and touch it with your knees. With your arms wide apart, grab the bar. Bend at the lower back, spread your shoulder blades and straighten your arms. Moving powerfully, stand on your feet, straightening your body and shrugging your shoulders. The barbell should be lifted close to the body. Having raised the projectile to chest level, squat under it, bringing your elbows forward, place it on your shoulders. Then carefully place the barbell on the floor and repeat the exercise;
  2. Place the apparatus on the front deltoid muscles and spread your legs wide apart. Tilt your pelvis back a little, bend your knees a little and try to sit down well. It is important to lower the hip joints below the knee joints. Return to the original position and perform the exercise one more time;
  3. With the barbell on your back and your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees. Taking a wide step back, bend both legs and try to keep your weight on your front leg. Returning to the starting position, lunge with your other leg. Repeat the exercise several times for each leg;
  4. Wrap your hands wide around the bar. With your elbows straight, place the barbell above your head. Squat down. Returning to the starting position, do this exercise several more times;
  5. Having placed the apparatus on the floor, squat down and touch the bar firmly with your shins. Arch your lower back slightly. Grab the barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push off the floor with your feet and lift the projectile. Aligning it with your knees, straighten your body and stand straight. Holding the barbell, lower yourself to the starting position and repeat;
  6. Exercises should be done with both heavy and medium weights. The hip muscles are very well pumped with high-intensity short loads. It is recommended to do five repetitions with the maximum weight possible for you.

Take note! The more weight you train with, the longer you should rest between workouts. Muscles can fully recover only after two days. Therefore, heavy loads should be performed every three days.

Magic cream

A girl can improve her hips with the help of complex exercises, properly selected nutrition, and specially developed creams. Modern manufacturers of magic cream guarantee the fair sex an increase in hips and buttocks by two centimeters.

Girls will notice the positive effect within a month - the thighs will become elastic, and the skin will become elastic and toned. The cream is easy to use, since you can apply it yourself, at home, without spending large sums on the services of a beauty salon.

Modern products are made from natural ingredients, various herbs and extracts from medicinal plants. The cream applied to the buttocks provokes oxygen and fat metabolism and affects the elasticity of fibers in the skin tissues. Therefore, you can pump up your buttocks not only in the gym, with the help of strength training, but also by using a miracle cream.

Girls can purchase a product for hip enlargement in a pharmacy, from official representatives of the company, or you can use the Internet and place an order on the manufacturer’s official website.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Most girls believe that pregnancy will help them quickly gain a few centimeters in their lower body. This is true; while expecting a baby, the body of expectant mothers undergoes natural changes.

Enlargement of the hips occurs in the second half of pregnancy, due to fat deposits and the natural preparation of the pelvis and hips for childbirth. Hips that are wide and rounded during pregnancy can retain their acquired shape after childbirth.

Train your hips and thighs

Athletic buttocks

Strength training will help every girl build muscle mass, her legs and thighs will become strong and elastic. Thanks to such training, you will build muscle and your lower body will increase in size.

You can train exclusively your legs and hips 2-3 times a week (preferably not in a row). For best results, train 3-4 times a week.

If you're new to strength training, start with one set of 10 to 14 bodyweight exercises, such as lunges, step-ups, and squats. After a week or two, include weights in the form of barbells and dumbbells in your workout.

Increase the weights over time.

As you progress, you can start doing single-leg squats, donkey kicks, glute bridges, and deadlifts.

After 8-10 reps, you can increase the weight to maximize muscle growth.

Although your goal is to grow muscle in your legs and thighs, don't forget to train your upper body and do cardio.

Include exercises for the chest, arms, shoulders and back in your workout.

For cardio, you can use running, cycling, brisk walking for 20-30 minutes to maintain healthy respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

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