How to pump up the gluteus medius muscles? Exercises for girls, training features

Anatomical information

Not many people remember from school that the buttock is not a single muscle, but a whole tangle of muscle tissue. In order to get a beautiful shape as a result of training, you need to know which muscle groups to perform certain exercises for.

gluteal bridge

Let's look at the structure of the gluteal muscle group:

  1. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the body and is located closest of this group to the surface of the body. Its task is to maintain the entire body in an upright position, which explains the size of this muscle. It is also responsible for the functioning of the hip joint during various movements (squats, push-ups, etc.) and the whole body when bending.
  2. The gluteus medius muscle is the smallest of this group. It is located under the gluteus maximus muscle and is responsible for the stability of the hip joint when walking, running, climbing stairs, abducting the hip to the side and back. Exercises for the gluteus medius muscles strengthen them, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.
  3. The gluteus minimus muscle is located directly below the gluteus medius and, in tandem with it, provides stability to the hip joint.

Since the gluteal muscles are a kind of support for the back, their development and condition is invaluable. Further in the article, examples of the most effective exercises for girls are given that will help tidy up and keep the gluteus medius muscle in order.

Steps onto the platform

Platform step-ups are an exercise for the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, aimed at strengthening them to perform the functions of hip abduction and stabilization of the pelvis. Great for warming up before more vigorous movements and included in athletes' mandatory training plans.

step onto the platform

To perform this exercise, you will need to prepare a substrate that will serve as a step, approximately fifteen to twenty centimeters thick.

The technique is as follows:

  • stand with one foot on the step;
  • move your free leg to the side to an angle of forty-five degrees;
  • hold in this position for six seconds;
  • slowly lower your leg to the floor.

Perform the exercise at medium intensity for two minutes, then change legs and repeat.

While performing movements, you need to pay attention to your posture - your back should be straight, your active leg should be straight, your shoulders should not roll to one side.

This exercise can be complicated by the fact that with the maximum abduction of the leg, you need to perform circular movements with it (five circles clockwise and the same number counterclockwise), in this case you will have to maintain balance, which will give additional load.


Leg swings can be performed both from a standing position and from a lying and kneeling position. These exercises are very suitable for practicing at home. The following varieties exist:

  • Swing standing backwards. The gluteus maximus muscle is included in the work.
  • Swinging your leg back from a position on the floor, supported by your elbows or hands, also includes the gluteus maximus in the work.
  • Swing your leg to the sides from a standing position. The gluteus medius and minimus muscles are included in the work.
  • Swinging your leg to the side from a position lying on your side works similar muscles.

Hip abduction

This movement is one of the most effective exercises for the gluteus medius muscle at home, affecting its growth. Every woman can do it, since it does not require any special effort. You just need to perform the movement correctly, otherwise it will not be the gluteus medius muscle that will work, but the tensor fascia lata. This muscle occupies the top and side of the legs, just below the femur. During the exercises, you need to make sure that it is the gluteal muscles that are tensed.

leg spread

The workout looks like this:

  • take the primary position: lying on your side, head on your arm bent at the elbow, knees at a right angle and closed;
  • Without straightening, raise the knee of the upper leg as high as possible, hold there for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position;
  • repeat the exercise ten to twenty times;
  • change position, perform the movements again, straining the gluteus medius muscle well.

The exercise for its growth stipulates that when doing this, the feet must be kept together, and the body should not turn along with the thigh.

TOP 5 best exercises for buttocks and legs at home

You already guessed that these are basically squats in different variations. Perform the exercises in sets, counting repetitions (10 to 30 times) or timing (30 seconds per exercise or per leg).

Classic squats

We place our feet shoulder-width apart with our toes forward. We spread our arms to the sides or fix them at chest level. As you exhale, lower your pelvis down, bending your knees until the angle is 90° - no lower and no higher. The body weight shifts to the heels. Hold this position for 1 second and then smoothly return to the starting position. The back always remains straight.


The exercise becomes more difficult if you pick up a weight: a bottle of sand or water, dumbbells, a heavy book. Hold the weight at your chest with your arms bent. It is undesirable to squat with your arms down along your body - it makes it more difficult to breathe.


Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. We take the working leg back in a wide step and fix it, leaning on the toe. Lower your pelvis so that both knees form a 90° angle, and repeat the movements 10 to 30 times on each leg.

This is an easy option, but you can complicate the task and perform lunges forward, with swings, with weight. For example, to engage not only the gluteal muscles, but also the thigh muscles, lunge not backwards, placing your feet in line, but slightly to the side and back. At the same time, do not forget to keep your torso straight.


Pelvic lifts

We lie down on the floor or mat. Legs bent, arms along the body or on the chest with weights, shoulder blades pressed firmly to the floor. While lying down, push your pelvis upward, but the main load should fall on your buttocks and thighs, not your calves or abs. At the top, keep your body in one line, straight from your knees to your chest, with your buttocks squeezed and not sagging. Repeat 20 times in 3 sets.

Pelvic lift

Leg abduction

Perform the exercise lying or standing. We lie on our side or stand against a support, move our working leg up/to the side and hold it straight, with our toes towards us. Do several sets of 20-25 reps on each leg. If you are in the correct position, you will feel tension in your upper buttocks and thighs. When you realize that exercises with your own weight are not bringing results, place a dumbbell or weight on your leg, but not on your foot, but closer to your knee.

Swing your leg back from a lying position

We kneel with support on our hands or forearms. We bend the working leg at the knee and push it up, keeping the foot parallel to the floor. Remember that the angle at the knee is 90°, the leg does not rise above the pelvis, and we do not pull the toe.

There are 2 options for this exercise for the buttocks at home:

  • dynamic. When the working leg rises and falls on the mat to the starting position a certain number of times;
  • static. The working leg is held at the top point for up to 1 minute. You can also push your leg up with a small amplitude, as if springing.

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We have found for you an excellent video with different exercises for the buttocks. They can be completed in just 10 minutes without taking into account breaks between sets. A standard home workout will take from 20 to 30 minutes, and there is no need to spend money on a gym membership, travel or personal training with a trainer. I wish you success!

Squats with an elastic band

The exercise is performed with a special wide elastic shock absorber, which is put on both legs at once, slightly above the knees. It shouldn't be very tight, but stretched out won't do either. The diameter of the ring should be equal to the circumference of both legs just above the knees. The device serves as a kind of weighting agent and at the same time protects the knee joints from injuries (ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament) in case of incorrect squatting technique. The shock absorber also improves the effectiveness of your workout.

squats with elastic band

First you need to learn how to squat correctly with your own weight, and then include the use of an elastic band in the program.

Exercises for pumping the gluteus medius muscle are performed as follows:

  • put the shock absorber on five centimeters above the knees;
  • take the starting position: spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders (so that the elastic band stretches), feet are parallel to each other, chest and head look straight;
  • tense your abdominal muscles, squat as low as possible, without lifting your heels from the floor and without tilting your body forward - keep your body weight on your heels, knees parallel to each other;
  • straining the gluteal muscles, return the body to its original position.

The exercise is repeated fifteen to twenty times.

Effective exercises on how to pump up a girl’s buttocks

We have selected for you the most effective exercises on how to pump up a girl’s buttocks. The complex will not require special exercise equipment, the only thing you will need is two dumbbells of 1-1.5 kg each. It is better to buy professional women's dumbbells, but, in extreme cases, you can also use improvised devices, for example, water bottles.

how to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home
Women's dumbbells for fitness ORDER NOW


Squats, familiar to us from childhood (which we didn’t like so much in physical education classes at school), are one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks and legs. You can't get a bigger butt without a leg lift. And as a whole, because it looks more attractive...


To keep your back straight and not fall to one side, it is better to squat with a stick on your shoulders. Try not to let your knees protrude past your toes; it’s better not to squat all the way down; your buttocks should not fall below your knees. Stick your butt out as far back as possible during squats.

If you have injured knees, it is better to wear a knee brace before training. This is a special bandage that fixes the composition in a strictly anatomical position. Such safety measures will allow you to quickly pump up your buttocks at home and at the same time prevent joints.

Lunges on one leg

The “Lunge” exercise helps not only pump up your buttocks, but will make them bigger. This exercise is also suitable for women whose butt has spread a little. The technique helps to work out the inner thighs and makes the legs sculpted.


When you do the exercise, do not fall back, the weight should be distributed on the front leg, keep your back straight. You can do lunges with or without dumbbells. You can pick up two bottles and fix the weight on your shoulders.

One of the variations of the exercise is to hold your hands with dumbbells raised up. Include lunges in your daily routine, starting with one to three sets of 10 reps on each leg.

Swing your legs

Another effective exercise is how to pump up a girl’s buttocks at home. When performing this exercise, make sure that the leg you are lifting does not “fly” back with a jerk. You need to lift your leg smoothly to the maximum limit, while your back should be straight, do not bend down.


The starting position can be with emphasis on your palms or with emphasis on your elbows, as is convenient for you. Place your palms straight, do not turn them towards each other. Leg swings are an effective exercise for tightening the muscles of the buttocks and upper thighs. Start with two sets of 10 reps.

If your buttocks “burn”, it means you are doing everything right.

Butt lift

This is a very effective exercise for women who not only want to pump up their buttocks. By stimulating the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, you simultaneously prevent yourself from many gynecological diseases.

butt lift

We recommend that when lifting, linger at the highest point for 5 seconds and tense all the pelvic muscles. Whatever you can. This way you will also perform one of the main wumbling exercises.

Standing and sitting calf raises

A very simple exercise that can be done systematically throughout the day. For example, when you are working at a computer or sitting at a bus stop waiting for transport.

The first thing this exercise affects is the formation of beautiful calves, an elastic butt is a “bonus”.

raising your toes

It is better to perform standing calf raises not on a flat surface, but by placing some kind of elevation. With your toes you stand on the stand and lift your torso with your toes. Be sure to keep your back straight and do not lean forward or backward.

Side plank with leg lift

This is a complicated modification of the side plank for pumping the gluteus medius muscles. The exercise is difficult for an unprepared body, but over time, training will help strengthen it.

side plank

Performing the exercise:

  • take the desired position: lie on your side, resting on your bent elbow;
  • raise the pelvis up so that a straight line is formed from the shoulders to the ankles, the feet are brought together, the other hand is rested on the side, the body should not sag;
  • raise the straight upper leg so that the angle between the lower limbs is equal to forty-five degrees, stay in this position for six seconds;
  • slowly lower your leg.

Repeat the exercise fifteen to twenty times and turn over to the other side.

Taking your legs back

This is a good workout for the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles. Exercises are performed using a shock absorber. The elastic band should have a diameter sufficient to move the leg back to a large angle and at the same time provide resistance to movement.

swing your legs


  • fasten the elastic band with one edge to the ankle of either leg, and the other to the stand (support);
  • stand at a distance of half a meter from the support and grasp it with both hands to maintain balance;
  • bend your knees slightly and tighten your buttocks;
  • slowly move your working leg back, stretching the shock absorber, hold the position for six seconds;
  • return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise fifteen times, change the working leg. To make it more difficult, the toe of the abducted leg can be turned outward. This exercise can be performed without equipment, and later move on to more serious loads.

Features of training, recommendations

To be effective, any workout should include a variety of exercises. Therefore, you should not choose one or two of the movements proposed above and use them constantly - the muscles will get used to it and stop responding to the exercises.

The complex should combine several different movements, in which different fibers will be involved in the work. In this case, the development of muscle tissue will be proportional and harmonious.

Along with home workouts, you can include exercises for the gluteus medius muscle in the gym using special machines.

When creating a list of training loads for the gluteal muscles, you can focus on the following approximate list of one lesson:

  • one type of exercise to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle;
  • two types of squats;
  • deadlift;
  • several movements that develop stability.

Muscle tissue is represented by a variety of fibers that are activated by different movements. You need to choose a set of exercises that will allow you to use all or most types of muscles.

Exercise equipment to pump up your butt at home

Exercise equipment to pump up your butt at home

You can easily do exercises to pump up your buttocks at home without using any sports equipment. But, over time, the body can get used to the load. To increase the effectiveness of your training, you should take care of purchasing a minimum list of additional equipment:

  • Fitball or gymnastic ball.
  • Weights for arms and legs.
  • Dumbbells - easily replaced with books and water bottles.
  • Expander - replaced with an elastic bandage or tape.
  • Platform – you can use a sofa or chair.

As you can see, even in this case, you can find alternative options that will help you save. Beginners are luckier in this regard - they should start training their buttocks with their own weight.

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