How to lose weight without harm to your health quickly and for a long time - 20 scientific tips

1. Sequence of actions

2. Effective detox. Video recording of the webinar

3. Preferred products

As a health restoration specialist, I am very pleased when the question is formulated exactly like this. This means that a person approaches the weight loss process consciously and thinks about the future.

In this article I will describe in detail a scheme that has already proven effective for many women and men. It is based on basic principles of physiology, an understanding of digestion and the brain-body connection.


The first thing that is important to realize is that excess weight did not suddenly come out of nowhere, it is not a wide bone or a slow metabolism. It is the result of your daily choices.

Your current lifestyle, your actions (or inactions) have led to unwanted changes in your body. And even if the metabolism is slow, diabetes or leptin resistance is all a consequence of a certain lifestyle and diet.

I hope you didn’t mentally roll your eyes just now, saying that I’m lecturing you here. No, I won’t read morals. I am sure that you yourself know and understand the extent of your responsibility for your current state of health.

So, to gain slimness and health, you need to start doing OTHER ACTIONS. We will gradually change our eating habits, restore the water-salt balance and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Moreover, we will do this while enjoying the process, and not in torment and prohibitions.

Strict diets are only effective for achieving quick results or specific sports goals. When there is very strong external motivation. They are not suitable for ordinary life. And if you want to lose weight without harm to your health, there should be no strict restrictions.

Do you know what happens when you go on a diet and suddenly remove the usual treats from your diet, replacing them with cucumbers, apples and chicken breast (I’m exaggerating, but many do just that)?

After a week of such a diet, you dream not about your new toned body, but about when it will all end and how you will eat your favorite cake. The brain requires familiar foods and favorite sweets, because fast carbohydrates are the easiest way to get energy and pleasure.

According to statistics, 95% of women who go on a diet gain weight again.

We will start “rewiring” the brain. It is the brain that controls your body, not the other way around. So no drastic changes in diet or lifestyle. Slowly but surely we will move towards our goal.

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Exhausting diets

They come in different varieties, to suit every taste and budget: protein, buckwheat, vegetarian, grapefruit, kefir, chocolate, etc., and they actually work. But they have significant drawbacks. In 90% of cases, weight decreases if you follow the rules of the diet, but as soon as you stop adhering to it, the kilograms return again within a very short time. It turns out that in order to get a stable result, you need to be on a diet all your life. Many diets are not suitable for constant use, for example, a protein diet is almost devoid of carbohydrates, and this has an extremely negative effect on the human condition. Other diets also have disadvantages.

Diet is stressful for the body. It is caused by a lack of necessary substances, a state of hunger, and discomfort due to constantly eating the same foods. And of course, remorse also torments you if you suddenly couldn’t hold out or some kind of feast interrupted the whole process. Remember for yourself how a person feels when he is limited in something.

Prohibited and permitted products

To lose weight, you need to eat right. You should eat fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs. The diet should include sugar-free drinks, rye bread in minimal quantities, lean meat and fish. The most useful and low-calorie foods include:

  • chicken and rabbit meat;
  • hake;
  • pike;
  • tuna;
  • kefir;
  • Brown rice;
  • Hercules;
  • millet cereal;
  • buckwheat;
  • beans;
  • greenery;
  • spinach;
  • carrot;
  • diet bread;
  • low-fat milk;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • strawberry;
  • watermelon;
  • a pineapple;
  • citrus;
  • apples;
  • green tea without sugar;
  • fresh juices.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of olive oil, coffee, black tea, persimmons, avocados, prunes, frozen vegetables, and yogurt. Foods that prevent you from losing weight are: fatty meat and fish, high-fat dairy products, baked goods, potatoes, bananas, grapes, sweets, carbonated drinks, oils. Cereals such as white rice, semolina and couscous should not be eaten. Avoid sauces, semi-finished products, fried and fatty foods.

Miracle pills with quick effect

Not at all new are the drugs found in stores and pharmacies, which promise to remove everything unnecessary, all the accumulated kilograms quickly and effortlessly. They are produced in different forms: teas, tablets, syrups, capsules, powders. But all together, these drugs can be divided into groups according to the way they affect the body: laxatives and diuretics, appetite suppressants and fat burning.

Laxatives and diuretics. These are teas and nutritional supplements in various forms. These products are positioned as cleansing the body, removing toxins. Thanks to this, weight loss occurs. And indeed, using such drugs, you begin to use the toilet quite often. But how is this effect achieved? These products contain substances that irritate the intestinal walls. Because of this, he begins to work at a fast pace, trying to get rid of the discomfort. The digestion process is disrupted, nutrients do not have time to be absorbed and enter the blood, but are quickly eliminated from the body. Accelerated digestion leads to the fact that potassium and calcium begin to be washed out of the body. Potassium is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, and calcium for the normal structure of bones and teeth.

With a lack of these components, complex diseases begin, so it is impossible to use diuretics and laxatives for a long time. And of course we are no longer talking about harmless weight loss.

Anorexigenic drugs. These drugs reduce appetite. It turns out that the body is “deceived” by slipping in a small portion instead of the usual amount of food. At the level of the brain, this can be done; a person seems to lose the feeling that he wants to eat. But the stomach continues to work as before. The volume of the stomach remains the same, and it works in the same way, but only having received less nutrition, it begins to digest itself. After taking such drugs, gastritis and ulcers are quite common.

There are also unique tablets that fill the entire space of the stomach, swelling when ingested, and thanks to this saturation occurs. But they can be deadly because the substances they contain accumulate in the body and poison it.

Fat burners. Thanks to them, centimeters disappear before our eyes, but these drugs affect hormonal levels. This is their most terrible and uncontrollable effect. The effect on the endocrine system is the cause of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, infertility and the inability to bear a healthy child. It is quite difficult to control how this remedy works, and although the result in the form of rapid weight loss really exists, the consequences of this can be terrible.

Most of the above drugs are biologically active additives (dietary supplements) and are sold freely in the Russian Federation and the countries of the former Union. They do not undergo clinical tests, are not tested on animals or anyone at all. The composition of such products can be anything. No one guarantees that after taking such substances, your body will be healthy. Look carefully not at the advertising of the product, but at the composition, packaging, instructions for use. Often even this information may not be found. Don't put your body at risk. The harm to health with this method of losing weight is obvious.

Useful tips

  • Remember that a lot depends on water: it participates in the breakdown of fats and helps remove toxins from the body. Therefore, you need to drink it in sufficient quantities: at least 1.5-2 liters during the day. No later than 30 minutes before meals, and no earlier than an hour after.
  • Eat foods that are natural fat burners: cabbage , celery , ginger root , lemon , pineapple, grapefruit . Therefore, each meal should be supplemented with a salad of healthy vegetables, and it is better to replace a hearty dinner a fruit salad of grapefruit and pineapple, dressed with low-fat yogurt .
  • Drink water with lemon and honey as a snack between meals .
  • You will have to forget about late dinners. However, during attacks of severe hunger, protein is recommended: boiled eggs , meat or fish , low-fat cottage cheese or cheese .
  • Keep a food journal. Think over and write down your daily menu in advance, and at the same time calculate the calorie content of each product.
  • Watch your caloric intake. If you exceed it, you can get rid of extra calories through physical exercise.
  • Eat often (5-6 times) and little by little. No more than 500 kcal per meal. Everything that is absorbed in excess of this norm will be stored as fat.
  • Have dinner at least four hours before bedtime.
  • Do not eat semi-finished products and dishes consisting of a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates and trans fats (shawarma, hamburgers, pizza, pasties, dumplings).
  • Have a fasting day once every two weeks. Fasting does not mean hungry. On this day, consume vegetables , fruits, cottage cheese and water (at least two liters of water). All fruits and vegetables that can be eaten raw, eat mostly raw. The rest are steamed, stewed or boiled.
  • Gradually reduce the amount of food per serving. The human stomach normally receives 250 ml at a time. The larger the portion, the more it stretches the walls of the stomach and further increases appetite . One of your servings is a glass.
  • Gradually eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Giving up your favorite sweets or cake too quickly can trigger an attack of depression and lead you astray from the right path (refusing to lose weight).
  • Eat 750 grams of vegetables and fruits daily.
  • Avoid snacking while watching movies or chatting on social networks. And if you are still tempted to have a snack, then let it be vegetables and fruits, not chips or cookies .
  • Avoid hot spices and also reduce your salt intake. It is advisable to exclude sugar or replace it with brown sugar (fructose is possible).

Cleansing enemas

Indeed, cleansing enemas are used for weight loss, but only under the supervision of doctors and nutritionists. This method cannot be used constantly.

Any liquids entering the intestines wash out the microflora (often completely). The balance that has developed in the body over many years can be disrupted with just a few uses of this method.

There is a misconception that if you do an enema with herbal decoctions or saline solutions, problems will not arise. But this is not true. Treatment of dysbiosis is a very complex process that takes months and years.

Reasons for weight gain

Eating habits play an important role in creating a beautiful body. If you eat irregularly or eat a lot of unhealthy foods, fat deposits appear. Sexual dissatisfaction, complexes - all this leads to stress. The result is overeating and fat deposition in the waist and hips. Another reason is illness. With endocrine disorders, cardiovascular pathologies, problems with the menstrual cycle and hormonal changes, a malfunction occurs in the body. Lipid metabolism is disrupted.

The situation gets worse if a person has bad habits, sleeps poorly and gets little rest. Excess weight appears with age. Physical activity decreases, and the amount of healthy foods in the diet decreases. The problem may arise with a genetic predisposition to obesity. After an examination, your doctor will help you figure out the cause.

Thai pills

This product is prohibited in many countries, but in the Russian Federation and CIS countries it is sold without problems in online companies. There are only 2 tablets in the package. One contains a tapeworm larva (tapeworm). When swallowed, it enters a favorable environment and begins to develop. A WORM grows in a person's intestines! He eats foods that a person uses to maintain his strength and health. The host of this creature, no matter how much he eats, still does not receive the necessary vitamins and amino acids for the body; the parasite uses them.

And indeed, the person begins to lose weight. However, all this is accompanied by weakening of nails, hair, gray complexion and general weakness. When the desired weight is reached, the second tablet is taken. She kills the worm. But how is it eliminated from the body? How will its decomposition affect humans? Will this cause serious illness? No clinical studies have been conducted. Experts do not provide answers to these questions.

Don't rely heavily on calorie counting

Diets based on calorie counting are not always effective. They typically don't take into account the quality of those calories.

For example, a 0.5 liter glass of Coca-Cola contains about 200 kcal. The same amount in three medium-sized apples.

In the first case, you will only get empty calories: sugar, dyes and flavor enhancers. With apples the situation is completely different. In addition to the calories and sugar themselves, you get healthy soluble fiber, antioxidants and healthy vitamins and minerals.

There is also a difference between calories consumed and calories absorbed. The condition of the intestines determines not only how many vitamins and minerals we absorb from food, but also how many calories we actually get. Some microorganisms can process low-calorie fiber and synthesize glucose from it, which adds calories to the food eaten. And since the composition of the microflora is different for all people, these processes occur with different intensity.

Therefore, there is no calorie standard for weight loss. Without reference to the quality of products and individual characteristics, calorie content does not matter.


In almost every city today there are clinics offering this way to get rid of excess weight. The methods by which the operation is performed are different. It all depends on the person. But there are a lot of contraindications. The entire procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which is known to shorten life expectancy.

However, liposuction does not guarantee that the weight will not return again. There may be two options - the kilograms will appear again, but in other places. For example, there will never be a belly again, but the hips will grow very quickly. Or fat forms in places where it is extremely rare - forearms, ankles, back, etc. The second option is that the weight will return exactly at the site of the operation, but not evenly, but in “lumps.” The surface becomes uneven. Aesthetically, this looks much worse than being overweight without surgery.

Track your diet and progress

Anything that increases control and awareness of what you eat can help with weight loss.

This may include counting calories and controlling portion sizes. ()

In 2021, there were 3.7 billion downloads of mobile health apps. ()

And this is not without reason. Tracking your physical activity and weight loss progress using mobile apps helps you achieve greater results. (3, 4, 5)

Research has also shown that keeping a food diary or taking pictures of your portions can help you lose weight. (6, 7)

And weighing yourself on a scale every day gives you a much better chance of ultimate success. (8, 9)

It's even better if you make a clear meal plan for the week. This way you will know in advance what products you need to buy and what alternative replacements for unhealthy snacks you will make. All this will protect you from spontaneous snacks, fast food and processed foods.

Code for excess weight

Do you know many cases where encodings work? Statistics show that 95% of these proposals have no basis and do not help. The companies performing these procedures promise that the effect will begin to appear in a few months; by the time the results should appear, it can be difficult to find people offering these services.

Bright advertisements and interesting promotions attract many people, but you should not always believe them. It happens that encodings work. But how are they carried out? Hypnosis is an influence on the subconscious. An outsider is trying to instill some attitudes that should change the weight. But do they only change weight? It is almost impossible to predict how events will develop after hypnosis. There are different cases, for example, a person stops enjoying food, gag reflexes arise from food, anorexia and other diseases associated with psychology. It is very difficult to get rid of other people’s attitudes later on. Experiments on the subconscious of such a plan can be disastrous for a person. You can trust hypnosis only in the hands of professionals. But how to distinguish them from scammers? Few people can answer this question.

What to do to avoid gaining weight again

In dietetics, the yo-yo effect is the throwing of weight and emotions when losing weight. You can lose weight in a short period of time, but it is difficult to maintain weight. To consolidate the result and prevent weight gain again, follow some recommendations:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • control your appetite and don’t overeat;
  • eat regularly, but in small portions;
  • adhere to the drinking regime.

It is necessary to fight bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes provoke metabolic disorders. To keep your body in shape and avoid breakdowns, exercise regularly. Choose a type of physical activity that will be enjoyable. To achieve other goals, you can buy a gym membership. In this way, you can make your body more prominent and build muscle mass in the right places.

Conclusions from the above

All the weight loss methods described above produce results, but most of them are short-term and do not guarantee weight loss without harm to health. After some time, the weight returns again, and sometimes it occurs in much larger volumes.

Also, all the methods described do not give immediate effects. To obtain the desired size, you need to spend quite a significant amount of time swallowing pills, doing enemas or subjecting yourself to other procedures. Even after liposuction, there is a fairly long recovery period.

Using dubious procedures and various “miracle” remedies, you can get a “bouquet” of diseases, which are much more difficult to combat than excess weight. It is necessary to remove unnecessary pounds, but this must be done in safe ways and gradually. The optimal weight loss is 5-7 kg per month. By gradually removing kilograms, skin problems (stretch marks) do not arise, and the metabolism has time to return to normal. You should also prevent the reappearance of excess weight. To do this, you need to influence the cause of fullness. It is important not just to lose weight, but to understand what leads to obesity and how to avoid it in the future. This will help you maintain ideal shape throughout your life, be healthy and beautiful.

Today there is a new method for losing weight. It was developed by specialists over many years of work. This method affects the cause of extra pounds. In the first month it allows you to get rid of 5-7 kg. And it is guaranteed to help everyone. No contraindications have been identified. This method of losing weight is based on the principle of action of the 25th frame. Do you already know what it is? In the 50s of the last century, scientists found that the human eye, viewing frames from film, manages to see only 24 frames per minute. But you can add one more - frame 25. Consciousness will not see the content, but the subconsciously depicted information will remain in memory. This method has undergone many tests and has been used for many years for advertising and propaganda. But the results of all these studies were published only in the 21st century. It turns out that not one person can resist the action of the 25th frame. The influence is so strong that any command encrypted in this image will be executed by a person. Today the use of this method in advertising is prohibited, but scientists have found another use for it. With the help of the 25th frame it is very easy to lose weight without any harm to your health.

Active lifestyle

Losing weight without harm and trouble to health is impossible without sports . You will lose weight faster if you exercise regularly. When choosing a set of exercises, stop at the one in which problem areas will receive the greatest load: hips, waist , arms, etc. If strength exercises are not for you, start with exercises in the morning, buy a jump rope , a hoop and practice at home. Go for water aerobics and don't forget about simple walks in the evenings. In order to lose weight quickly, you need to use all the means to achieve the goal together, this is the secret of systematic, effective and healthy weight loss.

Man is born for constant movement. To have a normal weight, you need to exercise daily. This could be working in the garden, walking , running , working out in the gym , playing football.

If you have the willpower to practice running, it will help you lose up to 15% of your existing weight in two months. But there is one trick - the run should be long - 30 minutes or more. In this case, an accelerated process of fat breakdown will begin.

running for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight without sports and diets?

The question of whether it is possible to lose weight without sports is not difficult to answer - if you resort to simple measures, you will be able to get rid of fat deposits and remove extra pounds. Simple techniques will help you correct your figure, but it will take a lot of time.

In order to lose weight without dieting and sports at home, you will have to slightly reconsider your daily diet - there are a number of products that should definitely be crossed off the menu. You can also resort to home remedies offered by traditional medicine - this will speed up the results a little.

Eliminate these foods to lose weight

Before you can lose weight quickly, you will have to come to grips with your daily diet. Proper nutrition is one of the conditions for successfully getting rid of extra pounds. To really and effectively deal with fat folds on the sides, abdomen, and tighten your legs, you will have to cross out a number of foods that contribute to obesity from the menu. Correcting your diet will help you lose weight quickly, without inconvenience and effort.

By following a simple diet, which allows you to eat almost all the usual dishes, you can easily get rid of 5-8 kg in a month. If the problem with excess weight is not too critical, and you need to tighten your figure a little, this is quite enough - losing weight will please you with positive results.

Recommended products to cross off the menu:

ProductsHarm to your figure
Fast foodFast food has a negative effect on all human systems and organs. Harmful substances are deposited on the intestinal walls, promote the accumulation of fatty deposits, and prevent their breakdown.
Juices (in tetra packs)The contents of the package are juice concentrate, sweet syrup, which contains a large amount of sugar. The product undergoes heat treatment, which destroys almost all beneficial substances. Drinking the drink is a sure way to weight gain.
Smoked meat, fishWhen smoking products, manufacturers add an impressive amount of salt, which contributes to the appearance of swelling and fluid accumulation in the body. To improve taste and external qualities, harmful concentrates and preservatives are also used.
ConfectionerSweets (cakes, candies, pastries) contain a high percentage of sugar, butter, fatty sour cream and cream. Components harmful to the figure are deposited on the sides, stomach, and thighs.
Meat (fatty)Pork or lamb is a source of cholesterol, which promotes weight gain. Another danger is that the risk of developing vascular or heart diseases is rapidly increasing.
Flour productsEating bread and spaghetti is also harmful to your figure. Due to the high gluten content, digestive or metabolic processes slow down.
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