Distended stomach: signs and effective ways to shrink the organ

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Very often, instead of trying to solve the problem, people “eat it up” with unimaginable amounts of high-calorie food. And overeating is known to lead to obesity and poor health. Fortunately, there is an excellent opportunity to reduce your appetite by reducing the size of your stomach.

Of course, you will learn more about this in the next article. We will also offer you the most effective and, importantly, painless ways to reduce the size of your stomach. And, of course, we will look at the most common reasons for your overeating and together with you, we will try to get rid of these bad habits.

Is it possible to reduce the size of the stomach?


To answer this question, it is enough to understand physiology. Let us tell you about this in simple language. So, many people know that the stomach is a muscle that, like any smooth muscle, can stretch and contract in size.

The anatomical features of the gastric muscle are such that it is prone to rapid stretching and slow contraction. The stomach stretches under the influence of its contents, that is, from food and liquid ingested. Therefore, a reduction in the stomach will occur only with adequate quantities of portions that will not stretch the smooth muscles beyond normal.

It is difficult to say for sure how long it takes for the stomach to shrink; this is due to the individual characteristics of each person’s body. But one thing is certain: the muscles of the stomach begin to contract only after it is emptied, and this happens very slowly.

So, when food or liquid enters a given digestive organ, its walls relax and begin to stretch. The stretch lasts as long as food continues to flow. Thus, its size increases.

After digestion of food and emptying of the stomach (transition of the remains of what was eaten into the intestines), a slow contraction of its muscles begins. But this does not mean that the walls will instantly shrink and the organ will return to its previous size. Any experienced nutritionist or nutrition consultant who has completed a dietetics course knows that this requires several cycles of complete filling and emptying.

Moreover, with each subsequent meal, the volume of food should be less than the previous one. The same applies to stretching: the stomach does not increase in volume at lightning speed; for this you need to constantly increase the amount of food consumed or purposefully eat for several hours in a row, without waiting for what you previously eaten to be digested.

The described situation often occurs during feasts, long holidays or vacations with oversized buffets. This is why a course on proper nutrition should primarily focus on reducing portions and introducing a strict eating regimen.

Therefore, if you do not want to become obese and want to learn how to reduce the volume of your stomach without surgery, then we are ready to help you with this.

Causes of increased stomach volume

Almost all overweight people have a distended stomach, which provokes the consumption of more and more food and aggravates problems with excess weight. The reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:

  • constant overeating;
  • long periods of time between meals, due to which a person eats much more at a time than necessary;
  • improper drinking regime;
  • the habit of eating in front of the TV, which dulls the feeling of fullness at the right time;
  • slow process of digestion of foods;
  • uncontrolled food consumption for psycho-emotional reasons or compulsive overeating.

Girl with a sandwich

What causes stomach distension?

The stomach muscles are stretched for specific reasons, just as the reduction of the stomach is subject to certain laws of physiology. A person will have a large stomach if he eats a lot, and he will eat a lot if this organ is large. That is, this problem is both a cause and a consequence at the same time.

Here's what causes the stomach walls to stretch:

  • irregular nutrition, lack of eating regimen, which lead to chronic overeating;
  • large portions that are not adequate in size to satisfy hunger;
  • stuffing the stomach with food for a long time without first emptying it;
  • consumption of large volumes of indigestible food, which lingers in the stomach for a long time and does not have time to be completely digested before a new meal (product accumulation occurs in the stomach);
  • indulging in emotional hunger and uncontrolled eating without a physiological need (satisfying appetite, not real hunger);
  • habit of drinking large amounts of liquid with food.

So if you don’t know how to shrink your stomach naturally, first remove all the above factors and read on for practical recommendations from specialists at Lara Serebryanskaya’s school of nutrition.

Special exercises

Breathing exercises also help reduce stomach volume. The so-called vacuum exercise. It tightens the abdominal muscles and lifts the stomach. Improves blood circulation in the problem area of ​​the abdomen.

How to shrink your stomach to lose weight

It is recommended to do the exercise several times a day on an empty stomach. Do 5 to 10 breathing exercises in one approach. The execution technique looks like this:

  • Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart. The arms are extended along the body.
  • Take a deep breath and then exhale all the air from your lungs with a whistle.
  • At the same time, pull your stomach in tightly, as if trying to press it to your spine. Tuck your lower abdomen under your ribs and freeze in this position for 10–20 seconds. Then gently inhale the air and exhale lightly.
  • Repeat this exercise several times.

How to shrink your stomach to lose weight

Tip: if at first it is difficult for you to strongly retract your stomach in the “standing straight” position, you can rest your hands on your knees and slightly bend your torso at an angle of 90°. The same exercise can be done while lying on your back, bending your knees and resting your heels on the floor.

Now you know how to shrink your stomach to lose weight quickly at home. Be calm and follow the instructions provided.

Interesting: How to lose 10 kg with water

Write in the comments: Have you managed to overcome overeating?

Adjust your diet and portion sizes


Make it a habit to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Small meals are your best ally in reducing stomach size. There should be 3-4 hours between meals. Is it difficult to maintain such an interval? Don't forget that there are also light, balanced snacks that will dull your appetite before main meals and help you eat less.

Also, stick to recommended servings and don't overfill yourself. If you think you're not eating enough, start weighing your food and see what a 100, 200, 300 gram portion actually looks like (believe me, you'll be shocked).

Causes of Stretching

The reasons for a distended stomach are uncontrolled eating of high-calorie fatty foods in unimaginable quantities and the habit of eating while watching your favorite TV series, without much feeling of hunger.

Let us recall that the daily food intake for an adult varies between 2500 and 2700 kilocalories per day. By exceeding this norm, you automatically configure your stomach to process more food. As a result, it increases in order to accommodate everything you uncontrollably absorb.

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The amount of food for a child aged 1 to 1.5 years should be no more than 130 grams per day. Therefore, try not to exceed the above norm when feeding your child, so as not to be surprised later why he is obese.

Eat easily digestible foods

There is no need to invent any diets to reduce your stomach, just start eating a balanced and rational diet. Try not to overload it with fatty foods and heavy protein foods, especially in combination with each other. Please note that fiber from legumes and mushrooms are difficult to digest, so it is not advisable to eat them in large quantities.

First courses are digested faster and easier, for this very reason they are allowed even for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Just cook them in light meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, quail, young veal) or vegetable broth. Chew your food well – this will make it easier to digest.

Don't forget that homogenized dishes are digested much faster, so sometimes you can boil the porridge or make puree soup. Also, try not to eat too many fiber foods at one meal. It certainly contributes to the proper functioning and cleansing of the intestines, but it can take a very long time to digest.

To understand how to properly combine foods in one meal, we recommend taking a course in dietetics. This way you will learn to shape your diet based on your body's calorie and nutrient needs.

Gastric reduction surgery

There are 4 types of bariatric surgeries, which are indicated for patients with a high body mass index and obesity stage of at least three. All of them are aimed at reducing the amount of food consumed, due to which the process of losing weight becomes possible. A reduced stomach can accommodate a small portion of food at a time, the feeling of fullness comes very quickly, so an energy deficit is artificially created. Over time, the body begins to convert fat cells into energy, because the calories received from the food products become insufficient. This is how a person loses weight.

Each of the operations has both positive and negative sides. Since any of them involves surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract, then, in addition to indications in the form of excess weight, there are a number of strict contraindications to such measures. Therefore, before deciding to undergo surgery, a mandatory detailed consultation with an experienced doctor and a complete laboratory examination are required. How to narrow your stomach with bariatric surgery is described below.


To lose weight permanently, you can partially close the gastric pouch. This operation is called resection; it was created for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. In the case of weight loss, we are talking only about longitudinal resection, when part of the organ is removed to such a state that it becomes like a narrow tube or sleeve.

Another name for the operation is sleeve gastrectomy. Resection is performed using a laparoscope, and the effect will last a lifetime. It will cost from 140 to 200 thousand rubles.

Bypass surgery

This operation is more complicated than the previous one, because during bypass, in addition to reducing (suturing, but not cutting) the organ, part of the small intestine is also removed in order to reduce not only the volume of food consumed, but also the ability to absorb nutrients. A truncated small intestine is attached to the sutured small stomach. In most cases, this will be a strip operation, although a laparoscope may also be used for bypass surgery. How much does gastric bypass surgery cost in Moscow clinics?

  • For open abdominal surgery – from 175 to 235 thousand rubles.
  • For laparoscopic bypass surgery – from 125 to 185 thousand rubles.


This surgical procedure is performed laparoscopically and is aimed at reducing the amount of food consumed. Using a special adjustable ring (band) filled with saline, you can compress the stomach to a small size. A patient with such a restriction gradually begins to eat less and slowly lose weight. The bandage is an adjustable system - if necessary, it can be tightened or loosened: for this purpose, a special device is provided, which will be hidden under the skin of the back. The cost of the operation is from 85 to 140 thousand rubles.

Gastric banding


The safest and most accessible operation is the introduction of an intragastric balloon. It does not require surgical intervention, it is carried out using an endoscope, so it does not affect the functioning of the digestive system in any way, but only reduces the free space in it. A silicone bubble filled with liquid tinted for safety purposes is carefully inserted into the stomach. Treatment of obesity using this method is indicated for people whose weight does not exceed 120 kg. With such an operation you will have to spend only a few hours in the hospital and pay about 65 thousand rubles.

Place food on small plates and eat with a teaspoon

Food on small plates appears larger in size because our eyes evaluate everything in comparison. In this way, trick your brain into thinking that you are eating enough. Utensils of a contrasting color with the dish will also help emphasize the size of the food. Therefore, choose the color of the plates according to what you plan to eat (light food on a dark background, dark food on a light one).

If you also eat with a teaspoon, you will increase the time you eat, which means your brain will have time to tell you in time that you are full. Remember that the signal that your stomach is full must first reach your brain, and only then you will feel full.

This signal is given when a certain point located on the upper wall of the stomach is stimulated. The larger the stomach, the later this point will be stimulated (relatively speaking, food still needs to reach it). That is why during operations to reduce the stomach, a bandage is applied to its lower part, since it is important to reduce its volume.

How quickly does the stomach contract?

The stomach is a complex muscular organ of the human body that cannot be tightened in a few minutes or days. Therefore, when wondering how long it takes for your stomach to shrink, do not expect that success will be achieved in a couple of days of self-restraint. To achieve the desired results, diligently adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and drinking regime for several weeks, trying to make this lifestyle your permanent habit.

Half an hour before meals, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water


If you want to eat earlier than you should, try drinking 1-2 glasses of purified non-carbonated water at room temperature (this way it will be absorbed and absorbed by the body faster).

The liquid will fill the stomach and dull the feeling of hunger, and also prepare it for the next meal. Those who drink a glass of water half an hour before meals feel full in much smaller portions. This actually helps reduce calories for weight loss and works to shrink your stomach.

In addition, sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst, since the center of thirst is located in the brain next to the center of hunger. Please note that you should not replace water with other drinks to regulate your appetite. Coffee and strong tea can lead to stimulation of the nervous system and overexcitation, and sweet store-bought juices and soda contain a large number of calories, which certainly does not contribute to weight loss.

Contraindications for surgery

It is important to consider that surgical reduction of the size of the stomach cannot always be performed. The main contraindications to the operation include the following:

  1. Age up to 18 years.
  2. The presence of serious pathologies of the lungs and cardiovascular system in patients.
  3. Severe disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Similar problems include portal hypertension, gastric ulcers, severe esophagitis, and chronic pancreatitis.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Chronic alcoholism.
  6. Chronic infections.
  7. Constant use of steroid hormones.
  8. Difficulty maintaining a strict diet.
  9. Autoimmune pathologies. These include disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatism.

How to reduce a distended stomach and how long does it take?

You should not expect quick results; no one can tell you how long it will take for your stomach volume to shrink. In a week, or a month, or maybe several months. Such statistics simply do not exist, and the feelings of all people are purely individual.

Depending on how it is stretched and what size it is.

This can be compared to the uterus; after childbirth, a woman's uterus is very stretched, and it shrinks within a few months to its normal size.

If your stomach is very distended, then you will probably need to train yourself to reduce portions for several months, and then it will become a permanent habit.

This method is the most win-win, you don’t need to change your diet, you don’t need to go on any diet, you eat everything you always ate, only less. And you don’t have any prohibited products, which doesn’t lead to any disruptions.



https://healthilife. ru/chto-delat-esli-zheludok-rastjanutyj.html

https://zdorosemja .ru/rastjanutyj-zheludok-prichiny-simptomy-kak-umenshit-pri-pomoshhi-diety-i-lfk.html

https://statmedc.ru/kak -umenshit-obem-zheludka-estestvennym-putem-kak-umenshit-sokratit-zheludok-chtoby-pohudet-sposoby-umenshit-razmery-rastjanutogo-zheludka-bez-operacii-v-domashnih- uslovijah.html

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