Exercises for buttocks and thighs in the office

Exercise 1 For the front of the thigh

Sit on the edge of a chair and place your feet together, pressing your knees together. The back must be straight. Alternately straighten your left and right knees, pulling your toes towards you. Perform the exercise until a slight burning sensation occurs in the muscles.

If this exercise is too easy for you, straighten both legs at once, remembering to keep your knees together. This option also allows you to use your abdominal and back muscles.

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Exercises for a separate room

If you have the opportunity to be alone or work in your own office, then it is very easy to carve out ten to fifteen minutes for “industrial gymnastics”. There are even exercise machines for this in your office! No, of course, this is not a treadmill, not an exercise bike, or modern versions of a regular expander. But in any office there are cabinets and tables.

If you feel like you've been sitting too long, stand up and make light shaking movements with your arms and legs a couple of times. Take off your shoes. Take a couple of steps away from the table, now place your arms on it and straighten them to the end. Begin doing push-ups while maintaining proper diaphragmatic breathing. First, lower your chest onto the table, and then slowly straighten your arms for eight counts. Perform push-ups 3 times.

1. A regular chair is suitable for swinging movements. Take the same exercise that you did at home - “Slow Lateral Swings”. Do it at your workplace, leaning with one hand on the back of a chair. Now turn your back to the chair, lean your elbows on the back (the back should be high) and slowly swing your legs forward. Turn your face to the back of the chair and grab it with your hands. Trying not to bend your torso, slowly swing your legs back. This exercise has been known to everyone since childhood as “Swallow”. Try to hold your Swallow for eight counts.

2. Now we will rise on our toes. Starting pose: stand straight, toes and heels together, arms down, back straight. After taking a shallow breath through the nose, we rise on our toes as high as possible, making sure that the heels are touching all the time. Having reached the highest point, simultaneously with a slow, calm exhalation through your nose, lower yourself down, but do not touch the floor with your heels, leaving a gap of about a centimeter. Repeat the movement again, focusing on your calves or feet. Don't forget about synchronization of movements and breathing! Initially, the exercise is repeated 10 times, gradually the number of movements increases to 25.

3. Place a dictionary or other wide and thick book on the floor. Stand on it with your feet (with your shoes off!) and begin to “walk” easily through the dictionary at a slow pace. When walking, pull your toes back and try to place your feet more accurately (otherwise you will fall). Imagine that you are a ballerina and dancing on a tiny stand. If your office has a low, wide bench, you can walk on it.

4. You can do this exercise for the spine. They took a thick dictionary, put it on their head and “walked” around the office with it. At first it will be difficult to retain this vocabulary even without walking. Then you will learn and get used to it. This is an excellent workout for the neck and back muscles. It is the spine that suffers from a sedentary lifestyle no less than the legs. This exercise helps make your back strong and prevents the spinal discs from slipping. In addition, you will gain beautiful posture and stop slouching.

Exercise 9 Making sculpted abs

It's unlikely that you have the opportunity to lie down on the office carpet and elegantly perform a couple of sets of crunches. So sit on a chair. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and tighten your buttocks a little. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as you can. Perform at least 50 such retractions. The exercise should be performed precisely by tensing the abdominal muscles. Make sure that the diaphragm does not rise at all. It is very important to inhale and exhale rhythmically, so do not hold your breath.

A set of exercises for the office

Perform simple and effective exercises while sitting in the office right at your workplace. Combating the effects of a sedentary lifestyle is not that difficult; you can simply adjust and correct your posture throughout the day.

What can be called “ideal posture”? Here's how one expert described it: The ears should be in line with the shoulders, hips and knees, and the knees should be in line with the ankles. If you are sitting, there should be a straight line between your ears and your hips.

  • Exercises for the buttocks in the office. To straighten your posture, start with your buttocks. Tighten or squeeze your left gluteal muscle, then your right. Hold tense muscles for no more than 5 seconds. Then relax and repeat 5-6 times.
  • Next, back exercises in the office. Straighten your back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. By pulling your shoulder blades back and down, as if lowering them into your back pocket, you tighten your back muscles. Also hold this tension for 5 seconds and repeat 4-6 times.
  • And finally, exercises for the abdominal muscles in the workplace. Draw your stomach in as deeply as possible without holding your breath. This activates the transverse abdominal muscles. A tight belt or bandage will help hold the back muscles, which will protect the pelvis and lower back.

Make it a habit to do the following movements - squeeze your buttocks, squeeze your shoulder blades back and down, and suck in your stomach every 2 hours throughout the day, especially when you are stuck in a meeting or in traffic.

Exercise 10 For the lower abdominals

While sitting, place your hands slightly behind you, palms forward. Bring your knees together. As you exhale, raise your bent legs slightly, remembering to keep your back straight. Do at least 30 approaches.

All exercises can be performed both together and separately. It is best to do them every day, alternating the load on different muscle groups. After your workout, drink water and, if possible, stretch the muscles you worked.

The entire workout takes no more than 20 minutes. It’s not at all difficult to free up this time to take care of your own health!

We develop joints and spine

Leg exercises: With your legs slightly bent under the table, make circular movements with your feet clockwise and then counterclockwise, alternately bending and straightening your knees. Do not strain your muscles; the purpose of this exercise, which can be repeated 3-4 times a day, is to improve lymph and blood circulation and prevent your legs from “stagnating.” It is especially useful for the prevention of varicose veins.

Spinal Twist: Sit sideways on the edge of a chair and place your hands on the back (the chair should not have wheels). Keeping your back straight, slowly turn your whole body towards the back (legs do not lift off the floor, feet parallel, shoulder-width apart, knees bent at right angles). Repeat the turn in the other direction (a total of 8-10 movements in each direction are enough).

Spinal bends: sit on the edge of a chair, knees bent at right angles, feet parallel, shoulder-width apart, grasp the back of the chair from behind on both sides (right and left hands, respectively), place your hands low enough, closer to the seat. Spread your shoulders and bend your back without straining, stay in this position for 4-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times. It is good to do it several times a day when you feel that your back is “tired”.

Charging in the office

Here are some exercises you can do in the office or at home. Leg exercises in the office are performed without shoes:

Side squats

Stand up straight, spread your legs wide. Squat to the right and down, bending your right knee and keeping your left leg straight. The toes of the feet should be directed forward, the heels should not lift off the floor.

Returning to the starting position, hold the weight on your right thigh for several seconds. Then squat to the left and down, bending your left knee and keeping your right leg straight. Continue alternating sides for 10 reps on each side.

Hamstring stretch

Stand on your left leg, lean forward and lift your right leg behind you. When you feel tension in the hamstring area, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement, alternating legs, 10 reps on each side.

Another variation of the exercise: Place your left foot on your heel on a chair seat or support, with your right leg straight. Lean forward and grab the toes of your left foot with your hands.

Gently pull your foot toward you to stretch your hamstring. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. Relax, return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the other leg.

Knee circumference

Standing with your back straight, lift your right knee toward your chest. Grasp your shin with your hands and pull your knee as close to your chest as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat this exercise with the other leg. Continue alternating legs for 10 reps on each leg.


Also a good reason to spend a little time away from the computer. Squats improve mobility, improve balance, and are beneficial to the entire body because they work the majority of all muscles. Not only the muscles of the legs, calves, thighs and buttocks are pumped, but also the muscles of the back, abs and shoulders, since they are all involved in the process.

You need to stand straight in a comfortable position, place your feet at a comfortable width, then lower your pelvis down, moving your body a little forward to maintain balance. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair that is behind you, do not push your knees forward, keep your legs as perpendicular to the floor as possible. The pelvis drops to the level of the knees. The trick is to keep your back perfectly straight, without arching it or bending forward.

If the office has a strict dress code that forces you to wear tight, knee-length skirts, don't think that this will save you from doing the exercise. You can do mini squats, lowering your hips no lower than your knees, holding this position for a few seconds, and then rising.

Press while sitting

In fact, you can pump up your abs while sitting, without lying on the floor in the middle of the office. To do this, you need to sit up straight, straighten your back, tense your buttock muscles, take a deep breath and sharply draw in your stomach as you exhale. Repeat this about 50 times. There is no need to hold your breath. It is the abdominal muscles that work, not the diaphragm. The oblique abdominal muscles can be trained by bending to the sides, also in a sitting position. For greater effect, fold your hands into a lock at the back of your head, spreading your elbows to the sides.

Press while sitting

Exercises while sitting

You can lose weight while sitting while doing office work and watching TV. Without being distracted, it is useful to lift your feet onto your toes and return them to the starting position. In addition to energy costs in the form of calorie consumption, this exercise is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

If possible, you can perform another exercise while sitting: lifting your legs off the floor and bending and straightening your knees. Another effective movement is to tense and relax your buttocks when doing work while sitting.

The next useful exercise while sitting is to sit on the edge of a chair and move your legs as if you were about to stand up.

A static exercise while sitting also gives a good effect: raise your legs and cross them together. Try to hold out in this position for as long as possible – ideally 10-15 minutes.

Another exercise is designed for the buttocks area - the feet are pressed against the floor with force and held in this state for 5 minutes.

While watching TV, you can also perform the following movement: rest your hands on your knees and alternately tense and relax your muscles. At this time, the chest, hips and arm muscles are trained. The following exercise is also useful: bend your legs at the knees, move them towards each other, and try to push them back with your hands.

To keep the muscles of the neck and back in shape, the arms are locked behind the head, and the elbows are tried to be connected in front. At this time, make sure that your back and neck are in a natural position. The time to perform this exercise while sitting is 3-5 minutes.

In order to lose weight, they also perform the following exercise: extend your arms forward, clench your fists and hold in this position for at least 3 minutes.

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