How to lose weight at home without dieting or exercise

Overweight people envy thin and slender people. And not only their appearance, but also the fact that they can, without consequences or remorse, eat what the fat ones pay for both. We are not talking about those who, through blood and sweat, were able to expel extra pounds from their bodies, but about those who have never suffered from them. How do they do this? Let's observe the habits of thin people. Maybe this is exactly what we need.

Yes, we know about metabolic problems. But only a very small percentage of obese young and middle-aged people have gained weight due to internal pathologies. The rest provided their body with “all possible help” in this imbalance with their bad habits and mistakes in behavior. But a lot can still be improved. In each of our circles of acquaintances there are women who, without hesitation, put a pile of fried potatoes on their plate, eat salad with mayonnaise and drink tea with pies and at the same time remain light and slender. "Metabolism!" - we sigh with envy. “Correct habits!” - our body answers us. What do they do differently from us?

They are not afraid to eat

When a fat person eats, he is overwhelmed by double sensations. On the one hand, he likes it, but on the other, it’s always a little uncomfortable. Especially if you have to eat in public. Yes, and in front of yourself too. And somewhere in between these two states there is a simple, unclouded pleasure from food, which allows you to focus on taste overtones, textures and gastronomic nuances. By the way, science has proven that the taste palette of an overweight person is much poorer than that of a thin person. In part, this is what forces one to compensate for the lack of sensations with ordinary gluttony. And it turns out to be a vicious circle.

Basic rules for losing weight at home without dieting

When losing weight without dieting at home, we are talking about the right approach to the weight loss process.
By following the basic rules of weight loss, you can get rid of fat deposits and get in shape in a few months without suffering.

  1. Motivation. Excess weight will not start to go away on its own. A person’s desire to achieve results must be supported by sufficient motivation. Usually, for this, a person realizes why he needs to lose weight and what it will give him. Willpower and motivation are the most important factors for those who strive for a slim body.
  2. “No” to hunger strikes. The most important rule is that starving is strictly forbidden, this will only push you further from achieving your goal. Refusal to eat is very harmful and causes stress to the body. For normal life, a person needs to consume nutrients. Fasting always leads to breakdowns - for some they happen earlier, for others they last longer. As a result, the kilograms come back.
  3. Proper nutrition. You need to plan your menu for every day. This is not about a diet, but about proper nutrition. The diet should include healthy foods, without artificial ingredients, then the body will begin to work better and effectively lose weight.
  4. Proper physical activity. Without adequate energy expenditure, it is impossible to burn excess fat deposits. In addition, feasible, regular and proper physical exercise (not sports) allows you to maintain muscle tone and form a beautiful muscle profile.

They don't count calories

Habits of beautiful people

And they don’t divide food into dangerous and safe for your figure. They eat what tastes good. Many of them pay attention to usefulness, but not to calorie content. And if you think that everything tasty is bad for your waistline, then just write down on a piece of paper everything that you think is tasty, including fruits, vegetables, sauces, milk, sweets, seafood, cereals, etc. Now cross out what you think is catastrophic for your figure. And you will see that the problem is not a small amount of tasty foods, but, perhaps, laziness. Pasta and potatoes are the easiest to cook, but buying and chewing a ready-made pie or burger on the go is even easier, right? Mentioning cost here would be incorrect, because fast food is very expensive, and we all know that.

How to lose weight without dieting by creating a habit

My scheme, which, by the way, I described in great detail in my course “Rational fat burning” involves the systematic, gradual formation of useful habits that allow you to get not temporary, but PERMANENT RESULTS.

There is no special strict diet in this course, even the amount of food is selected almost by eye, but this course works great because it allows the body to smoothly get used to the new conditions of eating behavior and training activity.

In general, he explained the essence and advertised the course) But no joke, this system works just great!

So, this is how we will proceed with you:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of high-calorie, unhealthy and sweet foods . You can eat as much as you like, whenever you want, but only the “right” foods.
  2. Reducing the time you eat during the day . You can still eat as much “healthy” food as you want, but you are limited in time.
  3. Calculating our starting point for an accurate understanding of the number of calories we need per day.
  4. Reducing the amount of food consumed each day . You eat the “right” foods, but are limited in meal times and in the amount of food.
  5. Increased training thermogenesis (energy expenditure due to training). At this stage, we add manipulations with energy consumption through training to the already configured diet.

I will also give some additional recommendations on your diet.

In order.

These are the habits that we will form with you so that you can gradually switch to the regime necessary for losing weight.

But first, some points you need to understand:

  1. We move in order, from the first habit to the last.
  2. We switch to the next habit when we are used to the previous one (i.e. it is not stressful for us to maintain it).
  3. If you have already formed one of these eating habits, then simply add the next one to your lifestyle, but we are talking about a habit, i.e. you eat this way permanently, not temporarily.
  4. It is not advisable to jump over habits, because... they go from simplest to most complex.
  5. Adding workouts is the last habit, but you can add this habit right away (if you want to speed up the results).
  6. We are developing a habit, and not just trying to lose weight, this is the only way it can’t be called a diet.
  7. Start IMMEDIATELY, don’t put it off, start your first habit right away.

We exclude high-calorie, unhealthy and sweet foods from the diet.

“Well, what kind of diet is this if we are already excluding something?”

Friends, you need to understand that the STANDARD DIET involves a strict dietary restriction in terms of the composition of the menu (what we eat), the amount of food, and also, a person immediately tries to calculate how much he ate.

In short, the load on such a diet is simply incredible, so many people give up.

My algorithm of actions will gradually lead you to the fact that eating healthy and tasty will become familiar to you and will not cause discomfort, so you will be able to adhere to this regime constantly.

Once again, accept the fact that you WILL NOT be able to lose weight WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING and the one who rubs all sorts of harsh things on you like: “You can lose weight with the help of LPG, fresh air and grapefruit juice, he is lying and does not understand what he is saying.”

Most articles are written as carbon copies and do not give you results; they simply churn out scattered, dubious knowledge.

So let's get started.

Our first goal will be to form the habit of eating the right foods.

The most difficult thing, as with everything, is STARTING. This is really difficult. Just move.

It is very difficult for a person to start something new, because... this is always a way out of his zone of influence (comfort) .

Our entire human being is trying to reduce the risks and energy consumption of interacting with the environment, because... it is not profitable.

“We waste energy, which means there is less strength left to maintain balance (homeostasis) and survival, a direct risk to life” - this is what our unconscious thinks.

But the mind thinks differently, because... he is able to plan. We can draw up a business plan, start implementing it and, as a result, live better, we can start meeting beautiful girls and, in the end, we will be lucky, we will have beautiful children and a loving wife, we can start eating right all our lives, then We will live longer and be able to achieve more.

It is precisely because our unconscious (animal) often prevails over our mind that it is so difficult for us to start something new. Therefore, we constantly procrastinate.

But all the most interesting things happen precisely outside our zone of influence (comfort).

It is when we are scared, difficult, unusual, then our development and growth occurs. It is better to take an action with a mistake than to do nothing at all.

Even if you act with mistakes, sooner or later you will become who you want to be. This is the theory of probability. One of the most important things I learned from the University. The more often you toss a die or coin, the more likely it is to come up on a head or a six.

The more attempts, the greater the chance of successful development of the situation.

I decided to tell you about all this so that you are not afraid to start a new lifestyle for yourself and immediately begin to implement your plan.

Not tomorrow, not from Monday, not from next month, but NOW, from this moment.

Anyone who is imbued with these lines will be able to achieve results faster. You don't have to (and won't be able to) do everything perfectly. It's enough to just start and do well.

Just take it from today and start making your diet cleaner. What needs to be excluded, I will give you all this below. For now, you only need to study the first step, cleanse your diet and stick to these foods, that’s all. Nothing supernatural for the coming weeks.

The most important goal for the next 4 weeks is to get used to eating the “right” foods CONSTANTLY. It's the most important.

Everything else remains unchanged.

You can eat as much as you want, at any time, but the main thing is ONLY THE RIGHT PRODUCTS.

“Correct” (healthy) foods include foods that give your body maximum benefit with minimal harm.

The most harmful food for our body:

  1. SWEET (because in response the pancreas produces insulin and stops fat burning).
  2. FAT (because it is very high in calories, 1 gram of fat contains as many as 9 KCAL).

Regarding SWEET FOOD. We remove from the diet:

  • Sugar (classic, cane, etc.).
  • Honey.
  • Soda, any lemonade, juice.
  • Chocolate bars and bars.
  • Sweet fruits (watermelon, grapes, banana, melon, etc.).
  • Bakery and confectionery products.
  • Any cookies, marshmallows, crackers, popcorn, corn flakes, waffles, pancakes, chips, etc.
  • Fried and baked potatoes.
  • Noodles and pasta (even hard varieties).
  • Dumplings, dumplings, bulmeni, chebupel, etc. (flour).
  • Carrots in any form.
  • Semolina, pearl barley porridge.

Regarding FAT FOOD. We remove from the diet:

  • Mayonnaise (especially from the store).
  • Margarine and butter.
  • Ghee and rendered fat.
  • Pork and all semi-finished products with it.
  • Lamb and derivatives.
  • Salo.
  • Duck, goose.
  • Sausages, sausages, loins, necks, ham and others.
  • Canned beef, pork, etc.

We don't need to remove all fats, because... Not all fats are bad.

We need POLYUNSATURATED fats because... they are indispensable for our body.

An excellent choice would be to consume OMEGA-3 fatty acids. I wrote about the benefits of these fatty acids in an article about fish oil and flaxseed oil.

Be sure to read it, there are many useful points there.

We will eat healthy foods from the list below.


  • Buckwheat.
  • Basmati (brown rice).
  • Whole grain bread (but it’s still better to eat less of it).
  • Beans and lentils.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Pasta (“Barilla” or “Aldente”, not fully cooked).
  • Sprouted wheat grains.
  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, lettuce, etc.


  • Chicken (mostly white meat).
  • Turkey.
  • Eggs (ideal digestibility protein)
  • Fish.
  • Fish roe, shrimp, squid, crab.
  • Nuts (small amount, because there is a lot of fat).
  • Cottage cheese or casein.
  • Dairy products (mostly low-fat)
  • Veal, horse meat.
  • Beef.


  • Fatty fish.
  • Seafood.
  • Soybean, flaxseed, corn, olive oils.
  • Nuts.

Great, we eat this way for 4 weeks so we can form our first habit.

Next we move on to the second habit.

Reducing the time you eat during the day

At first glance it seems like crazy nonsense, because... We all remember from childhood that “you can’t eat after six,” but I never understood why this was necessary.

Now that there is the latest research on this about reducing the time you eat during the day, I can safely say that it works.

Just let me tell you how.

We need to gradually reduce the time we eat during the day to 8-10 hours.

Why is that?

Because then the growth hormone, which is activated only when sugar is low, will be able to work in our body for a longer period of time.

We need to gradually, over the next 4-6 weeks, reduce the amount of time during which we eat by 1.5 hours per week (for example).

Start GRADUALLY reducing the time you eat during the day, do about minus 1 hour every 3-4 days, it will work out like this:

  • Days 1-4 = 15 hours.
  • 5-8 days = 14 hours.
  • 9-12 days = 13 hours.
  • 13-16 days = 12 hours.
  • Day 17-20 = 11 hours.
  • Days 21-24 = 10 hours.
  • Day 25-28 = 8-9 hours.

It doesn’t matter, we can move breakfast a little forward or move dinner a little back, it doesn’t matter. Duration is important.

I will share with you one interesting experience in this regard, so that you understand that this is an extremely working scheme.

By the way, this scheme is used by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) Well, that’s a digression.

The essence of the experiment was as follows : for 6 months, scientists tested different diets for mice.

First variable : LIMITED food (9 hours) / UNLIMITED food.

  • A – Food is not limited in any way (we eat at any time without restrictions, whenever we want).
  • T – Limited nutrition (we have access to food only 8-9 hours a day).

Second variable : FAT food / NORMAL food.

  • F – Fatty foods.
  • N – Normal food.

Using simple mathematical calculations, we get 8 groups of mice, which scientists fed in accordance with their diet for 6 months.

  • FAA – Six months UNLIMITED access to fatty (F) foods.
  • FTT – six months LIMITED access (8-9 hours) to fatty (F) foods
  • FTA – three months LIMITED access to fatty foods (F), then three months UNLIMITED access to fatty foods.
  • FAT – three months UNLIMITED access to fatty foods (F), then three months LIMITED access to fatty foods
  • NAA – six months UNLIMITED access to normal (N) food.
  • NTT – six months LIMITED access to normal food
  • NTA – three months LIMITED access to normal food, then three months UNLIMITED access to normal food.
  • NAT – Three months UNLIMITED access to normal food, then three months LIMITED access to normal food.

We received some rather interesting data and differences in body composition:

Conclusion 1: The diet itself is not important (fatty or normal food), if you limit food intake to 8-9 hours, then mice lose weight (FTT, NAA, NTT, NTA, NAT)

Conclusion 2: It does not matter in what order there are restrictions in the consumption of fatty foods or normal foods (FTA / FAT or NTT / NTA / NAT), if there was a period during which the mouse was limited in time, then with this diet the mouse lost weight.

Conclusion 3: follows from the previous conclusion. It does not matter in what order you limit yourself in power supply time (FTA/FAT or NTT/NTA/NAT). The result is an average, almost equal result.

Finding 4: Mice that ate a LIMITED normal diet performed better on lean muscle mass.

There is also evidence that such a nutritional pattern increases endurance, so not only will you not lose in athletic achievements, but you will also be able to push yourself a little.

Calculating your starting point

We've reached the next habit.

We need to calculate our starting point.

The starting point is the amount of food that is needed per day so that the body does not lose weight or gain weight.

Very roughly, we can calculate the starting point by using a calorie calculator on any website, entering your data in the required fields.

But the result will be very approximate.

In fact, it will be more than enough for us, because... Next, we will adjust your progress through weekly weigh-ins and diet adjustments.

The next method that I actually use for myself is MULTIPLYING MY CURRENT WEIGHT BY 30.

For example, I weigh 90 kg, i.e. I multiply 90 kg by 30. I get: 2700 Kcal per day. This is my starting point.

Next, I reduce this figure by 300-400 kcal per day, create a diet for myself and begin to lose weight.

Reducing the amount of food per day

This is the next habit, in general, 99% of all known diets are based on it.


We have calculated the starting point, now we can reduce calories to continue losing weight more effectively.

I have written many articles on this topic, you can read these in order:

  • How to lose weight quickly.
  • How to lose weight by summer.
  • How to dry yourself so that everyone around you goes nuts.

The further algorithm of actions will be quite clear and simple. Read these articles, I'm sure you'll understand what's going on. If not, be sure to ask in the comments.

Increased training thermogenesis (energy expenditure due to training)

The next habit will be to include gym and cardio workouts in our regimen.

Hand on heart, you can connect this habit in parallel with all the others, even starting to train very little.

For most, the progress they see from training will be additional motivation to action and the new diet itself will be a pleasure.

Regarding training, read these articles of mine:

  • How to pump up an ectomorph.
  • How to build muscles at home.
  • How to pump up an endomorph (fat).
  • Training program for girls.

If you’re too lazy to figure everything out, you can download my “Algorithm for choosing an individual training program,” which is absolutely free:

Dozens of articles have been written on my blog about training, be sure to read it, and if you just came to my blog, then I specially wrote a “Beginner” page for you.

They stop when they're full

No one, except some animals, has ever been able to eat enough for the future. But their body is adapted to special circumstances, for example, hibernation or traveling through the desert. A person, even who has eaten too much to the point of inability to stand and swears to his mother that this was the last time, will soon want to eat again and will eat. Why, blushing in front of yourself, finish the whole chocolate bar and console your conscience that this won’t happen again? It's better to break off a little and put the rest aside for when you want it again.

By the way, when you stop remorseful about the chocolate you ate, you will not only want it less, but it may suddenly turn out that the rumors about the unearthly taste of the delicacy were greatly exaggerated.

Losing weight without dieting

food for slimness
To get rid of extra pounds forever, it is better to lose weight slowly, as many nutritionists advise. A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. If you eat just 500 calories less than usual every day, you can lose half a kilogram in a week without dieting.

To maintain a normal weight, it is enough to give up just one hundred calories a day, and in a year you will avoid gaining an extra kilogram.

Anyone who has decided to lose weight without resorting to diets should reconsider some principles of their nutrition. There should always be breakfast. This writing technique should not be neglected. Breakfast starts metabolic processes in the body. And the way many people eat: lack of breakfast, a quick snack at lunch and a hearty dinner not only leads to weight gain, but also to premature aging of the body.

dinner losing weight
For those losing weight, in addition to breakfast, a proper dinner is very important.

Set a time for yourself after which you will not eat. After all, the peculiarity of our body is to lose weight at night, during sleep. To lose weight without a diet, do not eat at night after 18-19 hours, but if you go to bed very late, then the time of dinner can be shifted a little. Drink plain clean water throughout the day, drink at least 8 -10 glasses of clean water. You can squeeze a little lemon juice into the water. Drink herbal teas. You can make your own herbal tea for weight loss.

If you have already eaten your portion, but would like to take some more, drink a cup of cold plain water and wait 5 minutes. A little later, the saturation signal will arrive in your brain.

Typically, those losing weight control the calorie content of their meals; many already automatically choose lower-calorie foods. But they forget about liquid calories. Sugary drinks are very high in calories, but, as a rule, they do not satisfy hunger. You can drink a cup of nutritious fruit or vegetable juice to tide you over between meals. Beware of alcohol. Its calories accumulate quickly and completely unnoticeably.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, but the piece of meat on your plate should be no larger than your palm. Vegetables are rich in fiber, which fills the stomach, improves digestion and promotes weight loss.

Replace white bread, cookies and cakes with whole grain bread, rye bread, and brown rice. This will fill the need for fiber and vitamins.

Try to always have healthy food in your refrigerator. Don't go to the store on an empty stomach, eat something healthy before going to the store. Then you will make the necessary purchases, and not buy unnecessary goodies.

Slowly reduce your portions. Buy smaller plates. First, reduce food by a third, then by half. Try to move more. Take the elevator one or two floors below and walk one stop. Even while watching TV, you can do simple exercises.

Add protein to every meal. This way you won't be hungry longer and you won't overeat. This could be low-fat yogurt, a handful of nuts, eggs, beans, lean lean meat. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours to maintain a constant blood sugar level.

To start losing weight without dieting, always look for lower calorie (light) alternatives. Switch to lower-calorie dairy products, cheeses, sour cream with a lower percentage of liquid. Instead of mayonnaise, mustard will go into the sandwich; let the layer of butter on the sandwich be as thin as possible. And instead of mayonnaise, salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil or, even better, lemon juice. Instead of cream, you can add low-fat milk to tea and coffee.

Spices also promote weight loss. For example, cinnamon reduces hunger. Cinnamon can also speed up sugar metabolism by 20 times! Half a teaspoon of this spice added to tea helps the body better absorb sugar, reducing its level in the blood. So, almost without effort, just by slightly adjusting your diet, you can lose weight without any diets and maintain your weight at the desired level.

They listen to their feelings

In addition to hunger and fullness, our body sends us a lot of other important signals. But in order to correctly recognize them, you need to listen to your body and draw the right conclusions. And it can signal in different ways: heaviness in the stomach, stool problems, headaches, nausea, weight gain... Once this happens, it’s easy to remember what causes the discomfort and eliminate the negative factors. Self-care and timely response to signals are very correct and important habits for losing weight and staying in shape.

Typical mistakes when wanting to lose weight

The worst mistake you can make when trying to lose weight is trying to lose weight quickly. A normal, healthy rate of weight loss is 2-5 kg ​​per month. If you lose weight faster, it's stressful for the body. In addition to the fact that this is unhealthy, in the future it risks that the lost mass will return, and it is possible that you will weigh even more. Moreover, over time, radical diets and exercises stop working: even when starving, the body does not lose fat tissue. To avoid this situation, don't try to lose weight too quickly.

The second common mistake is a complete rejection of fats. Fats are an essential part of the diet. However, give preference to vegetable rather than animal fats, and make sure that their share in the menu is low.

The third mistake is a sharp reduction in calories. For example, a person calculates the optimal amount of calories and sharply reduces portions. However, scientific studies have shown that you cannot cut your diet by more than 20% of your usual amount of calories. Therefore, even if you do overeat, reduce your calories gradually.

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They eat little by little

there is little

This is natural because their stomach is not stretched. For this reason, they feel full earlier and put their fork on the table in time. If, after festive feasts and buffets, they realize that the size of the stomach has changed in an undesirable direction, then gradually and without hysterics they reduce the portions until their body is in order.

How to calculate your body mass index and why you need it

If you are looking for a way to lose weight without dieting, the first thing you should do is calculate your own BMI - body mass index. This is necessary to objectively assess your weight, figure and set the right goal. Without BMI, the desire to lose weight will be vague, because you will not know your optimal weight.

Body mass index is a conditional value created by doctors to estimate human weight. It represents the relationship between body weight and height. Calculate it using the formula: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. For example, your height is 170 cm. This is 1.7 m, so we multiply 1.7 by 1.7, and we get 2.89 meters squared. Let's say your current weight is 75 kg. This means that to calculate BMI you need to divide 75 by 2.89. It turns out 25.95. This is your body mass index.

We compare this figure with the interpretation from the World Health Organization. Please note that there may be other ways to interpret BMI online, but they are questionable. Focus on the WHO assessment:

  • 16 or less – significant weight deficit;
  • 16-18.5 – underweight;
  • 18.5-25 is normal;
  • 25-30 – overweight;
  • 30-35 – first degree of obesity;
  • 35-40 – second degree of obesity;
  • 40 and above – severe obesity.

So, 25.95 is the lower threshold of “overweight.” That is, you don’t need to lose much to normal: 5 kg. If you lose 10 kg, your weight will still be within the medical range. Therefore, you can set yourself such a goal.

But what if your BMI is already between 20 and 22? This means that you almost certainly shouldn't lose weight at all. Of course, the body mass index does not take into account your body type; you may not have enough muscle tissue or light bones. However, if after losing weight your BMI is below normal, it is better not to risk your health and not pursue thinness. When you are unhappy with your figure, perhaps it is not the weight, but the need to strengthen the muscles.

If your BMI is 30 or higher, then before losing weight you should definitely consult with an endocrinologist. Because with a high degree of probability you need medical help to normalize your weight.

This must not be forgotten

  • Do not use automatic BMI calculators; calculate the index yourself. Some calculators deliberately inflate results to trick you into buying products and services featured on the same site.
  • Remember that BMI is an approximate value; the index does not take into account many parameters such as body composition, skeletal weight, even gender and age. Therefore, take BMI as a guide, but not as the ultimate truth.
  • To more accurately assess your condition, use a special device to determine the percentage of fatty tissue in the body. This indicator will give a more accurate idea of ​​how many kilograms you need to lose weight and whether you need to lose weight at all. Because 75 kg of muscle is not at all the same as 75 kg of fat tissue.
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