Are fractionated meals effective for losing weight, rules for eating in small portions and reviews from those losing weight

Today I want to introduce you to the best way to lose weight, which does not require any costs, either material or moral, you just need to make your usual portion of food smaller. I have been indifferent to sweets since childhood. Why? I don’t know myself, my body tells me so.

As a child, my mother spoiled us with chocolates only on holidays; caramels were on the table every day. He will distribute 3-4 candies per day to the children, and put the rest in the sideboard. The next day, we get another portion of sweets.

The boys ate their candy or fruit right away, but I didn’t want to, so I put the leftover sweets in the nightstand. My mother scolded me for this habit and forced me to eat everything at once. In my nightstand, deposits of sweets and fruits gradually formed, which became stale, dried out and spoiled. Sometimes, remembering about my supplies, I took out a bag from the nightstand and my brothers had a holiday again!

And we knew that we had to leave the table slightly hungry even in childhood. Mom often reminded us of this. She constantly told us: “Don’t tell me! Leave it for the evening. You’ll finish your meal later!” Apparently, these daily reminders gradually grew into a habit - to eat little.

Several years ago, while visiting, I was extremely surprised how parents offered their little child a portion of potatoes with meat, which was 2 times larger than mine. To the question “Why so many?” - I heard the answer: “Let him eat, we didn’t finish eating in childhood!?” Now, the poor boy, eating double portions every day that his parents did not receive in childhood, has become the fattest among his classmates.

The essence of fractional nutrition

This type of nutrition refers to a large number of small meals throughout the day. You need to eat often, but little by little. The usual portion of food should be reduced by 2–3 times. However, the number of snacks, on the contrary, is increased - up to 5-6 times a day.

According to reviews from those losing weight, split meals for weight loss help avoid the deposition of excess calories into fat. At the same time, the person does not feel hungry. The body receives food every 2–3 hours. Due to this, it does not have time to produce a hormone that leads to an increase in appetite. To determine the serving size, it is recommended to use your palm as a guide.

It is worth considering that switching to such a diet can be very difficult. Finding time for 5-6 meals can be problematic for modern people. It is important to think through your menu in detail and calculate the calorie content of meals. In addition, the difficulty lies in the fact that the body is accustomed to a certain diet, volume and composition of food.

Glass of water

Start each meal with a glass of drinking water. A stomach filled with liquid will take in much less food. In addition, water is useful for maintaining basic body functions. It will save you from dehydration. Drink water between meals as well. Know that sometimes the stomach can be tricked.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the system

This system has many advantages:

  • contains a variety of products;
  • does not cause feelings of hunger;
  • helps reduce the size of the stomach, which allows you to saturate the body much faster;
  • allows you to keep your appetite under control;
  • helps to effectively spend calories and prevents their deposition in fats;
  • creates a minimum load on the digestive system;
  • promotes weight loss.

At the same time, reviews of the diet in small portions indicate that it also has certain disadvantages:

  • there are no simple carbohydrates in the diet;
  • there are difficulties with limiting portion sizes;
  • difficulties arise with the implementation of the system due to work and busyness;
  • restrictions have to be met constantly.

Tall glasses for drinks

If you want to enjoy a cocktail while eating, sip from a tall glass. This clever move will allow you to drink less. One interesting experiment showed that bartenders pour on average twenty percent more into a wide, thick glass.

Efficiency of fractional feeding

Most often, people, in an attempt to get rid of excess weight, resort to all sorts of diets. After the end of the stressful situation in which the body finds itself with restrictions in the diet, it begins to make reserves. As a result, the lost weight returns. The reasons for weight gain vary. However, there are certain laws by which the body works.

If you eat in small portions, you can lose weight, reviews confirm this. The effectiveness of a fractional power system is associated with certain points. First of all, this technique prevents the feeling of hunger.

This is due to the suppression of the synthesis of the hormone ghrelin. It is produced in the stomach when a feeling of hunger occurs and often leads to overeating. The longer the intervals between meals, the greater the amount of hormone synthesized. This provokes severe hunger.

As a result, a person eats much more food. When a feeling of hunger appears, the body goes into energy saving and accumulation mode. This leads to active storage of nutrients for future use. People who eat 2 times a day, but at the same time exceed the serving size, are often overweight.

In addition, reviews of the fractional diet indicate that it is easy to tolerate psychologically. This helps to carry out the entire weight loss process without disruption. The lack of feeling of hunger leads to the fact that a person eats less food, which means he receives few calories.

Another advantage of such a nutritional system is the activation of metabolic processes. This is due to food thermogenesis, which is accompanied by the production of energy for digesting food. Immediately after eating, the process of thermogenesis increases by 2–4 hours. At the same time, metabolic processes are activated. With frequent meals, your metabolism will be more active.

It is important to understand that the body spends the maximum amount of energy on digesting protein foods and vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber. If carbohydrates predominate in the diet, the body spends virtually no energy. An excess of these substances provokes the accumulation of fat.

The body spends 50% more energy digesting unprocessed food, which includes fresh fruits and vegetables, than processed food. This includes products that have undergone heat treatment.

Reviews of fractional meals for weight loss indicate that this is a physiological nutrition system. If you eat every 3 hours, but little by little, you can avoid increased stress on the digestive organs. At the same time, nutrients are absorbed much better.

At one time, the liver is capable of transforming only 90 g of carbohydrates into glycogen. The rest accumulate, forming fat reserves. If you break up your diet and reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates, you will be able to avoid their excess.

The duration of digestion of different foods is of no small importance. So, meat and fish take the longest to digest. In second place are eggs and young products. The next position in digestion is occupied by cereals, legumes, and starchy vegetables. The fastest digestible foods are seeds, nuts and fruits.

The main principle of the technique is frequent meals. There should be 6-7 meals a day. This nutrition system is often used in certain sports. These include fitness and body fitness. It is also often used by people who want to lose excess weight.

It is best to switch to such a diet during rest. In this case, you can calmly calculate the calorie content of the menu and think through your diet. Within 2 weeks you will be able to completely change your eating rhythm and adapt to the new system.

If you are going to a catering establishment

A study conducted by Cornell University found that when given a seven-course buffet, people tend to choose the first three. The experiment participants were divided into two groups. The food line for the first group looked like this: soft-boiled eggs, potatoes, bacon, cinnamon rolls, low-calorie muesli, low-fat yogurt, fruit.

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For the second group of participants, the line was placed in the reverse order. Interestingly, seventy-five percent of the total number of participants chose the dishes they encountered first. Therefore, when you go to a catering establishment, first go around the entire assortment, and then make your choice.

General rules of fractional diet

To eat small portions and lose weight, reviews recommend doing the following:

  1. Eat meals at the same time. This helps control glucose uptake and insulin synthesis. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the feeling of hunger and the formation of fatty odors.
  2. Control the optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
  3. Give preference to low-calorie foods. There are no strict dietary restrictions. But to get rid of excess weight, the diet should be based on vegetables, fish, lean meat, fresh fruits, and dairy products.
  4. Maintain caloric intake within 1200–1500 kcal. Specific values ​​depend on work and physical activity. Subsequently, this figure can be increased to 1800 kcal.
  5. Gradually reduce portion sizes and energy value of foods. It is important to avoid stress to the body. He must adapt to the new food system. At the initial stage, you can stick to your usual diet. At the same time, you should reduce the size of portions and avoid unhealthy foods. These include fried foods, smoked foods, fatty foods, and simple carbohydrates. Sweets, pastries, and desserts are prohibited.
  6. Add slow carbohydrates to your diet. These include porridge and whole grain bread. Such products give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  7. Include protein foods. Each meal should contain the following foods - eggs, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese. They provide a feeling of fullness and create good energy expenditure.
  8. Combine proteins with non-starchy vegetables. You should not combine protein foods with cereals, potatoes, legumes or corn. This allows you to comply with the principles of separate nutrition.
  9. Chew food thoroughly and slowly. This will help achieve satiety with a small amount of food.
  10. Add enough liquid to your diet. You should drink up to 2 liters of water per day.
  11. Eat 6 times a day. This mode is considered the most acceptable. There should be 3 main meals and 3 snacks per day.
  12. Determine portion sizes correctly. To do this, you should use a calorie calculator. However, in real life, not everyone can do this. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on the average quantity. To choose small portions for weight loss, reviews recommend focusing on the size of 1 glass.

Correct color of dishes

The color of the utensils you eat from can also make a big difference. Research conducted in 2012 by Cornell University researchers found the following.

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List of permitted and prohibited products

Reviews about eating small portions for weight loss indicate that it is necessary to give up unhealthy foods and give preference to healthy ones. During the period of losing excess weight, you need to eat the following:

  1. Lean fish and seafood. It is permissible to eat fatty fish once a week. It is recommended to boil or bake such food.
  2. Lean meats. These include beef, rabbit, turkey, and chicken. Meat dishes are recommended to be boiled, stewed, baked.
  3. Unpolished cereals. It is recommended to give preference to buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal, and wheat. Porridge can be cooked with milk or water. However, it is not recommended to put sugar in them. Pasta and potatoes should not be used as side dishes.
  4. Legumes. They contain a lot of plant proteins and fiber. Such products have a low glycemic index. This food can be eaten 2-3 times a week.
  5. Chicken and quail eggs. It is advisable to add egg whites to vegetable salads.
  6. Grain bread. It is also useful to eat bread with bran.
  7. Low-fat dairy products. These include cheeses, yogurt, kefir. The amount of cheese should not exceed 30–50 g per day.
  8. Vegetables and unsweetened fruits. The amount of such food should not exceed 500 g per day. At the same time, the volume of starchy vegetables is reduced. These include potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, and beets. The basis of the diet should be tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, and peppers. Additionally, you should eat flax and sesame seeds.
  9. Nuts and seeds. The amount of such products should not exceed 30 g per day. They are used as snacks and added to salads.
  10. Unrefined vegetable oil. It contains valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids. Olive, flaxseed, corn, and sesame oils are suitable for seasoning vegetables.
  11. Green tea with honey, rosehip infusion, clean water. Vegetable and fruit juices may also be present in the diet. It is important to consider their calorie content. It is best to make fresh juices from tangerines, oranges, and pomegranates.

At the same time, there are foods that need to be limited or completely removed from the diet:

  • sauces;
  • semi-finished products, fast food;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • fatty pork, goose, duck;
  • canned foods;
  • fried food;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • ready-made juices;
  • baked goods, chocolate, sugar, cakes, ice cream;
  • pasta;
  • White rice;
  • salt – it is recommended to limit its amount.

Wear tight-fitting clothes

Wearing tight clothes can be a good incentive to keep yourself in great shape. To do this, you don’t have to buy pants two sizes too small and try your best to squeeze into them to no avail. However, tight-fitting clothes, a wide belt on a dress or a jacket with buttons will help you control the portion you eat. If while eating you feel that your clothes are pressing on your stomach, then it’s time to stop.

Sample menu

Reviews of fractional meals for weight loss and weekly menus are based on the following principles:

  1. The menu should consist of familiar foods. This is very important at the initial stage, until the body adapts to small portions and frequent meals.
  2. The diet should saturate the body with useful elements. The menu must contain the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Also, food should include many vitamins and minerals.
  3. The diet should cover the daily calorie requirement.

Reviews of five meals a day for weight loss confirm its effectiveness. It should include 1200 kcal. You can use the following options:

  1. First breakfast. In the morning, the body requires a lot of energy. Therefore, you can include oatmeal with halva, chicken fillet with cottage cheese, buckwheat, and pineapple casserole in your diet. Breakfast can also consist of granola or rice pancakes. On weekends, it is acceptable to eat cake with berries. In this case, instead of sugar, you should use a natural sweetener. The serving size should not exceed 250 g. The calorie content of this meal is 350 kcal.
  2. Lunch. Cereals, egg casseroles, and smoothie bowls are perfect. Pancakes with apples or bread with hummus are also great. The calorie content of the diet should be no more than 150 kcal. The serving size should be 200 g.
  3. Dinner. This meal should be the most satisfying. An excellent option would be rice or pearl barley pilaf. It is prepared with vegetables and poultry. An excellent solution would be mushroom buckwheat, buckwheat meatballs in tomato, stuffed peppers. You can make healthy beef stroganoff with bulgur.
  4. Afternoon snack. Reviews of frequent meals in small portions for weight loss indicate that this meal should contain a minimum of calories. Vegetables are recommended. They can be boiled or fresh. It is recommended to use hummus as a side dish. An excellent option for an afternoon snack would be an omelette, casserole, or salad.
  5. Dinner. The basis of the evening meal should be protein foods and vegetables. A good solution would be chicken fillet with ricotta. You can also eat a protein casserole with herbs and meat.

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