How to lose weight with buckwheat: diet on cereals and results

Useful properties of buckwheat

Buckwheat is one of the most beneficial in composition for people of all ages . It contains a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Per 100 g of product there are:

  • proteins – 12.7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 62.2 g;
  • fat – 3.4 g.

100 g of raw cereal - 330 kcal . This is 13.2% of the daily requirement of an adult, who needs 2500 kcal per day.

Buckwheat contains mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber and starch. B vitamins are involved in the process of hematopoiesis, hormone synthesis, improve brain function, quality of vision, and ensure the functioning of carbohydrate, water-salt, protein and lipid metabolism.

Vitamin P has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and heart, and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Buckwheat does not contain gluten , and fiber is present in large quantities. It cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes digestion.

Minerals, macro- and microelements are found in cereals in an easily digestible form. They are supplemented by amino acids - arginine, tryptophan, methionine, lysine and others, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, flavonoids, phospholipids and phytoestrogens. These elements are responsible for good health.

For women

Women are recommended to include buckwheat in their diet daily or every other day . Ladies who eat buckwheat for breakfast note the following pleasant changes:

  1. Buckwheat gives you a feeling of fullness for 3-4 hours, but you can’t eat a lot of it. Rutin, contained in cereals, starts the process of fat burning in the body, and fiber cleanses the body. Buckwheat is an active fighter against excess weight. This is suitable for both overweight women who dream of getting rid of extra pounds, and slender ladies who want to hone their curves.
  2. Buckwheat rejuvenates the skin due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition.
  3. The entire composition of buckwheat helps to cope with female hormonal problems. It is useful to eat it for unpleasant physiological and psychological sensations during PMS, infertility and menopause.
  4. Buckwheat is useful for pregnant women due to its high iron content - this will help maintain normal hemoglobin. And folic acid is necessary for the formation of the nervous system in the fetus.
  5. It is useful for nursing women to eat buckwheat, as the baby will receive many of the substances necessary for development and growth with breast milk.

For men

Men who love buckwheat will be in great shape and in a great mood.

Buckwheat is useful for the stronger sex because:

  1. It is high in protein, which stimulates muscle growth and increases endurance. Buckwheat is especially beneficial for athletes.
  2. Capable of cleaning blood vessels. Thanks to this, cereals prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke - diseases that most often affect the male body.
  3. Helps you lose weight. Thanks to the same routine and fiber. Men are just as willing and effective at losing weight on a buckwheat diet as women.
  4. Supports potency. Due to the removal of waste and toxins, blood flow increases, the cells receive the necessary oxygen, and the male organ is fully supplied with blood.
  5. Prevents inflammatory diseases and prostate cancer thanks to antioxidants in its composition.

It is beneficial for both women and men to eat buckwheat, because it lowers cholesterol, regulates glucose levels, strengthens the immune system, reduces anxiety, and increases energy reserves in the body.

What are the benefits of eating buckwheat in the morning on an empty stomach?

It is good to eat buckwheat porridge in the morning from 8.00 to 9.30. At this time, the body wakes up and the digestive system is ready to digest food. At the same time, liver enzymes, which are responsible for the processing of buckwheat, are maximally produced.

Eating cereal in the morning will bring such benefits:

  • By gently affecting the gastrointestinal tract, buckwheat starts the digestion process;
  • it cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins;
  • quickly saturates the body and relieves hunger for 3-4 hours.

If you eat buckwheat before eight in the morning , the process of rotting will begin in the digestive tract, which is still “sleeping.” Flatulence, bloating and nausea will occur.

If you eat buckwheat after 9.30 , this will lead to indigestion of the carbohydrates and proteins that are in it. The unpleasant consequences from the gastrointestinal tract will be the same as when having breakfast before 8.00.

Advice. If you want to eat before 8.00, replace the meal with a glass of warm, clean water.

Buckwheat pancakes

Pancakes are a universal dish that everyone, without exception, likes, both adults and children. With or without filling, with honey and jam. What if you make buckwheat pancakes instead of the usual traditional pancakes?

• Buckwheat porridge - 1 glass; • Milk - 1.5 cups; • Flour - 1 cup; • Eggs - 3 pcs; • Vegetable oil for frying - 2 tbsp; • Salt - 1 pinch; • Sugar - 2 tbsp.

• Place cold buckwheat porridge in a blender; • Process until puree; • Beat eggs, sugar, salt and soft butter with a mixer until smooth; • Then add milk and buckwheat puree; • Mix thoroughly and, adding flour, knead the dough; • Grease the frying pan with oil and heat it well; • Fry pancakes until golden brown on both sides; • Serve with honey, sour cream or jam.

Is it possible to eat buckwheat for breakfast to lose weight?

For those who do not dare to go on a buckwheat mono-diet (three days only fresh buckwheat and water), a fasting day on cereal does not result in weight loss, and a strict diet on buckwheat is contraindicated; you need to eat cereal for breakfast. This will help you lose weight.

What can you eat with?

Before preparing raw buckwheat for breakfast, remove all black grains and other debris from it and rinse it to clean water.

Important! To lose weight, buy premium unsteamed kernels or green buckwheat.

When preparing buckwheat for breakfast, sugar, salt and other seasonings are not used . It is better to eat porridge in its pure form. Popular recipes with buckwheat are given in the table.

Name of the dishProportions for one servingPreparationNote
Raw buckwheat soaked in kefirBuckwheat - 3 tbsp. l., 1% kefir - 250 ml.

Eating green buckwheat for breakfast is as healthy as eating eggplant. The weight loss effect will be no worse.

Not everyone likes its peculiar nutty taste and smell, so green cereals become one of the ingredients of the dish. Let's talk about several breakfast recipes made from green buckwheat.

Smoothie from sprouted green buckwheat kernels

Ingredients : 70 g of sprouted kernels, 1 pc. kiwi, banana and pear, 150 ml water, 1 tsp. honey if desired.

All ingredients are mixed in a blender until smooth. The drink is ready. It will give you energy for the whole day.

Before sprouting, buckwheat is thoroughly washed to clean water without mucus, all debris is removed, and placed in a colander covered with several layers of gauze. Cover the top with another layer of gauze, moisten with water and leave in a warm place. The gauze is moistened when dry. After 12-14 hours, the first shoots will appear - this means that the cereal can be eaten.

Green buckwheat salad with kefir

Ingredients : 1 tbsp. cereals, 100 ml 1% kefir, lettuce, arugula or spinach to taste, olive oil for dressing.

Cook the cereal for 10 minutes, remove from heat and pour in 100 ml of kefir. Pour in chopped herbs and season with olive oil. A healthy and nutritious breakfast is ready.

They don’t eat buckwheat every morning, because after three days this dish becomes boring, and after five days it is completely impossible to eat. It is recommended to eat porridge on an empty stomach for 2-3 days, then take a break for three days. During the breakfast break, they eat, for example, oatmeal or eggs in any form.

What harm could it do?

During buckwheat breakfasts, carefully monitor your well-being. There are situations in which you should urgently stop using this product :

  1. Digestive problems – bloating, stomach cramps. Buckwheat increases these symptoms as it increases the formation of gases and black bile.
  2. Allergy to protein, the content of which in buckwheat is very high - 12.7 g per 100 g.
  3. If you have diabetes, chronic renal failure and high stomach acidity, do not eat buckwheat with kefir. This tandem causes an exacerbation of diseases.
  4. Constipation or diarrhea that began when switching to buckwheat breakfasts. This symptom indicates that the body does not produce enough of the enzyme that digests buckwheat. In this case, take a break from taking cereal for a week. If the symptoms go away, gradually add buckwheat to the diet once a week. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a doctor.

Oriental buckwheat

Herbs and spices, mushrooms, chili peppers and the sourness of lemon - all that makes this dish special and piquant, awakening the appetite and the desire to prepare a larger portion next time, so that there is enough for friends who come to visit.

• Buckwheat – 350 g; • Champignons – 200 g; • Onions - 1 piece; • Garlic - 1 clove; • Chili pepper - half; • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp; • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp; • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp; • A pinch of cardamom seeds; • Salt and ground black pepper to taste.

• Sort the buckwheat and rinse well under cold running water; • Boil until tender in lightly salted water; • Wash the mushrooms and dry them on a paper towel; • Then cut into thin slices; • Heat oil in a frying pan; • Add cardamom, finely chopped garlic, chopped onion, chili; • Fry the onion until golden brown; • Then add mushrooms, lemon juice and soy sauce; • Salt and season with a little ground pepper; • Cook mushrooms until golden brown; • Place the prepared mushroom dressing on top of the buckwheat; • If desired, garnish with fresh mint leaves before serving.


There are different reviews about eating buckwheat in the morning for weight loss. Most people follow a three-, five- or 14-day buckwheat diet. Here are the comments of those who have already tried them on themselves.

Sofia, 43 years old : “Twice a week I eat buckwheat with kefir for breakfast. I love. I lost 3 kg in a week, but I go to the gym. Some people think it’s tasteless, but it’s definitely useful.”

Anna, 31 years old : “Buckwheat for breakfast is what helped me, because I didn’t want to lose weight dramatically. It took 4 months to regain its former shape. I am very pleased with the result. 20 days a month I ate buckwheat for breakfast, cooked without salt and sugar.”

Inna, 54 years old : “With buckwheat for breakfast, the mood is just great. I wake up, wash my face, then go to the scales, and there’s three kilograms in the minus. Wings are growing! Besides, you don’t go hungry until lunch, you don’t get carried away by the wind, you even have the energy to do fitness.”

Buckwheat cookies

Buckwheat cookies will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. In addition, this dish is considered low-calorie and is great for those who are worried about their waist and extra centimeters. It is also very convenient to take with you on the road, to work or to study.

• Buckwheat – 1 cup; • Kefir – 150 ml; • Rye bran - 1 tbsp; • Medium-sized apples - 2 pcs; • Honey - 1 tbsp; • Olive oil - 1 tsp.

• Sort out the buckwheat; • Grind afterwards; • Peel the apples; • Grate; • Mix ground buckwheat with kefir, honey, olive oil and bran; • Knead the dough; • Then form it into balls; • Then roll them into flat cakes; • Place on a baking sheet previously lined with parchment; • Place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for one hour.

The benefits of buckwheat for the body

Buckwheat is considered a leader in nutritional value with a minimal calorie content, it is low in carbohydrates, but it contains a lot of protein and amino acids, magnesium, potassium and iron, which are important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and maintaining optimal blood composition. Buckwheat contains many other useful substances necessary for the human body - malic and oxalic acids, calcium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, copper, nickel, molybdenum, vitamins B, P and PP.

Benefits of buckwheat for the human body:

  1. Fiber and dietary fiber help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, waste and allergens.
  2. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair, and strengthen the nervous system.
  3. Nicotinic acid helps cope with stress.
  4. Iron is necessary for the prevention and treatment of anemia.
  5. Manganese is good for the thyroid gland and the prevention of diabetes.
  6. Copper makes the skin elastic, strengthens the skeletal system, and improves digestion.
  7. Polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  8. Flavonoids prevent the development of cancer, reduce the risk of blood clots, and prevent heart failure.
  9. Folic acid is essential during pregnancy for normal fetal development.
  10. Rutin strengthens blood vessels, reducing the permeability of their walls and fragility.
  11. Useful for people who suffer from anemia, hypertension, radiation sickness, diabetes, rheumatism, nephritis, viral diseases, liver pathologies and other diseases.

How to cook buckwheat for weight loss

The ideal recipe for preparing buckwheat for weight loss is simple - you don’t need to cook the cereal. It must be prepared by steaming, i.e. Pour boiling water over it, close the lid tightly and leave for several hours or overnight. All the beneficial properties of buckwheat are preserved, and the glycemic index of such a dish is lower than that of boiled cereal, which means that the body will receive energy, but subcutaneous fat will not be deposited.

It is not recommended to add oil, spices, salt, or sauces to buckwheat. It is important to maintain proportions - take two parts of water for one part of cereal. For steaming, you can use a thermos for first courses. Pre-frying the cereal makes it more aromatic and crumbly, and also reduces the steaming time. To do this, heat a dry frying pan and fry the buckwheat, stirring constantly, for 4–5 minutes.

Raw buckwheat for weight loss with yogurt is a universal recipe for health and beauty, which is useful for cleansing the body and saturating it with useful substances. The benefits of this dish are felt within a few days. To prepare buckwheat with yogurt for weight loss, you need to take 2 tablespoons of cereal and 200 ml of natural low-fat yogurt. Rinse the buckwheat and let the liquid drain. Place in a deep plate, pour in yogurt, stir and cover with a lid. Leave overnight. The next morning, the buckwheat will absorb the fermented milk product and will be soft and extremely tasty.

Buckwheat in a thermos

As it turns out, to cook buckwheat, you don’t have to cook it, standing over the pan, constantly stirring so that it doesn’t escape. It is enough to arm yourself with a thermos with a wide neck and, after pouring boiling water, send the porridge to “reprove” for forty minutes. In this case, the cereal turns out to be crumbly, aromatic and with a pleasant nutty aftertaste.

• Buckwheat (dry) - 1 cup; • Boiling water – 2 cups; • Butter – 20 g; • Salt or sugar to taste.

• Rinse the buckwheat; • Sort through; • Then pour into a thermos with a wide neck; • Pour boiling water over; • Add salt or sugar; • Shake lightly; • Close the lid tightly; • Leave for 40-45 minutes; • If desired, buckwheat can be left for a longer time, so the cereal will be more crumbly; • Transfer the finished cereal to a plate; • If necessary, add additional salt or sweetener; • Add a piece of butter and serve.

Buckwheat diet for a week

The duration of the buckwheat diet is 7–14 days, during which time you get rid of 5–15 kg of excess weight. Don't expect maximum weight loss right away. The more and faster the weight goes, the more difficult it is to maintain the result. There is an easy version of the buckwheat diet, in which the body is healthy cleansed of harmful substances and loses weight by 2-3 kg. Diet rules:

  1. The correct way to cook buckwheat is by steaming or infusing it with yogurt without salt, spices, butter, ketchup and mayonnaise.
  2. Closely monitor your health . If weakness and ailments occur, then it is necessary to stop the diet and allow the body to recover.
  3. Do not expect quick results - the body needs time to get used to the new diet.
  4. If the body has coped well with the diet, the state of health is satisfactory, and there is a positive result, then it can be repeated after 30-40 days, but not more than twice a year. The best interval would be 6 months.

It is difficult to follow a mono-diet, so you can slightly diversify the menu with healthy foods, but in minimal quantities. As a small addition to buckwheat porridge you can use:

  • dried fruits;
  • natural honey;
  • onions, garlic, herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • natural yogurt.

The latter is a valuable source of calcium and proteins. Yogurt improves digestion, cleanses the intestines, and suppresses pathogenic processes in it. Buckwheat with yogurt for weight loss helps not only to cleanse the body, but also to improve the condition of the skin, the overall health of the body, and strengthen the immune system. This diet cannot be considered harsh or debilitating, so 7-14 days can be easily tolerated.

Sample menu for the week:

  1. Monday – unlimited quantities of steamed buckwheat, 500 ml of low-fat yogurt or kefir.
  2. Tuesday – three times 200 g of porridge, 500 ml of biokefir, green apple.
  3. Wednesday – buckwheat, in any quantity, 1 grapefruit, 500 ml of yogurt.
  4. Thursday – buckwheat, 500 ml Greek yogurt, 1 orange.
  5. Friday – porridge with dried fruits, 0.5 liters of bifidokefir.
  6. Saturday – buckwheat infused with kefir, 1 tangerine.
  7. Sunday – porridge, a stalk of celery, 500 ml of low-fat yogurt.

Disadvantages of the diet

The disadvantages of buckwheat with yogurt for weight loss are not numerous; they are associated only with the need to eat monotonously. After such a diet, the love for buckwheat disappears, and a complete refusal of salt can provoke a decrease in blood pressure, headaches, weakness and apathy. Weight goes off quickly during a diet, but after switching to a regular menu, it can return just as quickly. Refusal from sugar provokes a decrease in mental activity.

Mono-diets are not suitable for everyone, so it is recommended to consult with a specialist before starting, because The buckwheat diet has contraindications:

  • low hemoglobin, anemia;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • weak immunity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Pregnant girl

Buckwheat for breakfast for weight loss

A light diet - eat buckwheat only for breakfast, but at the same time lose excess weight. Buckwheat for breakfast for weight loss can be consumed at lunch or two hours before training. Advantages of the technique:

  • lack of hunger, lethargy, irritability, weakness, decreased performance;
  • manifestations of cellulite are reduced by accelerating metabolism;
  • the body is cleansed;
  • slow, but positive and stable results.

The weight loss technique cannot be regarded as a panacea for easy weight loss. In order to lose excess weight, you need to make adjustments to the entire menu, regularly visit the gym or exercise at home, and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to give up high-calorie foods - sweets, flour, fatty, fried, smoked, fast food, mayonnaise. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled lean meat and fish, fermented milk products - then you can get rid of 1-2 kg in a week.

The right way out of the diet

After completing the buckwheat diet, you cannot immediately return to your usual diet. The process of leaving the buckwheat diet takes its own time for each person, but no more than 10 days. During this period, the body will return to normal and will no longer need to consume the same amount of food as before the diet. It is recommended to follow some rules for quitting the diet:

  1. In the first days, you can include boiled eggs, green tea with a small amount of sugar in the menu.
  2. It is better to cook food by steaming, baking in the oven or boiling. Fried foods are not acceptable.
  3. Introduce fatty foods gradually and monitor the body’s reaction.
  4. Eat fish and meat once every 3 days.
  5. Exclude flour and sweet foods or limit them as much as possible.
  6. Include the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  7. Avoid snacking at night.

After completing the adaptation post-diet period, it is recommended to adhere to three rules:

  1. Eat small meals.
  2. Do not eat before bed; your last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Carry out a buckwheat diet 2 times a year.

Buckwheat cutlets with cottage cheese

As it turned out, it is not at all necessary that the cutlets be meat. In addition, for those who are on a diet or simply do not like meat, this dish will come in handy.

• Crushed buckwheat – 200 g; • Cottage cheese - 250 g; • Eggs - 2 pcs; • Milk -2 tbsp; • Sugar - 2 tbsp; • Butter - 2 tbsp

• Grind the cottage cheese with half the sugar and one egg; • Boil buckwheat in milk with butter; • Cool completely, and then mash with a fork and grind with the remaining sugar and egg; • Form small cakes from the resulting mass; • Then put the curd mass in the center of each of them; • Form cutlets; • Fry the cutlets in a frying pan until golden brown; • Or steam them; • Serve with sour cream.


Buckwheat with yogurt is amazingly effective for weight loss. My friends and I sit on it regularly. I try to stay at home during this time, because... There are too many temptations at work or leisure. Plus the diet - you can eat a lot of buckwheat, but, as my experience has shown, you still can’t eat a lot of it. I drank kefir and mineral water. The result is minus 3 kg in 7 days.

I recommend this technique to anyone who is looking for a way to lose weight or cleanse the body of waste and toxins. In addition to the positive result in terms of weight loss, the condition of the skin noticeably improves - the face is clean and fresh. Don't forget about physical exercise. Losing weight requires an integrated approach - proper nutrition + active lifestyle.

A good, effective method is to lose weight on buckwheat. For me there is only one drawback - the ban on eating salt, but I don’t follow this rule. Every other day I add salt to the porridge, I can’t do it any other way. I also eat apples, drink green tea and low-fat kefir. The result is good, I lose 3 kg in 10 days, without harm to the body.

I admit, I couldn’t stand it - eating only buckwheat for a week is very difficult, on the fifth day I gave up (I didn’t think I was so weak). Mono-diets are not for me. I can’t say anything bad anyway, because... I lost 2 kg, and my waist size decreased by three centimeters. If I had to add a little willpower, I would sit on it regularly.

Yogurt and buckwheat are a very popular combination for people who watch their figure. These products will help keep your weight within normal limits, cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and speed up metabolism. Buckwheat with yogurt is an excellent combination for fasting days and diets based on them. The main secret of the products is their beneficial properties, vitamins and minerals. This article will help you know when to eat this combination and also indicate the results of this diet.

Is it useful?

This kind of nutrition is very useful, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with mono-diets. Otherwise, you can seriously undermine your health and ruin your metabolism. This practice is not entirely suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Any diet is good in moderation. Remember the safety of such methods. It is best to discuss nutrition with your doctor. Don’t be shy and make an appointment, because your health is in your hands.

Buckwheat with yogurt for weight loss is not only healthy, but also tasty. You can, of course, replace yogurt with kefir or milk. It's more a matter of taste and personal preference. However, this particular combination is universal. Modern yogurt manufacturers make them in different flavors, you can choose any one. After all, eating buckwheat with milk alone will probably get boring.

Cooking recipes

Of course, they cannot be consumed raw. Yes, on many resources you will find advice to pour buckwheat in kefir or milk. However, this is not required for yogurt. It has been proven that only steamed buckwheat with yogurt in the morning gives a healing effect. In the morning, the body is still asleep, and a plate of rich porridge with a delicious fermented milk drink is exactly what you need. If desired, you can add some dried fruits or fresh berries and a few nuts.

This recipe for yogurt and porridge can be modified. For example, add more yogurt. This will make a great drink and snack.

Effect of use

The results of a healthy diet will not take long to come. Within a week, your overall health and skin will improve, and volumes in problem areas will begin to melt.

Also, the effect of buckwheat on yogurt can be reinforced with small physical activities and walks in the fresh air. With such a diet, you shouldn’t indulge in your favorite food, otherwise the extra pounds will remain. You should control yourself, and the reflection in the mirror will be your best motivation.

Don’t eat after six?

You can also do a lighter version at night. For example, strongly brew buckwheat and buy yogurt with a small amount of additives. Mix and get a mass similar to jelly.

The second way is to leave buckwheat in yogurt overnight and eat it in the morning. This method is not suitable for everyone; raw buckwheat has a specific taste. However, if you still decide, add a couple of spoons of honey.

When to try

It is rather a matter of health and well-being. A mono-diet is a great way to quickly get in shape and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins. On the other hand, any diet is good in moderation and no one needs hungry fainting or problems with concentration.

You can safely cook buckwheat with yogurt using one of the recipes described above. This type of nutrition does exist, but for a short period of time.

Lazy buckwheat with yogurt (kefir) without cooking for breakfast for weight loss: Video

The cereal is poured into a ceramic or glass bowl, poured with kefir and covered with a lid. Place in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning the kernels will be swollen and soft. The porridge is ready to eat. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
Buckwheat with kefir, steamed overnightHalf a glass of cereal, 500 ml of boiled water, 1% kefir.The washed and dried buckwheat is fried over low heat in a dry frying pan for two minutes. Transfer to a bowl, pour in water, cover with a lid, wrap and leave to swell overnight. In the morning, pour kefir into the porridge to the desired volume to taste. This recipe makes the cereal delicious. Sometimes kefir is not added to it, but washed down with it.
Cold method of cooking buckwheat100 g of cereal, 300 ml of warm water.Buckwheat is poured with water and left overnight on the table. By morning the cereal is ready to eat. Dried fruits are added to this porridge; their volume is the size of your palm. Only in cereals prepared according to this recipe are the nutrients needed for weight loss retained to the maximum.
SteamingBuckwheat and boiling water.Buckwheat is poured into a thermos, boiling water is poured in a ratio of 1:2, and the lid is closed. After 30 minutes the porridge is ready. This buckwheat is eaten with vegetable (cucumbers or tomatoes) or fruit (apple, grapefruit, tangerine) salads. A quick way to prepare cereal, but less healthy than the above. Boiling water destroys molecules of vitamins, minerals and acids that are useful for weight loss.

Raw buckwheat with kefir

Buckwheat with kefir is a very original and quite specific, but no less tasty dish that even capricious children will like.

• Dry buckwheat - 4 tbsp. l; • Kefir (ryazhenka or yoghurt) - 250 ml; • Salt, herbs - to taste.

• Sort the cereals; • Rinse with boiled water; • Transfer to a glass bowl; • Pour in kefir (yogurt or fermented baked milk); • Stir gently; • Cover tightly with a lid; • Leave the porridge for 6-8 hours at room temperature; • Before serving, add salt and finely chopped herbs.

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