What causes and how to remove stretch marks on the hips and legs

stretch marks on thighs and legs
Undoubtedly, the most common reason that provokes the formation of stretch marks is pregnancy. It is the sudden weight gain, which causes excessive stretching and thinning of the skin, that causes the body to react with the appearance of unpleasant stretch marks. But if stretch marks on the abdomen/hips are the result of a skin reaction to microtears that appear due to ruptures of connective fibers, then stretch marks on the buttocks and legs are the result of hormonal changes characteristic of pregnancy. It is hormones that carefully prepare the expectant mother for the birth of the baby, relaxing the connective abilities of the tissue in order to facilitate childbirth. But hormones do not “know how” to act selectively. Therefore, the connective fibers of the skin also lend themselves to weakening. That's why stretch marks occur not only on the tummy or thighs. Unfortunately, both the buttocks and legs are susceptible to stretch marks. True, not only pregnant women suffer from stretch marks. The formation of stretch marks can be observed in nulliparous women and men. People who are obese or who are rapidly gaining weight often experience a similar illness. When the normal weight is exceeded, the amount of subcutaneous fat becomes excessive and the skin, unable to withstand much weight, stretches, becomes thinner, and becomes covered with microtears and striae. In addition, obesity often disrupts the normal production of elastin, the lack of which immediately affects the elasticity and ability of the skin to adapt to stretching. Very athletic people often suffer from stretch marks on their legs/buttocks/hips. This skin deficiency can easily be caused by rapid muscle growth. Stretch marks are especially common among people who are overly keen on bodybuilding.

What causes stretch marks on the thighs

Striae on the thighs are not considered a disease. Being a cosmetic defect, they do not affect the performance of the body. As a rule, stretch marks on the inner thigh appear as a result of micro-tears in the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, which are then filled with scar connective tissue. At first, stretch marks are red and dark blue in color, and after a few months they become white. Among the main reasons for the formation of stretch marks, regardless of their location, are:

  • active sports, accompanied by an increase in muscle mass (the skin simply does not have time to stretch);
  • hereditary predisposition (insufficient collagen levels from birth);
  • intense weight gain;
  • growth of the abdomen and breasts (in pregnant women);
  • changes in hormonal levels, diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  • blood flow disturbance;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • adolescence in girls (12–16 years), when the shape of the figure changes;
  • lack of hydration.

Causes of stretch marks on the legs

Despite the fact that a huge number of women experience stretch marks, most of them have no idea where they come from. The main reasons that lead to stretch marks on the legs include:

  • treatment during which corticosteroid medications were used, since the appearance of stretch marks is one of the side effects of this drug;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease - the appearance of stretch marks in this situation is explained by the fact that during the pathological process a person experiences unreasonable obesity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • puberty, when intense changes occur as a result of the action of hormones;
  • a sharp increase in muscle mass, which occurs mainly in athletes who prefer intense physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • Marfan disease;
  • pregnancy.

Stretch marks on the legs can appear as a result of various diseases, during hormonal changes or sudden weight gain

Note! You can find out the cause of stretch marks that appear on your legs by their location. If the stripes are vertical, then the main reason is rapid weight gain, but horizontal stripes indicate that they appear as a result of hormonal disorders.

In some cases, bad habits can trigger the process of red stripes on the legs, especially in situations where a person is overly passionate about them. Such deviations in the human body are explained by the fact that it experiences excessive discomfort, as well as a lack of fortified substances.

When stretch marks appear at the initial stage of their formation, they have a red tint, and it will be quite easy to deal with them if desired. The situation is completely different when they acquire a white tint, that is, they become scarred. In such a situation, it will be very difficult to deal with these cosmetic defects, one might even say that it is not possible, even if it is a surgical intervention.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks

Treatment for stretch marks should begin immediately after they appear. Getting rid of fresh stretch marks is easier than old ones.

If they have been present on the body for a long time, then they cannot be completely removed; you can only reduce the manifestations of microtraumas and improve the condition of the epidermis using various home and salon procedures. The most effective methods to combat stretch marks:

  • Sport. Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on skin condition. Stretching (stretching) helps make muscles elastic. It is better to limit cardio loads, as they often cause stretch marks.
  • Proper nutrition. It is necessary to include beef, pork, fresh vegetables, fish, cheese, herbs, and fruits in the diet. You need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. It is necessary to include in the menu dishes with a high content of zinc, as it increases the elasticity and density of the skin. For example, oysters contain a lot of trace elements. Sweets should be limited.
  • Scrubs, masks for wraps. The most effective are coffee and salt mixtures. They help quickly get rid of stretch marks by exfoliating the dead top layer of cells and stimulating collagen production. The wrap helps remove excess water, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, and prevents the formation of new stretch marks.
  • Proper body care. Contrast shower, rubbing, dry massage with a brush with natural bristles - these procedures have a positive effect on the elasticity of the epidermis, stimulate blood circulation, have a tightening and anti-cellulite effect, and increase tone.
  • Massage and self-massage. The procedures improve blood supply to problem areas. To perform a massage, you can use coffee, honey, wheat germ oil. The most popular are: cupping or vacuum massage, which can be performed at home or in a beauty salon; honey – draws out impurities and toxins, cleansing the skin; hydromassage – has a strong softening effect on the affected areas.
  • Cosmetical tools. The use of special medications will help get rid of microtraumas faster. The products enhance the effect of massage and wraps. Serums, creams, emulsions keep the skin toned.
  • Taking vitamins and omega acids. Tocopherol (vitamin E) smoothes the skin. To restore the epidermis, ascorbic acid is used, which takes part in the production of collagen. Retinol maintains water balance in cells. B vitamins help restore damaged areas of the epidermis. Calciferols prevent premature aging. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids nourish and moisturize the skin.
  • Professional methods to combat stretch marks. Chemical peeling, mesotherapy, laser, dermabrasion - these procedures help get rid of stretch marks, but only a qualified specialist can carry them out.

Cream for stretch marks

Creams and gels

how to get rid of stretch marks on legs
The main difference between store-bought creams and homemade creams is that the ratio of ingredients in them is precisely adjusted, and numerous tests have made it possible to obtain a truly effective and safe composition. In addition, some active substances will be very difficult for you to obtain on your own. For example, FERMENCOL® brand products contain an extract from crab liver. Agree, it will not be so easy to get it!

When choosing a suitable cream or gel, it is important to understand the purpose of the product. Here are some of the main types of products to combat stretch marks:

  • Preventive . For example, creams and oils used during pregnancy to moisturize and increase skin elasticity. However, they will not affect existing stretch marks after childbirth.
  • Remedies for fresh stretch marks . They are effective if the stretch marks on your thighs have not yet turned white.
  • Remedies to combat old stretch marks . Such gels and creams contain active ingredients that allow you to cope even with old stretch marks that appeared more than a year or even several years ago.

Pros : Creams, oils, mousses and gels for stretch marks are the most budget-friendly of all the options that can be called effective. With the right product, you can deal with both fresh stretch marks and old ones, without trips to the salon or traumatic procedures. This is especially true for young mothers who cannot afford to leave home often and for a long time, but want to quickly return their skin to a healthy appearance.

Cons : It is very important to choose the right product and follow the instructions exactly . If a specialist does everything for you in the salon, then you need to approach the process yourself with full responsibility, do not skip procedures and apply the cream or gel within the prescribed period. Sometimes, to increase efficiency and speed up the process, the use of additional devices is required, but the good news is that they are not too expensive and are available for free sale.

Homemade recipes to combat stretch marks on thighs

Striae on the skin spoil its appearance. You should start fighting them as early as possible, thereby you can significantly reduce and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks. The effectiveness of procedures to eliminate stretch marks depends on the size of the stretch marks and how long they have been on the body. Homemade recipes help reduce the manifestations of microtraumas on the skin: massage with aromatic oils, mummy cream, coffee scrub, lemon-yogurt mask.

Daily massage with honey and essential oils

You can get rid of stretch marks with the help of massage, which significantly reduces their visibility and normalizes blood circulation. This daily procedure will be effective if you follow the following rules:

  • During the massage, you can use special pharmacy creams (Maternea or Sanosan) and essential oils for stretch marks (olive, almond, coconut, tangerine, etc.).
  • The oil is not rubbed into the skin; it is applied with pinching movements after taking a shower.
  • To prepare the mixture you will need: 10 drops each of tangerine and rosemary oil, 20 drops each of lavender and jasmine. All ingredients are mixed and stored in a dark place for a day.
  • The resulting mixture should be applied to problem areas.
  • You can't do rough pinching.
  • The massage should resemble intense stroking, patting the problem area, rubbing from the knees upward.
  • The action should be performed for at least 5 minutes.
  • The course of procedures is 10 days. Next you need to take a break and repeat again.

Cream with mumiyo and baby milk

A mineral product of natural origin - mumiyo - helps get rid of stretch marks on the hips. This substance accelerates regeneration, smoothes the relief and depth of stretch marks, and increases the elasticity of the epidermis. To prepare the cream you will need baby milk (50 g), mumiyo (1 g), water (20 ml). Application:

  • dilute the mummy in warm water;
  • add to baby cream, mix thoroughly;
  • Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas with massage movements;
  • course of treatment – ​​30 days, once a day, it is better to apply the cream before bedtime;
  • After applying the product to the skin, do not wash it off for 3 hours;
  • Then you can just take a shower.

Coffee scrub with olive oil

To combat stretch marks, you can use natural coffee. A canned instant product will not work. The main effect of using a coffee scrub is mechanical grinding of the skin with abrasive components. Cells renew themselves faster and produce collagen more actively. The skin becomes noticeably smooth. To prepare the scrub you will need olive oil (50 ml), ground coffee (100 g), water (50 ml). Application:

  • pour boiling water over ground coffee;
  • let stand for 15 minutes until a thick porridge forms;
  • add oil to the resulting mixture;
  • rub the product into the skin for 7–10 minutes;
  • then rinse with water;
  • You can use the scrub once a day;
  • course of treatment – ​​14 days.

Coffee scrub

Lemon-yogurt mask

A homemade mask with lemon and yogurt is a rejuvenating, nourishing, skin-lightening product. It acts like a chemical peel thanks to lactic acid. The mask whitens even old stretch marks well. To prepare the product you will need unsweetened yogurt (100 ml), zest of one lemon, almond or aloe oil (20 ml). Application:

  • mix lemon zest thoroughly with yogurt and butter;
  • apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • course of treatment – ​​10 days, 1 time per day;
  • Lemon zest can be replaced with potato juice.

Types of stretch marks

Stretch marks are usually divided into fresh and old. You can determine which type of stretch marks you have developed by their appearance.

Fresh stretch marksOld stretch marks
Red stretch marks on the thighs are fresh. Their age is usually no more than six months. The scars are quite bright; they can be not only red, but also purple. The easiest way to deal with fresh stretch marks is that they respond well to treatment, especially if you start eliminating stretch marks immediately after they appear. Stretch marks become white over time, gradually becoming lighter. These scars are at least a year old and will be much more difficult to get rid of.

Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals

Name Compound Characteristic How to use Price in rubles
Contractubex ointment
  • allantoin;
  • heparin sodium;
  • liquid onion extract.
  • treats scars from three years ago;
  • stimulates cellular regeneration.
A little ointment should be applied to the middle of the stretch mark and rubbed. Use 2-3 times a day for 4 months. 520
Vichy body cream for stretch marks
  • glycerol;
  • thermal water;
  • bassia oil;
  • silicon;
  • hydroxyproline.
  • carries out therapeutic and preventive effects;
  • affects the skin, normalizing its functionality.
Apply the product several times a day to problem areas. The course of treatment is 2 months. 1200
Retinoic ointment
  • isotretinoin;
  • dibunol;
  • emulsion wax;
  • glycerol.
  • has an immunomodulatory effect;
  • enhances the regeneration process.
The ointment should be applied in a thin layer 2 times (morning and evening). The duration of treatment is one month. 390
Cream with glycolic acid Crema Corpo from Guam
  • brown algae extract;
  • hyaluronic and glycolic acids;
  • macadamia oil.
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks;
  • renews the skin and stimulates the production of fibers (collagen, elastin).
You can use the cream daily 2 times a day. Apply to problem areas until completely absorbed. The course of treatment is a month. 2400
Kelofibrase cream from Sandoz
  • sodium heparin;
  • urea;
  • D-camphor;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • vitamin E;
  • lemon plant extract;
  • coriander.
  • improves blood circulation;
  • eliminates the uncomfortable feeling of tightness.
The cream should be applied 3 times a day. The product can be used for up to 6 months. 1200

Kelofibrase cream from Sandoz

To get rid of stretch marks on the hips and other parts of the body, essential natural oils are often used along with cosmetics:

Essential oil Characteristic How to use Price in rubles
tea tree
  • combines antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • is a powerful immunostimulating agent.
Can be added to masks, scrubs for wraps, or used for a massage mixture. 102
  • evens out skin texture;
  • has a relaxing effect on muscles.
  • has a softening effect;
  • increases tone.
From grape seeds
  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Prevention of stretch marks with cosmetic products

In order not to think about methods of getting rid of stretch marks on the back thigh, buttocks, legs and abdomen, it is enough to simply regularly perform the following cosmetic procedures, especially if weight loss or gain is expected in the near future. They can be performed individually, but in combination they will have a better effect on the skin, increasing its tone.

So, during water procedures you should take a contrast shower every day. This improves blood circulation in the epidermis and speeds up metabolism. You should start with a warm stream and end with a cool stream. At the same time, this procedure will harden the body.

Cold and hot shower

After a shower, moisturizers should be applied to skin prone to stretching. These can be creams, lotions or oils. By rubbing them, you can simultaneously massage problem areas with light stimulating movements, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Professional treatments

The use of home remedies alone is not always able to rid a woman of stretch marks, especially old ones. Aesthetic medicine can help in this situation, but it has many contraindications and can be painful, so you should consult a specialist before using professional procedures. The most effective methods:

Name Description pros Minuses Contraindications
Laser resurfacing Cauterization of problem areas with a laser, resulting in a natural recovery process. A painless, gentle way to eliminate defects.
  • the maximum effect is noticeable only after 4 weeks;
  • expensive procedure.
  • vitiligo (pigmentation disorder);
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms; on the skin.
Mesotherapy Injecting medications under the skin.
  • low risk of side effects;
  • painlessness of the procedure.
  • the need for a repeat course;
  • temporary effect of the procedure.
  • heart diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lactation;
  • weak immunity;
  • diabetes.
Chemical peeling Treatment of problem areas with acid, which stimulates the production of your own collagen and triggers the natural recovery process.
  • rejuvenating effect due to changes in skin elasticity, increased turgor (tone);
  • minimal number of complications.
  • the procedure is performed under local anesthesia;
  • it takes time to fully recover.
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • purulent inflammation.
Dermabrasion Mechanical layer-by-layer grinding of leather. Activates restoration, due to which collagen is released, the skin becomes younger. May injure skin.
  • early childhood;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy.
Abdominoplasty Treatment of stretch marks through an operation during which excess skin is excised in the area of ​​the abdominal wall and thighs.
  • restores the natural contour;
  • returns the correct proportions to the abdominal wall.
  • the technique is performed under local anesthesia;
  • long-term rehabilitation.
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations.

Mesotherapy of thighs

How to remove stretch marks on a teenager's thighs

The rapid growth of a teenager is not always favorable, because due to hormonal changes the child’s weight may increase. The skin does not have time to cope with the processes occurring in the body. It stretches and becomes thinner, which often leads to the appearance of stretch marks. The best way to prevent the formation of stretch marks in adolescents is physical exercise: squats, jumping rope, lunges, leg lifts. Effective recipes for stretch marks:

  1. Sour cream and oatmeal mask. To prepare the product you will need 6 tablespoons of sour cream and oatmeal. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. Before use, you must take a shower, then apply the mask with massaging movements. The procedure should be carried out daily for 30 minutes. Next, the product can be washed off with warm water and moisturizer applied. The course of treatment is one month.
  1. Homemade scrub based on coffee, sugar, honey. To prepare the mixture you will need a glass of sugar, 1 tsp. honey, 100 g of crushed coffee beans. Mix everything and add a couple of drops of shower gel. Instead of sugar, you can use coarse sea salt. Using massaging movements, rub the resulting product into problem areas for about 15 minutes once a day. The course of treatment is one month.

Preventive measures

Basic prevention involves maintaining weight within a comfortable range. If hormonal contraceptives or medications are to blame, then, if possible, it is recommended to stop taking them and consult a doctor for consultation and adjustment of therapy. The same applies to anabolic steroids for athletes; they should be abandoned. Any endocrine disorder is subject to mandatory treatment if changes in hormonal levels are not associated with biological factors: growing up, pregnancy or menopause. In general, finding and eliminating the cause is the primary task that will stop the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Extreme weight loss is almost always accompanied by the appearance of stretch marks.

Excess salt in the body retains excess fluid, leading to edema, cellulite and stretch marks. Of course, you shouldn’t give it up completely, but it is advisable to salt your food in moderation. Vitamins A, E, K, C, omega acids and products containing them are extremely useful. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to some aspects of life:

  • Nutrition. Even if stretch marks are inherited, it makes sense to reconsider your diet. Gaining extra pounds or losing weight also does not always play a role. The fact is that well-chosen nutrition improves skin quality. Food must contain essential vitamins and minerals, which can be found in seasonal vegetables, fruits and other products. Weight watchers, in turn, should not exclude fats from the diet - such a restriction will lead to loss of elasticity of the dermis and dryness.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Exercising in the morning, even if it’s short, will help keep your body in good shape. Moreover, if it is combined with a drinking regime and 7–9 hours of sleep. A complete cessation of smoking and alcohol will, without a doubt, improve the health of the body, but such a preventive measure is not possible for everyone. As an alternative, it is enough to get rid of at least the excess of bad habits.
  • Regular care. Includes moisturizing, contrast shower, massage, peeling, wraps, etc. Helps accelerate the regeneration of the layers of the dermis. But you shouldn’t get carried away; oversaturation with even the most healthy oils will lead to the opposite effect. For prevention, 2-3 procedures per week are enough, depending on skin type.
  • Sport. These are not necessarily strenuous workouts. Evening walks in the fresh air, swimming, yoga or running - the list of purely homemade varieties can be endlessly long, there is plenty to choose from.
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