How to determine your body type in men

At birth, nature rewards each person with certain physical characteristics: a unique structure of muscles and skeleton, an individual ratio of muscle and fat mass, height. These characteristics influence the physique of a particular person, and knowledge of the characteristics of each type of body structure explains the fact why, with the same physical activity and the same diet, people often have such different figures.

Determining the body type of men seeking a lean, muscular body is of great importance to quickly achieve their goal. All types of existing body types are usually divided into three types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic. Before you begin developing a training program and an individual nutrition plan, you need to determine what body type a man belongs to.

Body types, ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph

Determining the body type of men (ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph)

There are three body types for men: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Which one you belong to depends on how best to train and create a nutrition program. Ectomorphs complain that they can’t gain weight, endomorphs complain that it’s hard to get rid of excess fat. Almost everyone dreams of being a mesomorph. However, you need to work with what you have. Through experience, a properly selected training program and diet will help you achieve the desired results.

Male body types

Before you start training, you need to know your body type. And it doesn’t matter what your goal is: to shape your body, lose weight or gain muscle mass. This knowledge and recommendations for each body type will help you choose an effective training program and determine proper nutrition.

Male physique is classified into three types:

  • ectomorph - thin build
  • mesomorph - normal body type
  • endomorph - full body type

Male body types read more


With this type of male physique, a thin-boned skeleton, long thin muscles, and a high metabolism are observed. the activity of the nervous system is increased and the level of subcutaneous fat is very low, which is definitely an advantage.

Pros and cons of this body type:

Pros: very good chances to develop an athletic figure with perseverance and desire.

The disadvantages are that it is difficult for an ectomorph to build muscle mass for quite a long time. But this is not the main problem. An ectomorph lacks the strength and stamina for long-term training.

Workouts for an ectomorph

For an ectomorph, it is better to train using a split system, since their muscle mass grows very slowly. To do this, you need to conditionally divide the training into parts. For example, in the first lesson, work out the shoulders and legs, in the second - the chest and triceps, in the third - the back and biceps. This method of dividing your training will help you achieve muscle growth faster.

During training, it is recommended to use 1-2 basic exercises and 1 isolating exercise for each muscle group. Perform 3-4 sets of each exercise 6-8 times. Rest between sets as much as possible, at least 5 minutes. But when performing an isolation exercise, rest for 1-2 minutes. Between exercises for different muscle groups, you should rest more - 10-15 minutes. While relaxing, it is advisable to drink a protein shake.

Include bodyweight exercises in your workout. For an ectomorph they are important.

Take the weight of the weights for each exercise with an increasing increase after each approach.

Ectomorph training should be intense, but one hour, including warm-up.

Training days must be alternated with rest days, as the ectomorph’s muscles need to recover. If you feel tired after three workouts a week, you should switch to a system of two workouts a week.

An ectomorph should minimize aerobic exercise, because he needs to gain muscle mass, and this happens slowly. However, you should not exclude them completely, because aerobic exercise has a beneficial effect on strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Ectomorph nutrition

Much of the success of gaining muscle mass for an ectomorph depends on nutrition. He needs to gain weight, so he will have to eat a lot. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrate foods: rice, oatmeal, pasta, legumes, vegetables. But it is necessary to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates: sugar, confectionery.

Consume low-fat dairy products.

Meals should be 5-6 times a day, in small portions. You need to drink 2-3 liters of regular still water.

An ectomorph cannot do without sports supplements. They make it easier to increase muscle mass. It is necessary to take multivitamins.

The best sports supplements are protein shakes or gainers.

To restore the body, the ectomorph should get a good night's sleep, 9-10 hours. You should also not neglect sleep during the day (1-2 hours).


Male body types considered normal. People of this type are characterized by: medium and wide bones, a fairly muscular body, they have an average metabolism, normal activity of the nervous system.

Pros and cons of this body type:

disadvantages: results are achieved much faster than those of an ectomorph; as a result, mesomorphs often do not pay due attention to nutrition and training.

pros: with competent methodical training and appropriate nutrition, mesomorphs can achieve excellent results at the initial competitive level.

Training for mesomorph

Results in training are achieved very quickly. At the initial stage of training, the principle of alternating intensity should be applied: on day 1 of training, use a large number of repetitions and work with light weights, day 2 - a small number of repetitions and use of large weights, day 3 - use a large number of repetitions and work with light weights.

It is necessary to use a variety of exercises for the best effect. You can use a split system. Exercise scheme: 3-5 sets of 8-12 repetitions to work the upper body, for the lower part 12-20 repetitions. Strength training (3-6 weeks) must be alternated with mass training (3-6 weeks). Power moves include movements in an explosive style. The training should include 1-2 basic exercises and 1 isolating exercise, 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Training should be alternated with rest days.

Aerobic exercises should be used, they will “dry” the muscles.

Mesomorph nutrition

A mesomorph should not adhere to any special diet. You just need to limit the consumption of fatty foods and “lean” on carbohydrates; the consumption of sweets and starchy foods is not prohibited. Mandatory consumption of protein foods. Drink 2-3 liters of regular still water a day.

Take sports supplements.


Male body types that characterize obesity: medium and wide bones, slow metabolism, reduced activity of the nervous system. This type is prone to gaining excess weight.

Pros and cons of this body type:

  • pros: no problems with gaining muscle mass
  • cons: it is difficult for him to remove excess fat deposits

Training recommendations for an endomorph

You should train as often as possible. The most effective exercises for individual muscle groups should be used. It is better to use the “2+1” split system, that is, two days of training in a row alternate with one day of rest and “3+1”, respectively, three days of training in a row and one day of rest.

You should combine aerobic endurance training and strength training with weights. Since strength training requires more calories, it should be done first. Training should begin with aerobics, at least 10-15 minutes of intense exercise.

You should train 4-6 sets of 10-15 repetitions for the upper body, 20-25 repetitions for the lower part. The break between approaches is no more than 1 minute.

It is also necessary to use a circular training system: to do this, select one exercise for each muscle group and perform them alternately. And so on for 3-4 laps without a break.

You should work with moderate weights, high intensity and minimal rest between sets and exercises.

Aerobics can be done on separate days, devoting 30-40 minutes to them.

Endomorph nutrition

Their main task is to get rid of fat deposits. The main harmful foods for an endomorph are simple carbohydrates and fatty foods. We'll have to forget about sweets and starchy foods. Eat as many vegetables as you like.

As a source of protein, eat skinless chicken, fish, and turkey.

Eat often, about 6-7 times a day, but in small portions. Because of this, your body's metabolism will speed up and you will begin to lose weight. Chew your food slowly. Drink more regular non-carbonated water, 2-3 liters per day.

The best sports nutrition options are: milk, whey and egg concentrate. Forget gainers.

We hope that after reading this article, you will gain useful and necessary information.

On our website you will find and choose a training program for your body type.

Good luck!


An ectomorph is an ordinary thin guy. Ectomorph men have narrow wrists and ankles, little muscle and almost no excess fat.

Examples of ectomorphs among male bodybuilding stars:

  • Frank Zane
  • Dexter Jackson

Typical ectomorph traits:

  • wrist circumference 15-17.5 cm;
  • narrow waist, shoulders, hips;
  • arms and legs are usually long;
  • fast metabolism (when “the horse’s food is not good”, no matter how much a person eats, weight almost does not increase);
  • low % body fat;
  • few muscles.

The main problem of an ectomorph is gaining muscle mass. Due to their fast metabolism, all calories eaten are burned quickly, so to grow muscles, ectomorphs need to consume much more calories than men with other body types. It is advisable to use sports supplements - vitamins, omega-3 fats, as well as protein shakes and gainers. To prevent muscle breakdown, you need to eat before bed. Workouts should not be too long (up to 60 minutes, including warm-up). It is better to exclude cardio so as not to waste the calories necessary for recovery after strength training.

The advantage of this physique is that there are no problems with excess weight; muscle drying is much easier than with endomorphs and exomorphs.

How to find out the body type of different somatotypes in men?

There are many different methods for determining the somatotype, depending on the basic feature underlying the typification.

1. Measuring the circumference of the wrist with a tailor's meter:

  • if the girth is from 15 to 17.5 cm, then most likely you are an ectomorph;
  • if the girth is from 17.5 to 20 cm, then you have a mesomorphic somatotype;
  • if your girth is 20 cm or more, then you are an endomorph.

2. Calculations proposed by the 19th century French physician Pignier, his formula boils down to: height (in cm) – (body weight in kg + chest circumference in cm), in this case the study is not entirely accurate due to linearity since the basic criterion Here the strength of the physique comes into play (strong physique - 10-15, good - 15-20, average - 20-25, weak - 25-30, very weak - above 30).

As was said before, there are a lot of classifications depending on the characteristic on which they are based, thus, methods for searching for body type in men are not limited to these two.


Men with a mesomorphic body type have a large skeleton and a naturally athletic physique. Mesomorph is the best body type for bodybuilding - it is easier for such guys to gain muscle mass than for ectomorphs, and it is easier for them to burn fat than for endomorphs.

Examples of mesomorphs among male bodybuilding stars:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Dorian Yates
  • Ronnie Coleman
  • Phil Heath
  • Alexey Shabunya

Typical traits of a mesomorph:

  • wrist circumference 17.5-20 cm;
  • waist, shoulders and hips of medium width (not too wide and not too narrow);
  • good metabolism;
  • muscles respond well to training and grow willingly;
  • There is fat, but not too much of it and with proper nutrition it is easy to get rid of it.

The muscles of a mesomorph respond well to power loads and grow quickly, especially for beginners. However, if you don't watch your diet, you can gain excess fat. If you add cardio training, it will be quite easy to get rid of it.


Endomorphs have a wide, round and soft body. The height is usually small, the arms and legs are thick and short relative to the body. Endomorphs have naturally strong legs, due to this they achieve good results in lower body exercises (Squats, Deadlifts).

An example of an endomorphic physique among male bodybuilding stars:

Typical traits of an endomorph:

  • wrist circumference more than 20 cm;
  • wide waist, shoulders and hips (“stocky” body type);
  • legs are usually shorter than the body;
  • slow metabolism;
  • You are often overweight, or gain it easily due to poor nutrition.

The advantage of this body type is an easy gain of muscle mass. But along with the muscles, fat is also added, which is why the endomorph appears fat in appearance. To gain as little fat as possible, don't forget about cardio (or circuit training to burn fat) and watch your overall caloric intake. As a rule, endomorphs do not need sports supplements - protein and gainers (but making sure there is enough protein in the diet is a must!).

Body types: features

In 1940, the Englishman W. Sheldon developed his own system of indicators of the human physique and, on their basis, derived three somatic types.

According to his teachings, the constitution of the body is given to a person from birth and cannot be changed during life. You can adjust your weight, give relief to your muscles, but you cannot influence your body type.

This type of constitution suggests a tendency to gain weight due to a low metabolic rate. The figure looks like a “well-fed pear” - narrow shoulders and a wide pelvis, high waist, thin wrists, round head.

To have a beautiful figure, a person must always be physically active, play sports hard: intense work with light weights and frequent, short breaks.

Diet alone in his case will not give the desired result. In nutrition, it is recommended to adhere to the following scheme: protein in unlimited quantities, fat - no more than 15% and no more than 30% carbohydrates.

An individual with such a constitution is susceptible to hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases.

It is considered the most ideal, successful: harmonious proportions, uniform fat layer. A fast metabolism allows such people to quickly get rid of excess fat and quickly build muscle. Therefore, their diet requires a large amount of protein: 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

As for health, the weak points of representatives of this type are considered to be the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system. They also often suffer from low blood pressure.

This body type is characterized by thinness, above average height, long, slender arms, legs and neck, narrow chest, thin layer of fat, and underdeveloped muscles. Active, but not hardy. Weak muscles, thin bones. An accelerated metabolism does not allow him to gain weight or build muscle.

Low muscle mass in ectomorph women is the reason for the presence of a teenage figure and lack of roundness (breasts and hips). Men of this type will have to work hard to build muscle and achieve an athletic appearance: heavy but short-term strength loads with long breaks between approaches will help.

Be sure to read:

Weight and height table for girls and boys by year: assessment, recommendations, problems

How to determine your body type as a man

Frequent and high-calorie meals are recommended - consisting of 60% complex carbohydrates. Daily protein intake: 3 grams per 1 kg of weight.

Over the years, metabolism will begin to slow down for natural reasons, so a person has a chance of gaining weight, but after 40-45 years. Ectomorph is prone to liver diseases, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Metabolic disorders are possible.

How to determine your body type?

Let's start with the fact that in addition to the three main ones, there are mixed body types . “Pure” endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs are rare. You can often observe mesomorphs with a lot of excess fat or slender endomorphs.

To determine what body type you are, measure the size of your wrist and estimate the width of your shoulders and hips. Remember how easily you gained weight at the age of 16-20 (with a fast metabolism, no matter how you eat at that time, there is almost no excess fat, and with a slow metabolism, excess weight appears already at this age).

How does body type affect bodybuilding results?

Of course, from the point of view of good genetics, mesomorph is an ideal option. But don’t give up if you are an ectomorph or endomorph. You will need to put in more effort - watch your diet more carefully, spend more time in the gym (ectomorphs will take longer to grow muscle mass, endomorphs will have a harder time burning fat - that is, they will spend more time on cardio and diet). Any result is achievable with desire and perseverance.

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Determining body type in men

Our external appearance and physique largely depend on genetics. Some gym goers may not watch their diet at all and may not gain excess weight, while others look plump and round during active training. The reason lies in the body type, which is determined genetically, so the training program must be adjusted taking into account this parameter.

There are three main types of male figure - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph . Next, we will find out how to determine the body type in men and consider the main characteristics of these types. But it is worth noting that pure types are rare; mixed types can be found much more often, for example, ectomesomorph or endomesomorph. However, even in mixed body types there are predominant features, defining a man to a specific group.

The basic classification is based on 3 body types in men:

1. An ectomorph is often slender, has long limbs and a body with a very low level of body fat; the muscles in this type are very sluggishly developed, and gaining muscle mass is very difficult. A high metabolic rate dictates the need for a high-calorie diet high in carbohydrates (6-7 grams per 1 kg) and fats (1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of body weight), which does not exclude sufficient protein intake, which is 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of body weight, training should be based on the principle of maximum use of multi-joint basic exercises, and training should not exceed 50-60 minutes.

In this case, identifying the body type in men is not difficult; it is most often visible to the naked eye.

2. Mesomorph is built in proportion to the ratio of body parts, has excellent muscles with a low level of fat mass, a powerful strong skeleton, endowed with the greatest prospects for muscle growth with a simultaneous low (compared to endomorphs) level of adipose tissue (there are subtypes: ectomorphic and endomorphic, which determine the ratio of muscle to fat in a mesomorph). In general, a balanced diet of 3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat, training 3 to 4 times a week, which should be changed every 2 months due to the high speed of adaptation of the muscular system, is suitable for a mesomorph.

Visually, identifying body type among men in this category is possible due to the balance of body development.

3. Endomorphs have powerful (usually medium or short) limbs and a strong skeleton, at the same time, a high level of adipose tissue makes their bodies rounded and their waist wide, and they have a slow metabolism, which causes a rapid gain of both fat and muscle. For this type of bodybuilding, it is advisable to consume 3-4 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, 2 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat, possibly using a five-day split including aerobic exercise.

Ectomorphic body type

It is most successful for girls, but not so much for men, since in colloquial speech such a person is called a “skinny guy.” Such people will have to put in more effort to gain decent muscle mass, but with the right program for an ectomorph and a sufficient calorie diet, his figure will look quite presentable in comparison with the same endomorph.

Representatives of this type of typology are determined by:

  • tall
  • long and thin limbs
  • narrow chest
  • protruding bones
  • long and thin muscles

Their gait is often angular and their movements are sharp; they are also characterized by increased nervous excitability, have a large supply of energy and can more easily tolerate intense cardio exercise.

Ectomorphs can absorb any food, including harmful carbohydrates, which has virtually no effect on their external form. Gaining muscle mass is difficult for them due to their increased metabolism. If necessary, they easily lose accumulated fat, and working on relief is quite easy. Even in the absence of cardio training and a relaxed diet, ectomorphs often walk around with six-pack abs and pronounced muscles.

High metabolism is one of the main signs by which you can recognize a representative of this body type. It is worth noting that with age, metabolism slows down, so in the absence of training, a small amount of fat is gained.

This type of male physique can be determined by a narrow waist, which lays the basis for good proportions when gaining muscle mass. Also, at the beginning of training, they are characterized by low strength indicators and poor responsiveness of the body to training. It is recommended to work with heavy weights for a small number of repetitions, trying to increase the performance each time and give preference to basic exercises.

To gain weight, you should increase the caloric content of your diet, eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, mainly complex ones, but some indulgences in the form of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats usually do not harm your figure. You should not get involved in cardio training, as this leads to muscle loss.

Typical ectomorphs among celebrities: Brad Pitt, Vincent Cassel, Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Ian Somerhalder, Ryan Reynolds.

Mesomorphic body type

The pure type of mesomorph is quite rare, but its owners can be called real lucky ones in terms of physique. Muscle mass is gained easily, the fat layer is average and, if necessary, removed with the help of cardio training, excellent proportions give good makings for having an athletic male physique. However, even a mesomorph can neglect himself and slow down his metabolism by eating improperly and skipping training.

  • narrow or medium waist
  • broad manly shoulders
  • protruding chest

Strength training is great for men of this body type - they quickly increase working weights, can have a certain muscle mass and decent strength indicators even before starting training in the gym. They are also distinguished by a small percentage of body fat, and if they allow severe dietary restrictions, then this percentage can increase, but it also easily decreases when the diet is normalized.

Diet and workout recommendations for men of different body types

A well-planned diet, performing specially selected physical exercises for a certain type of male constitution, perseverance and patience can make significant adjustments to the data provided by nature and achieve impressive results for any man in achieving an athletic and muscular body.

For men with asthenic body structure

For ectomorphs, it is difficult to quickly gain muscle mass, since the breakdown of carbohydrates in men of this constitution is increased, but the process of protein digestion is slowed down. Success in achieving your muscle building goals for people with a lean physique is 70% dependent on nutrition, so nutritionists advise adhering to the following recommendations.

  • You need to eat frequently (5-6 times a day), each time eating a large portion of food, focusing on protein and carbohydrate foods.
  • The daily diet should consist of 50% complex carbohydrates. Advantage should be given to cereals, legumes, durum wheat pasta, and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to exclude foods rich in fast carbohydrates (sweets, pastries, jam).
  • The protein intake rate is 2–2.5 g/kg body weight. Protein products: white meat chicken, turkey, lean beef and fish should account for up to 30% of the daily diet.
  • Dairy products must be present in the diet of an asthenic person, but preferably low fat content (1%), since the recommended daily intake of fat in the diet should not exceed 20%.

Training should be limited to 3 times a week and structured in such a way that the load is as heavy as possible, but not exhausting, and the duration of the session does not exceed 45 minutes.

Nutrition and training plan for mesomorphs

Since this type of male figure is considered ideal in terms of building a perfect body, all recommendations for nutrition and physical activity come down only to preventing overtraining and adhering to the principles of a healthy diet. The recommended daily diet for a mesomorph is as follows:

  • proteins – 30–40% (no more than 2 g/kg body weight);
  • fats – 10–20%;
  • carbohydrates – 40–50%.

Men with an athletic body type do not need to strictly adhere to any diets; you can sometimes treat yourself to sweets and starchy foods. For effective training to gain muscle mass, mesomorphs can use any standard programs lasting 50–60 minutes 3–4 times a week, which are recommended to be changed every 2–3 months. Lack of physical activity and poor nutrition will over time lead to excess weight and loss of physical data given by nature.

Recommendations for endomorphs

The goal of physical training for men with an endomorphic body type is to combat excess weight and build muscles that are hidden deep under the layer of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, the training program is focused on restructuring the body towards the formation of muscle relief and burning fat deposits.

  • It is mandatory to perform cyclic exercises (exercise bike, running, swimming) in combination with aerobic exercise and strength exercises.
  • Split system classes are effective when two or three daily workouts alternate with one day of rest.
  • It is worth including circuit training in the program every 5-6 sessions (at least 4 circuits without a break).
  • The main part of the daily diet should be protein foods (40–50%). Increase protein consumption to 3 g per kilogram of body weight.
  • You need to eat every 2 hours, but in small portions up to 7 times a day.
  • Consume complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day. They should be at least 40% of the daily caloric intake.
  • It is recommended to limit fats to a minimum of 10%, and completely forget about sweets, flour products, and fast food.

Male body types: description of basic body types

Men seeking to lose weight, gain muscle mass and gain athletic definition sometimes face a number of specific difficulties. But the whole point is that a set of training and a diet should be selected taking into account the physique characteristics of a particular person. Remember, knowing which type you belong to, you will be able to optimize the load and speed of obtaining a positive result.

Why do you need to know your individual body type?

Knowledge is also useful for those guys who decide to go in for sports. After all, the same training programs will not suit people with different body shapes. That is why the personal trainer of a newly minted athlete should also be aware of the type of figure of a man in order to competently develop a program of effective physical exercise training.

You also need to understand the characteristics of your own figure in order to know how to eat properly and lose weight or gain weight. After all, today there are a huge number of diets based on the structural features of the body. As a result, you will understand why different athletes gain weight in different ways, and each lose weight in their own way.

The main body structure options for guys

Each person is individual by nature. Any person from birth has one variant of body structure as the dominant one. For accessibility of study, all types of male physique, as well as female variations of the figure, are divided into the following three types according to the circumference of the wrist of the working hand:

  • ectomorphic (asthenic) - less than 18 cm;
  • mesomorphic (normosthenic) - 18-20 cm;
  • endomorphic (hypersthenic) - over 20 cm.

To figure out which option to classify yourself in, let’s look at the main features of each type.

Asthenic version of the male body

An ectomorph is usually a skinny guy. Guys of this type have narrow wrists and ankles, minimal muscle tissue and virtually no fat. The main problem for such guys is gaining large muscle mass. In the body of an ectomorph, the calories eaten are burned instantly due to accelerated metabolism, and the absorption of proteins occurs very slowly. In order to gain even a little weight, such athletes have to eat heavily, sometimes in excessive amounts.

It is in this case that it will not be superfluous to use sports supplements: omega 3,6,9 acids, creatine, protein shakes. Be sure to also eat at night to avoid muscle destruction. It is better to set your training time within an hour (including warm-up). Eliminate cardio so as not to waste precious calories that will be needed to restore the body after weight training.

  • There are no problems with excess weight.
  • The wrist circumference of this type of people is 15-17.5 cm.
  • Long arms and legs, sometimes it looks like lankyness.
  • The body has a low percentage of fat and little muscle.
  • Drying muscles is much easier.
  • There are narrow zones throughout the figure: hips, shoulders and waist.
  • Food is not good for future use (no matter how much an asthenic person eats, his weight still does not grow).
  • Due to the elongated chest, the heart and lungs are also elongated.

What are the body types?

According to the theory presented above, the constitution of the human body can be divided into three main types


Asthenic body structure. These people have a reduced percentage of body fat. Moreover, this applies to both subcutaneous and visceral fat. If you look at the torso, there is pronounced thinness and a narrow structure of the shoulders. As a rule, the chest of such guys is flat and poorly developed.

The limbs are thin and long, and strength indicators in sports are usually low. Although in terms of endurance, such athletes show good results, in particular in athletics and fitness. Accelerated metabolism is another characteristic feature of a hyposthenic. It is very difficult for a typical ectomorph to gain muscle mass due to low glycogen reserves in muscle fibers.


Normosthenic structure. In this case, we are talking about an innate propensity for various sports. These men tend to have high testosterone levels. An accelerated metabolism combined with a good appetite allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. Most athletes are normosthenics.

With massive and well-developed muscle mass, the level of fat reserves in mesomorph men is low. The chest is well developed, and the shoulders are in almost every case quite broad. The height of representatives of the normosthenic category is average, and the muscular structure is wide and long.


Hypersthenic structure. It is quite difficult to visually confuse hypersthenics with representatives of other categories. They are characterized by excess body weight against the background of increased fat deposition. The bone structure of such people is rarely small or normal - they are mainly massive limbs and large-boned structure.

For all their massiveness, the limbs of endomorphs are quite short when compared in relation to the body. The waist and hips have a wide coverage. All this is supported by the deposition of visceral fat mainly in the lumbar region.

All this directly affects the rapid gain of excess weight, even if the diet is moderate in terms of calories.

Normosthenic variant of the structure

The mesomorph has a fairly large skeleton and a natural athletic build. It is the normosthenic body type that is most suitable for bodybuilding; it is much easier for guys to gain muscle mass than ectomorphs, and fat burning occurs many times faster than for large endomorphs.

The muscles of this type of guy immediately respond to physical activity with accelerated growth, especially for beginners. As soon as such a man gives up and stops watching his diet, he begins to gain fat everywhere. You can easily get rid of it only by using cardio training and organizing a proper diet.

  • Approximate wrist circumference 17.5-20 cm.
  • Proportion of body parts and convex chest.
  • The waist, hips and shoulders are of medium width (not very wide, but not narrow either).
  • Excellent metabolism.

Nutrition for this group of men is easier than for everyone else, since with an initially normal physique, a special diet is not required, you just need to consume healthy, natural food.

A huge number of bodybuilders are mesomorphs: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Phil Heath.

Hypersthenic version of the male figure

The endomorph is crumbly, its body is wide, round and soft. The hypersthenic body type involves short stature and short, thick legs and arms. The main feature of this group of representatives of the stronger sex is their fairly strong legs. This is why stocky athletes achieve good results by training primarily the lower torso (deadlifts, squats, etc.). Due to the fact that the metabolism is weak, weight can very easily increase, but the extra pounds are reluctant to go away. The main advantage of this type is an easy gain of muscle mass, but with it comes fat if weight gain occurs due to poor nutrition. Distinctive features of endomorphs:

  • Wrist circumference is more than 20 cm.
  • Stocky figure: wide hips, shoulders, waist, short legs.
  • Short neck, fat deposits between the shoulder blades, on the stomach.
  • A variety of sports supplements are not necessary; only the amount of protein in the diet should be sufficient.
  • When training, do not forget about cardio training (or circuit training for fat burning) and watch what you eat.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. Many athletes make the mistake of completely giving up food and resorting to starvation diets. Fasting can “eat” both fat and muscle mass, and the lost weight soon returns, bringing with it more and more layers of fat.

An example of endomorphs among bodybuilding stars was Jay Cutler.

What is body type

Features of the skeleton and muscle frame are necessarily taken into account in calculating the loads for training and are used in the selection of an individual nutrition program.

Different systems are used to classify the main types of body structure. A doctor from Germany, E. Kretschmer, revealed that the psychological characteristics of a person depend on somatic traits. According to the scientist’s theory, there are 4 types of figures:

Body types in men

  1. Asthenic – fragile type, narrow shoulders, long legs, elongated face, tall. Women can also be short, but the visible fragility of the skeleton, thin bones, and low weight (below standard values) remain unchanged.
  2. Picnic is a heavy, blurry figure with a lot of fat folds. Short stature and obesity are distinctive features. As a rule, picnic people are more likely than others to face the problem of excess weight.
  3. Athletic - in both sexes, the physical characteristics of a person are distinguished by a strong structure. They have broad shoulders and developed muscles.
  4. Dysplastic – people with partial body deformation. The body does not have a clear shape or outline.

According to the theory of Academician Petlenko, there are 5 types of structure of the human body shape:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • graceful;
  • athletic.

Chernorutsky divided the types of figures, in general very similar to the previous classification:

  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic (the athletic type is added);
  • asthenic (hyposthenic plus graceful);
  • hypersthenic (wide-boned).

Men's body types

The hypersthenic type has a high diaphragm, short stature, a short neck, and an oval-shaped chest. There is enough adipose tissue, there are a lot of cholesterol plaques in the blood. Metabolism is slow, which contributes to the rapid gain of extra pounds. Hypersthenics often have problems with weight loss.

Normosthenic, or normal type, are figures with average parameters. People by physique have:

  • well-formed skeleton;
  • chest with the necessary convexity;
  • legs are proportional to overall height, shoulders are broad;
  • the ratio of muscle volume to fat is within acceptable limits.

The concept of asthenic type includes the following characteristics of its main features:

  • thin bones, neck;
  • high growth;
  • underdevelopment of muscles;
  • not enough fat tissue:
  • narrow chest;
  • disproportion of limbs and tall stature.

The high speed of metabolic processes in asthenics complicates weight gain. The most famous system for human body types is Sheldon’s. Classification by athletic body type:

Endomorph, eketomorph, mesomorph

  • endomorph (hypersthenic);
  • eketomorph (asthenic);
  • mesomorph (normosthenic).

It is popular among men who are interested in sports disciplines. As a rule, the mixed type is more common, in which the characteristics of several categories are combined. When playing sports, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the male figure in order to achieve sports results as quickly as possible. In one figure you can find signs of all types; some characteristics will prevail over others. The level of actual presence of factors is assessed on a scale from 1 to 7. There are about 80 varieties, it depends on the predominance of one or another characteristic.

Principles for determining the structure of the body

It is not correct to assume that male body types are limited to only three types. There are also intermediate, mixed options. In their pure form, endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs are extremely rare; more often you can find people with characteristic features of the two groups. In order to understand how to determine your body type, you need to know a few rules.

  • Measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand.
  • Estimate the approximate width of your waist, shoulders and hips.
  • Remember how quickly you gained and lost weight at the young age of 16-20 years old. With a good metabolism, no matter how much you eat, there is practically no excess fat, but with a slow metabolism, excess weight is already present at such a young age.

Based on the obtained indicators, determine membership in the group based on the structural features of the body.

Undoubtedly, from a genetic point of view, the ideal option for strength training is the normosthenic option. But for other men this is not a death sentence, and you shouldn’t give up. An asthenic body type requires increased nutrition and strength training to achieve the most attractive figure, while strong endomorphs need to monitor their diet and increase the emphasis on fat-burning exercises. 3 types of body structure - the initial basis for further work on yourself.

Main body types ↑

Since the mid-20th century, physiologists have divided human figures into three conventional types. Conditional because ecto-, meso- and endomorphs are very rare in their pure form. Usually a person combines the traits of two or three types at once with a predominance of one of the types.

  • Ectomorphs: slender, even skinny people. They have a reduced level of subcutaneous fat, and their limbs are long and thin. The shoulders and chest are narrow. The main benefits are a high level of metabolism and endurance.
  • Mesomorphs: people with broad chests and similar shoulders. They have an average level of subcutaneous fat and a standard metabolic rate. Often the hips are narrower than the shoulders. Mesomorphs cope well with serious physical activity.
  • Endomorphs: Large and stocky people. The waist circumference exceeds the circumference of the chest or hips. It is about endomorphs that they say that “the bones are wide” - they have really large joints, and the size of the bones allows them to withstand serious loads. Disadvantages of the physique include a reduced metabolic rate, as well as a predisposition to build up subcutaneous fat.

It is important to remember that it is human nature to lose and gain weight. Physical exercises cannot lengthen the limbs, narrow the hips or broaden the shoulders: the shape and size of the bones do not change. But anyone can build muscle and remove fat deposits. True, depending on the type of addition, this process will take place with some peculiarities.

Dwayne Johnson is an endomorph with shortened limbs relative to the body

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