Hijama weight loss points: Hijama for weight loss: benefits of the method and contraindications to treatment – ​​Hijama for weight loss – description and effectiveness of the procedure

Hijama points with diagrams and explanations

We bring to your attention a detailed, step-by-step description of the Hijama treatment procedure (hijama, cupping therapy), with drawings, an atlas of points and photographs of diagrams.

According to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

“The best treatment you can use is bloodletting” (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The role of blood in the body

Blood functions

The role of blood in the body

Blood is considered one of the most important fluids in the body. It participates in the functioning of important systems and organs, delivers nutrients and oxygen to tissues, and removes toxins from the body. Immunity depends on the circulatory system. Losing one liter of fluid poses a great danger to the body, although much depends on individual characteristics. Blood stagnation is necessary to preserve reserves, which can be useful in emergency situations (blood loss, overload).

It is believed that in the past, men's blood was renewed in constant battles. Today, wars and life-threatening situations are extremely rare, which leads to stagnation of blood. This leads to the fact that toxins and harmful substances constantly accumulate in the circulatory system, as a result, all systems of the body suffer. Bloodletting helps remove old blood; hijama is considered one of the types of the procedure .

Treatment of other diseases

For varicose veins, this method is considered quite effective. A puncture is made in certain places on the skin of the legs, and a jar is placed in this place, into which bad blood flows. After a slight loss of fluid, the body begins to produce new fluid, relieving a person of many diseases.

After removing unnecessary clots in the vessels, lymphatic drainage improves, the life-giving fluid begins to be better equipped with oxygen. In addition, high pressure in the vessels, which rose due to the accumulation of blood in one place, disappears. Banks are placed on the legs and other points on the body.

Hijama points for varicose veins:

  • on the back: 1, 28, 29, 30, 31, 55;
  • on feet: 132.

The release of red liquid into the jars is shown in the photo. As you can see, this is a rather complex operation, therefore, it must be performed by a person with medical education.

Hijama is a beneficial procedure

Benefits of Hideama

Hijama is a beneficial procedure

Hijama is an ancient method of healing; it has long been used in the treatment of various diseases, and also helps with weight loss. The atlas of points is included in the Sunnah, a method regularly used by the Prophet Muhammad. The Islamic method is considered an effective way of healing; it is recommended to be carried out monthly on certain days of the lunar calendar. In accordance with the rules of oriental medicine, all diseases are considered to be a consequence of blood stagnation. Aging blood absorbs harmful substances, which leads to blood stagnation and the occurrence of diseases.

Banks must be placed in accordance with the atlas of points or on sore spots. When carrying out the procedure, vacuum jars are used, which are sold in Chinese, Thai stores, as well as in online stores. To carry out bloodletting, you also need to buy hydrogen peroxide, cotton wool, and a blade. Glass medical jars and baby food jars are sometimes used. In this case, a lighter/candle and alcohol are needed to create a vacuum inside the cans.

Much attention is paid to the sterilization of instruments; the procedure is carried out using one set of jars.

They must first be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water. Glass products are ideal for this principle; they are easy to clean and practically do not wear out. After several procedures, plastic products deteriorate and lose their tightness. Hijama can be performed using two methods: with and without bloodletting (dry), incisions are not made in the latter case. During one session, the patient loses 200-59 ml of fluid.

Hijama: What is it and what does it treat?

What is ✅HIJAMA? What ailments can it cure? Isn't she dangerous? Are there any contraindications to performing hijama? ✅On what areas of the body is it recommended to perform it? On which days should you do hijama, and on which days is it better to refrain from this procedure? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article.

Treatment of diseases using bloodletting is not a new method; it has been used by many peoples. With the help of bloodletting, healers rid the patient of “dirty” blood and stimulated the restoration of protective functions. This method is called “hijama”. What is hijama and what does this method treat?


Hijama is in great demand among supporters of alternative medical methods. The method has a large number of useful properties and helps get rid of various diseases. Indications:

When is hijama useful?

Indications for hijama

  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Dysfunction of hearing, respiratory organs,
  • Increased concentration of sugar, cholesterol;
  • Deviations from the normal pulse;
  • Bad feeling;
  • Meningitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathologies of blood clotting;
  • Heart failure;
  • Polycythemia.

For women


Hijama for women

Hijama is based on bloodletting, so there is an opinion that women are not recommended to do this procedure due to the natural renewal of blood during menstruation. Some experts recommend doing hijama only after menopause. It is worth noting that hijama removes capillary blood from the body, so it will also be useful for women. Indications for the procedure:

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Muscle colic;
  • Vein pathologies;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Infertility;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Stomach diseases;
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system.

For men


Hijama for men

The procedure also shows effectiveness in cases of infertility caused by increased viscosity of the semen fluid; it also helps with decreased sexual desire. The procedure is recommended for use when working in hazardous enterprises; it helps with swelling of the lungs and poisoning with toxic substances. Other indications:

  • Impotence;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Prostatitis.

For weight loss

Truth or myth?

Hijama for weight loss

Hijama also shows effectiveness in losing weight, since excess weight is formed due to metabolic disorders. Stagnation of lymphatic fluid leads to the formation of blood clots, which impede circulatory processes. This leads to a slowdown of all processes, against the background of which complications arise.

Hijama helps remove stagnant blood, activate metabolic processes, and as a result, weight loss processes are activated. The method is ideal for patients who cannot restrict themselves in diet, as well as for those who do not have the time or energy to exercise.

The mechanism of action of hijama is based on influencing certain points, which allow achieving the following results:

  • Restoration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • Debugging the functioning of all systems and organs;
  • Removal of toxins, waste;
  • Normalization of psychological state;
  • Suppressing hunger.

Hijama shows effectiveness provided that the diet is normalized and physical activity increases.

Many patients notice a strong effect, since menu adjustments combined with the activation of metabolic processes allow them to achieve stunning results. A side effect in this case is also considered to be an improvement in health.

Hijama for belly slimming - Losing weight is the goal!

Hijama is one of the foundations of prophetic medicine, and it refers to the true, authentic medicine followed by the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم. It is imperative to turn to Allah with dua and complete conviction for a cure , because... The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: إن في الحجم شفاء “Indeed, in Hijam there is healing” , Hadith Sahih, see Hadith number 2128 in Sahih al-Jama, and the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم also said: الشفاء في ثلاث في شرطة is in three things: in hijama, a sip of honey and cauterization with fire, and I forbid my mind me cauterization,” the hadith was reported by al-Bukhari. https://www.rouqyah.com/showthread.php?t=86023

Peering through a microscope and looking at living blood, you can see a reflection of cause and effect. When you don't feel well, your blood doesn't look good. Often, the worse you feel, the worse it looks. When you feel better, your blood also looks better. Make your blood look better and you'll feel better. Pure blood is the guarantee of your health

But something else is happening. When you feel better, most often your mood is better too. Your mental health is closely related to your physical health. Changes in physical health will often affect mental health. Conversely, if your mental state changes, you will change physically. Where is this often reflected? In blood! https://biomedx.com >

The al-ahdaen/الأخدعين point has an amazing effect, as it is the place that supplies the brain with blood. Please pay attention to this blood flow to the brain, and what effect it has on the brain and other organs (eyes, mouth, nose and ears of some important glands). Ibn Qayyam al-Jawzi said: Hijam performed on the jugular vein perfectly cures headaches and pain in its constituent parts: the face, teeth, ears and eyes (nose and throat, if necessary), which are caused by excess blood or its contamination, or that and others together. Zaat al-Maad 4/55, 56

The point al kahal/الكاهل is the beginning of the descent of the spinal cord and the nerves that connect the brain to the body members and senses. Ibn Qayyam al-Jowzi: “Hijama on the back helps relieve pain in the shoulders and throat.” Zaat al-Maad 4/55, 56

Al-Tirmidhi (2051) reported this in a collection of hadiths: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) often used hijama, on the veins in the neck area al ahdaen/الأخدعين and the surface of the back.al kahal/الكاهل وقد روى الترمذ ي (2051) عَنْ أَنَسٍ قَالَ : كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَل َّمَ يَحْتَجِمُ فِي الأَخْدَعَيْنِ وَالْكَاهِلِ

The top of the foot/ظهر القدمين has an amazing effect on the area from the navel to the bottom of the legs and all members benefit from it and in particular the common diseases of women, menstrual irregularities, and cysts and cancer of the uterus and contraception. And male prostate problems and infertility, etc.

Lower back/سفل الظهر All bewitched women and men complain about the lower back, but more women; the pain spreads from the spine to the right and left sides of the lower back, and some even experience redness and swelling.

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم did hijama for the poison that a Jewish woman put in his food, and he صلى الله عليه وسلم did hijama on his thigh for a bruise (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم made hijama in the nagisa, this place, on the delicate fabric on the shoulder, which rises during times of fear. Here the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم made hijama when he was poisoned after eating poisoned mutton. This place is good for the heart .

Indication of the listed points on the atlas: Point al kahal at number 1 [Some hijama specialists the entire upper half of the back to be kahal' Points al akhdaen at numbers 43, 44. Point on the nagis (for poisoning, after taking any chemicals, vaccinations and any poisons - poisoning) points numbered 20. 21. Lower back points 11, 12, 13, 25, 18, 24 and in general the entire lumbar triangle. Top of the foot

Taken from here with some additions https://www.rouqyah.com/showthread.php?t=107859&page=3

Source: www.hijamabio.com


The action of hijama is based on the following principles:

  • The suction action of the container irritates the areas in the areas where the cans are installed, the effect is similar to that of a therapeutic massage;
  • By creating a vacuum, the outflow of lymphatic fluid and intercellular fluid to the surface layers of the skin is activated, thereby achieving anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • The movement of stagnant lymphatic fluid and lymph, which contains toxins from the affected organs, enhances the detoxification properties;
  • Small incisions have a stimulating effect on tissue repair;
  • Stimulating hematopoietic processes, releasing bioactive substances into the circulatory system, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Stroke treatment

Stroke takes many lives or leaves people disabled. It turns out that the ancient method can help you recover. Keep a syringe at home to help the sick person. When someone has a stroke, prick all 10 of their fingers until red liquid comes out. Squeeze it out well.

Then massage your ears until they become red. If it doesn’t help, then prick your earlobes until blood appears. This method has saved more than one patient. After this, the patient must be taken to the hospital.

Dear friends, reviews about the ancient healing method are the most positive. If you have the opportunity to undergo such treatment, then you are in luck! The main thing is that the manipulation should be carried out by an experienced specialist and only with disposable devices. Watch this closely!

Also on our website you can read: Tibetan gymnastics in bed for active longevity.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting that there are a large number of advantages and disadvantages of the technique. Hijama can be performed in the European, Chinese or Islamic way; rupture of capillaries leads to capillary bleeding, as a result of which the hemostasis process is activated. After a few seconds, the process of blocking the blood vessels begins.

Against the background of irritation of the nerve endings, signals are sent to the spinal cord, which contributes to the activation of the segments. Nerve impulses begin to flow from the corresponding segments. As a result of the blood being freed from stagnant fluid, toxins are removed from the body and the blood is renewed.

The difference between bloodletting according to the European method is that it is less effective and has a reduced impact on systems and organs. This is due to the fact that the local self-regulation system is not activated; the method only ensures the removal of stagnant blood from the body in large quantities. The technique shows effectiveness only when it is necessary to save a life.

Carrying out hijama in the European way is more harmful to the body, this is due to the fact that getting rid of a large amount of blood leads to the following consequences:

  • Activation of hematopoietic processes;
  • Stimulation of bone marrow functioning;
  • Temporary weakening of the immune system;
  • Reducing the amount of oxygen supplied.

When performing hijama, the qualifications of the specialist, as well as the indications for the procedure, also play an important role. The maximum benefit from bloodletting is achieved only if you have the necessary knowledge of how to influence the points. Impact on the wrong points can lead to effects on healthy systems and organs, which threatens to worsen the patient’s condition. Hijama is recommended for use only when necessary.

Hijama for men | Blog Alhajam

Hijama for prostatitis

One of the reasons why men turn to centers providing hijama services is the non-surgical treatment of prostatitis. But in addition to treating this disease, hijama has great benefits for men.

Prostatitis is a disease that mainly affects men in adulthood. This disease is associated with a disorder of the genitourinary system. Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland. This is the organ under the bladder, also covering the urethra. The urethra passes through the prostate gland, as does the seminal canal. The gland itself is a muscular-elastic organ consisting of the muscles of the prostate ducts.

Hijama for men

Its function is to produce fluid for sperm motility, as well as the production of hormones.

The causes of prostate disease are:

  • Presence of infections in the genitourinary system
  • The presence of infection in another organ. Transmission of infection can occur through the urethra or through hematogenous (blood) and lymphatic channels.
  • Metabolic, age-related causes associated with stagnation of blood circulation and lymph.

Symptoms of the disease in the early stages are:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the groin area
  • Unpleasant sensations when urinating
  • Increased body temperature (not always evident)
  • A feeling that the bladder is not completely empty after urinating.

If one of the symptoms is observed, a man should consult a urologist for diagnosis.

Hijama can cure the disease prostatitis in combination with the main treatment. Since prostatitis is an infection and needs to be treated.

Hijama for prostatitis: points

The main points for the treatment of prostatitis are three points located in the lower back. Two of them are located on the ilium, one is located between them on the sacrum. These points can relieve pain syndromes associated with prostatitis, reduce swelling and inflammation if present, and remove infected blood.

More details and a complete atlas of points for the treatment of prostatitis can be obtained by taking the author’s courses on hijama at the Farid Fayzulin center. Work experience in the field of hijama - 17 years. During this time, original, unique treatment methods and points of maximum impact for certain diseases were developed. The next course is scheduled for the near future, check the schedule, prices and other details on their official website.

Hijama for varicocele

Varicocele is a disease associated with enlarged veins in men. The expansion of the veins occurs in the area of ​​the male testicles. If not treated promptly, this can lead to infertility.

Dilation of veins occurs as a result of poor circulation in this area, so hijama can restore blood circulation and reduce the load on the veins.

Hijama for potency

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, men may experience problems with potency. Stagnation, impaired blood circulation, squeezing, squeezing of veins - all this negatively affects male strength and ability to conceive. To prevent serious illness, it is necessary to restore blood circulation.

Hijama for potency can restore impaired blood circulation; new blood, enriched with oxygen and essential elements, nourishes all male organs, bringing them to a normal state.

The points for placing cups for wet hijama are the points located in the sacral region, lower abdomen, above the ankle, under the shoulder blade.


Prohibition on the procedure during pregnancy

Contraindications for hijama during pregnancy

Side effects can develop only if the rules of the procedure are violated or if there are contraindications. Contraindications:

  • Reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Reduced platelet and red blood cell counts;
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Heart disease;
  • Asthenia;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Severe mental disorders;
  • Reduced hematocrit.

Hijama is recommended for people aged 20-70; age inconsistency with the specified time period is also considered a contraindication. Temporary contraindications:

  • Severe injuries, surgical interventions in internal organs, especially in the presence of severe blood loss;
  • Recent colds (hijama can be performed two weeks after complete recovery);
  • Menstruation, a week period after completion.

Before performing hijama, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.


It is recommended that the procedure be carried out only by a specialist, this will avoid unpleasant consequences. The patient must take a horizontal position; the points on which the doctor will then place the jars are pre-lubricated with caraway oil. During the procedure, pre-processed special jars and blades are used. Stages of implementation:

  • Creating a vacuum in the jars using a pump until the skin appears red;
  • Removing the cups (after 5 minutes), cutting the skin in places of darkening;
  • Installing the cans in the same places, pumping air out of the cans.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure seven times. Fears of large blood losses during the procedure are not justified, since the blood is removed through the capillaries and is easily stopped. After the procedure is completed, the incisions must be treated with cumin oil, this is necessary to disinfect and accelerate the healing of wounds. After the first session, there is an improvement in the condition and a surge of strength.

Hijama: principles of treatment, points, what cures and how to prepare

  • Hijama: what is it?
  • The principle of treating diseases with hijama
  • Atlas of points
  • What does hijama help with?
  • How to prepare for hijama

Hijama: what is it?

Hijama is a variant of bloodletting using cupping, the mechanism of which involves vacuum pumping out blood from micro-incisions. Today anyone can purchase cups and a device for hijama, but desire alone is not enough: it is important to know for which diseases the procedure is recommended, in which cases it will be beneficial, and in which cases there will be objective harm to the body in the long term.

Types of hijama

Hijama specialists (and the procedure does not require medical education; most often, healers learn from each other) say that in addition to traditional bloodletting using small incisions, there is also dry hijama and cauterization. Both of these methods are considered insufficiently effective and are rarely used.

In some cases, leeches are used instead of cups for hijama. Hirudotherapy is more familiar to Europeans and does not cause such a reaction as incisions (although in fact it is an analogue). Leech saliva contains heparin, a substance that prevents blood clotting. After applying leeches, the wounds continue to bleed for some time, so hijama prefers to use a special preparation. Despite the fact that substances useful to humans enter the bloodstream with the saliva of leeches.

The principle of treating diseases with hijama

Even at school, during anatomy lessons, students learn about the properties of blood. With the help of the body's fluid medium, humoral regulation is ensured - the transfer of hormones, enzymes, and other substances involved in metabolism.

Blood carries gases - oxygen and carbon dioxide, provides nutrition to cells and removes metabolic products.

With a total volume of 5-6 liters (for an adult), only a part participates in blood circulation; about a third of the volume is stored in the depot, this is reserve blood. Reserves are used in case of large blood losses (trauma, accidents, internal bleeding), and some diseases.

The doctrine of hijama is based on this knowledge. Reserve blood, stagnating, “collects garbage” from the body, becomes “dirty, harmful,” and requires removal.

With a decrease in the total volume of blood due to artificial bloodletting, the body synthesizes new blood cells, cleanses itself, feels better, and illnesses disappear.

Reviews from certified doctors regarding bloodletting treatment are mostly critical; at best, the effect of hijama is justified by self-hypnosis, the placebo effect.

However, the procedure is in demand, a huge number of people believe that it gives the desired effect; in some cases, seriously ill people who have not been helped by other treatment methods turn to alternative medicine.

Atlas of points

Banks are placed on certain areas of the body - points according to the Sunnah, which are responsible for the health of certain organs. The description of each point gives an idea of ​​the possible effect when exposed to it.

Two important points:

Al-Kahal - connection through nerve endings, brain and internal organs;

Al-Ahdaayn is a point in the cerebral circulation zone. These points should be influenced by a high-level master.

What does hijama help with?

The list of indications for the procedure is very diverse:

  • Hijama in the back area treats sore throat, inflammation and pain in the shoulder girdle;
  • cervical hijama relieves pain and tinnitus, improves hearing and vision, treats migraines and toothache;
  • for joint diseases, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, rheumatoid disorders, knee pain, cups are placed on the spine

Points 1 to 31, as well as 45 to 50 and 55 are on the back. Points 32 to 44 are on the back of the head, 101-114 are on the face. Legs – 51-53, 127-129.

For weight loss and getting rid of cellulite, massage in the problem area and hijama are important.

Specialists, by influencing active points, treat:

  • swelling and dropsy, removing excess fluid from the body and preventing its accumulation;
  • reduction of immunity, stimulating the body’s natural forces;
  • muscle spasms and paralysis;
  • circulatory disorders. In this case, in addition to the jars, you need to eat 1 tbsp daily. l. honey and drink as much apple cider vinegar;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • abdominal pain, hemorrhoids - a combination of dry hijama and bloodletting;
  • with decreased erection in men, prostatitis - the effect increases libido, relieves pain and inflammation, but prostatitis requires qualified treatment by a doctor;
  • pneumonia, lung diseases, bronchitis, cough - cups are placed on points located on the legs;
  • high blood pressure, stroke - cups are installed, including under the tongue;
  • peptic ulcer, stomach colic;
  • kidney disease;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation;
  • enuresis, urinary incontinence;
  • infertility in men and women;
  • sleep disorders, mental disorders, neuroses, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • sclerosis of blood vessels, vasospasms;
  • allergies - by placing a dry jar in the navel area;
  • wounds, purulent wounds, inflammation, infection, itching;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • varicose veins, varicocele;
  • disorders of the lymphatic system;
  • skin diseases, psoriasis;
  • endocrine disorders, thyroid diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • ear diseases, hearing loss;
  • gynecological diseases - amenorrhea, unstable cycle, bleeding, pain, obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Hijama is used for rejuvenation, improving the general condition of the body, increasing vital energy, and normalizing weight.

How to prepare for hijama

On what days should I do it? The times indicated in the Koran are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the month;

Where to do it? It is not recommended to do hijama at home without sufficient experience; you cannot do bloodletting yourself;

How to do it and how often to do it is decided by the one who carries out the procedure ; the jar is not placed in one place more than seven times;

The procedure is done on an empty stomach.

The main thing for the success of hijama is a sincere belief that the procedure will certainly bring success and healing. After hijama, it is recommended to refrain from work and physical exercise for at least a day. Food should be easily digestible, without putting a strain on the body - fruits, vegetables, cereals.

Moral and physical fatigue and stress should be avoided.

You should not smoke for 24 hours after bloodletting.

Places of cuts need to be warmed, and under no circumstances become overcooled.

Vomiting, diarrhea, and increased body temperature are considered normal, as the body reacts to cleansing.

A person who is far from Islam, unconventional practices and who doubts the success of the enterprise should carefully weigh the need for hijama and, quite possibly, look for another method of treatment. published by econet.ru.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

Recommendations before and after the procedure

Before performing hijama, the patient must adhere to the following rules:

  • Confidence in a positive outcome;
  • Contacting professional specialists;
  • Avoid eating three hours before the session;
  • Drinking drinks even with low blood pressure, anemia;
  • Informing a specialist about the presence of infectious diseases.

What to do after the procedure

Recommendations after hijama

Recommendations after the session:

  • Avoidance of increased physical activity, flights, diving, sex during the day;
  • Eating light, easily digestible foods, avoiding fatty, poorly digestible foods - also during the day;
  • Creating conditions for relaxation, avoiding stressful situations;
  • Quitting smoking and soft drinks for 24 hours after the procedure;
  • Protecting hijama points from cold - the wound must be protected from inflammation and penetration of harmful microorganisms;
  • Avoid salty and spicy foods for three hours.

The day after hijama, the temperature may rise; this phenomenon is considered natural, as the immune system is strengthened. The condition returns to normal very quickly, so any worries are in vain.

Some patients may experience nausea or diarrhea (if the procedure is performed below the back). This effect is also natural; it occurs against the background of cleansing, which occurs due to the activation of the stomach and other organs. Some patients need to undergo several hijama sessions to maintain the effect.

Back treatment

With osteochondrosis, a person experiences unpleasant sensations, severe pain, and loses beautiful posture. To get relief, many people agree to have a blood release session. There were many cases when a person received healing even with a spinal hernia.

With the help of cupping, lymph stagnation and inflammation are removed, and muscles are relaxed from spasms. Stiff muscles come to life, the spine becomes straight and healthy. There were cases when even old diseases were cured. The jars are placed on the back along the spine, then an incision is made under each jar. Bad lymph makes way for new life-giving fluid.

The Sunnah contains a description of each point, so experts act according to a scheme that has been proven for many centuries.

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