Training program from Crazy Drying - practice at home for free

Hello, dear readers! Often a person is left alone with such a delicate problem as excess weight. Often the lack of outside support makes him look at photographs of fit and slender bodies, eating his grief with candy and thinking “I’ll start tomorrow”...

Fortunately, there are special projects that bring together people who want to achieve their dream figure. I will tell you about one of them today: You will learn what “crazy drying” is, the menu of the famous competition and its rules.

What is “crazy drying”?

Mad drying is an online project launched by Vasily Smolny. 19 seasons have already passed, in which more than 170,000 people took part.

The essence of the project is quite simple: over a certain period of time, participants follow the instructions of the mentor, keep a diary, and in the end become not only slender and lucky, but can also claim valuable prizes. To participate, you must fill out a form on the website and pay for the participant package.

This is done not only to ensure that the mentor’s work is rewarded - most of the money goes to form a prize fund, which increases every season.

The mentor's instructions concern two points - nutrition and training. Moreover, to engage in the project’s training program, you don’t even have to leave your home.

A little about the author

Vasily Smolny calls himself a media character, the main healthy lifestyle provocateur, an odious instablogger, etc. By the way, he wrote the book “PP for TP”, which quite naturally became a bestseller. The man has already achieved a lot in life, although he is 32 years old, and it is impressive: such significant achievements in the industry of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. It is all the more interesting that Vasily came to this industry relatively recently.

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Vasya Smolny was a DJ and hosted his own project on Europe Plus. But the more or less famous guy smoked, was not averse to drinking, and did not look the best - an ordinary man, rather than a person living according to the canons of a healthy lifestyle. Having once seen himself in the mirror in a not very attractive form, Vasily decided to change his life. And he changed it. I took care of myself, went to the gym, gave up bad habits. He even spent some time as a vegetarian, but this diet did not suit him.

Finally, like many others, Vasily Smolny came to the Instagram site. His profile quickly gained subscribers, which pushed the guy into new interesting projects. So, in 2016, the Mad Drying project emerged. Today this is Vasily’s main source of income. 21 successful seasons speak for themselves. And the new weight loss guru is supported by his wife Julia, as well as children Zakhar and Seraphim.

What is the meaning of “mad drying”?

Many do not understand the meaning of the project, believing that this is a blatant “pumping of money.” Let's figure it out. Yes, you can lose weight for free. But provided that you have willpower and good knowledge of sports and nutrition.

Nevertheless, millions of people pay for classes in fitness rooms, the services of personal trainers and even, horror of horrors, weight loss pills and creams. Moreover, the less effort they need to put into their own health and beauty, the more money they are willing to part with.

So why shouldn’t the work of a project mentor who shares his knowledge and experience be rewarded? In addition, everyone makes their own decision to participate.

The project has another important advantage - the competitive aspect not only makes the path to slimness interesting, but also allows you not to shirk the instructions received.

Who will see your reports on video?

Many potential participants are worried that their video classes will be seen by the entire Internet. But this is not true: only administrators monitor reporting. These are professionals who train ordinary and not particularly athletic people just like you. Therefore, there is little that can confuse, surprise, or make them laugh.

Whether or not to post intermediate weight loss results on Instagram is entirely up to you. Yes, there are many other marathons where such a condition is mandatory. You can post photos, collages - this will be personal motivation, as well as a way to promote your account.

Must Read: Does Burpee Exercise Really Help Burn Calories Fast?

But, by the way, if you are an online participant, you can win many interesting prizes during the marathon. So there is no need to be shy, it’s more interesting to lose weight, and additional winnings have never hurt anyone.

Principles and rules of crazy drying

Crazy cutting is based on the usual classical drying, which is understood as a set of measures aimed at reducing the level of fat in human soft tissues. It includes two components: a special diet with limited carbohydrates and special training.

Moreover, you do not have to visit the gym - all training can be done at home without special equipment.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose from 4 to 10 kg during the period of frantic drying. At the same time, the body will become more toned and sculpted in just a month.

Diet duration

Each frantic drying season lasts five weeks. It is during this time that the participant manages to go through all the drying cycles: introduction to the nutrition system, the phase of active fat burning, removal of excess fluid from the body and exit from the diet.

Allowed foods are the basis of the diet

The diet during cutting is based on foods rich in protein - this is done so that a person can maintain and build muscle mass, and not just become skinny.

These basic foods can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities:

  • Lean meat: poultry, rabbit, beef, veal and other types
  • Chicken and quail eggs
  • All types of fish
  • Seafood: squid, shrimp, mussels
  • Legumes
  • Unsweetened dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir
  • Green vegetables: cucumbers, all types of green salad and cabbage, cucumbers.

Limited Products

To diversify your diet and expand your choice of dishes, you are allowed to consume the following foods in limited quantities:

  • Mushrooms
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat
  • Unsweetened curd and hard cheeses
  • Low glycemic index fruits: grapefruit, lemon, green apples

You can't eat this: prohibited foods

During the drying period, it is forbidden to eat anything that contains a lot of carbohydrates - that is, foods with a high glycemic index:

  • Sugar, sweets and any confectionery
  • Bakery products
  • Fast food
  • Fruits and vegetables with a high glycemic index: potatoes, beets, carrots, bananas, grapes, persimmons and others

Please note that sweet drinks - from soda to compotes and freshly squeezed juices - are also prohibited.

Burpees without push-ups. Burpee exercise for weight loss

Today, many people dream of giving their body an ideal look. Some sit on strict diets for months, others train hard in gyms. Everyone knows that losing weight or, on the contrary, building muscles is impossible without physical activity. However, it often happens that after one or two workouts we quit, finding ourselves a rather serious excuse: there is no free time. In the modern world, there are a lot of techniques that include exercises that will take a minimum of time to lose weight, and the Burpee exercise for weight loss is one of these. The Burpee exercise for weight loss can be performed even at home. Of course, if your goal is to reduce body weight, that is, to lose weight, do not forget about nutrition, without it all exercises will not be effective.

What is a burpee?

Burpees are a specific set of exercises. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they can be performed without additional equipment: all kinds of weights, weights, etc. Despite this, the complex is very effective, as it gives an intense load to the whole body at once. Already a few minutes after the start of the lesson, tension is felt in the body. It is this effect that helps you lose weight. The main load when performing the complex is received by the buttocks, calves, abs and arms. That is, all problem areas can be tightened.

Burpees for weight loss

Burpee exercises are ideal for those who want to lose weight. During its execution, a person loses a lot of calories. Some studies suggest that Burpees are 50 percent more effective than any other strength training exercise.

How soon will the results be?

Like any other physical activity, Burpee will not bring the desired results after the first lesson. While performing the exercise, at a certain point it becomes very difficult to continue it further. It is important not to stop here and continue to implement it. Only after this will calories and overall fat in the body begin to be burned. Over time, performing the complex becomes easier and easier, but this effect will bring less results. That is why it is necessary to gradually increase the load and training time. In general, noticeable results can appear within one to two weeks after starting training.

Burpee Technique

As before any physical activity, you need to warm up and warm up before Burpee. It is also important to maintain proper breathing during exercise, as it plays an important role in losing weight. Beginners should start with the simplest exercise. This exercise can be performed in two ways, with push-ups and without push-ups; in fact, these methods differ only in the addition or exclusion of one element. If this is your first time doing this exercise, start with the easiest version of the Burpee without push-ups.

Burpees without push-ups

1. Squat down and place your palms on the floor.

2. Then quickly jump back with your feet and take a prone position.

3. Next you need to return to the starting position.

4. Then jump up. In this case, you need to stretch your arms up and try to make the jump as high as possible.

For those who find it very difficult to perform the first version of the exercise, there is an easier version. To perform it, you simply need not make a jump at the end, but simply return your legs to their original position. This exercise will be a little easier to perform.

As soon as you feel that such a load does not require much effort from you, you should increase it. To do this, you can simply add a push-up after jumping back. But the main thing is to do all the exercises at a pace.

Burpee with push-ups

1. Squat down and place your palms on the floor.

2. Then quickly jump back with your feet and take a prone position.

3. Perform a classic push-up.

4. Next you need to return to the starting position.

5. Then jump up. In this case, you need to stretch your arms up and try to make the jump as high as possible.

This exercise must be performed 12 to 15 times. It is important not to slow down. It should either remain constantly high or increase gradually.

Menu of crazy drying for every day

One of the advantages of the project is the calculation of daily calorie needs individually for each participant, as well as the preparation of recommendations for preparing a diet. Therefore, everyone, even vegetarians, can participate in the crazy drying - just learn how to use a special calculator and follow the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Approximately the project menu for the average participant looks like this:

Breakfastoatmeal with water (200 gr.)
boiled egg
omelet with kefir (150 gr.)
fruit salad

(apple + grapefruit + yogurt 3.5%, 150 gr.),

oatmeal with water (200 gr.)
boiled egg
oatmeal with water (150 gr.)
half a grapefruit

two hard-boiled eggs

omelette with kefir (150 gr.),
fruit salad (apple + grapefruit + yogurt 3.5%, 150 gr.),
2 poached eggs
boiled shrimp

(100 gr.)

50 gr. cottage cheese with herbs

2 poached eggs
boiled shrimp

(100 gr.)

50 gr. cottage cheese with herbs

2nd breakfastgrapefruit
kefir 3.5% (200 ml.)
yogurt 3.5% without sugar (200 ml.)kefir 3.5% (200 ml.)green applekefir 3.5% (200 ml.)kefir 3.5% (200 ml.)grapefruit
Dinneroven-baked chicken breast (200 gr.)
with soy sauce

2 cucumbers

boiled rice (100 gr.)

steamed veal (200 gr.)
boiled white rice (100 g)

fresh cabbage salad with sunflower oil

oven-baked chicken breast (200 gr.)
boiled white rice (100 g),

vegetable salad (cucumber, celery, olive oil)

boiled chicken breasts (200 gr.)
boiled green beans (100 gr.)

vegetable salad (cucumber, green salad, vegetable oil)

boiled beef (200 gr.)
Stewed cauliflower with mushrooms and hard cheese (150 gr.)

green salad (100 gr.)

fish broth with herbs
boiled cod (200 gr.)

seaweed with butter (150 gr.)

fish broth with herbs
salmon baked in the oven with cheese and herbs (200 gr.)

seaweed with butter (150 gr.)

Afternoon snackCottage cheese 10% with herbs (150 gr.)3 hard-boiled egg whites
any green salad with lemon juice
3 hard-boiled egg whites,
any green salad with lemon juice
omelette with kefir (150 gr.)
any green salad with lemon juice
2 boiled eggs2 cucumberscottage cheese 10% with herbs (150 gr.)
Dinnerfunchose with beans (200 gr.)
green salad (100 gr.)
boiled chicken breast (200 gr.)
vegetable salad

hard yellow cheese


boiled green beans with sour cream 10% (200 gr.)
2 cucumbers
boiled breasts (150 gr.)
vegetable salad

hard yellow cheese


boiled breasts (150 gr.),
vegetable salad

hard yellow cheese


fried cod (200 gr.),
arugula with vegetable oil
salad of seaweed and squid with hard cheese (250 gr.)
Second dinneryogurt 3.5% without sugar (200 ml.)kefir 3.5% (200 ml.)Cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150 gr.)Cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150 gr.)Cottage cheese 10% with herbs (150 gr.)Yogurt 3.5% without sugar (200 ml.)kefir 3.5% (200 ml.)
in %
141,5/ 60/ 101

Is it possible to combine drying with other diets?

The temptation not only to lose weight, but also to win a prize gives many participants thoughts about cheating and using some other techniques during drying in order to lose weight faster than their rivals. How can such a scam turn out?

It must be remembered that for the process of burning fat, the metabolism in the body must be carried out at a normal pace. If you limit your caloric intake during drying, it may slow down. This will lead to slower weight loss, as well as loss of muscle mass instead of fat mass.

You need to eat exclusively according to the recommendations of your mentor. But some tricks can still be used - for example, eat well in fractions: that is, in small portions 5-6 times a day. This allows you to maintain your metabolic rate and reduce stomach volume.

You can also structure your daily diet so that the foods richest in carbohydrates are consumed in the first half of the day - you will feel more energetic, and the extra pounds will leave you faster.

Burpees for beginners. Burpees for beginners: benefits and harms

Like any other cardio exercise, burpee is not for everyone. And in addition to the obvious advantages, it also has disadvantages. We’ll tell you about them right away so that you can decide in advance whether such training is suitable for you or not.

But first, about the advantages:

  • Burpees are the perfect exercise for beginners: simple, effective and very functional.
  • During training, almost all the muscles of the body work: hamstrings, triceps, chest muscles, shoulders, buttocks, legs. In addition, burpees are very good for strengthening your core muscles.
  • Burpee exercises for women are just what the doctor ordered: they burn calories well during the workout. This means that the kilograms and centimeters that are hated by all representatives of the fair sex are gone.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • Speed, flexibility and coordination develop noticeably - after a month or two of training you will feel it for yourself.
  • The heart and blood vessels are strengthened.
  • You don't need any additional sports equipment or a trainer to control you. All you need to do is learn how to do the burpee exercise correctly and start doing it. It works for absolutely everyone.

Now let's talk about a few disadvantages of burpees:

  • The exercise puts significant stress on almost all the joints of your body. Mainly on the knees. Therefore, if they are weak, it is better to choose something else. Plus, if you mindlessly “plop down” on your hands while lying down, you can do it carelessly and hurt yourself. The ideal option is to perform burpees on a rubberized surface.
  • Many people don’t like the technique itself, how to do burpees. Beginners say that it is difficult at first. But if you force yourself every day, it will become much easier over time.

Sports nutrition during crazy drying

The use of sports nutrition in itself is not a prerequisite for crazy cutting. However, many participants find it difficult to reach the protein requirement per day - especially if a person is used to eating small portions. In this case, the diet can be supplemented with whey protein - its recommended share in the total amount of protein can reach 50%.

It is better to take protein in small portions (15-30 g) in the morning, an hour before training and an hour after training, as well as in between main meals.

Some sports supplements will help avoid loss of strength during training, improve well-being and maintain overall body tone during drying. These include creatine - an absolutely safe substance necessary to improve the quality of energy exchange in muscle tissue. It has a positive effect on the intensity and duration of training, and, therefore, accelerates the fat burning process.

Exercising correctly: training program and exercises during drying

For those who are already eager to take part in the project, I can immediately warn you: although the crazy drying workouts are not long (only 30 minutes every day), they are quite active. In addition, the creators of the project openly advocate for gender equality, which means that tasks for girls and women are no different from training for men.

Every Saturday, participants perform a special control task on camera - so that mentors can see that people are actually training. According to its results, cunning people and lazy people leave the project.

The training itself has an eloquent name - “die, but do it.” Don't take it too literally.

The exercises are also quite interesting - you will have to perform “horizhops” (squats), “sisepols” (push-ups), “bulkoshares” (jumping lunges), “crazy joggers” (burpees) and other exercises.

The workout is usually circular and includes 6 different exercises. For example, 6 laps of:

  • 20 squats
  • 10 push-ups
  • 20 hyperextensions (without a machine)
  • 5 burpees
  • 25 sit-ups
  • plank 1 minute

Rest between circles – 1 minute.

Please note that this workout is designed for you to have some experience in physical training. If you have never played sports and do not know how to do push-ups, squats, and the plank is not a real task, then I do not recommend you to participate in the project. Start with simpler exercises that you know you can do. Then you can move on to such training.

Who can take part?

Men and women of absolutely any age and social status can participate in the project. But according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can only apply for prizes if you are 18 years old.

If for some reason, be it lack of finances, fear or being busy with other things, you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym and train under the guidance of a trainer, then this project is created for you! It will definitely motivate you to take decisive action and give an impetus to someone who needs it.

Crazy drying: reviews

On the Internet you can find a lot of both positive and negative reviews about the “Mad Drying” project. However, the very fact of its long existence, the scale and experience of real people who managed to lose weight and radically change their lives speak for themselves - this is a truly successful competition.

Therefore, if you need motivation, outside control and full support on the path to a beautiful and healthy body, I think that participating in the project will not hurt.

By the way, if you don’t want to pay for participation or are afraid of dropping out of the project, you can still study according to its program. Other members regularly share useful information online - you can find everything from exercise techniques to delicious recipes.

Well, if you want to have an idea about proper nutrition and the most effective workouts, subscribe to my blog, wait for new materials and don’t forget to share articles with friends on social networks!

Exercise technique – Yulkin blog

There are a huge number of exercises and I decided to collect them all in one place and share the technique for performing each. All the exercises are in Crazy Drying, and the video with the technique is also from there.

Burpee technique

The legs should be thrown back with a jump, without stepping over. Slipping of feet is not allowed. You touch the floor with your chest, do a full push-up, or plop down on the floor. The legs are also brought back with a jump, without stepping over. Then you jump up and clap above your head. During the jump, your legs should be perpendicular to the floor.

Technique for performing Sitapov

In sit-ups, the upward movement is carried out by swinging the arms. It is important to make a powerful swing. To prevent pain on the tailbone, place something on the floor. When lifting, touch your hands to the floor or the inside of your foot. When moving down, the back should be rounded.

Technique for performing Sitapov obliquely

The movement is also carried out by swinging the arms. Your hand should touch the opposite leg. When making a turn, the upper body and arm are moved to the side. When moving down, the back should also be rounded.

Technique for performing push-ups (push-ups)

The body position should be level. Your chest touches the floor, the angle of your elbow relative to your body is about 45 degrees. If straight-legged push-ups are difficult, you can do them from your knees.

Jumping jack technique

The initial position of the body is legs together, and hands at the seams. Next, perform a jump, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and clap your hands above your head.

Squat technique

When performing squats, your knees should not go beyond the projection of your toes. You should go below parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight throughout the entire movement. Exhale at the top of the exercise.

Technique for performing squats with knee lifts

We perform a squat, after which we raise the knee up, touching it to the chest. In a squat, the knees should not extend beyond the projection of the toes.

Plank technique

The body position should be level, without sagging and without a house. Hands must be kept either clasped or parallel to each other. To make it easier to stand, you need to move your heels back a little.

Technique for performing Hyperextension

When performing the hyperextension exercise, the arms move parallel to the floor and do not touch it. Maximum deflection in the lower back. Feet do not leave the floor.

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