Autumn diet for weight loss for every day at home

In spring, everyone gets ready for the beach season. In the summer – they demonstrate the results of their preparation. And in the fall? And in the fall they keep fit on the diet of the same name!

Everything in a person should be perfect, and everyone tries to achieve the ideal, including getting their body in good physical shape. It’s always more pleasant to see a fit, athletic person in the mirror, rather than swollen lines of a figure.

To regain their former slimness, people often go on diets, and here there is little desire to have a good figure; what is important is will, responsibility, the ability to organize your day, and sometimes just come to an agreement with yourself.

Autumn diet for weight loss for every day at home

The biggest difficulties arise at the initial stage of the diet - during the first 2-3 days. After all, the body is accustomed to a different diet and amount of nutrition. The autumn diet is considered the most gentle in terms of addiction. Let's find out why.

What are the ways to lose weight?

There are a huge variety of diets, but they all perform one task - to reduce weight and enable the body to function fully, to establish the smooth functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.

Whatever diet you choose, you must remember that it requires an attentive attitude towards yourself. You cannot go astray from your diet, interrupt the dietary process, or ignore the rules provided for by the diet.

You need to prepare yourself for the diet course both mentally and physically. You cannot suddenly replace your usual fatty and spicy foods with porridge without salt and sugar. This will cause stress and will not promote good metabolism and rapid weight loss.

Important! If you decide to go on a diet, it is recommended to consult either a general practitioner or a nutritionist.

How to lose weight correctly in autumn and winter

Of course, during this period, in order to lose weight (or at least not gain it), you will need to make more efforts than in spring or summer. And having achieved results, you will have to take care of yourself and be consistent in your chosen weight loss strategy, so as not to gain extra pounds again. Don’t forget that in the fall, our body’s metabolism is tuned to storing fat.

In order not to undermine your health by losing too much weight, never:

  • do not try to go on a strict diet and do not starve. The body will never forgive this. During this period, if you go against nature, it is easy to acquire many chronic illnesses - from indigestion to a malfunction of the immune system. In autumn and winter, it will be more realistic to set yourself the task of gradually losing weight (2-3 kg per month) or even simply maintaining the existing one;
  • Don't exhaust yourself with hard training. This will lead to fatigue, and this, in turn, will lead to bad mood, nervous breakdowns and decreased performance. For the same reason, intense aerobic exercise and gymnastics do not lead to the breakdown of fat, but, on the contrary, to its increase. Stress and fatigue always make you want to eat something sweet... It becomes a vicious circle: the more you exhaust yourself with training, the more you want to eat. Moderate activity is the key to a good mood, and therefore proper nutrition.

What you need to lose weight in autumn and winter

What will really help you lose weight during the fall-winter period? Nutritionists and doctors give specific advice on this matter.

  1. Do not forbid yourself to eat certain foods if your body requires it. Eat everything, but little by little.
  2. Don't overeat at night. This is fraught with fat deposits and is generally harmful to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Reduce your consumption of fatty and fried foods.
  4. Eat more often (in smaller portions) and for the benefit of your body, consuming healthy fermented milk products, nuts, and fruits as snacks.
  5. Chew your food thoroughly. This will help you feel full faster and eat fewer calories.
  6. Reduce your salt and sugar intake. Glucose promotes the accumulation of fatty deposits, and salt is poorly washed out of blood vessels (we drink less in autumn and winter), which leads to blood clots.
  7. Make yourself hot vegetable soups. Hot food is useful in the cold season. It warms you up and lifts your spirits.

  1. Eat fresh vegetables, especially peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage and green beans - they are a source of vitamins and also lift your mood with their bright colors.
  2. Drink herbal teas, rosehip infusions and fruit and berry compotes. But don't get too carried away with the latter - they contain a lot of fructose.
  3. Introduce more fatty fish (cod, herring, mackerel, sardines) and eggs into your diet. Vitamin D, which is contained in it and in chicken yolk, will compensate for its deficiency in the body during the period of decreased solar activity.
  4. Potatoes are very useful at these times of year, as they contain many microelements, potassium salts and B vitamins necessary for health. Although you shouldn’t get carried away with it because of the starch.
  5. In the autumn-winter season, foods containing tryptophan are useful: dates, sesame seeds, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, legumes, mushrooms, peanuts.

  1. Don't forget the spices. They warm you up, help break down food, and lift your spirits. In winter, it is good to add coriander, ginger, turmeric, paprika, cloves, and cinnamon to your food.
  2. Reduce your intake of fatty meats by replacing them with lean poultry and fish. Reduce your intake of animal fats and increase your intake of vegetable fats, but do not overdo it - they are also very high in calories.
  3. Try to be outdoors more often. Don't be lazy to dress for the weather and take a walk before going to bed. This will tone up, strengthen and improve sleep and well-being.
  4. Visit the pool, bathhouse or sauna, take hardening water procedures, run in the fresh air, do not overwork and do not overload yourself with training.

If you follow all these recommendations, then it will be quite possible to effectively lose weight in the fall and winter and not have any health problems.

Interesting features of the autumn technique

Why is the autumn diet for weight loss so attractive? First of all, because it allows us to eat everything that this time of year gives us. Autumn is the time for vegetables, fruits, berries, and grains to ripen, and all this can be used in a diet for weight loss. In addition, you can adjust the duration of the diet. Depending on your goals, you can choose a period from 7 days to 3 weeks. But first things first.

In autumn, the healthiest fruits and vegetables ripen, and grains are collected from the fields. All these products are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins of all groups, amino acids, antioxidants and other beneficial microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron.

In autumn products, all elements are balanced in such a way as to heal our body, cleanse it of toxins, and rejuvenate organs and tissues at the cellular level.

Attention! When choosing products, you must be sure that they do not contain nitrates, nitrites, pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

The autumn diet consists of:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • drinks based on fruits or herbs;
  • croup;
  • seafood;
  • lean meat.

Reminder for losing weight in the fall

Now let's summarize. The following will help you lose weight in the fall without harm to your health:

  • warm and hot drinks before meals;
  • adding protein dishes to the daily menu;
  • bright lighting and equally bright colors around you;
  • love for vegetable side dishes;
  • hidden gymnastics;
  • sports on TV;
  • weekly weight and volume control.

I was asked recently: “Is it possible to lose at least a little in the fall?” But why not? You can do it at any time.

I think that the autumn of your slimness is in full swing. Go for it, my dears! I wish you easy, comfortable weight loss. And not a single extra kilogram by next summer!

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