What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist

How quickly the weight will be lost directly depends on when and what your last meal will be. Nutritionists never tire of repeating: there is no need to give up dinner, but you should remember that in the evening it becomes difficult for a person to digest heavy food. The production of digestive enzymes decreases, so it is easier for the body to turn food into fat and store it in reserve than to extract all the nutrients. Not all foods are suitable for the last meal.

Despite the protest of nutritionists, many people who are losing weight stubbornly ignore dinner. There are several reasons. First of all, when you refuse dinner, the total caloric content of the diet decreases. Some people believe that by eating twice a day they avoid overeating. This is actually true if you don’t snack and eat gigantic portions for breakfast and lunch. Some studies also show that long-term fasting (more than 14-16 hours at a time) is beneficial for weight loss and body renewal. Most often, with this approach, it is the last meal that is skipped. However, skipping dinner also has negative consequences.

The right dinner, or what to eat in the evening to lose weight?

No meal is surrounded by as many myths and stereotypes as dinner.
The principles of healthy eating refute them. There is no need to suffer from hunger, prohibiting yourself from eating after 18-00, giving nutritious and tasty dishes to the enemy, or limiting yourself to a glass of “zero” fat kefir. Dinner can and should help with weight loss - it’s just a matter of proper organization. Skipping meals for a long time (from afternoon snack to morning) disrupts metabolism, harms the gastric mucosa, interferes with the building of muscle tissue and metabolic processes that the body “starts” at night. Without eating dinner, a person has difficulty falling asleep in the evening, and healthy, full sleep is the key to effective weight loss. In the morning you feel a loss of strength, it’s hard to wake up and get up. This does not give carte blanche to overeating in the evening and exceeding the daily calorie intake. Dinner for weight loss - meals eaten on time, rich in nutrients, which will not cause heaviness and will not interfere with weight loss.

Rules for evening meals for weight loss:

  • have dinner three hours before bedtime (plus or minus 15 minutes) so that food is absorbed and you don’t feel hungry before bed. Therefore, the “before six” rule will only work if you go to bed at 21-00;
  • dinner accounts for 20-25% of the daily calorie intake - if you lose weight with a diet of 1200-1600 kcal, it will be up to 400 kcal;
  • if the daily calorie intake has been met during the day, it is allowed to supplement a light dinner with kefir with herbs or bran, natural yogurt half an hour to an hour before bedtime;
  • you should not skip an evening meal - irregular dinners are fraught with gastrointestinal diseases, a “plateau” when losing weight, a person will become irritable and nervous;
  • dinner must include foods rich in protein and fiber (about 100 g and 150 g, respectively), with a minimum of carbohydrates and foods with a high glycemic index;
  • you need to concentrate on food, chewing food thoroughly and putting away gadgets to avoid the risk of uncontrolled overeating;
  • dinner should be accompanied by a sufficient amount of liquid - water, pure or with lemon, green or herbal tea (many doctors do not recommend freshly squeezed juices; it is better to eat a whole fruit or vegetable);
  • If you overeat (an evening trip to a cafe, a hard day at work), you should not skip breakfast the next day - additional training or jogging will help get rid of the calories received.

What time should you have dinner to lose weight?

Many women who are on a diet choose not to eat in the evening, which is harmful to the body. This kind of fasting will not help you lose weight. Indeed, when eating food, the body will release enzymes to aid digestion, so if the stomach is empty, these enzymes will attack the stomach. It's better to eat less than not to eat at all.

Ideally, dinner should be eaten around 2-3 hours after afternoon tea (3:30 p.m.). If you plan to train after work, then afternoon tea should be moved to 16:30, followed by training and dinner can start at 19:00 or 19:30.

Don't worry about dinner being too late. As long as you don't exceed your daily caloric intake, the timing of your dinner won't matter.

However, after 20:00 it is no longer worth eating.

Things to remember:

Healthy eating is 70-80% of success in losing weight. Regardless of the composition of the dinner, to lose weight it is necessary to maintain a balance in meals and the total daily calorie intake for weight loss. Therefore, it is important to organize proper nutrition throughout the day. “Sitting on snacks” and evening overeating (even within the calorie norm) leads to digestive and metabolic disorders, as does a break between meals of 12 hours or more.

The importance of breakfast and lunch is not questioned by any professional nutritionist, nutritionist or fitness trainer. However, the energy value and composition of BJU must be rationally distributed between all meals and the diet must be followed. If you have no time or no desire to cook in compliance with the KBZHU, delivery of a weekly Light diet specially developed at BeFit will help. It contains delicious and varied dishes for healthy and intensive weight loss.

What is not recommended for dinner?

In the evening, food should be nutritious, but light. To lose weight while maintaining a healthy and beautiful body, exclude legumes, cabbage and other foods that cause bloating and complicate night digestion from the dinner menu. In the evening, it is not recommended to eat foods fried in oil, deep-fried, or treats rich in fats, sugar, and other “fast” carbohydrates - sweet baked goods, flour and confectionery products. Excludes:

  • starchy dishes - potatoes, pasta, polished rice, couscous;
  • fruits with a high sugar content - grapes, bananas, peaches, figs, melon (it has a diuretic effect, you should not eat it at night);
  • industrial sweet cheeses, curds and yoghurts;
  • dried fruits and nuts in large portions - they are too high in calories, eat them little by little for dinner;
  • red meat - it will increase the amount of adrenaline and interfere with sleep;
  • smoked, salty foods - they retain water, in the morning the face will become swollen;
  • fatty meat and poultry (goose, duck);
  • soda, processed foods and fast food.

What not to do

Do you want to speed up the process of losing excess weight? Then you need a light dinner for weight loss. Products for its preparation should be chosen responsibly. It is strictly forbidden to eat in the evenings:

  • baked goods, flour products, any confectionery;
  • potatoes, polished rice, pasta;
  • fried foods and foods;
  • sweet fruits (mango, peaches, melon, watermelon, grapes, bananas);
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • products to which sugar was added during the production process (sweet curds, curd desserts, curd masses and yoghurts).

In addition, it is not recommended to consume legume products in the evenings. They can complicate digestion.

Healthy foods for dinner and how to prepare them

The essence of the evening meal is to prepare the body for night rest, optimizing the metabolic process, which does not stop during sleep. It is recommended not to fry dishes for dinner, but to bake, stew or steam (in a double boiler, in a water bath). It is important to include fiber in your meals, which will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of decay products and “garbage” accumulated during the day. It is found in vegetables, so in the evening it is useful to eat cucumbers, zucchini and zucchini, tomatoes, beets, corn - almost everything except potatoes.

At night, the body intensively “builds” muscle tissue, and it needs proteins. “Building material” suitable for dinner is lean meat and poultry (rabbit, chicken or turkey, veal), eggs, cheese and tofu as a protein supplement. The optimal main dish for the evening is fish or seafood. The abundance of phosphorus, omega acids, iodine and other nutrients will be beneficial, and easy digestibility will not let you feel heaviness in the stomach. Tuna, pink salmon, cod, haddock, trout, hake and other low- and moderate-fat fish are suitable. The best seafood options are mussels, squid, shrimp and scallops.

A few additional recommendations:

  • the correct end to dinner is sour and moderately sweet berries and fruits (apples, pears, citrus fruits, pineapple, kiwi);
  • It is useful to include cottage cheese in your dinner, which is rich in calcium and contains casein “long” protein - it is required for the restoration of muscle tissue;
  • You can season and complement dishes with fermented milk products - yogurt, low-fat kefir, natural yogurt without additives;
  • fresh herbs, dry bran, flax or chia seeds will improve digestion;
  • for vegetarians, animal protein is replaced with peas, lentils, and beans;
  • with an active lifestyle, intense training, physical activity, “slow” carbohydrates are introduced into the evening diet - whole grain bread, buckwheat, brown rice, and so on.

What to eat in the morning at lunch and in the evening for a healthy diet for weight loss?

To speed up your metabolism, add protein to breakfast: eggs, fish, lean chicken or cottage cheese. Digesting protein foods burns more calories and keeps you full longer. Breakfast stabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents you from overeating in the evening.

Second breakfast or afternoon snack is a snack that allows you to avoid wild hunger at lunch. You can divide a large breakfast into two servings or eat one full meal, and two hours later choose whole grain bread with peanut butter or yogurt with berries, make a snack of chickpeas and herbs, crumble pepper and dill into the grain curd.

For lunch, it is permissible to combine protein foods with starchy foods. Carbohydrates fill the body with energy to avoid the classic mid-day slump. The main thing is that these are not simple carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice or white bread with sweets. Options include whole grain porridge, rye bread with chicken, and casseroles of meat and vegetables.

Craving for sweets around three o'clock in the afternoon is a way to combat the fatigue accumulated in the morning. You can satisfy it with unsalted nuts, yogurt with flaxseeds, carrots with apples, pomegranate, and grapefruit.

Dinner is not a reason to avoid carbs. Scientists have proven that they help the nervous system calm down after a hard day. You need foods rich in fiber as well as healthy fats. Fish such as sardines, salmon and mackerel, combined with vegetables, will help the body recover at night. You can steam green buckwheat, boil oat grains, or eat some sprouted wheat.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist

Examples of dishes that are suitable for dinner and help you lose weight

You can lose weight without limiting yourself to a variety of delicious dishes for dinner. By combining sources of protein, fiber and dressings, alternating cooking methods, adding a salad of fresh vegetables with olives, tofu or mozzarella to dinner, you can “feast” every night, losing weight and eating right. Here are a few basic recipes, and your culinary imagination will help you supplement and adjust them.

Protein main dish with light side dish

A classic dinner for weight loss - a portion of healthy protein, complemented by a side dish of fiber - fresh or baked vegetables. The main dish can be fish or chicken or turkey breast. They are prepared, cut into portions, and, if necessary, coated with a mixture of salt and spices, olive oil (a little, it contains almost 900 kcal per 100 grams), soy sauce or kefir. Pieces of meat or fish are baked in the oven, stewed under a lid or boiled, no deep-frying or frying in oil.

Vegetables - fresh or cooked - are suitable as a side dish. Eggplants, zucchini, onions, sweet peppers, carrots with spices and herbs are baked in foil, they turn out juicy and elegant. Cauliflower or broccoli can be boiled, tomatoes, cucumbers and celery can be eaten in a salad. By adding a mixture of fresh vegetables tofu, low-fat cheese, and cottage cheese, you will get a complete evening meal, light and nutritious.

Top best dishes for dinner

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist

If you want to lose weight, choose only dietary dishes for dinner. They should be low-calorie and as healthy as possible. A small rating will guide you and tell you exactly how to diversify the menu to benefit your health and figure.

  1. Salads made from green vegetables and herbs, with herbs and spices, lemon juice or olive oil as a dressing.
  2. Protein salads with pieces of chicken, shrimp, crab meat, cottage cheese, egg whites, with sour cream instead of dressing.
  3. Vegetable stew.
  4. Cottage cheese with herbs / cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Boiled turkey/chicken.
  6. Omelette (preferably baked or microwaved) with vegetables, boiled eggs.
  7. Seafood salad.
  8. Steamed fish.
  9. Boiled beans.
  10. Cocktails / smoothies / fresh juices.

The right dinner for weight loss

Features of dinners for weight loss.
Allowed and prohibited foods, nutritionist recommendations. TOP 10 dishes for a diet dinner. A weight loss dinner is an evening meal designed with the need for weight loss in mind. In dietetics, there are often calls not to have dinner, so as not to overload the stomach and not provoke excess fat deposits. But recently, nutritionists are increasingly understanding the importance of evening meals and the right approach to preparing them. Let's figure out what to eat for dinner when losing weight.

We have dinner correctly and keep our figure normal

You may not notice any noticeable weight loss if you follow these rules. But, at a minimum, no harm will be done to the figure. And along with excellent body contours, vigor, love of life and a luminous look will appear. Madame Georgette advises everyone who wants to be beautiful and healthy to listen to the rules presented. It doesn't take any effort to follow them. Then say goodbye to fat! In the meantime, see you soon... And yes, watch the video about proper dinner from Elena. I'll like it. You can also read about useful weight loss habits that you should develop.

Features of proper dinners for weight loss

Many people know about the importance of breakfast. It energizes, saturates the body, and allows you to stay full until lunch. Not everyone understands why dinner is needed. Sometimes they prefer to skip it in order to lose weight, but this should not be done.

Like breakfast and lunch, dinner plays a big role in metabolism:

  • Eliminates fasting. Long-term abstinence slows down metabolism, causing the body to store nutrients in reserve.
  • Prevents deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients.
  • Relieves insomnia: it is more difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach.
  • Maintains metabolism at the desired level.
  • Helps restore strength after a workout or working day.
  • Relaxes, calms.

In order for food to be absorbed and not stored as fat on the body, dinner must be properly organized and prepared.

Nutritionists give it the following characteristics:

  • Easy. Dinner PP for weight loss should not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, otherwise sleep will be restless. The food needs to be completely digested and absorbed.
  • Useful. A proper dinner for weight loss supplies the body with vitamins and minerals. It is not stored in the body as excess fat.
  • With minimal calories to promote weight loss.
  • The portion of a simple dinner for weight loss is minimal so that there is no heaviness in the stomach.
  • Balanced, containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 40/20/40.
  • Nutritious to satisfy your hunger.

Eat before 19:00 in the evening so that the food has time to partially digest and assimilate. If you eat dinner late, most of the nutrients are not absorbed, and food is stored as fat in unnecessary places.

To make your diet dinner for weight loss truly healthy, follow these recommendations:

  • Eat your vegetables first. They prepare the stomach to digest heavy foods.
  • The volume of vegetables should be 2-3 times larger than protein products.
  • When losing weight, the calorie content of dinner is 300 kcal. If your weight is normal, but you want to eat healthy, you can increase your caloric intake to 400 kcal.
  • Eat at the same time. While the general recommendation is not to eat after 7 pm, consider breakfast times. At least 10 hours should pass between morning and evening meals. If you have breakfast late, move dinner too.
  • Use gentle food processing. Eat vegetables and fruits raw if possible. Bake, stew or steam meat, fish. Avoid fried foods.
  • Chew thoroughly to fill up faster and help your stomach.
  • Don’t limit your dinner to just yogurt or kefir, as many people who are losing weight do. These products will not be able to saturate the body and provide it with the necessary elements.
  • An hour and a half before your evening meal, take a walk to burn some calories.
  • If you feel hungry before bed, eat an apple, drink tea without sugar or kefir.
  • Leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Drink half an hour after eating: water flushes out gastric juice and impairs digestion.

Today, dinner is a meal when the whole family gathers around the table. But often it turns not into an intimate conversation, but into watching TV while eating fast food and junk food. If you are trying to lose weight, do not follow this habit.

What can you have for dinner when losing weight?

The list of products for a light dinner for weight loss is quite wide, so everyone will find something to enjoy in the evening:

  • Protein products . They take a long time to digest, do not leave a feeling of heaviness, and are a source of proteins and calcium necessary for the construction of body tissues. It is allowed to eat cheese, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, boiled or stewed lean meat (chicken, turkey), fish, and seafood.
  • Legumes . It is a source of vegetable protein. They also leave a person full for a long time, so they are recommended before a long night break in meals. Beans, lentils, chickpeas are suitable.
  • Spices with a mild taste . Avoid spicy foods that invigorate and lead to insomnia. But spices, not too hot spices, will soothe, relax and promote digestion (cardamom, ginger, coriander).
  • Sprouted grains . It is a source of many useful substances and a colossal amount of energy.
  • Greenery . Not a single meal when losing weight is complete without fiber. It helps digest food and absorb nutrients. For dinner when losing weight, onions, dill, parsley, and amaranth are suitable.
  • Mushrooms . Although they are considered heavy food, in small quantities they will help satisfy hunger and provide the body with valuable protein.
  • Vegetable oils . Used as a source of unsaturated fats.

You can also season your dinner with 10% sour cream or apple cider vinegar. For drinks, give preference to herbal tea, fermented milk products, smoothies or juices. Natural red wine is allowed in small quantities.

Dietary options

They sit down for dinner when it works out, but at the planned time. Despite the restrictions, the list of dietary dinners is wide. The main and minor ingredients are changed systematically or based on personal taste preferences.

  1. Fish. It is recommended to consume 300-350 g per week. Preference is given to varieties enriched with unsaturated fatty acids: salmon, trout, herring. Fish, like meat, contains animal protein, but it is lean. If possible, buy fresh and prepare it the same day. Aquatic animals are cooked quickly, and maximum useful elements are preserved. Fish goes well with raw and boiled vegetables and cereals.
  2. Vegetables. Garden crops have low energy density. They fill you up with minimal calories. A cup of vegetable salad consisting of cabbage, cucumber, and spinach contains less than 26 kcal. The crops are rich in fiber, which improves intestinal function and accelerates the elimination of toxins. You should eat both raw and cooked vegetables.
  3. Dairy products. Natural yogurt accelerates fat burning and restores intestinal microflora. A glass of drink contains enough nutrients to support the functioning of the body at night. Cottage cheese is a source of protein, calcium, and selenium. It goes well with herbs, fruits, and pumpkin.

What should you not eat for dinner when losing weight?

There are a number of foods that are not suitable for dinner when losing weight on a healthy diet. They cause flatulence, heaviness in the stomach, are too high in calories, so there is a risk of deposition of excess fat in the body.

Undesirable products include:

  • beans and peas (cause bloating);
  • cream, full-fat milk, sour cream;
  • vegetables rich in starch (potatoes, beets, carrots);
  • corn;
  • fatty meat (goose, duck, pork);
  • flour products (pasta, pastries, fresh white bread, pancakes or pancakes);
  • sweets;
  • dishes and semi-finished products made from meat and dough (dumplings, dumplings, pizza, sandwiches, pasties, belyashi, etc.);
  • cornflakes;
  • fast food;
  • smoked meats, pickles;
  • nuts, fruits (fresh and dried).

What foods are best not to eat in the evening?

In the evening, metabolism slows down significantly, so it is important to avoid high-calorie foods that digest slowly and cause stomach discomfort. Foods that should not be consumed in the evening before bed:

Foods that should not be consumed in the evening before bed:

  1. White bread, buns, baked goods - premium flour, which is part of these bakery products, has a high glycemic index. Therefore, within an hour after eating these products, you feel strong hunger, which provokes overeating at night.
  2. Red meat - the product contains a large amount of tyrosine, the consumption of which increases the level of adrenaline in the blood. It stimulates the nervous system before bedtime. Red meat also takes a long time to digest, causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  3. Smoked meats contain a lot of salt and fat, causing swelling, dry mouth and excess weight gain.
  4. Rice is a grain rich in starch and fast carbohydrates, so a dietary dinner for both men and women should not include rice.
  5. Chocolate is a product rich in caffeine, sugar, and fast carbohydrates. It can be included in the daily diet in minimal quantities, but it is not advisable to consume chocolate in the evening, as it excites the nervous system and quickly turns into subcutaneous fat.
  6. Sweet fruits contain simple carbohydrates and sugar, so when metabolism slows down in the evening, they lose their benefits, slowing down the weight loss process.
  7. Horseradish, mustard, all kinds of spices put a heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract, which functions slowly at the end of the day.
  8. Fast food should not be present at all in the diet of a person losing weight.

TOP 10 healthy dinners

Choose dinner recipes for weight loss in accordance with your own preferences and capabilities. Give preference to a protein dinner for weight loss as a satisfying and optimal way to get full and lose weight. But if there is no meat or fish in the refrigerator, choose a suitable option from the available products.

There are several dinner combinations that suit different types of people:

  • Low calorie . Ideal option for those losing weight. The dishes include stewed or fresh vegetables, vegetable cutlets, and herbs. This dinner is optimal for vegetarians.
  • Protein . Meals rich in protein foods are suitable for both women and men. Stewed or boiled meat or fish, eggs, and seafood salads are prepared for it. Use white cheeses, cottage cheese, mushrooms.
  • Drinking . If you are on a strict diet, drinks and liquid dishes are suitable: juices from vegetables or unsweetened fruits, smoothies, chicken broth, herbal tea or compote.
  • Carbohydrate . This dinner option is recommended for people with increased physical activity. It allows a combination of meat, fish with beans or lentils, rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, rye bread, avocado, and durum wheat pasta.

We offer TOP 10 dinner options for weight loss with recipes:

  • Greek salad . The perfect dinner dish that combines proteins and vegetables. It saturates well and does not cause a feeling of heaviness. To prepare, take 100 g of feta cheese or feta cheese, 1 bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, onion and 3 cloves of garlic. Cut the vegetables and cheese into large slices and mix in a bowl, chop the garlic in a crusher and also pour into the salad. Season the dish with olive oil, you can add a little 10% grape vinegar.
  • Omelet with turkey meat . Boil 150 g turkey fillet until tender, cut into pieces. Chop the bell pepper into strips. Place the ingredients in a greased frying pan. Beat in 2 eggs and simmer over low heat until done. You can cook the dish in the microwave: then place the ingredients for the omelette on a fireproof dish. Serve garnished with greens and lettuce leaves.
  • Flounder with steamed vegetables . Instead, you can take any lean fish. Cut the flounder carcass into pieces and marinate in spices. Cut 100 g of zucchini and eggplant into pieces. Chop 2 tomatoes and celery. Add a couple of crushed garlic cloves. Drizzle the vegetables with olive oil. Place all the ingredients in a steamer or frying pan and simmer until done.
  • Carrot cutlets . The recipe allows you to combine protein and vegetable products in one dish. Peel, boil and grate 0.5 kg of carrots. Boil 100 ml of cream and 50 g of semolina and leave for some time for the cereal to swell. Add egg, salt, semolina to carrots, mix. Pour the breadcrumbs into a dish, place a cake of minced carrots on them, and put a piece of melted cheese inside. Form a cutlet and roll it in breadcrumbs so that the cheese is inside. Fry the cutlets on both sides in a small amount of oil.
  • Vegetable mille-feuille . A very tasty vegetable dish, ideal for a diet dinner. Place the bell pepper on a baking sheet and bake for 7 minutes at 200 degrees. Peel the eggplants, cut into thin strips and add to the pepper for another 6 minutes. Remove the baked vegetables, peel the membrane from the pepper and cut into 4 pieces. Keep the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, remove, cool in water and peel. Mix soft cream cheese with chopped herbs. Place vegetables on a plate in layers, spread each of them with cheese and herbs. Place the dish in the freezer for 10 minutes. Take it out and sprinkle with grated hard cheese.
  • Bean salad with tomatoes . The dish is suitable for both a festive table and a light dinner. Cook the beans until tender (the amount of the ingredient depends on the desired volume of the salad). Peel the bell pepper. You can pre-bake it to mellow out the flavor. Chop celery and tomatoes, red and green onions, parsley. Mix vegetables with beans in one bowl. Season the salad with olive oil, mustard, and spices.
  • Salmon with broccoli . The dish is not cheap, but nutritious and healthy. Pour boiling water over 4 tomatoes, peel and grind in a blender. Add 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, salt. Cut the fish into pieces weighing 100 g, place on a wire rack and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. Boil broccoli until done. Serve vegetables and fish with tomato sauce.
  • Salad with red fish . An easy dietary dish that takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare. Place lettuce leaves on a plate. Cut the avocado in half, remove the middle and cut into rings. Cut 2 tomatoes into semicircles. Place the tomatoes in a circle on a plate with leaves, then the avocado. Chop 150 g of lightly salted red fish into thin slices and place on vegetables. Mix 50 ml olive oil with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, salt, pepper and 1 tsp honey. Pour the prepared dressing over the salad.
  • Brass chicken meatballs . An excellent protein dinner option. The dish is easy to prepare; thanks to the addition of onions, the meat comes out juicy. If you wish, you can add chopped bell pepper, carrots, and herbs to the minced meat. Place the minced chicken in a bowl, add salt, pepper, and egg. Peel and chop onions and other vegetables as desired in a mixer bowl or blender. Add oat bran, mix and form meatballs. Place on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour.
  • Cucumber salad with tuna . Fish with fresh vegetables is the best dinner option. Wash and chop 3 cucumbers. Place the tuna from the can into a bowl and mash with a fork. Chop the parsley. Place all the ingredients in a bowl, pour in olive oil, lemon juice, sprinkle with ground black pepper, and garnish with olives.

What you can have for dinner while losing weight - watch the video:

Knowing what to eat for dinner while losing weight will help you prepare a healthy, light evening meal. These dishes have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, do not leave a feeling of heaviness, and saturate the body with nutrients.

List of products for a proper dinner

The main components of a dietary dinner are protein and fiber. This combination will saturate the body until breakfast.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist

The amount of carbohydrates and fats will have to be reduced to a minimum. But you should completely avoid foods with sugar and starch (potatoes and pasta, white rice, flour, smoked foods, sweets, fruits with a high glycemic index, sweet sour milk, fatty and fried foods, soda, etc.).

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist

Your dinner should be nutritious and at the same time not “heavy” for digestion. So, what foods should you eat in the evening to lose weight at night?

Lean meat or poultry. These foods contain large amounts of protein, which the body requires at night to build muscles and new cells. For dinner you can eat chicken, turkey, lean beef or veal. Be sure to remove the skin from the bird! By the way, it is best to cook minced meat (minced meat) - for example, steamed cutlets. In this case, it will be easier for the body to cope with the digestion of food.

Fish and seafood. Give preference to dietary fish - hake, pollock, pike perch, carp, navaga, flounder, blue whiting. Red fish contains too much fat, which is not suitable for dinner. Any seafood will do, they are also rich in protein. You can eat squid, shrimp, scallops, etc.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist
About fish

Fermented milk products. Such products are well digested by the body and have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, ayran 1-2% fat - ideal for dinner. Cottage cheese up to 5% fat is also perfect, as it contains a large amount of amino acids (12 g of protein per 100 g).

Cheese. Although cheeses contain not only protein, but also fatty acids, they are allowed in small quantities for dinner. You can eat 1-2 pieces in total. Buy cheese up to 50% fat or mozzarella, Adyghe cheese, cheese, feta.

Eggs. Eggs are also a storehouse of healthy amino acids. But for dinner you can eat only 1 egg with a yolk, boil it or make an omelet/scrambled egg in a small amount of butter. If you want more, eat only proteins.

Vegetables and greens. From vegetables, the body will receive fiber and carbohydrates - in acceptable quantities for dinner. You can eat both fresh and baked vegetables. The best options for weight loss: all types of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, celery, carrots, green peas. You can season the salad with natural yogurt, soy sauce, lemon or a minimal amount of olive oil. In general, greens can be consumed without restrictions, even for late meals.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist

Sour fruits. Fruits are not recommended for dinner due to their high glycemic index and the amount of sugars they contain. But this does not apply to all fruits. Along with dinner, it is permissible to eat a green apple, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, that is, all kinds of unsweetened fruits.

Drinks without sugar. This is herbal tea, plain water, water with lemon. But not juices or soda – the concentration of sugars in them is too high. This means that such drinks contain a lot of carbohydrates. For the same reason, you should be careful with alcohol.

Bread. This low-calorie product is an excellent substitute for bread, which is not recommended for dinner. You can make a sandwich from bread with cottage cheese and vegetables. Or eat a couple of breads with kefir and apple.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight, advice from a nutritionist
Bread sandwiches

Interesting: Crispbread for weight loss

Now you know what you need to eat for dinner to lose weight at night. After all, as we have already mentioned, it is the evening meal that is the key point in losing excess weight.


What do you have for dinner?

What is the best thing to eat for dinner when losing weight?

“Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to your enemy” is a folk wisdom that many people who are losing weight perceive as a direct guide to action. And they completely exclude dinner from the daily routine, hoping in this way to quickly part with the hated fat folds. However, doctors think differently: you need to have dinner without fail, the main thing is to approach the issue competently. Today we will tell you what is best to eat for dinner to lose weight, and share recipes for delicious low-calorie dishes.

What is your healthy dinner for weight loss?

Before we plunge into the world of dinner recipes for weight loss, let's discuss what a proper evening meal should be. In total, there are 7 main points that must be taken into account if you are planning to lose weight:

  1. Dinner time. There are no universal numbers - for each of us this time is selected individually, since it completely depends on the specific daily routine. The main condition is that the last “reinforcement” should be no later than three, or better yet, four hours before going to bed. Simply put, if you go to bed at 12 at night, the “not a crumb after six” rule does not apply to you - feel free to have dinner at 8-9 in the evening and don’t worry about your figure.
  2. Physical activity after meals. Even the most healthy dinner for weight loss can be left behind if you lie down on the sofa with a book after it. This doesn't mean you need to run a marathon after your meal - take a walk before bed, play with the kids, do household chores. A little physical activity after a meal is the key to proper absorption and digestion of food.
  3. Forbidden foods. Forget about “grandmother’s” dinners - fried potatoes and meat, pasta, cereals, store-bought sauces, bread, and various sweets. The list of what is best to eat for dinner when losing weight does not include simple carbohydrates and starch.
  4. Serving size. Dinner for weight loss with proper nutrition should be light, so you will have to forget about large portions. Place two palms together - this will be your standard portion for dinner. It turns out approximately 250 grams for girls and 350 for men. Moreover, of this seemingly large volume, protein takes up only a third, and two thirds are allocated to vegetables or herbs.
  5. Calorie content. For dinner, you should eat a maximum of 20-25 percent of your daily calories. That is, up to approximately 400 kcal, if you need to maintain your weight at the same level. For those who want to lose extra centimeters on their sides and are looking for a low-calorie dinner for weight loss, the numbers are different - approximately 300-350 kcal.
  6. Individual characteristics. Take them into account - almost all of us have a product that is poorly digestible. For example, even if you really like beans or peas, but you feel that they are poorly digested in your body, you should not have dinner with them. The list of foods that are easily digestible includes chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, citrus fruits and non-starchy vegetables. To increase the speed of digestion, the product should be stewed, boiled or pureed.
  7. Correct behavior. We can tell you for a long time what you need to eat for dinner to lose weight, but HOW you eat it is no less important. Forget about dinners at the computer, in front of the TV or with a book in your hands. Chew your food properly - this way it will be better absorbed. It is recommended to drink a glass of plain water 20 minutes before a meal. You should not drink coffee an hour before dinner and an hour after - the drink affects the adrenal glands, which slows down the process of digesting food.

What can you eat for dinner when losing weight: foods

And now - about our little friends, healthy products from which you can make the right dinner for weight loss. The list is impressive, so you definitely won’t be left without something tasty:

  • Meat is exclusively lean: veal, chicken breast, rabbit, turkey.
  • A variety of seafood - from crabs to shrimp and mussels.
  • Fish - low-fat and medium fat: cod, trout, salmon, pike perch, tuna, perch - sea and river, pink salmon and so on.
  • Fresh juicy vegetables: any cabbage, sweet peppers, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, any greens, onions of all kinds.
  • Other vegetables, stewed or baked in a slow cooker or oven without oil (or with a small amount): carrots, beets, eggplants, sweet corn, pumpkin, zucchini in all variations, any cabbage.
  • Eggs in different versions: soft-boiled, hard-boiled, in the form of an omelet - with herbs, low-fat cottage cheese or cheese (for example, tofu or feta cheese).
  • Dairy products, or better yet, fermented milk products: kefir, unsweetened yogurt, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Any fruits and berries, with the exception of bananas and grapes.
  • Nuts – almonds and walnuts, but no more than 5-10 pieces.
  • Mushrooms and whole grain bread - in small quantities, no more than 50-60 grams.
  • Warm milk - provided that you consume it separately from other products. Suitable for those looking for the lightest possible weight loss dinner.

Now that you have a rough idea of ​​what’s best for dinner to lose weight, let’s move on to the best part – recipes for low-calorie dishes for an evening meal.

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