Ancient recipes for weight loss. Folk remedies for weight loss - a collection of grandma's recipes

Folk remedies can cure any disease, and they are also used to reduce appetite and get rid of extra pounds. The basis of any diet and the principle of healthy eating is regular drinking of water. The body should receive clean water every day, at least a liter per day. It removes toxins, reduces appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines and produces a diuretic effect. This is a good remedy for losing weight at home. But water alone will not be enough in the fight against excess weight; for this there are grandmother’s recipes for losing weight.

How did you lose weight before?

I need to say a few words about the fact that previously people didn’t get better like they do now, and here’s why:

  • Almost everyone used to work hard physically, and excess fat was not stored;
  • The food was not stuffed with various “E-s”, flavor enhancers and trans fats;
  • The food was simple and varied, and also environmentally friendly.

In addition, our grandmothers were allowed to remove the excess and be “slender deer” of herbs and fruits, namely, decoctions and infusions from them. Here are some of the simplest recipes:

  • Dandelion tea. To prepare it, they took fresh leaves of the plant (nowadays you can also take dried ones), poured a glass of boiling water overnight, and in the morning they drank a miracle remedy that promotes weight loss. You need to drink throughout the day, 15 minutes before meals.
  • 6-component herbal decoction. This is a very effective grandmother's recipe for weight loss. To prepare, take 4 parts of senna herb, 3 parts each of buckthorn and coriander seeds, as well as 2 parts each of bearberry, violet and pepper knotweed. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes and leave to infuse overnight. The product can be drunk throughout the day for 30 days.
  • Or here’s another recipe: take equal quantities of juniper fruits, buckthorn bark and senna grass. Pour the mixture with boiling water (in a thermos), keep it with the lid closed for about 2 hours, then pour it into a jug and, after cooling, drink a tablespoon with each meal.

Dandelion root

Dandelion is a completely edible plant and all its parts are beneficial. For good metabolism and lowering blood sugar, it is recommended to drink a decoction of dandelion root.

Mate tea is an excellent tonic and contains a lot of useful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The main thing is to brew it correctly, and it will become a means of achieving an ideal figure!

How did you lose weight in Rus' before?

The best way to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful compounds, since the times of our ancestors, has been the Russian bath!

Since ancient times, due to the lack of a bath and shower in the house, the Slavs washed themselves in the bathhouse - at least once a week, or even more often. Such regularity had a positive effect on skin tone, and the procedures contributed to the removal of excess water and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

  • The humidity in the steam room should not exceed a threshold of 40%;
  • Temperature – no more than 100 degrees;
  • After visiting the bathhouse, it is not recommended to douse yourself with cold water (the pores will narrow and the effect will be zero);
  • No need to sit in the steam room until you feel sick. Just 3 visits of 15 minutes each are enough.

In addition, there are other water recipes for losing weight from “grandmother’s chest,” namely, baths with the addition of decoctions of birch buds, linden blossom or raspberry leaves. You need to take such baths no longer than 15-20 minutes; they can break down subcutaneous fat and fight cellulite. And also - grandma’s recipe, there are options:

  • Baths with soda (dissolve a pack of soda in warm water and swim for at least 15 minutes);
  • Drinking soda as a drink (a solution of a teaspoon of powder in a glass of water). True, the second method did not live up to the hopes placed on it; it does not help you lose weight, but getting a stomach ulcer or other gastrointestinal tract disease is quite possible.

general information

Having decided to lose weight using folk remedies , first of all you need to prepare yourself psychologically. It is important to understand what all this is for and what result you want to see in the end. If you don’t know why you are losing weight, the process will soon become boring and may stop altogether.

When a person is psychologically prepared, you can begin losing weight using folk remedies . Do everything carefully, strictly following the recipe. Remember, if you increase the dosage, you can harm your health. Prepare for the fact that the results will not be quick. Often you have to spend more than one month, but it's really worth it.

Losing weight with the help of folk remedies will not be difficult. A bath will help you achieve your goal faster. Our ancestors highly valued the opportunity to steam and tried to do it regularly. This procedure allows you to get rid of excess weight in a short time. While in it, you can remove swelling from the skin, improve its condition, and restore blood circulation. It also stimulates the process of burning fat. Women who want to get rid of cellulite should go to the bathhouse constantly. As a supplement, you are allowed to use body wraps, apply scrubs and masks.

If you love bath procedures and tolerate them well, be sure to use some radical method. The first thing you need to do is set aside at least one full day in your schedule. The main drinks are natural tomato juice and green tea. You should drink them in the morning, forget about everything else. After lunch, go to the bathhouse and take a good steam bath in three sessions. Never douse yourself with cold water. Your dinner is vegetables and chicken breast. After three or four hours you can go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, step on the scale, rest assured that you will definitely be missing at least two kilograms. You can do such manipulations once a week.

“Grandma, what should you drink to lose weight?”

We are talking about juices; it was with their help that they used to know how to lose weight. Since the time of our ancestors, the beneficial properties of such drinks have been known:

  • Berezovitsa (birch sap, which is familiar to us) – enhances metabolism, it contains microelements and vitamins necessary for the body. By drinking up to 1 liter of this drink per day, you can thoroughly cleanse your body and lose weight. Juice is contraindicated for people with kidney disease and those who are allergic to birch pollen;
  • White cabbage juice - normalizes metabolism, slows down the conversion of simple carbohydrates into fats. It is recommended to drink a glass of juice daily on an empty stomach and a couple more glasses throughout the day. But people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases should be careful with this drink;
  • Pumpkin juice – cleanses the intestines and improves its functioning. The benefits have been proven for those who suffer from obesity or diabetes. This remedy has virtually no contraindications, but it may not be useful for people with high stomach acidity.

To lose weight, the listed juices need to be drunk systematically, and not from time to time.

In addition, these remedies are suitable if your metabolism is simply “stalled”. In the case where excess weight is the result of banal overeating, then these remedies will definitely not help.

How did you lose weight before? Our grandmothers knew that you can achieve results if you just get enough sleep, laugh a lot and don’t get nervous. Therefore, be positive, set a goal, and you will succeed!

Having tried all modern means of weight loss, many become disappointed and look for something time-tested. Nowadays, not many folk recipes have survived, but it’s quite possible to find grandma’s way of losing weight.

Grandma's weight loss remedy

At all times, metabolism worked the same, and therefore our grandmothers, just like us, needed to eat less and move more to lose weight. Many of them took herbal decoctions to accelerate and achieve their goals faster.

So, let's look at the most popular grandmother's tips for losing weight:

  1. Take a tablespoon of this decoction 3 times a day before meals: add 10 peppercorns and 10 g of ginger to 350 ml of water. Boil this mixture for only 7 minutes over moderate heat.
  2. Take a tablespoon three times a day of bay leaf infusion: take 3 large leaves in 300 ml of water, boil, boil for 5-6 minutes and leave to infuse for 3 hours. This option can be taken for no more than 3 days in a row.
  3. If overeating occurs in the background, you need to drink soothing herbal decoctions 1-2 times a day: valerian, motherwort and angelica root, 1 tsp each. brew in 300 ml. water and leave for a while.

In any case, this is only an aid and the kilograms will not disappear by themselves. When consuming herbs, you need to control your diet, give up sweets, flour and fatty foods.

Grandma's diet for weight loss

Now it is not known for sure whether grandmother’s secret to losing weight was in this diet, but it is recommended precisely as an option that has come down to this day from the last century. This diet is designed for 7 days and is represented mainly by a protein diet (meat, eggs, cheese, etc.) with the same menu for the whole week. Before using it, you should consult your doctor. It is strictly prohibited for those who have problems with the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract.

So, the daily menu of grandma’s diet:

Grandma’s method of losing weight allows you to lose 3-4 kilograms in one week, but in order to maintain the results obtained, it is recommended to immediately switch to porridge for breakfast, soups for lunch, a vegetable side dish and fish, poultry or meat for dinner. With such a diet, without adding “junk” food, you can easily maintain and increase your slimness.

If you still manage to catch a cold in the summer, you can buy a fashionable remedy at the pharmacy, or you can crawl under the covers and breathe over a cast iron stove with boiled potatoes. When you need to lose weight, you can go on a fashionable American diet, or you can try traditional methods of losing weight - herbs, baths and even... moon spells. How our grandmothers lost weight, what from their experience is really valuable, and what is a relic of the past, the social network site for losing weight tells, having enlisted the opinion of authoritative experts in the field of herbal medicine, dietetics and psychology.

Secrets of the Herbalists

Our ancestors used medicinal herbs everywhere. They were helped to lose weight without chemicals, with the help of Mother Nature, by collecting three parts of buckthorn bark, three parts of coriander, four parts of hay leaves, two parts of pepper knotweed herb, two parts of tricolor violet herb, two parts of bearberry leaves and one part of naked licorice root. These herbs were poured with boiling water in the evening at the rate of one tablespoon of the mixture per glass. Our slimming grandmothers drank this infusion every morning for a month.

There are also not so sophisticated herbal recipes for weight loss. For example, you need to take one teaspoon of dry wormwood herb and pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion is ready. You should drink a tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

The slimming bath also contains buckthorn bark, tricolor violet herb, pepper knotweed herb and licorice root, plus wheatgrass rhizome is added to the bath. You need to take three parts each of buckthorn and violet and two parts each of knotweed, licorice root and wheatgrass rhizome, then add four tablespoons of the herbal mixture into a saucepan with a liter of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Strain the broth and add to a bath with a water temperature of 37 to 40 degrees. It is necessary to arrange such a bath every day for two weeks.

We asked a biotechnologist, a specialist in bioactive supplements, and a website consultant, to comment on herbal methods of losing weight

— Buckthorn bark and senna leaves are effective stool regulators. They have a laxative effect, help cleanse the intestines along its entire length from undigested food residues, toxic products, and harmful compounds. Often used in weight loss products and weight loss programs. Despite their effectiveness, I would not recommend taking them for a long time. The maximum is two weeks to a month, as these herbs can weaken natural bowel function.

Violet tricolor has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and mild laxative effect. It has proven itself well as a cleanser of plant origin. Coriander improves digestion and relieves spasms. Peppermint is a diuretic, hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. The decoction has bacteriostatic properties; when used externally, it is used as a substitute for mustard plasters. Bearberry is often included in diuretic teas and mixtures. Licorice roots reduce capillary fragility and have an anti-inflammatory, laxative effect, and promote the healing of stomach ulcers. Thus, all the herbs in this folk recipe mutually enhance each other’s effects and have a cleansing, antiseptic and laxative effect. Therefore, I can say that this grandmother’s method will be useful for those losing weight. A bath with herbal decoction or infusion improves blood circulation, metabolism, and helps eliminate toxins and waste.

Apple, celery and horseradish cocktail

Nowadays, this folk remedy for weight loss would be called the overseas word “cocktail”. It should be eaten for a week before bedtime. To prepare, you need to grate an apple (three parts) and celery root (one part) on a coarse grater. Grate the horseradish root on a fine grater, lightly salt and season with sour milk. It’s better if the yogurt is homemade.

— A good recipe, if we ignore the fact that it is preferable to eat any fruit, including apples, separately from other foods, as an independent meal,

,” our expert, author of the weight normalization system and the book “Be Slim!” comments on this recipe.

“I especially don’t recommend combining animal fat, which is abundant in homemade yogurt, with fructose. Because in this case, fructose will most likely go to fat cells. I would suggest a slightly different recipe while maintaining the main idea. Take any raw vegetables in arbitrary proportions (cucumber, radish, celery root or stalks, sweet peppers, cabbage), generously add chopped herbs (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro), grated horseradish and pour in low-fat kefir. And don't add salt! You will get an excellent “cold soup” that you can have for dinner every day, varying the composition of the toppings. A couple of weeks of such dinners will irrevocably take away from one to five kilograms.

Garlic, cabbage, rowan

People attributed wonderful properties, including weight loss properties, to garlic. In my grandmother’s recipe, it is recommended to eat the aromatic vegetable for twelve days according to the following scheme: the first day - one clove, the second - two, and so on increasing up to six cloves on the sixth day of the struggle for harmony. For the remaining six days, garlic should be eaten in descending order, that is, in reverse order. So, on the twelfth day you will need to eat only one clove.

- Perhaps there is some hidden meaning in this scheme, but it is unknown to me,

- says our consultant Tatyana Malakhova.
And therefore I would advise eating garlic every day, adding it in a reasonable amount raw to salads or hot dishes at the end of cooking.
You shouldn’t expect any special miracles from garlic - no one has yet invented pills for excess weight. Among vegetables, cabbage was and is considered an assistant in matters of harmony. Fresh white cabbage juice should be drunk for a month, half an hour before meals, three to four times a day. You should start with half a glass of cabbage juice per serving, and gradually increase the volume to one glass.

- This method will help without a doubt, especially if you replace sweet tea, cappuccino, cola, and fruit juices with cabbage juice. The quantity is somewhat confusing - four glasses of juice a day is a lot! It seems unreasonable to me to drink more than one to one and a half glasses of cabbage juice a day. It’s a shame that when making this juice, the fiber goes into the trash. As you know, fiber is the best helper for losing weight. And if the state of the gastrointestinal tract allows, instead of juice it is better to consume cabbage salad before each meal,

— our expert Tatyana Malakhova expresses her point of view.

Not only herbs and vegetables, but also trees can be useful for those who want to lose excess weight. More precisely, their fruits. Since ancient times, it was believed that juice from rowan berries or powder from them promote weight loss.

- Rowan will really help you lose extra pounds if it is included in a balanced healthy diet,

- says Tatyana Malakhova.
It contains many vitamins and microelements that act as catalysts for metabolic processes, and the bitterness of the berries reduces appetite.
But, as in the case of garlic, you should not rely on “magic rowan powder” if your menu is far from dietary. As for the juice, it meets the goal only without adding sugar and other sweeteners. Drink if you can. We lose weight on jam

Pumpkin is the most popular vegetable because it is the most affordable. Even poor Cinderella had a pumpkin, which turned into a miracle carriage. Outside of a fairy tale, a pumpkin can turn any girl into a slender woman. Pumpkin jam for weight loss is a delicious folk way to lose weight. To prepare it you need three kilograms of peeled pumpkin, two large oranges, lemon and sugar. The less sugar, the better. Peeled pumpkin and oranges and unpeeled lemon should be cut into cubes, poured into a saucepan, add sugar and put on low heat and stir occasionally. You can eat the prepared jam several times a day with tea without sugar.

By the way, you can eat pumpkin delicacy not only internally. It can be applied instead of cream to areas where there is cellulite and massage thoroughly for about ten minutes.

— The dream of those with a sweet tooth is to lose weight by eating sweets. I’m sorry, but this jam won’t help you lose weight. Because jam is jam,

— Tatyana Malakhova shares her opinion.
- Although, in terms of dietary properties, pumpkin jam is still preferable to berry jam, because it contains more fiber and fewer carbohydrates.
However, pumpkin can help you lose weight if eaten raw. Don't be surprised, raw pumpkin can be grated and served as a salad, combined with other raw vegetables. For example, with carrots, radishes, celery, cabbage. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and try to avoid salt and fatty dressing. And, of course, you can drink pumpkin juice. I want to explain why I insist on raw pumpkin. The properties of pumpkin, which are used for weight loss, are greatly reduced by any type of heat treatment. The reason for this is a significant increase in the glycemic index - up to 75 units. Only potatoes and boiled carrots are higher. And the higher the index, the greater the likelihood of not only increasing appetite, but also the formation of new fat reserves.

Bath: relaxation and weight loss

For our ancestors, the bathhouse served as a spa. “The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules, the bathhouse will fix everything,” they said. Before visiting the steam room, people refused heavy food, rubbed their bodies with salt and honey, and entered with a dry head. In the bathhouse itself they drank berry infusions and fruit drinks. After visiting the steam room, our grandmothers lay in the sheet for some time and only then washed off the honey-salt mixture. It was believed that such wraps would remove excess weight from a person.

If you can’t visit the bathhouse, you can remember another popular way of losing weight using a salt-soda bath. You need to take half a standard pack of soda (250 grams) and half a kilogram of sea salt. Pour everything into a bath of warm water, stir until the soda and salt are completely dissolved, and lie down for about twenty minutes. You can supplement this bath with a few drops of fir essential oil to achieve greater effect.

The magic of slimness

Our grandmothers believed in the power of words, which is why conspiracies were so popular among the Slavs. A conspiracy is a verbal formula to which magical power was attributed. Our ancestors had conspiracies for all occasions - for love, for health, and even for weight loss.

The conspiracy had to be pronounced first in a “loud” voice, and then in a whisper. Here is the text of the conspiracy aimed at losing weight.

“With everything that the Lord has given to me, the servant of God /servant of God/ (name), at the moment, satiation will be quick, I will not overeat what is unnecessary, which after saturation has become poison for my body. I will stop with the Lord’s touch, I will be satisfied with little. The Lord's strength will stop my hand in time and will not give me unnecessary and unnecessary things. And I, Your servant (Your/ name), will be under Your Eye, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to internally stop from excess food and burdensome excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from this earthly dependence. Thanks to our Lord. Amen".

And for this conspiracy you need to work hard first - find grass taken out of the pig’s mouth. You can go to the village for this, or you can cheat - buy a pig’s head at the city market and stick a bunch of dill in its teeth. Then you need to throw this herb into hot water in a bathhouse (you can combine this folk method with the bathhouse described above) and wash your face with this water. This event must be planned so that the moon is waning.

While washing your face, you must say: “As you, month, go down, so I will go down. The body is white, fat, go to the pig. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

We asked a famous Russian psychologist, Gestalt therapist, to comment on this popular method of losing weight:

— From the point of view of psychology, namely NLP and psychoanalysis, the unconscious is structured by language. The unconscious is the archaic layers of the brain, the emotional systems of the limbic and reptilian brain. This is where the center of hunger and the center of primary pleasures are located. And even if you consciously decide to “start a new, nutrition-controlled life,” it is this emotional-imaginative layer of the ancient brain that prompts you to overeat and jump off diets. Therefore, correctly composed verbal formulas, penetrating these deep layers with their imagery and emotional mood, and even supported by all sorts of ritual actions (for example, an honest search for a pig with grass in its mouth) can give a good effect if a person believes in it. In general, every normal adult has faith in miracles. And even more so in an overeating, food-addicted adult.

There's just one thing. The prefix “not” is ignored by the unconscious. Therefore, all these word formulas must be formulated positively. For example, “I won’t overeat what I don’t need” should be rephrased into “I will eat - eat only what I need.” And this “the power of the Lord will stop my hand in time, will not give me what is superfluous and unnecessary” can be rewritten as “the power of the Lord will stop my hand in time, will give me the measure of what I need.”

About the fact that you need to speak the conspiracy out loud. This is really important from a psychological point of view. This way, information is better absorbed, because auditory perception is included in the process.

As you can see, dear readers, grandma’s methods of losing weight are partly relevant today. Don’t forget about common sense, look for a rational explanation for everything you decide to try, and get healthy!

Many sources say that bay leaf has sedative, diuretic and antihypertensive properties. There are three bay leaf recipes for weight loss!

Recipe 1 Pour 300 ml of water into three bay leaves and boil. Cook for five minutes. Leave for several hours (three to four). Strain and take one tablespoon three times a day ten minutes before meals. This infusion can be consumed for no more than three days in a row!

Recipe 2 Pour 30 bay leaves with four cups of boiling water. Let sit overnight. Drink in small sips for three days. You cannot drink alcohol or eat meat during this time. Food should be low in calories.

Recipe 3 Decoction of bay leaf with cinnamon: throw a cinnamon stick and five bay leaves into boiling water (one liter). Cook for 15 minutes. Let cool and brew. Take a quarter glass in the morning on an empty stomach for no more than three days!

Is it possible to lose weight on bay leaves?

Of course, bay leaf itself will have little effect if you are not very moderate in food. After all, you can effectively lose weight only through a combination of diet and exercise (it is also important to consider whether your excess weight is caused by hormonal imbalances). A decoction of bay leaves is only an auxiliary remedy, an additional measure for the first step to losing weight - cleansing.

But not everyone can use bay leaf decoction for three days in a row, or even less.


A decoction of bay leaves is contraindicated for gastritis, ulcers, diabetes, liver failure, constipation, chronic and inflammatory diseases, as well as for pregnant women (increases the tone of the uterus, causing miscarriage) and nursing mothers. The decoction should not be given to children under 12 years of age. First of all, bay leaf is an allergenic product. It should be used with extreme caution by people prone to allergies. You need to avoid it completely if you are allergic to it. Bay leaves are harmful during exacerbation of kidney, heart and liver diseases. If protein metabolism is disrupted, you should stop drinking bay leaf decoction.

Despite the presence of contraindications, bay leaf is an excellent cleanser for our body. You just need to use it in the right quantities and timing (the cleansing course should last no more than three days!). It is important to treat treatment with caution, and not only for people with contraindications to its use. It is better to start diets after the cleansing course, or on the second or third day, but sparingly (or make so-called transitional days). Sports are also useful, but not intense.

In the old days, there were no targeted recipes for losing weight; they did not strive for this. But all people at that time did not recover as much as they do now. But still, there are grandmother’s recipes for weight loss, only they help to improve the health of the body and improve metabolism. After all, if the metabolism is normalized, then the weight will also return to normal. For this purpose, decoctions and infusions of various medicinal herbs were used.

Expected results

If you strictly follow the menu of your grandmother's diet for weight loss, you can lose from 4 to 7 extra pounds. It all depends on the starting weight. The larger it is, the easier the volumes disappear.

Fractional balanced nutrition helps the body not just get rid of excess water, as happens with followers of various mono-diets. Fiber, which is included in the daily diet of the grandmother, helps get rid of toxins and promotes quick satiety. Protein foods help maintain muscle tissue. In addition, the body spends a lot of energy on their processing. Eating proteins helps break down fat.

Bay leaf for weight loss

Bay leaf is an excellent antiseptic and sedative. It improves immunity, lowers blood pressure, and is therefore widely used in folk medicine.

Preparing the infusion

Take 30 pieces of dry bay leaves and pour 800 ml of boiling water, wrap and let it brew for twelve hours. The next morning the infusion will be ready. Strain it into a clean container and drink in small portions for three days. During this period, you should not eat meat or drink alcoholic beverages.

Decoction of bay leaves

For 300 ml of boiling water you need to take three bay leaves and simmer over low heat for about five minutes. Then remove from heat and let the broth stand for 3 hours. Strain and take a tablespoon before meals for 3 days (no longer!).

Bay leaf with cinnamon

For 1 liter of boiling water you need to take 5 dried bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then leave to cool. After cooling, you need to strain and divide into three equal parts. Drink every morning on an empty stomach for 3 days.

Before trying one of these recipes, check to see if you have a bay leaf allergy. Contraindications for use are pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver disease, gastritis, diabetes, inflammation (chronic or acute).

Additional recommendations

Following additional recommendations will help increase the effectiveness of grandma's diet:

  1. It is strictly prohibited to have dinner after 19:00.
  2. While dieting, quality sleep is very important. You should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  3. You can drink plain water in any quantity, but not less than one and a half liters per day. In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink a glass of still water. It should be at room temperature. This helps prepare the body for work and launch metabolic processes.
  4. During the diet, you should not be nervous and it is advisable to drink soothing herbal tea or valerian tincture.
  5. To achieve better results, include morning exercises or a walk in your daily routine.

Important! Try grandma's diet for weight loss - a hearty menu for the week!

Teas and herbal infusions

Grandmothers' recipes for weight loss are very simple and effective, try using a few more of them.

Dandelion tea

To prepare tea, take two tablespoons of fresh or dried dandelion leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, and leave to steep overnight. Strain in the morning and drink throughout the day 15 minutes before meals. This tea is very good for weight loss.

Herbal decoction

First, you need to prepare the dry mixture. Take 4 tablespoons of senna herb, 3 tablespoons of buckthorn, 3 tablespoons of coriander seeds, 2 tablespoons of bearberry, 2 tablespoons of violet, 2 tablespoons of peppercorn. Mix all dry ingredients very thoroughly. Brew this herbal mixture as follows: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Brew for about 5 minutes, leave overnight. Drink the decoction all day for a month.

Or prepare another collection:

1 tablespoon of lavender flowers, 1 tablespoon of wild mallow, 3 tablespoons of nettle, 5 tablespoons of smokeweed, 3 tablespoons of senna leaf, mix everything thoroughly. The mixture is prepared in a thermos (1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water), leave for 3 hours. Take tea 30 minutes before meals, half a glass 3 times a day. This herbal tea helps reduce appetite.

Infusion of juniper fruits

Take equal parts of juniper fruits, senna grass and buckthorn bark. Pour this mixture into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for two hours. After this, strain the infusion, cool and take 1 tablespoon with meals.

But you must understand that you don’t just need to drink infusions or decoctions, they themselves will not cope with your extra pounds. Their use should be combined with proper nutrition and exercise. After all, how did our grandmothers lose weight? They did not store excess fat because everyone did physical work. The food we ate was simple, natural, without trans fats, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.

Therefore, change your lifestyle, fight laziness, go in for sports.

Pay attention to your diet, remove fast foods and various food “garbage” (chips and crackers), eat healthy and nutritious foods.

Also remember that stress and bad mood are the best friends of extra pounds, so smile more often, think positively, and soon you will feel an improvement in both your health and appearance.

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