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In the modern world, the fashion for thin, pampered young ladies has been replaced by stronger figures for girls, in particular, many social networks are full of selfies and photos with the hashtags #show your center of the universe#, #butthole#. A healthy lifestyle and bodybuilding have given rise to the so-called generation of “fit girls” - beautiful, slender girls who are not afraid of exercises with weights and barbells.

Modern ladies, wanting to achieve clearer shapes and relief, understand that in such a matter they cannot do without “hardware”. In addition, in order to start such training, it is not necessary to purchase an expensive gym membership; this sports equipment is publicly available in any sports store for the most demanding taste.

How to properly perform exercises with a barbell at home: sports educational program

  • When performing exercises with a barbell, the main thing is the technique of execution, and not the number of times done and the weight of the weights. Methodically, technically and smoothly, so as to feel the heat in the trained parts of the body - this is how a set of exercises should be performed.
  • Your workout should be structured in such a way that light cardio loads are done first to warm up the muscles, and the most difficult exercises are performed in the middle of the workout, so that you have the energy to work out each element to the maximum.
  • Training should be based on the principle of increasing the complexity of the technique of performing exercises and approaches to repeating them. Between approaches, you should not rest without lying down without moving, but move around with light walking to even out your pulse.
  • Don't try to lift heavy weights right away. Weighten the sports equipment gradually. This approach will help avoid unwanted injuries.

If you notice that during the exercises the weight of the barbell has become comfortable and almost unnoticeable to you, the load should be increased by the number of approaches to performing the exercise and by increasing the weight of the sports equipment.

  • In any sport, the main condition is self-discipline. If you are confidently on the path to body self-improvement, plan your workouts evenly: 3-4 times a week. But this does not mean that you can work out for 3 days in a row and then lie down on the couch. The main thing is to give your muscles a day to recover and train every other day. This way, you will be able to avoid unnecessary stress and not lose the excitement when doing the exercises.
  • To ensure the effectiveness of training with a barbell, make a plan - on which day of the week which muscle group you will train. And strictly follow this schedule.
  • Don't neglect rest. It is no less important than the exercises themselves. Proper alternation of basic loads with rest will give a much greater effect.
  • Eat according to the principles of the diet during strength training.
  • Study the advice of people who have achieved any results in this sport; no information is ever superfluous.

Beautiful buttocks: common mistakes in training

These shortcomings reduce the effectiveness of classes:

You exclude basic exercises from your training program

It happens that squats are prohibited . But if you don’t have such restrictions, be sure to include basic exercises (lunges, squats, deadlifts) in your lesson. They load the muscles of the buttocks, legs, back, and core. In total, this makes the silhouette of the butt and legs more balanced.

You only do glute exercises

Doing your entire workout “in the name of beautiful buttocks” may be an attractive idea, but it has nothing to do with a beautiful silhouette. “The most common mistake is doing exercises only for the buttocks in one workout (endless swings, lunges, hundreds of squats). Remember that the load must be balanced, so the buttocks should be worked in conjunction with the muscles of the legs or back,” reminds Elizaveta Repina.

You don't give yourself time to rest

Do you pump your butt every day? In vain. “It’s optimal to train this zone twice a week, so the muscles will have time to recover, and therefore grow better,” advises Olga Morozova.

“Otherwise, overtraining of these muscles may occur,” recalls Valentin Zinin.

You're choosing the wrong weights

Too small or, on the contrary, very large weights will interfere with your progress. It is important to choose weights of the weight that suits you and vary it during exercise. “I recommend performing each exercise in three approaches, gradually reducing the number of repetitions and increasing the weight of the barbell,” explains Olga Morozova. - Perform 30 repetitions with light weights, in the next approach - already 20 repetitions with medium weight. The final approach is 10 repetitions and your maximum weight. Then the buttocks will look very impressive.”

You refuse to warm up

Warming up before exercise not only protects you from injury, but also increases the effectiveness of your workout. Why? “If you sit a lot and don't move much, your hip joint will likely not have enough movement. When trying to pump up your buttocks, half the load will be on your lower back, so before training you need to pay attention to your hip joints. Myofascial release will help with this ,” explains Elizaveta Repina.

Barbell exercises for girls: nutrition rules for strength training

Barbell exercises at home will be more effective if performed in combination with proper nutrition. Sports alone will not bring the expected results.

Many people talk about genetics - if a beautiful figure is inherited, it means you are lucky. In fact, genetics are only 35% of success; the rest is willpower and systematic exercise, plus proper nutrition.

It should be noted that self-improvement of the body with the help of exercises with a barbell is best done not in the early morning on an empty stomach, but in the afternoon or evening.

Before strength training, it is advisable to warm up your muscles by running or swimming in the pool. This light type of cardio will allow you to save energy for performing basic relief exercises.

Exercises to build muscles must be performed for at least 1 hour, and for obese people - at least 1.5 hours. Breaks between classes should be 1 day, that is, on average 3-4 workouts per week.

Proper nutrition plus systematic training gives amazing results. From a carefully selected diet, the body receives energy and building material for muscle growth, and with the help of barbell exercises, fat mass is consumed and the body is sculpted.

Meals should be fractional to start metabolism; it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions so as not to feel hungry. Also, do not forget to drink 2.5-3 liters of clean water. You should drink 15 minutes before or 45 minutes after meals, so as not to slow down the digestion process and not to dilute the gastric juice with excess liquid.

Breakfast should include complex carbohydrates: all types of cereals plus a spoonful of honey, proteins: an omelet made from proteins and milk; fats - in the form of butter. Count on maximum calories for breakfast. It is advisable to eat all baked goods and other harmful foods before 12:00 noon. And if you are now on the path of improvement and building the body of your dreams, you will have to give up baking for now.

Snacks are also an important part of your diet throughout the day. There should be at least 2 of them: after breakfast and after lunch.

Types of snack: sweet fruit, cottage cheese, 150-200 g of boiled cereal, stewed vegetables, fresh salad with omelet, lean meat, protein shake.

Due to their high glucose content, it is better to eat sweet fruits before 16.00.

For lunch, it is best to eat soup with vegetables and a piece of lean meat. You can also consume some low-calorie dairy or fermented milk product (kefir with cinnamon, fermented baked milk, etc.).

Dinner should include carbohydrate and protein dishes: omelette + stewed or fresh vegetables, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Pre-workout diet

2-3 hours before training, it is recommended to eat food with complex carbohydrates and high protein content. Try to completely eliminate fats. However, it is better not to eat before the exercise itself, otherwise the heaviness in the stomach will not allow you to exercise at full capacity and will cause discomfort.

Porridge and hard-boiled eggs or boiled meat, seafood, and fish are best. Complex carbohydrates, due to their slow breakdown process, provide energy for exercise, and proteins saturate the body with amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscles.

Post-workout diet

If you are pursuing the goal of building muscle, you should eat immediately after strength training.

In this case, food should be considered as a source of nutrition and growth for muscles and this issue should be approached with all seriousness. Naturally, you will have to forget about chocolates, flour and other harmful things. Food after a full workout is protein and carbohydrates with low insulin levels.

So, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or other protein-rich fermented milk product, boiled eggs, steamed white meat (chicken breast) or fish.

A glass of grape juice without sugar will be beneficial. Freshly squeezed grape juice, rich in glucose, helps reduce the level of insulin in the blood, which has anabolic properties.

After training for 2 hours, fats and caffeine should not enter your body, even in the smallest doses, otherwise you will have to forget about beautiful relief.

A set of basic exercises with a barbell at home

Basic exercises with a barbell are exercises that form a clear relief through systematic strength training. That is, if you want to have chiseled abs and biceps, simple gymnastic exercises without special weights will not be enough. Basic power loads involving a barbell are ideal for this purpose.

We present to your attention a set of basic exercises with a barbell with a detailed description of the execution algorithm.

  • Bench press in a lying position. Starting position - lying on the floor or sports bench, bend your knees, bending slightly, rest your feet on the floor. The main thing in this exercise is to avoid jerky, sudden movements. You can move your elbows to the sides and lift the barbell with a narrow grip, while lowering the barbell not completely to the support, but by 20 cm. Repeat such lifts: work for 2 minutes, rest for 1 minute. 10-15 approaches.

  • French barbell press. Starting position - lying on the floor or on a bench, slightly arching your back so as not to overload the spine. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows slightly, and take the barbell from the support. The main feature of this exercise is to lift the barbell slowly, bending should be done only at the elbow joint. Perform 3 sets of 15-20 times.

  • Shrugs with a barbell. Starting position – standing or sitting. Hold the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart, raise and lower the barbell by 15-20 cm. The main feature: avoid circular movements of the shoulders to prevent sprains. Perform 1-2 approaches 15-20 times.

  • Barbell deadlift. Starting position - standing or sitting on a hard surface, raise the barbell, if you are a beginner athlete, lower it 5 cm below the knees, if you have been training for a long time, lower it all the way to the floor. Perform 2-3 approaches 10-12 times.
  • Barbell press in a sitting or standing position. Starting position: standing or sitting on a hard surface, lift the barbell. If you decide to do this exercise while sitting, the barbell is lowered onto your chest; if from a lying position, the barbell can be lowered behind your head. Repeat 1-2 approaches 20 times.

  • Bent over barbell lift. Starting position - standing on a hard surface, take the barbell shoulder-width apart, lift it from the support position so that the shoulders go back as far as possible. The sports equipment can be lifted with a regular grip and palms facing away from you (reverse grip). This exercise should cause a burning sensation in the oblique muscles of the back, promoting their development and relief. You can also perform this exercise in a sitting position, lifting only one end of the barbell. The main feature of the exercise is to avoid sudden movements so as not to harm the spine. Perform 1-2 sets of 20-25 times.

  • Squats. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, lift the barbell from the stop position and place it on your chest. Perform squats slowly, keeping the center of gravity in the buttocks. The main feature of the exercise: do not distribute the entire load during squats on your knees to avoid leg injuries. Repeat 1-2 approaches 30 times. You can make the exercise more difficult by squatting with a barbell behind your head. In this case, the load on the inner thighs will increase.

  • Turns to the sides with plates from the barbell. If you want to actively work on your abs and form cubes, this exercise works best for burning fat and modeling the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles: starting position - lying with your back on a hard surface, feet resting on the floor, buttocks pressed to the floor, hands at chest level with a barbell weight (weight is selected individually). Leaving the gluteal muscles in their original position, turn the torso to the left, stretching out your arms with weights. Repeat the same to the right. Repeat 15 turns in each direction.
  • Raises of arms to the sides with plates from the barbell. Starting position - sitting on a bench or other hard surface, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, take a barbell plate in each hand with a weight that is comfortable for you. Swing to the sides with such an amplitude that your arms are parallel to the floor. This exercise promotes active development of the biceps. Do 2-3 sets of 18-20 reps. The same exercise can be performed in a slightly different technique, changing the starting position to a tilted position.

  • Climbing onto a step with a weight in the form of a barbell. For this exercise you will need a step or any other surface with a height of 15-20 cm. Starting position - standing, in each hand a plate from a barbell with a weight convenient for you. Climb onto the step with each foot in turn. Perform 2-3 approaches 15-20 times.

  • Lunges with weights in the form of pancakes from a barbell. Starting position: standing with dumbbell weights in each hand. Lunges are done first with the right leg, then with the left. Keep your back straight. Try to avoid sudden movements so as not to stretch the ligaments. Repeat 25 lunges on each leg, 2 sets.

  • Push-ups with a weight in the form of a pancake from a barbell. Starting position – hands pressed to the floor, toes also resting on the floor. Hold a barbell plate between your thighs. In the future, you can complicate this exercise by increasing the weight of the pancakes. Perform classic push-ups 3 sets of 10-15 times.

The most effective exercises for the butt

These, as you may have guessed, include basic movements - lunges, squats, deadlifts and their variations. “This also includes all progressions and variants of “gluteal bridges,” adds Elizaveta Repina.

When creating a set of exercises for the buttocks, choose movements that would pump up the butt not only “frontally”, but also its sides. “To make the buttocks look fuller from all sides, it is important to include in your training exercises that pump up the piriformis muscle, as well as the muscles of the thighs - the biceps and quadriceps muscles, the entire medial and lateral part of the thigh,” says Olga Morozova.

We asked Olga Morozova to create a set of exercises for the buttocks, taking into account all these nuances. If you have a barbell and fitball, you can do it at home.

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