Strict calculation of calories consumed - AD diet

The AD diet, or Anorexic diet, is often mentioned in various social posts as an ideal option to lose large amounts of kilograms. It is officially believed that this is what popular models adhere to, although this opinion is fundamentally incorrect. Such a nutrition plan, designed for 90 days at once, is almost impossible to maintain, and surviving witnesses of such a feat are actually found only in clinics for anorexics with a severe stage of their disease. This article will provide information about what this nutrition plan is and why it should never be used .

The essence of the diet

“Losing 13 to 15 kg in 35 days on the AD diet” is just one of the slogans that attracts teenagers who have absolutely no understanding of diet and proper nutrition, who are trying to quickly deal with excess weight in the shortest possible time due to persecution at school. This diet is truly dangerous to health, since it involves almost complete abstinence from food for a period of 90 days, that is, a full course of this diet. It is believed that only by adhering to a limited calorie intake can model parameters be achieved. Although, judging by the reviews, the AD diet undermines health so much that it will not be possible to achieve a beautiful figure, and in the end the girl will be left with practically nothing but an anorexic skeleton. This diet has some similarities with another interesting diet that is described on the website and is worthy of your attention.

BP diet, reviews and results

According to the majority, the AD diet option is a sure path to loss of health, it is not clear who invented the technique and, although it can be extremely effective, if it is followed to the end, it is difficult to tolerate, dangerous to health and provides a short-term effect. A calorie diet below the level of basal metabolism is a severe stress for the entire body and the majority, as evidenced by reviews of the AD diet, are unable to withstand such a diet until the end, and for many who have withstood it, their weight after a few months has practically returned to its original one. At the same time, many are faced with health problems that take months, and sometimes years, to heal. Therefore, it is necessary to put health first, and nutrition for weight loss should be based on reasonable principles and be based on smooth weight loss over 3-6 months. If you cannot solve the problem on your own, seek help from nutritionists, but do not indulge in such adventures.

  • “... I want to tell you about my negative experience of losing weight on this diet. The only thing that justifies me is that I was 16 years old, the boy I liked didn’t pay attention to me, he liked my skinny friend, and the fact that there was no smart adult nearby who would bring me to my senses. I endured terrible problems for 2 months. I really lost 16 kg, but soon I completely lost my appetite and couldn’t look at food. My periods were upset and my hair started to come out. It’s good that they started treating me on time. Only after 1.5 years did I more or less return to normal, I had to take hormonal medications, but I still periodically feel bad - I get tired quickly, low hemoglobin, ECG is not normal. Therefore, girls, I understand your desire to have a model appearance, but believe me, there are other less damaging ways to lose weight. Take care of your health!”
  • “... I don’t understand at all when young girls go on diets of this type, because this kind of nutrition corresponds in calorie content to food in concentration camps. There must be at least some common sense, or this is still a mental illness, when one’s health is put on the line in the name of beauty. What prevents most of you from bringing your weight back to normal using normal human methods (balanced low-calorie diet and exercise). It may not be so fast, but without such side effects and risks. Use your brains."
  • “...I started the AD diet in company with my friend. But it’s good that my mother returned from her business trip on time and gave me some brains. But even those 2 weeks were enough for me: a terrible constant feeling of hunger, wild irritability, dizziness during the day. After talking with me, my mother signed me up for fitness with a good trainer, who outlined both workouts and nutrition for me. And six months later I already had what I had been striving for so much - a good figure. But for a friend, whom I also persuaded to quit this diet, everything turned out worse, and she had to be admitted to the therapeutic department with intestinal problems.”

Diet rules

The AD diet system focuses primarily on the fact that you need to consume a limited amount of calories every day. In addition, within the framework, it is very important to completely abandon physical activity and eat practically nothing. This diet doesn’t even have a more or less official menu. If you look closely, this diet consists of only restrictions, since it is simply impossible to nourish the body with useful substances or energy for 50, 100 or even 500 Kcal. The rules that are considered to be a BP diet include:

  1. You should not drink more than one and a half water a day, and you should not drink more than an hour before meals, about 100 ml at a time.
  2. In addition to this diet, you need to take vitamin complexes, otherwise the downside may be problems with hair, nails and skin.
  3. In the morning, be sure to perform a ten-minute complex of self-massage of the abdomen.
  4. There is a special table that contains information about the calorie content of food that should be consumed per day. It itself, as well as the rules for its use, will be given below.

How to create a menu

It is advisable to divide food into several meals, the best option is from three to five meals. There is no point in eating only once a day; it will not bring any benefit, but will only aggravate the feeling of hunger, since a large single portion stretches the stomach and requires a new portion of the same volume.

Authorized Products

The set of products required for the entire diet cycle is as follows:

  • Kefir (no more than 2% fat) - 7.5 liters;
  • Milk (low-fat) - 1 liter;
  • Cottage cheese (low fat) - 1.15 kg;
  • Chicken fillet without skin - 2.5 kg;
  • Veal or other lean meat - 1 kg;
  • Eggs - 26 pieces;
  • Potatoes (preferably young) - 2 kg;
  • Carrots - 3 kg;
  • Apples - 7 kg;
  • Other vegetables - about 2.5 kg;
  • Bananas - 4 pieces.

Attention! Vegetables that are suitable for the diet: tomatoes, onions, peppers, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, greens. In the first ten days, it is allowed to supplement the daily menu with 250 grams of any vegetables from this list. For example, for a snack when you feel hungry.

Prohibited Products

During the forty-day period of the lawyer's diet, they completely refuse all foods that are not listed in the diet. It is especially critical to remove:

  • Oil;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Alcohol.

Sugar substitutes and sweeteners are not suitable for food. Any spices are completely excluded, because they can whet the appetite. The same should be done with other additives that affect taste.

First phase

Every day for a decade you can add 250 g of vegetables to the specified list.

1Five boiled potatoes
2Liter of kefir
30.5 kg cottage cheese
4Four soft-boiled eggs
5Liter of milk
6Kilogram of chicken meat
7One and a half kilograms of apples
80.5 l kefir
90.5 kg buckwheat porridge without oil, with water
10Five boiled potatoes

Second phase

This and subsequent decades do not imply any more additions to the specified diet.

11Buckwheat porridge in standard volume (500 grams)
12Kilogram of apples
130.5 kg cottage cheese
14500 grams of boiled meat
15500 grams chicken fillet
16One and a half liters of kefir
17Kilogram of grated carrots
181.5 kg apples
190.5 kg buckwheat porridge without oil, with water
20Six chicken eggs

Third phase

21Liter of kefir
220.5 kg apples
23400 grams of cottage cheese
24Five eggs
25Liter of kefir
26250 grams of cottage cheese
27Kilogram of grated carrots
28Four bananas
290.5 kg buckwheat porridge without oil, with water
30Five chicken eggs

Fourth phase

31Liter of kefir
32Kilogram of apples
330.5 kg cottage cheese
34500 grams of boiled meat
35Kilogram of chicken fillet
36One and a half liters of kefir
37Kilogram of grated carrots
381.5 kg apples
390.5 kg buckwheat porridge without oil, with water
40Six chicken eggs

Need to! During all phases of the diet, it is imperative to additionally drink any of the vitamin-mineral complexes, otherwise the skin will suffer, hair will become split and dull, and the condition and strength of nails will deteriorate.


In addition to the above rules, in order to achieve maximum results on the AD diet, you will need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Since the diet is quite low in calories, the menu should not include dishes filled with simple carbohydrates, that is, you will have to completely give up sugar, baked goods and preservatives.
  2. Despite the fact that the daily calorie intake is small, it should not be consumed at one time, but divided into several times according to the principle of fractional meals. Each piece of food must be chewed thoroughly so that it enters the intestines in a crushed form.
  3. There should be approximately 4 meals a day - the last one should not be later than three hours before going to bed.
  4. It is advisable to keep a food diary on such a limited diet so that you can monitor yourself. In addition to all the food that was eaten during the day, it is also recommended to write down data about your own well-being and emotions, as well as the intermediate results obtained.
  5. You should completely give up bad habits - cigarettes and alcohol can cause stress in the body, so that the condition will worsen greatly. In addition, it is not recommended to wear heels.

It should be understood that regardless of your actions, the body will still experience terrible stress. This AD diet has a very bad effect not only on physical health, but also weakens the nervous system, so to calm it down, it is recommended to regularly take a warm bath and always get enough sleep.

Nutrition System Principles and Preparation

Such a low-calorie diet involves a preparatory period - usually a week, during which they gradually abandon those foods that subsequently end up on the prohibited list.

The diet course is divided into four phases of 10 days. The lawyer's diet involves eating only those foods that are on the menu. You must clearly control yourself and not allow yourself to relax, otherwise there will be no result.

The greatest weight loss occurs during the first ten days and in the third phase. The second and fourth phases are consolidating.

Unlike many other nutrition systems, the advocate diet does not involve any randomization of the diet or the formation of an individual menu. As a means of losing weight, this technique works exactly in this form.

The drinking regime for a lawyer's diet includes a liter of mineral or still water per day. The quantity should not be reduced.

Diet duration

As mentioned earlier, such a diet is intended to be used for 90 days. However, in reality, it is almost impossible to go through such an experience in practice, so no one sits on it for more than 30 days as a standard. But even during this time, you can mercilessly ruin the health of the body, so it would be best not to use it at all.

But regardless of how long you spent on it, you need to exit AD gradually. Little by little every day you need to increase the amount of calories and food consumed so that your diet becomes normal and nutritious. If after such practices you immediately eat high-calorie or fatty foods, then this can only harm the body even more.


There are now a huge number of photos circulating on the Internet with the results of the AD diet and reviews that talk about the miraculous weight loss method that models use. But in fact, you can understand that sitting on it is dangerous even without turning to nutritionists. Who needs such results, which lead to severe anorexia, when health itself is greatly undermined. Yes, indeed, the extra pounds will go away, and problem areas will become slimmer, but along with this the following consequences may occur:

  • absolute disruption of the metabolic process;
  • constant constipation;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • frequent pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakness in the body up to loss of consciousness and dizziness;
  • hair loss, brittle nails and aging skin;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

In fact, this list is not even complete, since following such a diet affects all the internal organs of the human body. There is not a single person in the world who could come out healthy from a full program of such nutrition, so we can say that the AD diet is contraindicated for any person.

Indications, contraindications and possible harm

The lawyer's diet is called one of the strictest. A diet designed for forty days is very meager, therefore the presence of chronic diseases is a clear contraindication.

The main block of contraindications is related to the following:

  • Presence of infections in the acute period;
  • Anemia;
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Kidney and bladder diseases;
  • Presence of ulcers in the stomach.

If allergic reactions occur, then before using this type of dietary food, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and consult a nutritionist with its results.

Pregnancy and lactation

Low-calorie diets, which involve long-term and strict restrictions, are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. This significantly affects the development of the fetus and the woman’s health. Likewise, nutritionists and doctors prohibit the use of the lawyer's diet during breastfeeding, when both the baby and the mother require a maximum of a variety of nutrients.


Judging by the reviews, this diet is very similar to the ABC diet, which leads to almost fatal results. Although you can find some information online from eyewitnesses who actually spent some time on it, they are very few in number and their information is not intelligible. Despite the fact that there is a myth that such nutrition can accelerate the natural metabolism in the body, nutritionists directly state that this is not true, since for its normal functioning the body must consume at least 1200 Kcal per day. Considering that AD offers nutrition far below this figure, it is clear that it only harms the functioning of the body.

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