How to lose weight after 35 years for a woman: proper nutrition, training and reviews

Women over 35

The female body after 35 is subject to some age-related changes. Much depends on lifestyle, nutrition, and previous diseases. An abundance of carbohydrate foods and their fermentation can cause the stomach to sag (gas formation will swell the intestines). If toxins have accumulated and there is a lack of fluid, the skin will begin to lose elasticity and wrinkles will appear. “Humps” of fatty tissue may form on the neck due to osteochondrosis and increased production of hormones by the adrenal glands. Height may decrease if there have been heavy loads on the spine or the muscle corset has been weakened.

Causes of excess weight

The amount of estrogen in a woman’s body after 35 decreases, and metabolism slows down. These are natural causes of weight gain . Junk food, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and lack of sleep lead to toxins accumulating in the body and weight gain. Diseases associated with the functioning of the endocrine glands contribute to women's hormonal imbalance.

Why is it difficult to lose weight

After the age of 25, metabolism slows down by 1-2% per year. The 25 daily exercises required for weight loss will not be enough after 10 years. The second factor is a decrease in ovarian function, which leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones. The body resists this process and transfers part of the function to fatty tissue under the skin. A woman’s diet after 35 years should be reconsidered if your weight has increased by 10 kg or more (gaining several kilograms is normal for this age).

How to lose weight correctly for a woman after 35 years

A diet after 35 years for weight loss is one of the means to keep yourself in shape, but not the best. The result will not last long without an integrated approach. It is useful for a woman to form a balanced diet, increase physical activity and accustom the body to a rational regime: go to bed, get up, eat, exercise at certain hours.


How to lose weight after 35 years for women? Start by reviewing your diet - determine the “golden mean” for yourself, choose allowed and prohibited foods. Long-term fasting (without consultation with a doctor) can have a negative impact on health if the body is not prepared or there are chronic diseases. Every woman knows about the dangers of overeating, but after 35 it is reasonable to limit some foods or exclude them from the diet completely. Tips for proper nutrition after 35 years:

  • Gradually bring your caloric intake to 1500-2000 calories per day. Any online calculator will help you calculate BJU (proteins, carbohydrates, fats).
  • Drink more water. The daily norm for a healthy person is 1.5-2 liters. It helps remove toxins and waste.
  • Enrich your diet with foods high in protein and calcium. The first is responsible for maintaining muscle tone, the second – for the health of teeth, bones, and nails. Eat lean meat, dairy products, fish, seafood.
  • Eat often - 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Chew your food thoroughly - it will be easier to digest, and you will eat a smaller portion.
  • Arrange fasting days (1-2) every week on one healthy product: kefir, cucumbers, yogurt.
  • You should eat carbohydrate foods for breakfast, eat foods that contain healthy fats for lunch, and leave most protein foods for dinner.


Slender women over 35 must include physical activity in their schedule. This can be training in the gym or at home, but at least 3 times a week for an hour. In the fight for a slim figure, aerobic types of exercise (aerobics, swimming, cycling, running) are indispensable, but after 35 they are not as effective as strength training. The latter will help you lose fat, build muscle, and speed up lipid metabolism. A strength training program will be drawn up by a trainer.


The first place in deciding how to lose weight after 35 years is the organization of proper and balanced nutrition. To achieve weight loss without harming your health, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Nutrition should be balanced. Avoid unhealthy and fatty foods and watch your portion size. Nutritionists recommend that women aged thirty years and older drink at least two liters of water daily. A sufficient volume of fluid improves metabolism in the body and promotes the elimination of toxins.

When thinking about how to lose weight after 35 years, keep in mind that at this age there is a decrease in muscle tone, and, in general, muscle mass in the female body. Increase your protein intake by adding foods such as meat, poultry, legumes and fish. This will help keep your muscles in good shape.

It is better to cook dishes from these products on the grill or in a double boiler with a minimum amount of fat and salt. For productive fat burning, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of calcium in the body. Observations show that those women who consume foods high in this element are better able to lose weight while playing sports.

For thirty-year-old women, the daily kilocalorie norm is 2000-2300. It is better to distribute the daily amount of food into 5-6 meals.

The daily diet could be, for example, like this:

  • Breakfast: fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt), fresh vegetables
  • Lunch: fruit
  • Lunch: lean soup, boiled beef or chicken with a side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: banana, yogurt.
  • Dinner: omelet with green peas, green tea.

How to speed up your metabolism

If the metabolism is slow, it will be difficult for a woman to lose weight at any age. To do this, you need to act in two directions: cleanse the body and speed up the movement of its fluids (blood, lymph). The first thing to start with is giving up bad habits, if any, and reviewing your diet in favor of healthy food. The second process is activated by physical activity and various procedures. How to improve metabolism:

  • Eat foods rich in protein. They take longer to digest, using more energy.
  • Drink green tea regularly, which makes you lose fat. It is rich in antioxidants that slow down the aging process.
  • Add hot spices. Chili peppers, curries, and ginger contain the substance capsaicin, which stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Sleep for at least 8 hours, otherwise all physiological processes will be inhibited.
  • Train. Healthy, strong muscles have a positive effect on metabolism.
  • Go for a massage, go to the bathhouse. The procedures improve health, remove harmful substances, and accelerate blood circulation.
  • Take a contrast shower. It will help you lose weight, your skin will become tightened, and cellulite will disappear.

Diet for women after 35 years

Diets are based on eliminating from the diet for a time everything that contributes to weight gain and limiting the caloric content of portions. Prohibited foods include: baked goods, smoked meats, pickles, anything fried, canned food. It is recommended to replace unhealthy sweets with honey (no more than 2 tsp per day) and dried fruits. Following these restrictions will help women over 35 to maintain a slim figure after a diet. Sample diet menu:

200 g of oatmeal with milk up to 2.5% fat with a spoon of honey and 30 g of dried fruits, green tea without sugar

Principles of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition after 35, which helps to lose weight and keep it at the optimal level, includes the following points:

  1. Eat moderate amounts of food before bed. Prepare dinner from easily digestible foods.
  2. Eliminating refined sugar and replacing it with natural honey (up to 2 teaspoons per day).
  3. Reducing the amount of salt in dishes.
  4. Minimum consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of smoked meats, semi-finished products, confectionery products, and baked goods.
  6. Consuming dairy products separately from other products.
  7. Fractional meals: small portions 5 – 6 times a day.
  8. Eating carefully and leisurely.
  9. Breakfast required. Eating in the morning stimulates metabolism, which at 35 years old begins to slow down.

Woman with water bottle in park

Proper nutrition for a 35 year old woman

In recent years, the benefits of proper nutrition have been talked about everywhere - on television, on Internet portals, on the radio, in newspapers, and in books. Specialized seminars are held and even courses are opened that promote proper nutrition for women and men, children and adults. But despite this availability of information, it is impossible to say that all people eat right. On the contrary, the number of those who prefer junk food every day is much greater than those who support healthy food.

This statistical indicator indicates that society is at risk of obesity, excess weight, subsequent health problems of all organs and systems, and premature aging.

For women, these risks are the most terrible, because they are a threat to beauty, which, if left uncared for, will quickly disappear. Therefore, you should pull yourself together in time and take care of your body. It is especially important after 35 years to learn to control your eating habits and be able to say “no” to your “want”.

Recommended nutrition at 35 years old

After 30 years, it is important for women to monitor their figure, health, and appearance. Despite your young age, the body is already becoming more susceptible to the negative effects of various factors. A healthy diet is one of the main factors that can withstand the coming age-related changes. Why it is important to adjust your menu at this age is not understood by many ladies. But it is after 35 years, and for some even earlier, that girls come out of maternity leave, already have families with children, jobs at the start of their careers. As a result of such wealth, the young woman is in constant trouble and worries, because of which she does not have time to eat on time, there is no time for breakfast, and in the evening her hungry body demands to sweep away everything that is edible on the table.

With this approach to nutrition, some end up with extra centimeters on their waists, while others suffer from exhaustion and weakness. In both cases, there is a lack of vitamins, proteins and beneficial microelements.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat regularly, in small portions, at thirty and later. Food should be balanced, with a full range of vitamins, proteins, acids, fats and carbohydrates, and other microelements that are important for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Eating 5 times a day, without fasting. It’s easy to take a small bag of healthy snacks to work, but your body will be grateful for such care.

Causes of excess weight


Losing weight after 35 is difficult not only because of age-related changes in the body, but because of lifestyle. You spend less and less time on the move, more and more often you stay at home in front of the TV screen.

While watching movies, many people get used to chewing something, but it has long been known that when attention is diverted from the process of eating, a person does not notice the moment of satiety and overeats. As a result, the kilograms accumulate, and there is no longer enough time or mood to burn them.

Lack of hormones

Hormonal levels also play an important role. Estrogens present in the human body help store fat. On the contrary, progesterones burn it.

At a young age, when girls have regular periods and hormonal levels are stable, fat accumulation and burning are balanced, and weight is maintained without much effort.

Water in the body

Due to the unequal amount of hormones, fluid retention in the body also occurs. During such periods, weight quickly increases by 1-2 kilograms. In a normal cycle, this excess weight is eliminated in the next month. But with age-related hormonal imbalances, there are more and more months when ovulation does not occur.

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With age, the metabolic rate also decreases. Every year, the number of calories burned by the body per day decreases by 2%.

That is, about 100 calories remain unspent every day if physical activity is not increased. Thus, to lose weight after 35, you need to constantly increase the intensity of your training.

No movement

Thanks to progress that does not stand still, women are able to entrust an increasing part of their work to machines. Dishwashers, washing machines, ironing presses, elevators - all this makes life much easier.

But at the same time, all this deprives us of the need to constantly move. Previously, to find out the latest news, you had to go to a public place or visit friends. Now all you have to do is turn on your computer and look on the Internet. Household chores are kept to a minimum, and sports activities are put on the back burner.

Modern fashion mercilessly dictates the “90-60-90” rule - women stubbornly eat three cabbage leaves and sigh sadly as they look at the folds at their waist in the mirror. If at the age of 20 it is not difficult to be slim and vibrant, fortunately, the metabolism allows it, then the older a woman becomes, the harder it is to lose kilos.

Until the age of 30, many ladies hope for a magical “maybe”, believing that a miracle will happen and she will magically lose 5 kg by tomorrow. And he sits, drinks laxative herbal teas, eating custard cake with appetite.

The female body, which has crossed the 30-year mark together with its owner, will no longer forgive such mistakes. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. Lifestyle becomes calmer. Most ladies of Balzac's age no longer have any drive or youth activity in their lives. Routine! And the sofa is so comfortable after a hard day at work...
  2. Hormones start to go crazy. Even though the scary words “menopause” and “menopause” are still far away at the age of 35, the endocrine system is already beginning to play unpleasant jokes. With age, the production of progesterone slows down and is replaced by an excess of estrogen, which stimulates the accumulation of fat in unnecessary places.
  3. A woman, without expecting it, consumes more calories per day than she needs for normal life activity. Over the years, metabolism slows down, so every extra chocolate you eat will be deposited on your waist.

Knowing the main reasons why excess weight appears by the age of 35, you can begin to properly get rid of the “calories” stuck to your waist. You need to lose weight correctly based on the advice of professional nutritionists; too harsh diets will only harm the body. This also applies to heavy training.

First, let's find out why it is difficult to lose weight after 35 years. This is explained by the fact that every year metabolism and metabolism slow down. Accordingly, food that comes in the same quantity is no longer spent entirely on heart function, breathing and maintaining temperature, but is deposited in fat cells.

In other words, in order to prevent weight gain after a specified age, it is important to gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed. This is also indicated by the fact that every year people move less. There are no longer evening walks, active weekends or morning runs. All this has a negative impact on weight.

It is also important to emphasize that in the fair half of humanity, it is at this age that irreversible hormonal changes begin. In other words, the reproductive organs are already working in a different mode, gradually approaching the resting stage.

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Basic diet at 35 years old

The diet of a young woman after 35 years should be based on proteins, vegetables and fruits. With their help, you can supply the body with the required amount of protein to support elasticity and muscle tone, fiber, vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other microelements for the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and other body systems.

The diet should be dominated by protein-containing foods such as:

These products will provide beauty to women's hair, nails, and skin. Helps strengthen muscles. If you add regular physical activity, then at thirty and thirty-five you can proudly admire your ideal forms.

Seafood will help maintain youth and health. Once a week you need to eat fatty fish (stewed or steamed). This could be salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel. One serving will replenish the necessary supply of Omega 3. The female body constantly needs these acids.

✔Move more

Don't know how to lose weight at 30? No diet will bring results without sufficient physical activity. Training is a mandatory part of a weight correction program at 30-35 years old. Sports must be fun and the main goal they pursue is to build muscle mass. It is recommended to devote at least 3 hours to training weekly. This can be any sport - swimming or running, fitness or aerobics.

Try to move more in everyday life, when preparing food, drying your hair, talking on the phone. Walking and taking the stairs without using an elevator allows you to keep the muscles of your buttocks and legs toned.

A proven way to lose weight is to include strength exercises in your training process once or twice a week. The combination of an aerobic complex with a strength one gives remarkable results by burning fat and simultaneously strengthening muscles.

If for some reason you are unable to organize regular sports activities, we recommend increasing the duration of your training.

Vegetables, greens, fruits and grains

Proper nutrition after 30 requires the introduction of a large amount of greens.
You need to make it a rule to eat lettuce leaves every day: arugula, spinach, romaine, lettuce, iceberg, etc. In combination with a few chopped vegetables, a quail egg (boiled), and a light dressing, you get an excellent salad that you can have for dinner. Cabbage salads will replenish your supply of vitamin K and prevent the development of edema. You need to introduce them into your daily diet, especially when you need to lose weight. Be sure to choose vegetables of different colors. To maintain beauty, there should be a lot of orange or red vegetables. Therefore, do not forget about pumpkin and carrots. Fans of tropical delicacies can regularly consume mango, avocado, and kiwi.

Folk remedies to lose weight after 30 years

There are various ways to lose weight without harm to your health at home after 30 years. Among the traditional methods, the following are very popular:

  • diuretic herbs;
  • herbal teas with St. John's wort;
  • rowan drink;
  • Birch juice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • infusion of buckthorn bark.

Oatmeal jelly is considered a safe and effective folk remedy. It not only promotes weight loss, but also removes toxins, cleanses the body, and improves the condition of the skin and hair. It also contains many vitamins and nutrients needed by the body. Grated beets and prunes are often added to jelly to enhance the cleansing effect.

It is worth remembering that not all folk remedies are safe. Some may cause an allergic reaction or other side effects, so they should be used with caution.

Indicative menu after 35

Even after studying the Talmuds about the benefits and harms of all foods, it is not always possible to organize your daily diet. Therefore, nutritionists have introduced the following indicative menu that a 30-year-old female body will appreciate:

  • breakfast - porridge with berries and fruits, water or milk,
  • snack – smoothie, fruit,
  • for lunch - cereals or pasta with meat and a portion of salad,
  • snack – kefir, nuts, fruits,
  • dinner - a portion of salad.

Staying fit doesn't require a strict diet if you just eat right. But there is a set of products that you should avoid. These include preservatives, fried foods, fast-acting carbohydrates (sweets, cookies, buns, sugar). There is no place in a healthy diet for sausages, smoked meats, or semi-finished products. By eliminating these foods, you won't have to go hungry. On the contrary, there are interesting recipes that allow you to eat even more deliciously than before. Pumpkin pancakes for a snack and salmon main course are very popular.

Recipe No. 2. Salmon coated with nuts and tomatoes

Half a kilogram of salmon is boiled. The finished fillet is laid out on a plate, and a separately prepared fur coat is placed on top. For the fur coat, you need to fry pine nuts and garlic in a frying pan, to which finely chopped tomato, cheese and herbs are added at the end. Such a fur coat with tender salmon meat is very pleasant to the taste, healthy and nutritious.

It will not be difficult for every woman to find many more recipes for original and incredibly tasty dishes that will turn healthy eating into a celebration of life, and not a test.

Causes of excess weight

Often, people who have extra pounds try to lose weight in different ways, but do not fight the cause of the imbalance.

The reasons for being overweight are: poor nutrition, lack of exercise, impaired metabolism, and heredity. It is easiest for young girls to lose weight, but where should a woman over 35 start losing weight at home?

It is difficult for older ladies to normalize body weight, so you need to act comprehensively.

How to consolidate the result

For women over 35, losing weight is only half the battle. Losing weight is not so difficult, it is much more difficult not to stop halfway and gain it again. To make your reflection in the mirror happy for many years, remember a few simple rules:

  • Move more. The older a woman gets, the slower the metabolic processes in her body proceed. The body's energy consumption is reduced, and the unspent excess calories are converted into fat. In order not to rack your brains about what diet to choose for weight loss for a woman over 30, increase your physical activity. Take more walks, take up a dance class, or do something else that requires increased mobility. This will have a positive effect not only on your figure, but also on your overall well-being.
  • Focus on centimeters, not kilograms. In the first days you will lose weight quite quickly. Then (after about 3-4 weeks of training) the weight will freeze, and although you will continue to lose weight, the progress will not be reflected on the scale. This is easily explained: in the first weeks you burn off excess subcutaneous fat. Then the muscles begin to pump up, increasing the overall body weight. So it turns out that the fat layer thins out, and the weight stays the same. Therefore, if you have already reached this stage, forget about the scale. We take a measuring tape in our hands and begin to monitor the volumes.
  • Don't stop there. Achieving a goal is mistakenly perceived by many as the end of work on oneself. However, if you return to a sedentary lifestyle and your previous diet, the kilograms will quickly return, taking with them a couple of “comrades”. If you decide to lose weight after 35 years, keep in mind that you will always have to adhere to the established regime.

Advice from nutritionists

Losing weight will be based on revising your diet and eating patterns.

Nutritionists advise:

  • do not go on strict diets, because there is a high risk of failure;
  • eat often and in small portions;
  • have dinner no later than 6 pm;
  • give up high-calorie foods and replace them with light foods;
  • consume more protein and calcium;
  • create a menu and follow it;
  • combine diet with physical activity and proper daily routine.

Ban on strict diets

Nutritionists urge people not to engage in exhausting diets. This does not normalize weight for a long period. At first, the result will be noticeable, but as soon as a woman eats something, it will immediately affect her figure.

Food must be supplied systematically; it provides energy and supports the functioning of the body.

You should avoid fatty, sweet, and starchy foods. This increases weight and is harmful to health. Avoid eating fried, spicy and smoked foods.

It is worth reducing your consumption of the following foods:

  1. Sugar . Drink tea without sugar. Do not add it to homemade dishes. The benefits of store-bought juices are questionable; they also contain large amounts of sugar.
  2. Potatoes are a high-calorie product. If you really want it, it’s better to give preference to boiled or baked.
  3. Floury . There is nothing healthy in baked goods, pies, bread, cakes and other baked goods. You can replace them with whole grain bread.
  4. Polished rice . Due to its high starch content, it reflects poorly on the figure. You can replace white cereals with brown ones.
  5. Porridge minutes . They do not give you a feeling of fullness for a long period. Hunger sets in faster, which leads to another snack and the accumulation of calories in the body.
  6. Fatty broths contain cholesterol, which disables the vascular system and leads to the growth of adipose tissue.
  7. Lard, sausages, frankfurters, fatty fish and meat . Replace them with boiled chicken breast, turkey meat, and sea fish.
  8. Canned food, smoked meat and fish . These products make it difficult to lose weight due to their high fat content.
  9. Butter . It contains a lot of useful substances, so it cannot be completely removed from the diet. It is permissible to consume about 15 g per week.
  10. Mayonnaise is contraindicated for those losing weight (even low-fat). It is better to season salads with your own prepared sauce.

You need to completely remove fast food, processed foods, chips, crackers, and alcohol. The best food is one that contains fiber (vegetables and fruits).

Motivation for losing weight

For weight loss to be successful, you need to be motivated. Before you go on diets and exhaust your body with physical activity, set a clear goal for yourself.

Motivation could be as follows:

  • getting a perfect figure;
  • attracting the attention of men;
  • the opportunity to apply for a certain position (model, flight attendant, etc.);
  • victory over complexes about imperfect appearance, etc.

Some want to be better than a friend, lover, colleague. It all depends on life views. Find a goal that will motivate you.

Support from loved ones and colleagues

It is advisable to have like-minded people. Invite a friend, mother or sister to lose weight with you. Mutual control and support will help you not to miss workouts or eat too much.

How to break weight loss into stages?

To effectively lose weight, you need to act in stages.

For orientation, you can create a plan:

  1. Preparing to fight weight . It includes morale, setting goals, cleansing the body of toxins, and switching to a light diet.
  2. Attack. Here you need to switch to a special diet and start actively playing sports. The duration of this stage can be 5 or 10 days.
  3. Alternation . Here it is possible to loosen your grip somewhat. Switch to a different type of diet, do different exercises.
  4. Retention of results and strengthening . Even if the goal is achieved, you cannot return to your usual lifestyle, otherwise the kilograms will return. Try to continue to exercise, eat right and periodically give yourself fasting days.
  5. Stabilization . The last stage will help you stay in shape for a long time. It is important to eat right, be physically active, and drink more.

Move more

It is important to avoid inactivity. The key to successful weight loss is an active lifestyle.

To lose weight, you need:

  • replace bus trips with walking;
  • run in the mornings and evenings;
  • do exercises;
  • play sports (cycling, fitness, swimming, Pilates, etc.).

How to lose weight correctly for a woman after 30-35 years

If you decide to lose weight, it is important to understand that you should approach the problem comprehensively. It will be necessary to change both dietary and behavioral habits.

Fractional diet

If you eat rarely, but in large portions, you will not be able to lose weight.

A fractional diet is a solution for those with a sweet tooth and people with a weak will.

This tactic has no time limits, the mode is not even important here. If you like cakes and salads with mayonnaise, you can even leave them on the menu. The main thing is to minimize the amount of “junk” food.

There are several rules for such a diet:

  • do not overeat;
  • do a fasting day weekly;
  • control hunger.

Gradually reduce your portions. Instead of 5 spoons of porridge, put 4, then 3. Take not 2 cutlets, but one, etc. If you stick to fractional meals, you can lose about 4-6 kg in a month. If you learn to eat little by little, your body will stop demanding more.

To prevent hunger, eat at least 5 times a day. It could be just a snack (apple, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.). Do not allow yourself to drink beer under any circumstances. Instead, pour a glass of freshly squeezed juice or clean still water.

For example, below is the menu for the day:

BreakfastBoiled egg + vegetable salad
LunchMandarin or apple
Dinner150-200 ml soup + 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable salad
Afternoon snackWhole grain bread with butter and red caviar
Dinner100 g cheese salad with sour cream sauce + cottage cheese casserole (2-3 tbsp.)
Second dinner80-100 g fruit salad

Weekly diet

The weight loss process can be based on a weekly basis. Its essence is eating certain foods for 7 days.


  1. 1st week – kefir diet.
  2. 2nd week – apple week.
  3. 3rd week – protein.
  4. 4th week – buckwheat.

Kefir diet

With the help of a kefir diet, you can lose about 5 kg in 7 days. You need to drink no more than 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day. This amount is divided into 6 doses.

The maximum fat content of the product is 1.5%. In addition to kefir, you need to drink a lot of water or unsweetened tea (at least 2 liters per day).

Attention! If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to choose a different diet option.

Buckwheat diet

This diet will help you lose 7-8 kg in a week. You should consume exclusively buckwheat for 7 days. You can stick to this diet for 2 weeks, but for beginners it will not be easy.

There is no need to cook buckwheat. It is poured with boiling water in the evening and sits until the morning. For 200 g you need to take 1 liter of water. The prepared product should be divided into 5-6 meals. In addition to buckwheat, vegetables can be added to the menu. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.

Protein diet

This diet is considered the most effective. As a result, you can lose up to 8-10 kg in 7 days.

The menu is:

Day of the weekProductsQuantity per day
MondayLow-fat cottage cheese350-400 g
Boiled chicken fillet350-400 g
TuesdayEgg whites5 pieces.
Baked sea fish400-500 g
WednesdayBoiled beef350-400 g
Low-fat cottage cheese350-400 g
ThursdayBoiled sea fish400-500 g
Protein omelet5 pieces.
FridayBaked sea fish400 g
Low-fat cottage cheese300 g
SaturdayBoiled shrimp + squid350 g
Cottage cheese200 g
Kefir150 ml
SundayChicken breast350 g
Low-fat yogurt200 ml

Apple diet

You can lose up to 8 kg in a week. You will only have to eat apples. 1 kg of fruit is divided per day. It is advisable to buy unsweetened apples.

There is also a drinking diet. It is indicated for those who want to lose weight quickly.

Here, from Monday to Sunday, only liquid foods are allowed:

  • unsweetened tea;
  • fresh juice;
  • clean still water;
  • low-fat broth;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • unsweetened compote;
  • jelly.

Avoid store-bought juices and drinks, sparkling water, alcohol, and energy drinks.


To get a sculpted body and build muscle, include physical activity in your schedule (fitness, shaping, running, swimming, etc.):

Day of the weekType of activity
MondayRunning, exercises with dumbbells
TuesdayRunning, aerobics or fitness
ThursdayRunning, fitness
FridayRunning, exercises with dumbbells
SaturdayRunning, fitness
SundayRunning, swimming or fitness

It is advisable to do jogging in the morning and evening hours (about 15 minutes). Training should take about 1-1.5 hours. If you do everything correctly and stick to the diet, the changes will be noticeable within a week.

You need to move more and not skip workouts, lead an active lifestyle.

How to lose weight after 30: types of diets

There are a lot of dietary options. Women often try to find the most effective diet for losing weight after 35 years. But it is important to take into account not only reviews on the Internet, but also the state of your health. For example, if you have intestinal problems, it will be difficult to stick to a diet that contains a lot of fermented milk products.

The most popular diets are:

  1. Kefir. Some meals are replaced with a glass of kefir. You can drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day, dividing this volume into 6 doses.
  2. Apple. A rather complex diet, since you can only eat apples for a week, and then gradually switch to proper nutrition. In addition to apples, you can drink tea, jelly, juice, low-fat broths, kefir. Apples should not be too sweet. This diet will allow you to lose up to 8 kg in a week.
  3. Buckwheat. For a week you can only eat buckwheat. Such monotony does not come easy to everyone. Moreover, the cereal is not boiled, it is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. To diversify the menu, you can add vegetables (except potatoes) to it.
  4. Protein. Protein is beneficial for the body and does not affect the growth of adipose tissue. This diet is considered effective and healthy. During the diet, you can eat egg whites, boiled chicken, turkey, beef, cottage cheese, lean fish and seafood.

On the Internet you can find the best weight loss diets for women over 30, but before using them, it is advisable to be examined and find out which of them will definitely be safe. In addition to food, you need to remember about your drinking regime and drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

Where to start losing weight and properly lose weight at home for a woman after 35 years of age?

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