Is it really good to drink non-alcoholic beer after a workout? Nutritionist's opinion
There are so many fitness lifehacks you can find on the Internet. Some of them actually work, others look
How to lose weight while working sedentarily in an office Photo
From sedentary work in the office, my stomach and sides began to grow. Are there simple exercises to remove them that you can do right in the office (without your boss around)?
Office work can seriously affect our figure. Coffee breaks, free cookies, snacks with colleagues,
Which is better: protein or amino acids? choosing the right nutrition for athletes
Amino acids or protein? Many novice athletes ask this question. However, it has been proven that
Taurine for weight loss
Substance taurine for weight loss: pros and cons, features
Taurine is the basis for the interaction of three elements: cysteine, methionine and cysteamine. This drug is considered an amino acid.
salted puff pastry
How many calories are in 1 piece of juicer with cottage cheese? and in 100 grams of product
Puff pastries with cottage cheese and apples from ready-made puff pastry. For this baking it is best
Honey Saved - False Win
Fat burning drops "Pcheliny Spas": reviews from doctors
An objective review of Bee Spas weight loss drops, the principle of their action and advice from nutritionists
What to eat after training part 2
What to eat after training? Encyclopedia of questions and answers [Part No. 2]
Greetings, my dear girls and fitness girls! On this Friday we will see the continuation of the epic
Activated carbon for weight loss - reviews and how to take it correctly
What is the charcoal diet for weight loss? Activated carbon is a natural sorbent that can clean
Saying goodbye to extra pounds: dietary fish soup
Those who adhere to a diet and watch their figure cannot do without fish
Cocktails for weight loss
Fitness cocktail for weight loss - recipes in a blender
Author of the publication: Ashurbekova Shamsiyat Tofikovna Endocrinologist. Specialist in preventive, functional medicine Who invented dairy
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