Plate rule. A simple way to control the amount of food you eat

Plate rule

Almost every person has thought about switching to proper nutrition at least once in their life. The Internet is replete with an abundance of information about what, when and in what quantity you need to eat in order to maintain your youth and health for as long as possible.

It’s easy to get confused in such an information flow, especially for a person who is taking the first steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Boring calorie calculations can demotivate you at the very beginning of your journey. In this case, the plate rule can come to the rescue.

What is the healthy plate rule?

One of the simplest and most accessible ways to lose weight is the plate rule. This is not a new-fangled diet; the main goal is to reduce the amount of fatty and high-calorie foods and replace them with more useful substances.

What is the healthy plate rule:

  • The essence of the diet comes down to the fact that you take an ordinary plate, the diameter of which is 20-25 cm. On average, this is an ordinary portioned plate that we use every day.
  • It is necessary to divide it into two parts. One half is further divided in half. In this case, 1/2 is vegetables, preferably raw, 1/4 is meat, 1/4 is carbohydrates.
  • As a result, you will get several segments in the circle area. One will be equal to half, and the other two will be equal to a quarter. Now is the time to fill these sections with useful substances, that is, food.

Plate rule
Plate rule

Plate rule: photo, description

The largest part, that is, half, must be filled with plant foods - vegetables.

Plate rule, photo, description:

  • This is the lowest calorie food that is rich in vitamins and microelements. In addition, it contains a huge amount of fiber, which swells in the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness. A person remains full for a long time and not hungry. Fiber helps to get rid of feces and waste as quickly as possible, so the body will not poison itself.
  • The second part is carbohydrates. That is, a quarter of the plate should correspond to a side dish or carbohydrates. It could be bread, rice, potatoes or some kind of cereal. Of course, it is best if it is durum wheat or whole grains. That is, complex carbohydrates. Their main advantage is not only that they break down slowly, releasing glucose, but also in the long-term absence of hunger. Scientists have proven that consuming large amounts of simple carbohydrates contributes to sugar surges and a rapid drop in glucose.
  • Thus, the insulin level drops, and the person becomes hungry again literally an hour after eating. Be sure to exclude simple carbohydrates from the menu and replace them with complex ones. It could be oatmeal, buckwheat or barley. You can eat bread, but it must be coarsely ground and without yeast. Potatoes are also allowed, but under no circumstances should they be fried. It is best if it is baked or boiled, in the peel. Thus, potatoes retain a large amount of starch, as well as vitamins and minerals. Despite the fact that potatoes contain a large amount of carbohydrates, when properly prepared they can saturate the body with potassium, calcium and a large number of useful microelements.
  • The fourth part of the plate is protein. It includes eggs, dairy products, meat and fish. Protein is a product that takes a long time and is difficult to digest in the body. About a third of all calories are spent on protein digestion. Despite this, protein food is simply necessary for people, because it is a building material for muscles.
  • Accordingly, the formation of muscles, new muscle fibers and tissues, the heart, uterus and other muscular organs is impossible without protein. This is worth remembering, especially if a person is asthenic and has a thin physique. The optimal diet for such people is a large amount of protein, since without it muscle mass will be broken down and only then fat. For these purposes, it is worth using lean meat. That is, only the adrenal part of the pork is allowed, without a large amount of fat. It must be cut off before heat treatment.
  • Fish. It is allowed to eat even fatty varieties, that is, sea varieties. The composition contains unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 acids, which participate in chemical reactions occurring in the body. Without these amino acids, cell division and the formation of certain substances are impossible. But varieties such as hake and pollock will also be healthy, despite their low fat content. They can be consumed even in the evening without fear of overeating.
  • Seafood is allowed. Among them are shrimp, squid, oysters. Eggs can be boiled, scrambled eggs. Poached eggs will also be useful. Try to avoid scrambled eggs and various fried egg dishes. You should definitely include cottage cheese in your menu, and not low-fat, but five percent. Scientists have proven that low-fat dairy products are poorly absorbed by the body. To absorb calcium, you need vitamin D, which dissolves in fat. If there is not enough fat, all calcium will pass through the body in transit. There will be no benefit from consuming such products. The optimal amount of meat and fish that should be on the plate is about 70-100 g.

Approximate diagram
Approximate diagram

Eating using the plate method
Eating using the plate method

Pros and cons of the plate rule

As we noted earlier, the plate rule attracts many with its simplicity and ease. In addition, this method has a number of advantages, among which are:

  • regular consumption of large amounts of vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber;
  • uniform distribution of the main macrocomponents of food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • the opportunity to add variety to your diet;
  • saving time on keeping a food diary and calorie counting;
  • simplicity;
  • normal caloric content for maintaining weight.

The plate rule is an excellent assistant when creating a menu, with the help of which you can be sure that the balance of macrocomponents needed by the body in the dish will be maintained.

But, like any method, the plate rule has nuances that should be taken into account when compiling your diet. Therefore, before you start following this principle, it is worth realistically assessing all its shortcomings, including:

  • the rule does not provide important recommendations regarding the general diet and drinking regime, the duration of intervals between meals, and the consumption of dairy products;
  • there are no strict restrictions and prohibitions;
  • the nutritional characteristics of people with any diseases, individual characteristics of the body and daily routine are not taken into account;
  • The plate rule is more suitable for weight maintenance. Losing excess weight using this method will be more difficult.

Adhering to the plate rule is quite easy, but it cannot be called a universal way to lose weight. To achieve the maximum effect from the method, consider your goals, body characteristics and lifestyle. Taking into account all the pros and cons when creating a diet will make the weight loss process as effective as possible.

And now is the time to consolidate what you have read and test your knowledge on the topic of the article.

Plate method for weight loss: disadvantages

There are many disadvantages to this nutritional method.

The plate method for weight loss, disadvantages:

  • The fact is that according to this principle you cannot choose foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This method is more suitable for lunch, since in the morning carbohydrates are recommended along with dairy products, that is, proteins.
  • In the evening, many nutritionists do not recommend consuming carbohydrates at all, even if they are complex. 3 hours before bedtime, it is better to completely exclude any meals, regardless of what they consist of. It is recommended to consume simple and complex carbohydrates before 14:00, that is, in the morning and at lunch. In the evening, they should be replaced with fiber, that is, vegetables, and protein products.
  • This nutrition system is not suitable for people who train in the gym or use cardio training. This category requires a high protein content, so the menu does not cover all needs.


Who is not suitable for “Plate”?

The method of reducing portions for weight loss is absolutely not suitable for the following categories of people:

  • women in menopause - the doctor must first examine the patient and find out her hormonal levels in order to successfully and safely adjust her diet;
  • for men and athletes - such portions will still be small for the normal, active life of the stronger sex;
  • for those who have clinical obesity - the recommended restrictions are insufficient to reduce large body weight.

If the listed warnings are ignored, then the opposite results may be obtained - the weight will either remain within the existing limits or begin to grow contrary to the restrictions.

Plate rule for weight loss: features of food selection

There are several basic recommendations for choosing products that should be used for this diet.

Plate rule for weight loss, features of product selection:

  • First of all, this applies to meat products. In no case should proteins be replaced with processed meat products, that is, sausages and sausages. It is best if it is boiled or baked meat. Under no circumstances should food be fried in large amounts of fat. Thus, it is very difficult to control calorie content, and even more so the fat content. Therefore, the entire nutrition system will go down the drain if there is much more fat than you need.
  • This rule also applies to the use of soups. In our country, it is customary to eat soup at lunchtime. It is not included in this nutrition system, but this does not mean that you cannot eat soup. The plate rule also applies to soup.
  • But in this case, it must be supplemented with a small amount of vegetables, a small piece of black bread, and also a piece of meat. Cutlets are also allowed, but without the use of bread, and cooked not in vegetable oil, but baked in the oven or steamed. If you are preparing stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls, then completely eliminate carbohydrates from the plate. You cannot supplement such food with cereals or bread. After all, cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers often contain cereal.

Product selection
Product selection

Tableware diet - general recommendations

Diet one plate menu for a week

In order for the one-plate diet to bring the desired results, you need to remember several important principles of this nutrition system:

  1. Eat every four hours, use low-fat kefir or milk as snacks.
  2. Eliminate or reduce to a minimum harmful foods (sweets, flour and fatty foods).
  3. Do not add too much salt to your food or overuse it with spices. They increase appetite.
  4. Avoid vegetable oil and animal fats. Boil, stew or grill foods.
  5. Eat a balanced diet and fill your diet divider plate as recommended.
  6. Combine your diet with exercise or at least half-hour walks.

Plate rule for weight loss: recipes

Below we present several recipes that are suitable for this food system.

Recipe for fish with vegetables according to the plate rule for weight loss


  • 150 g sea fish (fillet)
  • 100 g zucchini
  • 50 g onion
  • 50 g carrots
  • 100 g potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Yogurt

Recipe for fish with vegetables according to the plate rule for weight loss:

  • You need to take a small piece of sea fish, weighing about 150 g. Rub with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs, do not forget to add salt.
  • Thoroughly mix the vegetables together, place a piece of fish marinated in spices and olive oil on foil, place the vegetables on top. Please note that they need to be cut into thin slices so that they have time to bake.
  • Add a small amount of low-fat yogurt, close the edges of the foil so that the dish turns out like in a bowl. Bake for 30-40 minutes. There is no need to supplement the dish with anything; the composition already contains vegetables, protein foods and carbohydrates. Potatoes are used as carbohydrates.

Sample menu
Sample menu

Chicken fillet fingers according to the plate rule for weight loss

For this dish you will need:

  • 150 g chicken fillet
  • 100 g champignons
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Salt
  • Spices

Chicken fillet fingers according to the plate rule for weight loss:

  • Cut the fillet into 2 parts and beat. It is necessary that the fibers become a little softer. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces, add garlic, and place inside the resulting layers of meat, season with salt and pepper.
  • Roll into small rolls. Secure with toothpicks to prevent them from falling apart during cooking. It is best to prepare this dish by steaming or stewing with the addition of a small amount of sour cream.
  • This protein dish is served with a fresh salad. You can make a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, a lot of arugula and onions. Use your favorite vegetables.

Correct plate
Correct plate

Sample menu for the day

During the one plate diet, it is recommended to eat no more than 4 times a day. Breaks between meals should be 3-4 hours.

The menu for the day can be built as follows:

  1. Breakfast: 30–40 g of cereal flakes, large egg and milk omelet, cabbage, cucumber and sweet corn salad, coffee.
  2. Lunch: 300 g of soup with vegetables, chicken breast and potatoes, salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers.
  3. Afternoon snack: 200 g raspberries or fruit salad of orange and kiwi, 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt.
  4. Dinner: vegetable stew, a portion of rice and a piece of steamed hake fillet.

Between breakfast and lunch, a small snack of 1 fruit and 3-4 nuts is allowed. It will help maintain normal blood glucose levels and high performance.

In case of severe hunger at night or a long period of time between dinner and bedtime, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of kefir or warm herbal decoction with 1 tsp. honey

Plate rule for weight loss: reviews

Below you can read reviews from people who have experienced this method of losing weight.

Plate rule for weight loss, reviews:

Valentina . I had never been slender, but before the operation to replace the kneecap, the doctor recommended losing weight. I don't know how to count calories; I don't have a kitchen scale at home. Naturally, I couldn’t weigh anything. That's why I used the plate rule. I took a plate with a diameter of 18 cm, and put a large amount of vegetables, a tiny piece of bread, and a small steamed cutlet. Instead, I often used boiled meat. In the evening I drank kefir with salad. In the morning, I sometimes treated myself to milk oatmeal and a small piece of toast with cheese. In 2 months I managed to lose 8 kg. This is certainly not very much, but I feel much better. This helped me get back on my feet faster after surgery.

Veronica . My life is a constant struggle with excess weight. I tried many nutrition systems, including fasting 16/8 and 18/6. This nutrition system was not very suitable, although I do not hide the fact that I lost weight quite quickly. The best method for me was the single plate system. In the morning I don't have breakfast, but I have lunch and dinner. For dinner I mostly eat boiled meat with salad. I don't eat carbohydrates in the evening. At lunch I allow myself almost everything, even a small piece of bread. I managed to lose 3 kg in 1 month.

Svetlana . I don’t like to restrict myself in nutrition, so I tried to choose a gentle system for losing weight. One of these is the one plate rule. Considering that I ate a lot of fatty foods, the one-plate system became a real salvation for me. I lost 4 kg in a month and a half.

Sample diagram
Read on the topic:

  • 5 Best Protein Shakes at Home: Recipes
  • Vegetarian sports menu
  • How much protein is in 100 grams of cottage cheese?
  • High Protein Foods: List
  • What is healthier in a chicken egg: white or yolk?

Many nutritionists believe that the plate rule can be safely used for breakfast. However, instead of meat ingredients, you should use eggs and dairy products as protein. Instead of carbohydrates, you should use dried fruits and a small amount of nuts. The vegetable part remains the same. You can afford to replace some of the vegetables with avocados. This is a fairly fatty product, but it contains the right fats that lower cholesterol and have a good effect on the condition of the skin. In the morning, it is best to use bread, beans and lentils as carbohydrates.

Who is allowed

The undoubted advantage of the one plate diet is its absolute safety. Such a nutrition system does not require giving up any foods. Those who are losing weight can eat everything they did before, but in much smaller portions.

The dish diet is allowed to everyone without exception. Even teenagers, who are often prohibited from reducing calorie intake, successfully use this system. After all, it is based on the principles of proper nutrition. The body receives all necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements in sufficient quantities.

Balanced meals made from healthy foods help normalize weight. Avoiding fried, spicy and too fatty foods has a beneficial effect on your figure and general well-being.

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