What is the calorie content of marshmallows: benefits and harm to the body, composition and BJU per 100 grams

The first mentions of marshmallows are found in ancient Greek sources. People at that time believed that the recipe for this sweet was given to them by the god of the wind, in whose honor marshmallows got their name.

Modern marshmallow production technologies are far from those used by our ancestors, but the love for this type of sweet and its taste remains unchanged throughout this time.

What is marshmallow and what does it contain? Let's figure it out.

The airy consistency and delicate taste of the delicacy is created by beating egg whites. Gelating properties are the merit of agar-agar or gelatin. Another component of the classic marshmallow recipe is applesauce.

Only such a combination of ingredients in a dessert can ultimately result in a product with the “correct” characteristics and properties.

The calorie content of 100 grams of marshmallows is 304 calories.

The marshmallow recipe has been modified and improved over the centuries ; each manufacturer has tried to add something unique and new to the traditional delicacy recipe. Today, we have available varieties of marshmallows that differ both in composition and taste, as well as in external characteristics and nutritional value.

In an effort to improve the taste of their products and diversify their assortment, manufacturers offer us marshmallows coated with a layer of chocolate glaze. They most often use dark chocolate , whose bitter taste most successfully emphasizes the sweetness and airiness of the marshmallow itself.

The calorie content of 100 grams of chocolate-covered marshmallows is much higher and amounts to 396 calories.

The weight of 1 marshmallow is approximately 35 grams. So when you treat yourself to something delicious, don't forget that you've added an extra 139 calories to your diet.

Everything is clear with its high calorie content, but does marshmallow have any beneficial properties ? Undoubtedly.

  1. Experts consider marshmallows the most healthy type of dessert due to the high content of plant polysaccharide – pectin. It helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body and helps eliminate toxic substances.
  2. Glucose, which is part of marshmallows, is an assistant to our brain in perceiving information and the ability to work productively and fully.
  3. Protein is a building material for our muscles, and microelements (phosphorus, iron) have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels.

When choosing a variety of marshmallows to buy, choose white or yellow products - they do not contain artificial colors, so the benefits of consuming sweets will be maximum.

The benefits and harms of marshmallows

Useful properties of marshmallows:

  • stabilizes the digestive process;
  • improves mental activity;
  • the agar-agar contained in the dessert has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and reduces the risk of cancer;
  • natural pectin helps remove waste and toxins, strengthens the immune system;
  • a properly prepared treat reduces the level of bad cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • is a source of fast carbohydrates;
  • the product does not contain fat and is therefore recommended for weight loss;

  • the gelatin contained in the composition helps restore blood vessels, strengthens hair follicles and nails;
  • helps produce serotonin, which improves mood and relieves depression;
  • easily digestible sugar gives the body strength and energy;
  • flavonoids present in marshmallows eliminate coughs and reduce inflammation in the throat;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Harmful characteristics of the confectionery product:

  • high sugar content, in which case excessive consumption of marshmallows leads to obesity;
  • the delicacy is contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes;
  • too bright colors of the product indicate the presence of harmful chemical components;
  • chocolate varieties or products with the addition of coconut flakes are high in calories and can cause allergic reactions;
  • Manufacturers often use various unhealthy synthetic additives in recipes.

Poor-quality products or those that have expired can lead to the following consequences:

  • poisoning;
  • deterioration of teeth;
  • gaining excess weight;
  • manifestation of allergies.


Classic marshmallows are a protein delicacy that belongs to the category of sugary confectionery products, with a pleasant sweet taste and light vanilla aroma. The texture is delicate and even airy. The color of the classic product is white, but using food coloring you can get more interesting shades: pink, lemon, chocolate, etc.

The airy sweetness includes four components: applesauce, egg white, sugar and a gelling agent (agar-agar, gelatin or pectin). It should be noted that each type of gelling agent gives the product a special texture. Pectin, for example, adds a touch of porosity, agar-agar makes the delicacy dense, and gelatin makes it firm and elastic. In the manufacture of an industrial product, various food additives are additionally used to improve the taste of the dessert.

The average calorie content of marshmallows is 326 kcal per 100 grams. Again, it may vary depending on the composition of the treat. The “lightest” is an unglazed product of snow-white, cream, soft pink or white-pink color. By consuming this dessert in limited quantities, you don’t have to worry about your figure – it won’t suffer. By the way, nutritionists call the most suitable time to consume the airy treat without harming your slimness from 10 to 12 noon. This is the time when glucose levels drop, so an airy dessert brings not only joy, but also benefits. Since the average calorie content of 1 pc. marshmallows are 126 kcal, you still shouldn’t indulge in sweetness.

Important! As for a confectionery product, the calorie content of marshmallows is not high. This is the right choice for anyone who does not want to give up sweets when dieting, but wants to avoid harming their figure.

There are also options for sweets with filling (the halves can be glued together with marmalade or chocolate mass, jam or condensed milk), with various additives (coconut flakes, chopped dried fruits, ground nuts) and prepared on the basis of sweeteners (intended for diabetics, since instead of sugar it contains stevia or fructose). It is noteworthy that the sugar-free sweet is the lowest in calories - no more than 298 calories per 100 g. And in order to know exactly the calorie content of marshmallows in a given case, you need to carefully read the information from the manufacturer.

Many people are interested in the difference between marshmallows and marshmallows, since both products are recommended for consumption even during the period of weight loss. The main difference is the cooking technology. While marshmallows are made from fruit puree, sugar and protein, marshmallows are made from puree and honey. The sweets also differ in texture: marshmallows are harder and denser.

The domestic market offers an impressive range of classic products with various fruit additives. The most popular products of the Rot Front brand are called Sweet Stories, made with pectin. The calorie content of the sweet is slightly below average: vanilla marshmallows have a calorie content of 311 kcal per 100 g, and strawberry marshmallows - 310 for the same volume.

Zephyr on agar is produced by the Udarnitsa factory. The product belongs to the Charmel line and can offer a good assortment for every taste:

  • Vanilla with a calorie content of 322 kcal per 100 g;
  • Creme brulee - 322 per 100 g;
  • Apple - 327 per 100 g;
  • Vanilla-cranberry - 331 kcal per 100 g.

The Charmel product is ready-made sets of 6 or 8 pieces. Thanks to the colorful packaging, this delicacy can be given as a gift.

Zephyr Belevsky from the brand “Old Traditions” is made with apple pectin and belongs to the “Lux” category. The following flavors are considered particularly interesting:

  • Orange with a calorie content of 321 kcal per 100 g;
  • Wild berries with a calorie content of 324 kcal per 100 g;
  • Mint with a calorie content of 324 kcal per 100 g.

This brand produces unique children's marshmallows made with caramel molasses. Its calorie content is 324 kcal per 100 g.

Among other producers of light delicacies, Lyanezh (average calorie content of the product is 337 kcal per 100 g), Yashkino (353 per 100 g), Zhako (305 per 100 g) are famous. And the Slavkond company even offers a delicacy with fondue, cranberry and peach flavors (340 kcal per 100 g).

Whatever marshmallow is preferred, only a high-quality product will be useful. Experts recommend choosing packaged ones, since it is on the packaging that the manufacturer leaves information about calorie content and composition. An equally important point is the expiration date. Then you need to study compliance with standards. It’s good if the package is marked “GOST”, since there is no doubt about the quality of such a product. If there is a TU badge, the manufacturer has reserved the right to use various additives, sometimes not the most beneficial for health and figure.

Real marshmallows must meet a number of technical characteristics:

  • sweet or sweet and sour taste;
  • protein aroma;
  • slightly stretchy airy texture;
  • smooth surface without foreign stains.

Like any other food product, high-quality marshmallows can benefit the body. The confectionery delicacy has a rich chemical composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, starch, amino acids and fiber. Thanks to this “set” the sweetness demonstrates the following properties:

  • cleanses the body of “garbage”;
  • normalizes intestinal activity;
  • participates in the formation of muscle tissue;
  • restores strength after physical activity.

Nutritionists say that the classic product without harmful additives is perfectly absorbed by the body. The optimal amount of treats per day is 2 pieces.

Composition of marshmallows

Marshmallow, the calorie content of 1 piece of which is not high, has the following BZHU proportions - 0.8/0.1/79.8 (g). Most of the vitamins contained in the ingredients are destroyed during the manufacturing process of the product.

But marshmallows are rich in the following elements beneficial to the body:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • riboflavin;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • organic and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • monosaccharides;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins B2 and PP.

If agar-agar made from seaweed is included in the dessert recipe, then you are sure that the sweetness includes iodine and selenium.

And if pectin is present in the composition, then there is enough fiber in the finished product.

The nutritional value

It’s not for nothing that nutritionists call the puffed product a healthy sweet. Despite its considerable calorie content, it does not contain fats, which, in tandem with fast carbohydrates, provoke the development of obesity. Of course, if the diet includes a complete rejection of carbohydrate foods, you won’t be able to enjoy dessert, but in other cases, 1-2 pieces. per day will not affect your figure.

By the way, if we are talking about sweets made from pectin, then you can get a good fat-burning effect, since the substance accelerates the breakdown of fats. In addition, pectin extracted from apples, beets and watermelon is good for health, especially when living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

The exclusion of fat from marshmallows is a definite plus for those losing weight. But the presence of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates is useful for those whose activities are associated with constant brain activity. 100 grams of classic or white-pink marshmallows with an average calorie content of 326 kcal contain as many as 79.8 g of carbohydrates, while 0.8 g of protein is stated.

Unlike the classic dessert, chocolate-covered dessert contains fats. There are 12.3 g per 100 g. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is 2.2 g and 68.4 g, respectively.

Cream marshmallows may also contain fat, but its indicators are insignificant - no more than 3 g per 100 g of product. At the same time, the ratio of proteins and fats is at the level of 1.1 g and 64 g, respectively.

The average calorie content of 100 g of marshmallows is 318 kcal. The ratio of BJU is as follows:

  • proteins – 1.8 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 81.3 g.

It is noteworthy that of all types of marshmallows, marshmallows are the most carbohydrate-rich, and therefore should be consumed in strictly limited quantities. Another way out is to eat homemade sweets, the carbohydrate content of which is 66 g per 100 g of product.

Macro- and microelements

The airy dessert is not at all replete with minerals, but it contains the most important ones for maintaining the functioning of internal organs and systems:

  • Iron – takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, the processes of intracellular metabolism and hematopoiesis, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Phosphorus - guarantees kidney support, normalizes metabolic processes, regulates acid-base balance and activates the action of vitamins.
  • Potassium is important for regulating water balance and normalizing heart rate, and helps eliminate swelling.
  • Sodium - affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulates digestive processes and helps maintain minerals in the blood in soluble form.
  • Magnesium – has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system, improves digestion and is important for dental health.
  • Calcium – has an anti-stress effect, removes heavy metal salts from the body, has an anti-allergic effect and helps maintain bone health.


The benefit of marshmallows is not only its ability to positively influence the functioning of the digestive system and supply minerals to the body. By consuming a treat, you have the opportunity to replenish your reserves of the following vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine) - valued for improving mental abilities and normalizing appetite, participating in protein, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - takes an active part in metabolic processes and the metabolism of carbohydrates, minimizes the negative impact of toxins on the body and respiratory system, and relieves eye fatigue.
  • B3 (niacin) - necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, normalizing the concentration of lipoproteins in the blood and maintaining healthy skin.
  • E (tocopherol) - called the “vitamin of youth” because it is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process and supports the functioning of the immune system.

Marshmallow is included in the list of confectionery products recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for consumption in childhood. Since nutritionists support the opinion of scientists (the calorie content of white marshmallows is quite acceptable), it is quite obvious that the product is one of the most optimal sweets for those losing weight. The main thing is to study what the marshmallows that end up on store shelves are made from, or prepare them yourself.

Unfortunately, sweetness is not limited to benefits alone. For example, obese people should not consume this product. And if you regularly include treats in your diet, your teeth may suffer. Again, if you constantly indulge in marshmallows, especially in white or dark chocolate, you may not get rid of extra pounds, but gain a couple of new ones.

How many calories are in marshmallows?

Marshmallows, calorie content (1 piece weighs about 40-45 g) is given in the following table:

A variety of marshmallowsQuantity, kcal
1 productIn 100 g
With filling105-126315

Calorie content of pink marshmallows

  • proteins - 1 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 72 gr.

1 piece of pink delicacy weighs approximately 30 grams. Accordingly, one sweet contains 100 kcal, proteins - 0.33 g, and fats and carbohydrates - 0.1 and 24 g, respectively.

Recipe Marshmallow according to GOST

Necessary components for making marshmallows according to GOST:

  • 250 g apple puree (it is advisable to take 4 Antonovkas);
  • 1 egg white;
  • 160 g of clean water;
  • 250 g sugar + 475 g for syrup;
  • 10 g vanillin;
  • 8 g agar-agar.

Step-by-step design:

  1. Combine agar with water.

  2. Cut the apples into halves, remove the core and bake in the microwave. Baking time depends on the size of the fruit; 1 minute is enough for 1 fruit.
  3. Then remove the pulp and grind them through a sieve or blend with a blender until thick.
  4. Pour vanillin into the warm apple mixture and leave to cool for 1 hour.
  5. Place the soaked agar on the stove and keep it on the fire until completely dissolved, without allowing it to boil. Bubbles should appear.
  6. Then pour in the sugar, stir the syrup, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. over medium heat. At the end, a white foam will form, and the resulting substance will flow from the blade in a thin stream. Cool the composition.
  7. Add ½ egg white to the cooled puree and beat with a mixer at high speed until white and thick. Gradually add the protein residue.
  8. Then slowly add the slightly cooled syrup into this mass, while continuing to beat. The final consistency should hold its shape (stay on the whisk).
  9. At this stage, optionally add berry puree or food coloring for color.
  10. While the substance has not hardened, it is transferred to a pastry bag, then the delicacy is planted on baking paper or spread with a spoon.
  11. Place the workpieces in a warm place for 1 day. During this time, the product will stabilize and become covered with a thin sugar crust. Sprinkle powder on top.

  12. Finally, connect the halves.

How to choose a good marshmallow?

The product should be purchased from trusted manufacturers. It is best to purchase dessert in health food stores. It is important to study the composition.

A good marshmallow has the following qualities:

  • white color or shade of baked milk;
  • soft, airy consistency, there may be small cracks;
  • elastic to the touch;
  • no stickiness;
  • without pungent odors, with the aroma of vanilla or cream;
  • The only preservative is citric acid.

Brightly colored marshmallows contain a lot of dyes. The strong aroma indicates the use of fragrances in the production.

In Apple pie order

Necessary products for decorating chocolate marshmallows:

NameQuantity, g
Egg white mixture
Fruit puree195 (2 apples)
Crystalline vanillin1 package
Egg white32
Dark chocolate100
Water90 ml

Step by step process:

  1. Wash the apples, cut out the center and divide into 2 parts.
  2. Then put the apple slices in a deep saucepan, pour a little water on the bottom and simmer the product until soft (about 10 minutes).
  3. When the skin slides off, you need to remove the softened fruits and puree them with a blender.
  4. Next, add vanillin, sugar and egg whites to the puree and beat the resulting mass with a mixer.
  5. Mix the ingredients intended for the syrup and cook them over medium heat for 7 minutes, then slowly introduce the liquid composition into the apple substance.
  6. Set aside the treats and let them dry.

  7. Melt the chocolate and roll each marshmallow in brown molasses.

The effect of marshmallows on the human body

Despite its high calorie content, marshmallows are a fairly healthy sweet thanks to the pectin they contain, a polysaccharide of plant origin. Pectin has an antiulcer effect in the human body, promotes the elimination of toxins, waste and metal salts, and also reduces cholesterol levels.

The protein contained in marshmallows is a building material for the muscular frame of the human body, and glucose increases the brain’s ability to work longer and better perceive information coming from the external environment, and also strengthens the immune system.

Also, despite how many calories there are in marshmallows, this sweet product is considered one of the most dietary, especially if it contains agar-agar algae, since when consumed in small quantities it does not harm either the figure or human health.

Marshmallows do not contain vitamins at all, since they are simply destroyed during the preparation process. However, it contains quite large quantities of iron, phosphorus and other useful macroelements, which have a positive effect on the growth and density of nails and hair, as well as on blood vessels.

If gelatin is used in the preparation of marshmallows, then its taste will be much worse than that of its agar-agar counterpart, moreover, the calorie content of gelatin marshmallows will be much higher. When choosing marshmallows, it is better to give preference to white or yellow products, since they do not contain artificial colors.

Marshmallow is contraindicated for diabetics; if consumed in excess, it can cause tooth decay and metabolic disorders.

With apricot puree

Marshmallows, whose calorie content (1 piece will not harm your figure) which pleases those with a sweet tooth, are prepared in different ways.

For a product made with apricot puree, you will need the following components:

  • 600 g sugar;
  • 160 ml of clean water;
  • 500 g apricot (net weight);
  • 10 g agar-agar;
  • powdered sugar for dusting;
  • 1 egg white.


  1. If the fruits are fresh, then you need to wash them, dry them, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp and skin finely (about 8 pieces).
  2. Next, you need to put the fruit pieces in a saucepan, pour 100 g of sugar into them and stir.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and turn on the burner to maximum. After 2-3 minutes. the sweet crystals will dissolve, the apricots will begin to release juice and boil vigorously.
  4. Soak the agar in cool water and leave to swell for 1 hour.
  5. Cook the sugar-apricot mixture for 15-20 minutes. over medium heat. Due to the evaporation of the liquid, the substance will become thick. Then beat it with a blender until pureed. It is recommended to additionally grind the mass through a sieve. After this, add another 100 g of sugar, stir and cool.
  6. Transfer the apricot mixture with sugar into a mixing bowl and add the whites to them. Beat the products with a mixer at high speed for 6-7 minutes, until a light shade appears.
  7. Place the soaked agar on the stove, let it dissolve in the water, and let it boil. Next, immediately pour in the remaining sugar and stir. Cook the syrup over low heat for 5-7 minutes. before testing on a thin thread. Then remove the pan from the burner and cool the solution until it settles.
  8. Continuing to beat the puree at maximum mode, add the hot prepared syrup into the mixture in a thin stream. The mass should thicken, become fluffy and stable.
  9. After this, very quickly transfer the apricot substance into a pastry bag and pipe ½ of the delicacy onto parchment paper.
  10. Leave the product in the room for 1 day to harden.

  11. Finally, sprinkle the treat with powder and glue the halves together in pairs.

Marshmallows during a diet

Sugar in dessert often scares people who watch their figure. But don't be afraid of him. A good marshmallow contains no more than 0.1% fat; it is considered the lowest-calorie dessert.

It is also worth considering that not only calorie content and fat percentage are important in products, but also the glycemic index. It shows how quickly a particular food raises blood sugar levels. Nutrition on fat burning programs includes foods with a medium or low glycemic index. Eating foods with a high value raises your sugar levels too sharply, causing fat deposits to form.

Marshmallow is one of the permitted products. Its glycemic index is 65. This is the average value. From this indicator it follows that it is advisable to avoid the product in the evening.

How much marshmallows can you eat on a diet?

The size of portions during weight loss depends entirely on the daily caloric intake, which is calculated individually. Despite the eggs in the sweetness, marshmallows are classified as carbohydrate products, since 100 grams of dessert can contain only a few grams of protein.

The daily diet should consist of 50-60% carbohydrates. It is necessary to divide the daily calorie intake in half. Then you get the number of calories that come from carbohydrates. If you eat the required amount per day, you can allow yourself 50 grams of sweets. In the event that there is a shortage of carbohydrates per day, you are allowed to eat one or two marshmallows.

The exception is drying. When a person adheres to a strict regime for several weeks, dessert should be abandoned. Even a slight deviation from the nutrition plan will affect the future relief of the body.

On pectin

Ingredients for the dish:

  • 10 g pectin;

  • 450 g sugar;
  • 150 ml purified water;
  • 200 g applesauce (from 3 apples);
  • powdered sugar for rolling;
  • 1 egg white.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Wash the apples thoroughly, cut out the core and remove all the seeds, then cut them into 2 halves.
  2. Place the apple parts cut side down on a roasting pan and bake them in the oven for 10 minutes.
  3. Once the fruit is ready, scoop out the pulp with a spoon and rub it through a sieve or puree it in a blender.
  4. Add 50 g of sugar and pectin to the resulting puree. Mix the composition and let it stand for 1 hour.
  5. For the syrup, you need to combine water and the remaining sugar, then cook the ingredients for 7 minutes.
  6. Next, add the egg whites to the applesauce and beat both ingredients until stiff peaks form.
  7. With the mixer still beating at high speed, slowly pour in the hot sweet syrup. Continue stirring for 5-7 minutes. As a result, additional volume and a light shade will appear.
  8. Transfer the prepared substance into the prepared cooking bag and place the marshmallow on cling film, parchment or stationery files.

  9. Leave the marshmallows to harden for 4-5 hours, then lift the halves from the base, glue them in pairs and roll in sweet powder.


First of all, marshmallows are a ready-to-eat dessert that is quite easy to prepare at home. The best recipes are:


The agar recipe calls for the use of fresh apples, preferably with a slight sourness. About 8 g of agar is required. It is soaked in 160 ml of water. 4 fresh apples are washed, cut into 2 halves and de-seeded. Place cut side down on a plate and bake in the microwave for 5 minutes. As soon as it cools down a little, use a spoon to remove the baked pulp. Afterwards it is ground through a sieve or blended in a blender. Add 250 g of regular sugar and a little vanilla sugar to the warm puree. Stir and leave for 1 hour.

The container in which the agar is soaked is placed on the stove. There is no need to bring to a boil - the agar just needs to dissolve well. Then add 450 g of sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

Take 1 egg. Separate the white from the yolk. The protein is divided into 2 parts. First, add 1 part to the applesauce, mix well, then add the rest. Beat the mass. Place applesauce in a large container. Add agar in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Then start beating with a mixer. Beat until a thick and airy mass emerges. It is poured into a pastry bag. Use it to form marshmallows on a baking sheet. Leave for at least 5 hours at room temperature.

The calorie content of homemade marshmallows according to this recipe is 209 kcal per 100 g.


Homemade coffee product is an excellent choice for fans of coffee and moderately sweet desserts. To prepare, take 125 g of applesauce (you can buy it in a store or make it yourself from baked apples). The puree is placed in a container, 70 g of granulated sugar is added and sent to the stove. Stir. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the puree, remove from heat. Add 7 g of instant coffee and stir.

As soon as the puree has cooled, add one egg white and begin to beat with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed. The duration of the process is 5-7 minutes.

In a separate container, mix 75 ml of water, 130 g of sugar and 5 g of agar-agar. They put it on fire. After boiling, boil for 6-7 minutes. The finished syrup is added to the puree in a thin stream, beating with a mixer at high speed. Beat for 5 minutes.

The finished mass is placed in a pastry bag. Marshmallows are formed on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place in a ventilated place for 10 hours.

The calorie content of homemade marshmallows with coffee flavor is 218 kcal per 100 g.


The calorie content of curd-apple marshmallow is rightfully considered to be minimal - only 124 kcal per 100 g.

40 g of gelatin are soaked for 10 minutes in a few tablespoons of milk. A large apple is peeled and grated on a fine grater. 270 g of low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with 80 ml of milk and blended using a blender. Next, combine cottage cheese, an apple and a little honey. Mix everything well. Gelatin is melted in the microwave and cooled. Add to the mixture and mix. Marshmallows are poured into molds and cooled.


You can make airy marshmallows yourself. To prepare invert syrup, mix 125 g of granulated sugar, 50 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer with the lid closed for 30 minutes.

40 g of leaf gelatin are soaked in 125 ml of water for 30 minutes. In a separate container combine invert syrup, 400 g of sugar, 10 g of vanilla sugar and a little salt. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes. Cool. Beat with a mixer, then add gelatin. Beat again until the mass becomes airy and viscous.

Take a deep mold, grease it with vegetable oil, and then cover it with parchment. Pour in marshmallows and place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. Then cut into pieces and roll each one in starch.

The calorie content of homemade marshmallows is 278 kcal for every 100 g.

Having a homemade or store-bought product, you can prepare unusual desserts.


To prepare an unusual layered dessert, a version of white and pink marshmallows from the store or any homemade one will be suitable. You only need a little - just 1 piece. You also need 150 g of sour cream (if you are on a diet, it is better to give preference to low-fat), 1 banana and 1 teaspoon of lemon zest.

Place the sour cream in a small bowl. Add zest and 0.5 teaspoon of powdered sugar. Stir. The marshmallows are divided into two halves and cut into small cubes. Place half of it on the bottom of a glass container. Top with a little sour cream. Next comes a layer of sliced ​​banana. Also lubricated with cream. Sprinkle with cocoa powder in the amount of 0.5 teaspoon. Then again marshmallows, cream and banana. The last layer is sour cream. Dust with cocoa powder and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint. Cool in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

The calorie content of the dessert is 160 kcal per 100 grams. If you don’t get carried away, it can be used while losing weight.


The original marshmallow cake has a calorie content of 210 kcal per 100 g. With moderate consumption, even those who adhere to a limited diet can enjoy it. The main thing is not to eat cake in the evening, since it is a carbohydrate product.

300 g of canned peaches, cut into slices. In a separate container, beat 200 ml of cream (if you are on a diet, it is better not to choose too fatty) and a little sugar. Take 6 pieces of marshmallows. Each one is cut lengthwise into 4 pieces using a hot knife. Place half of the sliced ​​delicacy in a layer on a flat plate. Lubricate with cream, spreading evenly over the surface of the marshmallow. Peaches are placed on top of the cream. Then spread the marshmallows again. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3 hours.


A homemade cupcake with an airy delicacy turns out fluffy like a sponge cake and completely weightless.

Beat 2 eggs at room temperature with a glass of granulated sugar until fluffy. Pour in a glass of kefir and beat again. Then add 4 tablespoons of sour cream and 1 package of vanillin. Beat well again. Gradually add 2 cups of flour mixed with 10 g of baking powder. Mix with a spatula. Then add 5 pieces of marshmallows cut into cubes. You can take any, even chocolate.

Grease the baking dish with butter. Pour the dough and level it out. Bake until done at 180 degrees.

There are 250 calories per 100 g of cake.


This dessert recipe will definitely appeal to everyone who intends to switch to proper nutrition, but is not able to give up sweets.

One apple and one marshmallow are cut into cubes. Place in a bowl and stir. Pour in 180 g of natural yoghurt. Also add some strawberries, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and 3 tablespoons of rolled oats. Mix again and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

The calorie content of the dessert is 162 kcal per 100 g.

You can also prepare desserts with marshmallow cream at home.


To prepare the roll you need classic biscuit dough. Beat 4 egg whites until stiff peaks form. 4 yolks are mixed with 5 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, and also beaten. Add a glass of sifted flour to the yolks. Mix well to avoid lumps. Then the whipped whites are added to the dough.

The finished dough is poured onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Leveling. Bake for 15 minutes at 170 degrees. The cake is removed from the oven. Remove from the baking sheet along with the parchment. Place on a wet waffle towel (facing the towel). The paper on top is immediately removed and then returned to the cake layer. Roll together with the towel and allow to cool. Place marshmallow cream on the unrolled roll and sprinkle with crushed cookies. Roll it up again and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

The calorie content of the dessert is 338 kcal per 100 g.


Fruits in marshmallow cream are a light and at the same time nutritious dessert that is very quick to prepare and has a calorie content of 152 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare, take 200 g of strawberries and kiwi. Cut into small pieces. Place in a bowl. Add 200 ml of whipped cream. Sprinkle grated dark chocolate and a pinch of cinnamon on top.

From apples

Marshmallows are popular because the calorie content of 1 piece is low, and nutritionists recommend including this product in the diet.

Necessary ingredients for decorating a sweet apple dessert:

  • 6 apples;
  • 1 protein;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • 20 g crystalline vanillin;
  • 9 g agar-agar;
  • 150 ml purified water;
  • 50 g dark chocolate.

Description of the technological process:

  1. Peel the fruit, remove the core, place in a heat-resistant dish and leave for 6 minutes. in the microwave to remove excess moisture.
  2. Place the baked fruit in a saucepan and grind with a blender to a puree consistency.
  3. Next, the resulting substance must be boiled for 3-4 minutes. until thick.
  4. After this, transfer the hot mixture into a separate container, add sugar and vanillin. Mix the ingredients, cover with cling film and cool.
  5. The syrup is prepared in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom. Combine water and agar in a bowl and leave for 5 minutes. Then you need to put the solution on the stove and let it boil.
  6. Next, slowly add sugar and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Boil the sweet liquid to 110-1150C, then turn off the burner and cool the substance.
  7. In a bowl, combine ½ of the protein with applesauce and beat with a mixer until fluffy, then add the remaining protein and mix for another 3 minutes.
  8. Pour the prepared syrup into the white whipped mass in a thin stream, without stopping the mixer. Continue the process for another 5 minutes.
  9. Fill a pastry syringe with the resulting mixture and form marshmallows on parchment using any attachments.
  10. Allow the finished products to dry.

  11. Finally, the marshmallows are covered with pre-melted chocolate and the product is allowed to harden.

Marshmallows and dietary nutrition

Diets are usually used by people who want to reduce their weight and maintain it in a stable state. It is important to remember that if you follow a diet and exercise, the menu should not include high-calorie dishes. Marshmallows, especially some types, are considered high in calories and are not recommended to be consumed during weight loss. But when it is still difficult to do without sweets, it is better to choose marshmallows made from natural products than other sweets made from synthetic ingredients and dyes.

It can be eaten no more than 3 times a week, preferably in the morning.

During a diet, marshmallows are included in your diet for the following reasons:

  1. Low fat content.
  2. Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Nourishes the body with useful substances: calcium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, protein.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and digestive system.
  5. Fills the body with energy and lifts the mood.
  6. Improves the appearance of the skin, structure of nails and hair.

Marshmallows can have different caloric content, which depends on its composition.

It is preferable to choose white or pink marshmallows. The first option does not contain any dyes, and the second has the lowest calorie content among all types. During the diet, you should refrain from marshmallows in chocolate glaze and with coconut flakes, as they contain the most calories.

With gelatin

Necessary products for gelatin treats:

  • 4 apples;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 80 ml purified water;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 25 g gelatin;

  • sweet powder;
  • natural dye.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Leave the gelatin to swell in hot water.
  2. Wash the fruits, then remove the stem with seeds and cut into 4 pieces.
  3. Transfer the apple parts to parchment and bake in an oven preheated to 1800 C for 15 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, remove the peel from the fruit and rub the pulp through a fine sieve. The weight of the finished puree will be about 200 g.
  5. Add sugar to the fruit substance and mix with a mixer until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. Next, without stopping whisking, add ½ part of the protein, and after another 5-7 minutes. While the mixer is running, add the remaining protein.
  6. The components should be beaten with an electrical appliance to a fluffy, white and thick mass. To give the marshmallow a beautiful shade, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of dye.
  7. Stir the swollen gelatin and check that it has completely dissolved. Without stopping the mixer, slowly add the gelatin nougat and then beat for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. Then fill the culinary bag, place the treats individually on parchment and leave the figures for 24 hours to dry.

  9. To finish, sprinkle the product with powder, remove it from the paper base and glue it in pairs.

A dessert that will not leave you indifferent!

We invite you to prepare a delicious dessert that will be appreciated by all sweet tooths without exception. We will use ready-made marshmallows, but you can make them yourself. The calorie content of such a treat is about three hundred and twenty kilocalories per one hundred gram serving. So if you are struggling with extra pounds, do not overindulge in this sweetness.


  • “Napoleon” cookies (you can take any other) – 0.3 kg;
  • marshmallows – 0.3 kg;
  • milk chocolate – 70 g;
  • cream with low fat content – ​​50 ml;
  • dried prunes - four pieces.


  1. Let's prepare all the components we need.

  2. Steam the prunes with hot water for ten to fifteen minutes. Then add the liquid. If there are bones, remove them.
  3. Place the chocolate bar in a deep refractory container, after breaking it into pieces.
  4. Let's melt the chocolate in any convenient way - you can do it in a microwave oven, or you can do it the old fashioned way - in a water bath.
  5. Add cream to the chocolate mixture and stir until smooth.

  6. Divide the marshmallows into two equal parts.

  7. If you need more sweetness, divide the marshmallows into quarters.

  8. Let's prepare the cookies - place them on a flat plate or dish.
  9. Brush each cookie with chocolate cream mixture.
  10. Place a slice of prune on top.
  11. Cover the pieces with marshmallow halves.

  12. Let's pour chocolate and creamy mixture on top of our treat.

  13. Let the dessert sit in the refrigerator for half an hour. You can treat yourself!

And finally, it is worth noting that, despite the high calorie content, many nutritionists consider marshmallows to be the “safest” treat. You can only eat no more than two marshmallows per day. And you need to eat such a delicacy before lunch, so that by the evening you can “waste” the calories received.

On a note! Scientists have proven that if you eat sweets at four to six o'clock in the evening, it will not harm your figure. During this period, sugar in the body decreases, as a result of which we feel fatigue and decreased performance.


Marshmallows, calorie content (1 piece has a different weight) depends on the type of product.

For example, to make a low-calorie product without added sugar you will need the following products:

  • 150 g of any baby puree. It is advisable to choose a pureed component without sugar;

  • 90 ml of clean water;
  • 10-15 g gelatin (for a dense consistency you need to take 15 g).

Cooking principle:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water and place on the stove. Turn on the fire to minimum. Heat the mixture until the jelly-like substance dissolves, without bringing it to a boil.
  2. Next, combine the heated mass with the puree and beat with a mixer until the substance becomes thick.
  3. Place the resulting mixture on parchment paper and leave until the confectionery product hardens.


Cream marshmallow or marshmallow cream is a light, airy product that has a convenient consistency and pleasant taste. It holds its shape perfectly and is good in combination with confectionery, fruits and berries. This is a winning solution as a base for a cake, especially in the hot season, and an appetizing stand-alone dessert that does not require preparation: the creamy product can be placed in a bowl and decorated with fresh mint, liqueur or grated chocolate. The combination of marshmallow cream with hot drinks: coffee, tea and hot chocolate looks no less successful.

One of the popular manufacturers of light cream is the “Always Ready” brand. The classic product is completely free of fat and has a calorie content of 13.5 kcal per 1 spoon. In addition to the classic one, the manufacturer offers cream with banana and strawberry flavors. The energy value is similar. The average calorie content of marshmallow cream is 287 kcal per 100 grams.

Delivery of food with calculated calorie content, ready-made diets. No more cooking and counting calories!



Marshmallow marshmallow

To make marshmallows you will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 g sugar;
  • 200 ml purified water;
  • 160 g invert syrup;
  • 25 g regular gelatin;
  • 100 g each of powdered sugar and starch (potato or corn).


  1. Soak the gelatin in 100 ml of cooled, boiled water, then stir the mixture and leave for 40 minutes. to swell. Next, heat the resulting substance over medium heat until dissolved, stirring and not letting it boil.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a large mixing bowl.
  3. To prepare the syrup, pour sugar and invert into a small saucepan and pour in the rest of the water provided in the recipe. Place the container on the burner that is on and bring to a boil. Boil the sweet liquid until it heats up to 1100C (about 6-7 minutes after boiling).
  4. Keep the finished syrup on low heat. At the same time, beat the gelatin mass with a mixer turned on at high speeds, and, without stopping the whipping procedure, pour a hot sugar solution into it in a thin stream.
  5. Continue to stir the composition until a dense, viscous and thick substance is formed.
  6. Take any mold with sides, cover it with parchment and sprinkle generously with a mixture of starch and powder.
  7. Place the marshmallow base in a prepared container, smooth out the contents with a spatula and take it out to a cool place for 3-4 hours.
  8. The readiness of the delicacy is checked as follows: if the mass does not stick to your hands and holds its shape well, then it is removed from the bowl and cut into arbitrary pieces with a knife.

  9. Roll the resulting fragments in sugar-starch breading and place in an airtight container or bag.

Delicious marshmallows are considered a healthy treat. The calorie content of the sweet is not high, and eating 1 piece of the product will not harm your figure. It is advisable to buy only high-quality products, and it is best to make the fruit-whipped dessert yourself.


Marshmallow marshmallows are a popular sweet in the United States that have managed to find fans in other countries. Many people confuse classic marshmallows and marshmallows, although they have one big difference - the composition: the delicate marshmallow, which is essentially marshmallow, does not contain applesauce or egg white.

It is believed that the first marshmallows were made back in the days of Ancient Egypt. The basis for the treat was medicinal marshmallow, the juice of which was mixed with nuts and honey. In the 19th century, French confectioners began to produce candies similar to modern marshmallows, and in the 50s of the 20th century, the world first saw an airy dessert that is still sold on shelves today.

Among domestic consumers, marshmallows, often called marshmallow-like candies, are not very popular, although they cannot be called useless. Nutritionists say that marshmallow has a positive effect on cartilage and joints, and due to its high collagen content, it improves the condition of nails and hair. Also, with regular consumption of delicacies, the functioning of the nervous system and brain is normalized, metabolism is improved and the heart muscle is strengthened.

Despite its external airiness, marshmallows are a high-calorie dessert. 100 g contains at least 318 calories. For example, Haribo marshmallows have a calorie content of 333 kcal per 100 g. The product of the Domashnyaya Kukhina brand in the classic vanilla version has 330 kcal for the same 100 g, and with chocolate flavor - 340 kcal for the same amount. In any case, the high sugar content in sweets does not have the best effect on the figure.

Marshmallows can be consumed on their own or, like American consumers, roasted over a fire. During processing, the airy sweets increase in size and become chewy. Afterwards they can be placed on cookies. Marshmallows are also added to coffee and cocoa. In this case, it is better to choose candies of the minimum size. Under the influence of a hot drink, the marshmallow melts, forming a pleasant foam on the surface that improves the taste of coffee or cocoa. Confectioners also use marshmallows as a filling for other desserts or decorations for them, and they are used to create mastic.

The harm of white marshmallows

The following harms of white marshmallows are known:

  • the product is saturated with sugars, therefore it is contraindicated for diabetes;
  • Eating sweets should be avoided if carbohydrate metabolism is impaired;
  • Low-quality white marshmallows contain a lot of harmful dyes and flavor enhancers;
  • Don’t overeat marshmallows with added nuts and chocolate. Such additives may cause allergic reactions.
    The weight of marshmallows depends not only on its size, but also on its filling capacity. If it is supplemented with chocolate glaze, condensed milk, cream, then of course it adds additional weight. Classic marshmallows consisting of two halves weigh from 35 grams to 50 grams, the weight varies depending on the manufacturer. You can accurately calculate the weight this way: divide the net weight by the number of marshmallows in the package, this way we know the weight of one marshmallow.

    In this example, we see that the weight of the product, without packaging, weighs 300 grams, divide it by 6 pieces and get the weight of one marshmallow = 50 grams.

    Marshmallows come in different sizes, but mostly they weigh up to 50 grams. I constantly weigh them because I constantly count calories. Its calorie content is 326 kcal. Therefore, its calorie content ranges from 120-160 calories.

    I just measured it on electronic mini-scales, which are used in pawn shops, and so the white marshmallow, which consists of two halves, without chocolate glaze, that is, the most classic marshmallow, weighs 44.85 grams


    If we take into account chocolate marshmallows or with any dense filling, then of course the mass of marshmallows in this case will become larger, maybe even doubled.


    - my electronic scales showed the weight of one white marshmallow, consisting of two halves -
    44.85 g
    Marshmallow is a delicacy that can be afforded by those who care about their figure, because they are not as high in calories as, for example, cake or milk chocolate . There are no harmful confectionery fats in marshmallows.

    For those who count the number of calories they eat, it is very important to know the weight of what they eat.

    This marshmallow weighs 45 grams

    This one is about 42 grams

    This one is 50 grams.

    The calorie content of marshmallows without glaze is from 304 to 320 kcal per 100 grams.

    The weight of one classic marshmallow is about fifty grams, but now this delicacy is produced in various sizes, so to determine the weight of one marshmallow, it is best to divide the total net weight by the number of marshmallows. The weight of one marshmallow can vary from thirty to fifty grams.

    Marshmallows can be different, and not only in color (pink, white, cream), but also in taste (creamy, cherry, creme brulee), as well as in weight. There are perfect crumbs, their weight does not exceed 35 grams, and there are real giants, whose weight exceeds 100 grams. It all depends on the moisture content in a particular marshmallow. Typically, the average weight of a marshmallow

    - this is 50 grams.

    Since marshmallows are sometimes covered in chocolate, and sometimes without chocolate, it is difficult to say the exact number of one marshmallow, besides, some marshmallows are very large, for example, made in Russia, while others in boxes are almost half the size. Therefore, the weight of one marshmallow is from 33 to 50 grams. In order to

Diet and marshmallows

When calculating weight loss diets, nutritionists wonder how many calories are in marshmallows and other foods. The small number of calories in marshmallows determines that even people who are losing weight can consume it. Of course, such persons are allowed to eat marshmallows only in limited quantities. For example, eating 1 marshmallow, which is very low in calories, can help a dieter somewhat dull the painful feeling of hunger. Experts recommend that people who are losing weight dilute their diet with tea with marshmallows or marshmallows, which are related products and are similar in composition.

The calorie content of 1 marshmallow is unlikely to harm the figure of even an overweight person

. However, if you have begun to reduce your own weight, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with more detailed information about the calorie content of marshmallows in different quantities of this confectionery product.

Protein and fat calories of marshmallows

Since in the process of preparing marshmallows, in addition to fruit and berry puree and sugar, eggs are also used, we can say that the marshmallow also contains proteins. But since their quantity is extremely small, their contribution to the total calorie content of marshmallows is minimal, it is only 3 kcal. At the same time, fats are present in marshmallows in trace quantities, which determines their almost complete absence in the final product. Therefore, they have virtually no contribution to the energy balance of the product. In numerical terms, the fat component contributes 1 kilocalorie to the total.

Marshmallows in chocolate glaze, called “sharmel”

This delicacy is hard to resist; it has a pleasant taste that cannot be confused with anything else. In stores it can be found in two versions: classic and with chocolate glaze. Charmel marshmallows are high in calories and should not be included in the diet menu. Its energy value is about 380 kcal per 100 grams of product.

This dessert uses exclusively natural ingredients and substances: agar, egg white, applesauce.

The production process of this product is regulated by GOST, which excludes the possibility of adding artificial substances and dyes. Eating a glazed product will not harm, but on the contrary will help brain function, increase immunity and normalize blood pressure.

Sweets not prohibited by nutritionists

Marshmallow is not an oriental sweet at all: it was invented by French chefs. One day they decided to put whipped whites in the marshmallow. It is clear that they were not worried about calories at all, but about the taste of the airy dessert. The result exceeded all expectations: the sweetness literally melted in the mouth, which is why it got its name in honor of the light breeze.

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